America May Collapse Within the Next 18 Months

(Walid Shoebat) — Thomas Jefferson was no liberal; he was a conservative through and through but the left have misused his writings on the “separation of Church and State” to revise our history and our constitution in the last century. I always find it interesting that as the US Constitution was being formulated by Hamilton, Madison and Jay, Thomas Jefferson was far away in Paris serving as U.S. ambassador to France.

Yet, the writings of Thomas Jefferson on the “separation of church and state” are used as legal precedent for SCOTUS to create the left’s ‘War on Religion’ despite the historical fact that Thomas Jefferson had nothing to do with the actual writing of the constitution. It defies reason for one to use Thomas Jefferson to justify his opinion as legal precedent.

How about the ‘War on Religion’ as a new slogan for the Republicans as a come back for the Democrat phony “War on Women”. Republicans are missing some real good PR experts. I can give them a former PLO terrorist who was an expert in Palestinian PR (propaganda) to help the Republicans out but… alas, that takes the courage of a lion. Maybe we can send the Republican caucus to a 24 hour marathon repeat viewing of the classic movie the ‘Wizard of Oz’ as an educational tool about how cowardly they are and that what is required today is some courage.

The country today has become a lawless banana republic, with a president acting way outside the bounds of our Constitution in order to keep his political power and that of his party with no regard for the separation of powers. The Republicans should hang their heads in shame as to the inability or lack of desire to confront the President, the Democrats, and the Pravda-compliant media.

It is now apparent that the fear of the IRS is very real. The IRS has undoubtedly been used to silence opposition as well as to aid and abet radical left wing groups. We have exposed on this website the aiding of terrorist entities in giving them 501(c)(3) status to raise money to be used for terrorism, yet no one in our government is willing to take a stand on this issue.

The even bigger tragedy is that too many Americans do not care or have been cowered into silence. Too many Congressmen and women are silent yet they know the truth about the IRS. The Republican leadership is no better than the Democrats in that they are not acting in their capacity as the “Loyal opposition”. This also applies to the conservative media who are also fearful of the IRS story concerning the issues of Malik Obama and his connections to terror. Most are well aware of the story but are afraid to report on it. G-d only knows why. There is no time left. The country is facing imminent financial collapse and the world – regarding the threat of terror and instability – is at emergency levels.

My fellow Americans, it is time to be counted; you are either a coward or you are patriot. Our government needs to be brought to heel. It is time to rise up peaceably in mass protest. These protests should be directed at both Democrats and Republicans. They are both the enemy of the people. They are both corrupt and useless. In each of the 435 congressional districts, you can start by organizing and demanding your Congressman follow certain principles whether he be Democrat or Republican. We must organize to find alternative candidates in each and every constituency and each and every Congressman or women needs to be replaced, no exceptions. We do not need 501(c)(4)s to do this; we need people willing to organize locally. The restoration of limited government and constitutional principals is required urgently.

Our military, CIA, NSA and FBI require new leadership as they have all been infiltrated and corrupted. The president needs to be impeached and Eric holder removed as Attorney general. Both need to be arrested for treason and criminal mischief. No one is going to do this until we remove the corruption from our government. John Boehner needs to be replaced as soon as possible, Lindsey Graham and John McCain also need to be arrested and tried for treason. They have worked for and have provided material support to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda (in Libya, Egypt and Syria) – a sworn enemy of the United States.

Unless the above is done, America may collapse in on itself within the next 18 months. Obama will have achieved his goal and it may not matter who will be the next president.

America May Collapse Within the Next 18 Months

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Muslims Stone Girl To Death, For Using Facebook

A girl was stoned to death by Muslims in Syria just for using Facebook. Our contact, Hatune Dogan, wrote on the occurrence:

Fattoum Al Jassim is a girl from Al Raqqa State in Syria ( A syrian governorate that is controlled by DAESH, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq ). The girl was seized red-handed (that she has an account on Facebook and uses it ) and was submitted to the Court in the city. They sentenced her to death by stoning according to the Koranic verse (non-touch adultery). The Islamic Court judges that Facebook is approaching adultery. At last, the innocent girl was killed by stoning.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]


Child Interrogated And Suspended After Voluntarily “Turning In” Toy Gun At School

In yet another case of ‘zero tolerance’ insanity in schools, an 11-year-old boy was interrogated without the knowledge of his parents, and then suspended after he accidentally brought a plastic toy gun to school.

