U.S. Army Builds ‘Fake City’ To Practice Military Occupation Of U.S. Citizens?

The U.S. Army has built a 300 acre ‘fake city’ complete with a sports stadium, bank, school, and an underground subway in order to train for unspecified future combat scenarios.

The recently opened site is located in Virginia and was built at a cost of $96 million dollars, taking just two years to complete.

For more information, visit Info Wars.

[H/T Info Wars]

Obama Ordered The Murders Of At Least Three US Citizens In Cold Blood; ACLU Calls Him “Judge, Jury, and Executioner”

(The Truth is Viral) — Writing as “Publius” in Federalist Paper #47, James Madison observed that “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

On September 30th 2011, Barack Obama assumed the mantle and title of Tyrant when he ordered the deaths of American citizens Anwar al-Alawki and Samir Kahn. Both men were born in the United States, a claim that can not be made by Barack Obama. Despite having had them under surveillance for 8 weeks during which time Navy SEALS or Marine Corps Force Recon could have extracted them (from the “friendly” country of Yemen) and returned them to the US for trial. Snake-eaters live for that kind of mission.

If alleged 9/11 mastermind Kahlid Sheik Mohammed can be arrested in Pakistan and returned for trial in the US, why did the US not even attempt to arrest al-Alawki and Khan? Probably because al-Alawki was a CIA asset who would have greatly embarrassed the US had he spoken in court; but that is beside the point.

When Barack Obama can order the death of an American citizen without ever having charged that individual with a crime in a court of law what else can he be called by a Tyrant and murderer? The 5th Amendment to the Constitution of The United States guarantees every American citizen the right to a trial before “Life, Liberty, or Property” can be taken by the government.

Al-Alawki and Kahn were never charged with a crime, not even in a secret FISA court; nor was al-Alawki’s 16-year-old son Abdulrahman who was murdered in a separate drone strike two weeks later. The only justification for the extra-judicial killings of these three American citizens given by the Obama regime has been deemed “Top Secret.” Even the process for determining their guilt has been classified, but it boils down to one man with a pen – a proven liar diagnosed as a Malignant Narcissist – sitting in a room claiming the ultimate power; the power of life and death.

No one man should have that power.

On this episode of The Truth Is Viral, Publisher Bobby Powell speaks to Chief Mark Kessler about this travesty and the tendency of the Obama administration to ignore the Constitution and the protections it provides to average Americans when it becomes inconvenient. What else might one expect from a disbarred lawyer like Obama, a Marxist/Muslim radical who admits he has an agenda to radically transform the United States of America?

This is also a highly personal episode as Bobby updates viewers about his wife DeLynn’s courageous fight against Colo-rectal and Liver Cancer and the future of The Truth Is Viral.


In this excerpt from a 40 minute interview with ACLU lawyer Nate Wessler, a member of their “Targeted Assassinations” team, he does the unthinkable. He calls Barack Obama “Judge, Jury, and Executioner.” Even the normally ultra-liberal ACLU now sees what a danger Barack Obama is to the concept of lawful, Constitutional government.

This next video is called “A New Declaration; Impeach Obama Now.” It was a pretty good list of Obama’s Impeachable offenses a year ago, ironically very similar to the crimes of King George just before the American Revolution, offenses that he has only added to in the months since this episode aired.

[H/T The Truth is Viral]

Apostle Barack. Are You Kidding Me?

(Allen West) — If I’m not mistaken, the first commandment goes something like this, “I am the Lord your God, thou shalt have no other gods before me.” It’s worked pretty well for the last few thousand years, but apparently a certain college professor at Florida A&M University (doggone, why is it always Florida?) has elevated President Barack Hussein Obama to a place that is indeed above his pay grade.

According the Independent Journal Review, if you’re looking for an amusing read, you might want pick up The Gospel According to Apostle Barack: In Search of a More Perfect Political Union as Heaven Here on Earth. Heck, for just $3.03, you can get a Kindle version of the book by Barbara A. Thompson, a “highly esteemed” professor at Florida A & M University, which explores the author’s “miraculous” dream about President Barack Obama.

