EMPs: How to Detect a Blast that Could Darken the Entire World

An electro-magnetic pulse attack could destroy America’s defenses, leaving the U.S. in a technology world equivalent to the 1800s. We wouldn’t even be able to figure out who attacked us.

An EMP weapon would take out electronic devices including targeting, communications, navigation and sensor systems, and it would cripple our ability to defend ourselves against a land invasion. The more we use electronic devices, the more dependent we are on them, and the more vulnerable we are to this sort of threat.

Now a European institute says it has developed a device that can withstand the EMP — and identify an attacker in the aftermath.

What is an EMP?
An EMP is a blast of electromagnetic energy that can disrupt — if not destroy — electronic devices within an affected area. You can’t smell, taste or feel EMP radiation, which can be unleashed by nuclear explosions as well as by solar storms and devices.

From a low-level electromagnetic pulse that could jam electronics systems temporarily through to megabursts that would utterly fry electric and electronic equipment, any sort of pulse would be bad news.

Planes could fall from the skies, transportation could come to a screeching halt, water and sewage systems could suddenly cease to work, and on and on. An EMP can destroy electrical components permanently; they could not be repaired.

Tech to Hunt EMP Attackers
EMP attacks are popular devices in films. In “Ocean’s Eleven,” George Clooney’s gang uses one to take out Las Vegas’ power grid; in the “Matrix” films, Keanu Reeves uses one to keep nasty robot squid off his spaceship.

What works on the silver screen is also conceivable in reality,” Michael Joster, a researcher from Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Technological Trend Analysis INT in Euskirchen, said in a statement.

Joster’s team is developing technology to detect the source of an EMP attack, including an attack’s strength, frequency and direction.

Such a device would be an engineering feat, since it would need not only to withstand the pulse, but to measure very high field strengths from very short pulses.

To identify type, location and duration, it uses four specialized antennae mounted on a tripod, each of which covers a 90-degree quadrant.

In a monitoring station, a computer takes data from Joster’s device. The computer takes data from the device, analyzes it and then provides answers on screen — where the blast came from and how long it lasted.

The Fraunhofer Institute declined to reveal further details about their device; the stakes in EMP research couldn’t be higher, after all, so details about tech related to the threat is closely controlled.

EMP blasts are a real threat: A nuclear detonation high in the atmosphere above the U.S. could create a pulse across all of North America. These weapons are attractive not just to foreign militaries, but to terrorist and criminal organizations as well. (In November, it was widely reported that North Korea was using Russian technology to develop electromagnetic pulse weapons capable of paralyzing military electronic equipment.)

Some high-power microwave weapons small enough to fit in a suitcase can disable smaller targets like neighborhoods, banks and stock exchanges. Devices can be used to cause confusion or to infiltrate secure areas by disabling alarm systems. An attacker would merely need to get within a few yards of a target and push a button to unleash the pulse.

Recently in Berlin, thieves have been using electromagnetic waves to defeat limousine security systems, for example.

Defending against radiation
All electronic devices can take a certain amount of radiation, enabling them to operate without interference from other nearby devices.

But personal devices like televisions and smartphones aren’t as important as America’s electrnoic grid and defense systems. Completely shielding all our tech, while possible, would be very expensive.

EMP the matrix

[H/T Fox News]

Video: Sources Confirm Obama Purging Military Commanders

Author Sara Carter joins Andrew Wilkow to discuss Obama’s alarming purge of top military commanders.

U.S. General: Obama’s Military Purge ‘Criminal And Treasonous’ 

Obama Terminates Another 34 Nuclear Missile Air Force Officers

Lt. General McInerney: Muslim Brotherhood Inside White House

[H/T YouTube]

Bill Ayers: Constitution Needs to be Replaced, Unloads Controversial Opinion During Debate with Dinesh D’Souza

(WND) — HANOVER, N.H. – President Obama’s longtime buddy, unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, Thursday night told debate opponent Dinesh D’Souza and an audience at Dartmouth College that the Constitution is an outmoded document and it ought to be changed.

D’Souza is the maker of the movie “2016: Obama’s America,” which is the second-highest grossing political documentary of all time.

It blasts Obama’s policies and actions, and warns America about what the nation would be under Obama’s vision for the United States.

See Dinesh D’Souza’s “2016: Obama’s America” and his books in the WNS Superstore.