What makes this case stand out is that fact that 6th grader, Caden Cook, actually knew he shouldn’t have brought the toy with him to school and voluntarily turned it in, after finding he’d accidentally left it in his jacket pocket.

Instead of using their common sense, officials at Fredrick Funston Elementary School in Chicago freaked out and subjected him to interrogation and intimidation tactics, threats and accusations of lying, according to a report by The Rutherford Institute, a rights group whose attorneys have taken up the case.

“According to Caden’s mother, Ms. Fraustro, Caden was waiting in line to be patted down on Friday, January 31st, when he realized that he had mistakenly left in his sweater pocket a toy plastic gun which he had played with the previous night…” a letter from Rutherford Institute President John Whitehead to the Director of Chicago Public Schools reads. “Caden alerted the security personnel to his predicament.”

The fact that the school is patting down 11 year old children is shocking in itself and highlights how the “security” enhancements seen in airports and at transport hubs have made their way into every day American life. Perhaps school officials are simply emulating airport security, which is now engaged in frivolities such as confiscating miniature toy guns from ‘Toy Story’ Woody dolls.

The further fact that school officials in Caden’s case did not even alert the boy’s parents before questioning him in such an aggressive manner is equally as disturbing. The Rutherford report also indicates that when the boy’s mother was finally called in, she was berated and accused of being a bad parent for allowing her son to play with toy guns, whether it be in or out of school.

The boy’s punishment was a one day suspension, which will remain on his permanent record, as well as a demand to undergo counseling and psychiatric evaluation before returning to school.

The boy, who is now said to be suffering from distressing nightmares over the incident, may not even return to the school, or any school for that matter, given that his mother immediately removed both of her children from the District in order to homeschool them.

“This case speaks volumes about what’s wrong with our public schools and public officials: rather than school officials showing they are capable of exercising good judgment, distinguishing between what is and is not a true threat, and preserving safety while steering clear of a lockdown mind set better suited to a prison environment, they instead opted to exhibit poor judgment, embrace heavy handed tactics, and treat a toy gun like a dangerous weapon,” said Rutherford’s Whitehead.

“School officials sent a strong, chilling message to this child and his classmates that they have no rights in the American police state.” he added.

The Rutherford Institute is seeking a lifting of the suspension, as well as all references to the incident being struck from Caden’s permanent school record.

As we have thoroughly documented, there is now a plethora of cases of overreactions in schools to anything remotely considered gun-like.

Other similar idiotic cases include the infamous Hello Kitty bubble gun ‘terroristic’ incident, the miniature lego gun school bus massacre, the plastic toy soldier, holding a gun on a cup cake catastophe, and the perilous pencil pointing ‘pow powers’ of Virginia.

Even food bitten into the shape of a gun has been cracked down upon with suspensions.

In many of the cases, children as young as four or five years old were interrogated, or even arrested with potentially permanent criminal record reprecussions.

The list of previous incidents of this nature is now so long that it has prompted lawmakers to take action.

The latest to do so are Florida representatives who have introduced legislation that says “simulating a firearm” is not grounds for disciplinary action. The bill, which cleared its first legislative hurdle last week, lists “brandishing a partially consumed pastry or other food item” as something that should not land students in hot water.

The Rutherford Institute

[H/T Infowars]

Obama Twerks America

No… you cannot keep your insurance, no matter how much you like it. You also can’t keep your doctor, or your full-time job. Twenty-nine hours a week or less of gainful employment will have to suffice going forward.

And that’s a good thing. Just ask any Democrat — it’s freedom from job-lock. Americans, thanks to Barack Obama, now have the right to be unemployed. I love the smell of progressives in the morning… they smell like… bull@#$&.

Besides, stop your whining, are there not food stamps, acquirable in an instant? How much does he have to do for you people?

Are there not numerous other forms of government largesse, available to you, the downtrodden 99%, beset by such inequality as has never been seen in the annals of recorded history? Why do you need to work? Untying self-esteem from productivity is one of the many gifts of Obamanomics.

What you can keep, however, is your president — for another three tortuous years.

Now, doesn’t that make you happy?

Despite his numerous impeachable offenses, elucidated so perfectly by Andrew McCarthy, impeachment is not on the horizon. The table is not set. The average man, ever evolving, still considers Barack Obama a nice guy, perhaps incompetent and obviously a liar, but not criminal or worse yet… evil.

No, America is stuck with him and his expansive understanding of presidential power and prerogative — for another 3 years.

The good news is that this is the worst-case scenario, 3 years of dear leader, Emperor Barack, his royal highness, will not sound a death knell for America, especially now that no person worldwide takes him seriously.

Sure, China is provoking war in the South and East China Seas as it seeks the regional hegemony it considers its due. So what? The only nation that can stop them is occupied with pajama boy and his cup of hot chocolate.

It’s the same with Iran; they have taken the measure of dear leader and found him wanting — rinse and repeat… it’s going to be a rough 3 years.

Weakness begets arrogance, has it ever not been so? In the schoolyard, the first time lunch money is taken is never the last time. Obama is weak and the world knows it. If you want to attack and damage America, you have but 3 years to do so.

Yet, here is Barry with his tee times and endless vacations and ‘let’s bring them all to the White House’ parties. He has imaginary sons who look like Trayvon and aren’t allowed to play football. For Barry and his minions, that’s enough.

It’s all Beyoncé and bad dreams for the next 3 years. Let’s hope China and Iran are not paying too much attention. It’s a pipe dream, I know, but it’s not like little Barry is going to grow a pair, now is it?

Looking back at the damage he has done, through serial incompetence or deliberate evil — take your pick, it doesn’t matter. The result has been the weakening of our beloved nation at home and abroad.

America has lost an entire decade in service of Barack Obama’s vanity. Yet, America will recover.

The most dangerous part of this entire facile charade is that Barry actually believes he is doing a bang-up job, and his hoary (or is it whore-y) claque of sycophants, do as well. Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.

But let’s face it, it’s not likely he will become less incompetent — a man already confident he knows everything, has no room for self-improvement.

If his actions were deliberate, why would he change after so effectively destroying the nation’s economy and geopolitical position and power the world over, lo these past 5 years?

There aren’t many things that can save the nation from the damage Barry has the potential to cause during the remainder of his presidency.

Well, there is one thing…

ObamaCare is the gift that keeps on giving — remember, the worm always turns.

Healthcare in America accounts for one-sixth of our more than thirteen-trillion-dollar economy.

That one-sixth, they would have us believe, doesn’t matter to the other five-sixths, because they will always be Barry now, Barry tomorrow, and Barry forever… right?

Well… no, it might be more accurate to say that healthcare affects every American one-sixth of the time. Healthcare is always there, even for those who don’t think about it, even for the invincibles the regime is relying on to pay for its ObamaCare promises.

ObamaCare relies on the many to pay much more for much less, so that the few can pay not much less for not much more — if any.

And that, my friends, is a prescription for failure, or success in the future, depending how you look at it.

The press can prop it up. The administration can fudge the numbers. Through executive orders, Barry can continue to tweak the program, yet each successive tweak looks more and more like a twerk.

Obama is twerking America — and we have three more years of it.

But when the many see how the program hits their wallet, and degrades their healthcare, damaging their own and their children’s lives, they will not be happy. They will be looking for heads to roll.

A man’s (or woman’s) wallet is a most precious possession. It is, rightly or wrongly, one of the fountains from which much self-worth and value spout forth.

Hit a citizen in his wallet, and he will never forget you.

ObamaCare is going to affect, in a negative way, almost every person in America — and 2014 through 2016 is when the hammer drops — on all our heads.

Therein, you have the turning of the worm.

We’ve already had 5 million people in the individual insurance market lose their coverage. The next year should see the 120 million employer-provided insurance policies reevaluated in accordance with ObamaCare coverage mandates and either cancelled outright or restructured to come into compliance (you know, made more expensive). Even if employers agree to absorb some of the increase in cost, I think it is fair to say most will push a great deal of that cost onto the employee.