The topic of the debate was “What’s so Great About America?”

Ayers previously called the Weather Underground “an American Red Army” and said the ideology was to: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home. Kill your parents.”

In his memoir, he wrote, “Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.”

In a 2001 interview with the New York Times, Ayers said, “I don’t regret setting bombs. I feel we didn’t do enough.” Accompanying the article was a photograph of him stepping on an American flag.

Ayers also questioned ramifications for behavior Americans long have considered expected.

“If you are a felon, why do you get disqualified as a citizen and get denied your right to vote? Just because you’ve committed a crime?” he asked D’Souza.

D’Souza focused on another subject.

“What is happening to the American dream?” he asked.

“We [in the U.S.] are losing the secret of the American dream, but it is coming alive in countries like China, India and Brazil where the people have learned the secrets of wealth creation – making stuff other people really want to buy, and in the process [they are] taking over the global market. Global capitalism has been the greatest gift of America to the world. Social agitation has failed to deliver the goods,” he said.

D’Souza said, “What America has shown the world is the importance of wealth creation, not conquest. Our foreign policy can be summed up, ‘Trade with us, don’t bomb us.’”

Ayers asked the audience if members opposed slavery.

Getting an anticipated, “Yes,” Ayers argued a Howard Zinn theory of U.S. history insisting the Dartmouth audience would have been forced to oppose the Founding Fathers on the question of slavery – ignoring the history of the United States righting racial injustice since Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation.

D’Souza countered Ayers on slavery by referring to Lincoln and arguing that starting with the Civil War, the history of the United States is a history of fighting to end slavery and establish racial equality.

In the cross-examination section of the loosely formatted debate, D’Souza asked, “You started your career in the bin Laden mode, but now you sound like a professor. What happened to the revolutionary? Did you lose your revolutionary zeal?”

The two then argued over the Holocaust, the question of the Gulf War and why no weapons of mass destruction were found when George H.W. Bush invaded Iraq and deposed Saddam Hussein.

“The U.S. always lies us into war,” Ayers insisted. “We fight wars in the Middle East for democracy, but we’re an empire, grabbing for resources, and the wars in the Middle East were about oil.”

On the subject of that Constitution, D’Souza said, “We act like there is a presumption in favor of the First Amendment and a heavy burden to be met defending the Second Amendment. I’m just saying, we should give the same respect to the Second Amendment as we give to the First Amendment.”

In questions and answers, Ayers pressed D’Souza to give a “full-throated support for queer rights.”

“I believe in the United States we are all a minority of one and we are each entitled to the full rights made available to us in the Bill of Rights,” D’Souza said.

Then he asked Ayers if he would support fully the rights of evangelical Christians to be recognized, to be protected from “derogatory comments from other citizens.”

D’Souza got strong applause countering Ayers.

“I submit that if you were a professor here before the tenure committee, the defender of queer theory would have every reason to expect to be promoted, while the evangelical Christian would have to hide his true views,” D’Souza challenged.

The focus on religion was one of the points that had staying power.

“I’m allowed to have my religious beliefs in private, but I’m not allowed to have them in the public square?” D’Souza asked.

“My point is that you can’t put a statue of Moses or Jesus in the public arena, that would be the government endorsing [religion],” Ayers said.

“But you have no problem with government removing all religious symbols from the public square and you don’t see that as government endorsing atheism or secularism?” D’Souza said. “I want the public square open to both Moses and the 10 Commandments and to Voltaire.”

“I think libertarians get it right in that they oppose government,” Ayers said.

D’Souza agreed. “I think whatever the government does, it does badly. But libertarians are inconsistent on the issue of foreign policy. Jefferson asked why should we be the only people who are free? I don’t believe in fighting wars to free other people, but I celebrated the fall of the Berlin Wall.”

Ayers attacked Obamacare not because of the lies that have surrounded it, its cancellation of coverage for millions, its high prices, deductibles and co-pays, or the fact consumers no longer will have their policies, their doctors, their medicines or their hospitals.

He called it “a very poor law” that amounts to corporate welfare, “giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the insurance industry.”

D’Souza supports Israel as a “little outpost of Western civilization,” and said that Iran is the legacy of Jimmy Carter who trashed U.S. support of the shah and left the world with the radical revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons.