Gosh, workers are going to be ecstatic about that. After all, who doesn’t want to pay more for less, so that little Barry can pretend he is more than he is, and have a legacy that bears his name.

It will probably be true that by Election Day 2014, there will be fewer people with health insurance than there were when Barry and his clique sold ObamaCare as universal insurance.

I don’t know where you live, but where I hang my hat, many during the next year will be calling for Barack’s head. Most of those will be people who voted for him last time around. Lying to people, is just not a good tactic, period.

Is Barry impeachable? Today, probably not — more people need to suffer. Otherwise, they will continue to elect empty suits whose sole qualifications are an ability to read a good speech and blame those who came before them. Isn’t it sad that the citizens of our great nation, need to suffer in order to understand the damage that has been done?

ObamaCare will easily expand the ranks of the suffering during the coming years and that in turn may perhaps expand the ranks of those who have had enough of the chimera of “hope and change.”

The 2014 midterms are the key; the senate is in play, and the tens of millions of the newly miserable created during the coming months, barring any idiocy from the Republican Party, will throw the senate majority into the GOP’s lap — now that’s a lap dance I can live with (although not nearly as much fun as the other kind).

Then, all you have to worry about is Barry’s pen and phone — frankly, I just can’t see Barry doing a whole lot of phoning; too tiring. He’ll have an assistant dial while he lays back, eating peeled grapes from the hands of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid (they’re really no good unless they’re peeled you know, and would you begrudge the president his leisure?).

Three more years of Barry may not sink the nation, but we can cling to the hope that ObamaCare may sink Barry.

All is not lost, no matter how it feels.

[H/T American Thinker]

Obama on New Health Care Waiver: ‘Smoothing Out This Transition’

The latest waiver on Obamacare will affect only a “small percentage of employers,” President Barack Obama said Tuesday.

The administration announced Monday that the employer mandate, which had been set to take effect in 2015, will be pushed back for employers with 50 to 99 employees.

“The goal is to make sure folks are healthy and have decent health care, so this was an example of administratively making sure we are smoothing out this transition giving people the opportunity to get right with the law but recognizing there are going to be circumstances people try to do the right thing and it may take time,” Obama said during a joint press conference Tuesday with French President Francois Hollande. He added that “the purpose of the law was not to punish” companies.

“This is about companies trying to do the right thing and work with us, we’re trying to work with them,” Obama said.

The president also responded for the first time to the Congressional Budget Office analysis that said the work force would shrink by 2.5 million workers – people voluntarily leaving the workforce — by 2024 because of Obamacare.

“I don’t think that the employer-based health care will be or should be replaced,” Obama said. “What this does is give people flexibility.”

Obama used an IBM employee who wants to start his own tech company or a farmer’s wife who can quit her job to help her husband on the farm as examples of flexibility provided under the new law.

The visit from the French president caused a bit of a public stir as Hollande arrived stag after splitting with partner, Valerie Trierweiler, upon revelations last month that he was having an affair with an actress.

On Monday, the two leaders visited the estate of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States and a former diplomat to France.

They held a formal off-camera meting Tuesday morning at the White House after a public ceremonial welcoming. A state dinner is scheduled for Tuesday evening.

A French reporter asked Obama if France might supplant Great Britain as America’s favorite ally.

“I have two daughters and both are gorgeous and wonderful and I would never choose between them,” Obama said. “That’s how I feel about our European partners.”

But earlier in the news briefing, making passing reference to the strained relations between the two countries during the Bush administration over the Iraq war, Obama said France and the U.S. have a “level of partnership unimaginable even a decade ago.”

Hollande said: “Our countries have always been friends, always been allies. But now the trust we have is unprecedented.”

The two leaders also took questions about disarming the chemical weapons of the Assad regime in Syria and bringing stability to the country.

“This must not be a choice of a dictator on one hand and chaos on the other,” Hollande said, stating that allies should be sure that extremist forces don’t lead the country after Assad. He later said, “There has been destruction of some nuclear weapons, but not nearly enough.”

Obama said that more needs to be done beyond the agreement reached last year to allow inspections in the country, avoiding military action.

“The Geneva process recognizes that if we are going to solve this problem we need a political solution,” Obama said, adding that Russia has come to the table now to help a United Nations resolution pressure the Assad regime.

“We will continue to pressure not just the Assad regime, but countries like Russia and Iran to recognize that it is in nobody’s interest for that bloodshed to continue,” Obama said.

Obama said the two nations were working closely on global security, trade agreements, cleaner emissions and global health. A climate summit will be held in France next month.

“We will reduce greenhouse gas emissions through concrete actions,” Obama said.

Hollande said the conference is about reaching a “global goal.”

“We want a serious and comprehensive agreement for all developed and developing countries to reach common goals,” Hollande said.


[H/T TheBlaze]

Homeland Security to Purchase 141,000 Rounds of Sniper Ammo

(Infowars) — The Department of Homeland Security is buying more bullets with a solicitation for over 141,00 rounds of sniper ammunition.

According to a solicitation posted on FedBizOpps, the federal agency is looking to procure 141,160 rounds of Hornady .308 Winchester 168gr A-MAX TAP ammunition.

Such ammunition is sometimes retailed as “Zombie Max,” a marketing gimmick alluding to its power.

“What makes the .308 ammunition so deadly is the long range capability of the round,” notes James Smith. “The ability is called ballistic coefficient, or the efficiency of a projectile in overcoming air resistance as it travels to its target. According to Speer Reloading Manual Number 13, the .308 165 grain has the highest coefficient of any hunting rifle.”

The latest purchase further illustrates the fallacy of the DHS’ excuse that it is buying bullets in bulk in order to save money.

The federal agency will pay around $1.20 for each round, when a lower grain round could be acquired for around a quarter of the price.

The DHS has faced questions over the last couple of years as to the purpose of its mass ammo purchases which have totaled over 2 billion bullets, with some fearing the federal agency is gearing up for civil unrest.

The majority of the bullets purchased by the DHS were hollow point rounds (one order alone amounted to 450 million of them). Hollow point bullets just happen to be completely unsuitable for training purposes because they cost significantly more money compared to standard firing range bullets, contradicting claims by the DHS that the bullets were merely for training purposes and were bought in bulk to save money.

Large scale DHS bulk buys have contributed to ammo shortages across the country. In April last year, the Government Accountability Office announced that it would be investigating the issue, although no follow up has been forthcoming.

In May last year, the DHS sent out a request for information asking companies if they could provide 2 million bullets within a 30-60 day turnaround period.

In February last year, Law Enforcement Targets Inc., a contractor that had previously done $2 million dollars worth of business with the DHS, was forced to apologize after producing “no more hesitation” shooting targets which depicted pregnant women, children, and elderly gun owners in residential settings as “non-traditional threats.”


[H/T Infowars]

Why a Sitting U.S. Senator Is Following Through on His Threat to Sue President Obama

Following through on previous threats, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will sue President Barack Obama and others in his administration over the National Security Agency’s massive surveillance programs, the senator’s political action committee confirmed.

Paul plans to file the lawsuit on Wednesday morning at the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. He will reportedly be joined by FreedomWorks President Matt Kibbe and former Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

In addition to Obama, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, Director of the National Security Agency Keith Alexander and FBI Director James Comey will also be listed as defendants in the class-action lawsuit.

“I am filing a lawsuit against President Barack Obama because he has publicly refused to stop a clear and continuing violation of the 4th Amendment,” Paul said in a statement. “The Bill of Rights protects all citizens from general warrants. I expect this case to go all the way to the Supreme Court and I predict the American people will win.”

A press conference featuring Paul, Kibbe and Cuccinelli is planned after the lawsuit is filed.

Internet users who visit Paul’s political action committee website,, are given the option to join the class-action lawsuit and “stand with Rand.”

As TheBlaze reported last week, Paul announced his plans to sue the Obama administration last week on “Hannity.”


[H/T TheBlaze]

“Obama Murdered My Son” – Father Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Sailor Speaks Out, Gets Spied On By NSA

For two and a half years, the families of the members of SEAL Team Six – The SEAL Team that killed Osama Bin Laden – have been searching for answers. They want to know why their sons were put aboard a decrepit CH-47 helicopter and flown into a hot LZ with no support whatsoever, they want to know why the government lied about the circumstances of the deaths of the SEALS, and they want to know who is responsible for the deaths of their sons.