“We didn’t take Nelson Mandela off the terrorist list until 2006,” Ayers argued. “We didn’t support Nelson Mandela in the years when he was a freedom fighter.”

Ayers went from supporting Mandela as a radical terrorist in his early years to attacking Israel.

“Israel is an apartheid state and it is ridiculous the United States gives Israel the money the United States gives,” Ayers said. “Israel is a colonial power that has systematically pushed out the indigenous people.”

“American exceptionalism leaves us with a sense that we are the best and everybody should be like us?,” Ayers asked in his concluding statement. “Why would we argue we are the most important and that everybody else should fall down? It’s an arrogance that is not only foolish but also dangerous. We are rich with beauty and vicious in human denial – having championed slavery, supporting Israel, fighting wars in Iraq and the Middle East where we don’t belong. We should fight to stretch our imaginations to include all that there is. The situation where we are with education is catastrophic because we have constructed education like we are now constructing health care – as a market. Education is a right and education in a democracy is based on the incalculable value of everyone.”

In his concluding remarks, D’Souza argued, “America is the great defender of wealth creation. America created the great sense of possibility. All I’m saying is that we should realize we have a good formula and we should fight to widen the pie for everybody, not just to redistribute the pie.”

D’Souza’s film, “2016: Obama’s America,” is to be followed soon by a new project, called “America.”

His appearance has been overshadowed by the recent accusation from authorities that he donated more than the legal requirement to the 2006 campaign of Republican Wendy Long, who lost the race for the U.S. Senate seat in New York that had been vacated by Hillary Clinton.

The indictment charges D’Souza donated $20,000 to Long’s campaign by aggregating the money from various people and falsely reporting the source of the funds.

As WND reported, many of D’Souza’s defenders see the indictment as the administration exacting revenge over D’Souza’s film.

His new “America” is scheduled for release July 4, and it is predicted to become a thorn in Obama’s side because of the prosecution against D’Souza.

[H/T WND: Jerome Corsi]

Obama Family Discovered to be Part of Secret Muslim Terror Operation

By Walid Shoebat

The Obama family’s legacy – although most today would not even consider saying it – will one day be etched in history books under the heading, “How a family of terrorists fooled America”. They have promoted Wahhabist interests in Saudi Arabia and were the greatest supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Sayyid Obama, Barack Obama, and Malik Obama.

Sayyid Obama, Barack Obama, and Malik Obama.

And now more damning evidence reveals the Hamas financing connections of President Obama’s brother, Malik Obama, adding further to what we previously disclosed. The Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO) Malik Obama helps lead as Executive Director, is a member organization of“The Union of Good” (UG), which the U.S. Treasury designated as “Terrorist”.

The official website for UG still shows the IDO of Malik and his boss Suar al-Dahab as being anofficial member organization in the coalition. UG is an umbrella organization that represents over 50 Islamic fundraising groups worldwide and was designated by the U.S. Department of Treasury as a terrorist entity under Executive Order 13224:

UNION OF GOOD (a.k.a. 101 DAYS CAMPAIGN; a.k.a. CHARITY COALITION; a.k.a. COALITION OF GOOD; a.k.a. ETELAF AL-KHAIR; a.k.a. ETILAFU EL-KHAIR; a.k.a. I’TILAF AL-KHAIR; a.k.a. I’TILAF AL-KHAYR), P.O. Box 136301, Jeddah 21313, Saudi Arabia

This authorizes the U.S. government to block the assets of organizations and individuals that provide financial support to terrorist organizations. According to the U.S. Department of Treasury,Hamas leadership founded the UG in 2000 shortly after the inception of the second Intifada with the purpose of facilitating the transfer of funds to Hamas.

But how could this happen if his brother is U.S. President?

Now for the damning evidence. According to the UG website’s home page, the two main photos of its two greatest leaders are #1 president of its organization Yusuf al-Qaradawi (the unwavering supporter for Hezbollah, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad) and the #2 man is none other than Suar al-Dhahab, Malik Obama’s direct boss.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Suar al-Dahab on Union of Good Homepage.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi and Suar al-Dahab on Union of Good Homepage.

AKAs: Charity Coalition
, Coalition of Good 
I’tilaf Al-Khair 
I’tilaf Al-Khayr
 101 Days Campaign, 
Etelaf Al-Khair” (see Dept of Treasury)

Malik Obama and his IDO boss,  Suar al-Dahab.