In three weeks they may get a few answers when Congress opens an investigation into the facts surrounding the downing of Extortion 17 in Afghanistan’s Tangi Valley on August 6th 2011..

In this exclusive TTiV interview, Charles Strange, father of Michael Strange, one of the 22 Navy SEALS aboard the ill-fated flight, tells viewers of the evidence he has obtained from government sources that lay open the lies surrounding his son’s death that have been told by the military.

Charles’ wife Mary also recounts how the government has bugged their home, their computers, and telephones. She says that they have been receiving strange text messages, and that cameras have been installed in their home; real-time photographs being sent to her computer screen as she worked.

That is absolutely terrifying. It was also the basis of a lawsuit that the Stranges, through their attorney Larry Klayman, recently won against the NSA. Mary Strange talks about that as well.

Once the conversation turned to the case against the NSA and classified information concerning Michael’s death, the servers at the Guerilla Media Network which hosts TTiVLIVE! came under a DDoS attack and the interview had to be terminated. For now.

The Truth Is Viral will continue to follow the Congressional inquiries about Extortion 17 as well as the Strange’s case against the NSA. It is the official editorial position of The Truth Is Viral that installing cameras in the homes of grieving families in order to intimidate them into being silent is beyond reprehensible and those responsible must be held to account.

Charles Strange Interview

[H/T Truth is Viral]

Rep. James Lankford Introduces Bill for States to Opt Out of Obamacare with ‘Health Care Compact’

Washington, DC—Representative James Lankford (R-OK), Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, today introduced the House Joint Resolution legislative proposal for the Health Care Compact, a breakthrough governance reform that allows states to clean up the health care mess created by the federal government.

“The Health Care Compact is a way for states to protect their residents from the top-down, one-size-fits-all health care ‘solutions’ that have been imposed from Washington DC, including Obamacare,” said Lankford.

“The compact transfers health care decision-making authority and responsibility from the federal level to member states. Those member states are then free to implement their own health care systems without interference from federal bureaucrats, using federal health care funds already collected and spent in their state.”

To date, eight states have joined the Health Care Compact (Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah), and legislation has either passed the state legislature or is being considered in 12 additional states.

Interstate compacts are governing tools that have been used on more than 200 occasions to establish agreements between and among states. Mentioned in Article 1, Section 10 of the Constitution, compacts are constitutional instruments that provide authority and flexibility to the states for administering government programs without federal interference. Congressional consent is required for states to enter into a legally binding compact.

The Health Care Compact does not conflict with efforts by state attorneys general, state legislators or Members of Congress to repeal or modify the President’s health care law.

“I still strongly support a full repeal of Obamacare. While we wait for this President and Senate Democrats to move beyond their intransigent support of this unworkable law, Congress can give interested states a way to solve their state’s health-care problems themselves. States that like their Obamacare can keep their Obamacare. The Health Care Compact simply gives a state like Oklahoma the option to create a customized system that better meets the needs of Oklahoma families.”

On average, more than 96 percent of health care is provided and consumed within a state by residents of that state. The Health Care Compact recognizes that with the lion’s share of health care being locally provided and locally consumed, regulating it at the state level makes more sense than the centralized, one-size-fits-all policies mandated from Washington. Centralized micromanagement of a complex industry serving more than 300 million people will not work.

“With $2.3 trillion spent annually and almost 3,000 pages of regulations for Medicare and Medicaid, federal management of our complex health care system has proved to be incompetent, inflexible and incomprehensible to the average American,” observed Lankford. “States already manage Medicaid, but they are burdened with thousands of pages of federal regulation, which makes the system inefficient and impersonal. The Health Care Compact moves decision-making closer to the people, freeing states to address health care innovation, increased options and affordability.”

“I am proud to join the many state legislators, governors, businessmen and hard-working Americans who have worked to build support and momentum for the idea of the Health Care Compact, and I am proud to introduce the common-sense bill for this sensible solution,” concluded Lankford.


For a copy of the bill text, please click here.

[H/T Breitbart]