Malik Obama and his IDO boss, Suar al-Dahab.

On the Trustees list, Yusuf al-Qaradawi is also listed as #1 President and Suar al-Dhahab is #2 as vice-president (if you use Google translate here, you’re likely to see al-Dahab’s name translated into English as ‘gold bracelet’ due to Arabic names having specific meanings).

Qaradawi and al-Dahab: #1 and #2 on UG Trustees list.

Qaradawi and al-Dahab: #1 and #2 on UG Trustees list.

On UG’s Contributing Institutions page, one of the partners listed is Malik Obama’s IDO:

Malik Obama's IDO listed as UG Contributor.

Malik Obama’s IDO listed as UG Contributor.

Islamic Dawa Organization (aka Islamic Dawa Association)*

*Note: The U.S., Wikileaks and Israel err by calling it “Association” when it should be “organization” (Munazamat). The Arabic is correct (Munazzamatal-Da’waal-Islamiia) from the U.S. but the Arabic is incorrect from Israel (Munazzamat Al-Dawa Al Islamic). It should read “Munazamat Al-Dawa Al Islamia”.

The website even provides the method to donate that includes all the affiliated organizations, evenMalik’s IDO, with contact information to send the contributions for Hamas:


While IDO funded Hamas throughout the years, it still does and is still part of the coalition of the UG (Union of Good). Again, the U.S. Treasury Department has designated the Union of Good – a worldwide collection of charities headed by global Muslim Brotherhood leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi – as a terrorist entity as a result of its fund-raising activities on behalf of Hamas. This designation is also in Israel. (see #19 and also here)

The IRS granted a terror funding outfit the ability to operate under a 501(c)(3) and the worst part is we’re talking about the brother of the U.S. President. Everything we reported adds up; the Obama family, to include Grandmother Mama Sarah, Uncle Sayid Obama, Cousin Musa Ismail Obamaand now Malik Obama, is part of a clandestine team that funds terrorism. Some questioned the links we provided, complaining that we only provided limited websites of Malik’s IDO. The fact is, there is a plethora of forums and religious websites (some very prominent). There are also universities and even sports clubs raising funds for Hamas and asking donors to send the money to the Sudan’s IDO. To show the volume of websites, we included but a few below.

Lois Lerner: Signature at bottom of Malik Obama's tax-exempt approval letter.

Lois Lerner: Signature at bottom of Malik Obama’s tax-exempt approval letter.

I rest my case regarding this wretched family.

Walid Shoebat

IDO donations linked to Hamas:
Star Times: http://www.startimes.com/f.aspx?t=13819399
Islamweb, perhaps the most prominent: http://www.islamweb.net/ramadan/index.php?page=article&lang=A&id=126792
Muslim.org is a major Muslim website: http://www.muslm.org/vb/showthread.php?159804-%5F%5F%5F%5F%5F-%5F%5F%5F%5F%5F%5F%5F%5F-%5F%5F%5F


Koora (Forum): http://forum.kooora.com/?t=14018915

Almuslim (Forum): http://almuslem.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-7669.html (this one says, “donate for Palestine” on 12/9/09)
http://www.jazan4u.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-41559.html (called by Yusuf al-Qaradawi in 2006)
http://www.cksu.com/vb/archive/index.php/t-25567.html (King Saud University)

Be my guest and use Google Translate.

Here are a few more links for those who need more information:


[H/T Walid Shoebat]

The State of the Union is Bleak: But the Socialist, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Anti-White, Anti-Israeli, Muslim-Sympathizer-in-Chief Spewed Forth a Masterful Performance

Last Tuesday, fraudulently elected President Barack Hussein Obama treated the American people to yet another empty and frightening speech. Not even eligible to be standing on the podium addressing a joint session of Congress for the State of the Union Address – as Obama is not a natural born citizen, as required by the Constitution, sired in the United States by two citizen parents – the socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and anti-white, anti-Israeli, Muslim-sympathizer-in-chief spewed forth a masterful performance, all the while ignoring the cancer that has metastasized in his administration – a cancer that threatens the continued existence of our severely wounded nation.

Notwithstanding his references to pushing an agenda to rid the country of “income inequality,” which is just another euphemism for his socialist if not communist designs of wealth distribution from primarily rich whites to “his people,” those voters who are primarily responsible for pushing him over the top in 2008 and 2012 – African Americans, Hispanics and leftist, ignorant, lower-income and “beautiful” Hollywood-style whites – Obama sidestepped discussing the growing corruption in his administration, the so-called phony scandals he has dismissed as just the banter of tea partiers.

And it is no wonder that he did so. While the American economy and the ethical state of the nation has atrophied under his despotic rule – which promises more illegal executive orders and sleaze in then next three years – Obama and his comrades have succeeded in even surpassing the criminality of the Bill and Hillary Clinton years. When presumably Obama leaves office in 2016 – assuming he does not seize power with his arsenal of drones, stockpiled guns and ammunition for his unprecedented internal security force and the coercive spying on his perceived enemies by the National Security Agency and CIA – he will, as it now stands, leave behind a mere shell of the nation, just in time for Hillary Clinton to take the reins as our fearless leader. There is no Republican who can challenge her for the presidency, thanks in large part to tea-party leaders (some of whom are also ineligible to be president like Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz) who have been ostracized and marginalized by the likes of establishment Republican leaders like House Speaker John Boehner. A one-two punch to the body politic is undoubtedly in store: Obama as the king of socialism and bigotry and Hillary as the queen of continued Democratic corruption, not that Republican establishment leaders are squeaky clean either. So indeed, the state of the nation looks bleak and dire under establishment Democratic and Republican rule.

How, then, can We the People arrest this sad state of affairs? In my opinion and experience, we must look for that wedge issue that can break open the establishment and legally eradicate them from the body politic of the nation. In this regard, none of the current scandals are more severe and frightening than the scandal over the NSA, which in “almost Orwellian” Big Brother fashion, as one federal judge, Richard J. Leon, recently ruled in our case against the NSA, President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, director of the NSA Keith Alexander and other establishment hacks runs roughshod over our Constitution by spying on the entire U.S. citizenry through the collection of metadata. Metadata is intimate information gleaned from our cellphones and Internet communications that allows our establishment-hijacked government to track and know our every move, personal and professional. And, until whistleblower Edward Snowden came forward and revealed this tyranny, the American people were kept in the dark by establishment Democratic and Republican leaders, all of whom, fat and happy, feed at the money trough of Washington, D.C. Indeed, one can only conclude that this spying by the NSA is designed to keep them in power; in effect keeping the people fearful and down and out and the Democratic and Republican establishment leaders riding high and in power as the nobility they perceive themselves to be.

In the last week or so, I have streamlined our lawsuits against the NSA defendants so they can move faster through the courts all the way to the Supreme Court. I have also filed a new class action suit – the only one that has been filed despite repeated promises over the last several months to do so by Sen. Rand Paul (I hope he does finally file one and join us in the fight) – on behalf of the entire citizenry. My goal is to use the court, to the extent possible, to glean discovery information and an ultimate judicial ruling that will break open this unprecedented scandal before this NSA spying destroys the nation by enslaving us to establishment rule.

This Monday, Feb. 3, 2014, the court will conduct a status conference, and at this status conference I will ask Judge Leon for the right to take discovery of the NSA defendants so we can move our cases toward trial at the earliest date. In this regard, I will also ask the court to order that the government grant me a security clearance so that we can take this discovery and glean all of the necessary facts. This security clearance will be a sore issue with the NSA defendants, as they do not want the American people to have any additional knowledge about their illegal and unconstitutional criminality. But I am entitled to a security clearance, and indeed I had one long ago when I was a trial lawyer and prosecutor for a U.S. Department of Justice far less corrupt than it is today.

The NSA scandal goes to the very heart of what is wrong with the government. We no longer have leaders who represent us. Instead, they keep us down so they can continue to profit at the trough of the big government Obama and his enablers, both Democratic and Republican, want to see continue. Worse, Obama is using the NSA to enslave all of us through fear to his socialist and other nefarious designs.

And, this is why We the People must use all means to legally rid the nation of Obama and the Democratic and Republican establishment, before our nation is totally destroyed. That is the state of the nation Obama did not want to discuss, but it is a reality nevertheless.

Barack Obama

[H/T WND: Larry Klayman]