Here’s how Professor Thompson describes being touched:

When I began to contemplate ways to assist Barack in his 2012 re-election bid something miraculous happened. I felt God’s (His) Spirit beckoning me in my dreams at night. Listening, cautiously, I learned that Jesus walked the earth to create a more civilized society, Martin (Luther King) walked the earth to create a more justified society, but, Apostle Barack, the name he was called in my dreams, would walk the earth to create a more equalized society, for the middle class and working poor.

Apostle Barack, the next young leader with a new cause, had been taken to the mountaintop and allowed to see over the other side. He had the answers to unlock the kingdom of “heaven here on earth” for his followers. The answers were repeated – over and over – in speeches Barack had made from his presidential announcement to his inaugural address. Those speeches or his teachings contained the answers to the middle class and working poor people living in a “heaven here on earth.” For when the answers were unlocked and enacted, Apostle Barack’s vision of America would be realized.

Excuse me. I need to get that bucket handy. In the meantime, you might enjoy this commentary from ET Williams, the ”Doctor Of Common Sense.”

The book reviewer says, “I must caution that the book comes poorly recommended, with an average 1.3 out of 5 stars from 51 customer reviews.” Well thank goodness for that!

I doubt Professor Thompson had a dream — more like a nightmare — and she certainly did not feel God’s Holy Spirit. Maybe she heard the same voices Salman Rushdie described in his 1988 novel, “The Satanic Verses” — oh, and in case you missed it, those peaceful Iranian mullahs just reissued their death fatwa against Rushdie. And we trust them with nuclear negotiations? But I digress…

But getting back to Professor Thompson, would you want your child attending her lectures? Maybe this explains why home schooling and online/for profit colleges and universities are on the rise.

To Professor Thompson I say, the first amendment is your right and a beautiful thing. However, I would also recommend, since you are seemingly quite the Biblical scholar, to heed the words of the wisest man who ever walked the earth, (and that damn sure ain’t Barack Obama) in King Solomon, Book of Proverbs 17:28 “Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues.”

[H/T Allen West]

U.S. Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index

The 2014 World Press Freedom Index spotlights the negative impact of conflicts on freedom of information and its protagonists. The ranking of some countries has also been affected by a tendency to interpret national security needs in an overly broad and abusive manner to the detriment of the right to inform and be informed. This trend constitutes a growing threat worldwide and is even endangering freedom of information in countries regarded as democracies. Finland tops the index for the fourth year running, closely followed by Netherlands and Norway, like last year.

At the other end of the index, the last three positions are again held by Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea, three countries where freedom of information is non-existent. Despite occasional turbulence in the past year, these countries continue to be news and information black holes and living hells for the journalists who inhabit them. This year’s index covers 180 countries, one more than last year. The new entry, Belize, has been assigned an enviable position (29th). Cases of violence against journalists are rare in Belize but there were some problems: defamation suits involving demands for large amounts in damages, national security restrictions on implementation of the Freedom of Information Act and sometimes unfair management of broadcast frequencies.

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While Obama Golfs His 161st Round, Michelle Shuts Down Air Traffic in Aspen For A Weekend of Skiing

The New York Post reports that Michelle, Sasha and Malia flew to the Colorado ski resort on Friday to spend Valentine’s Day and President’s Day weekend on the slopes. This is the 3rd year in a row the Obama ladies spent this same weekend in Aspen.

Meanwhile, President Obama headed to California to discuss the state’s drought and to meet King Abdullah II of Jordan. He’s also expected to mix business with pleasure by playing a few rounds of golf in Rancho Mirage. (Which would be round #161 of his Presidency, but who’s counting?) Where are they playing? Apropos of nothing -a billionaire’s private golf course.

We don’t yet know how much the Obamas’ trips are going to cost the taxpayers. Money aside, this is evidence of a larger problem the First Couple obviously has. This is merely one example that illustrates that the Obamas truly think that because Barack is President, they can do whatever they want. They honestly believe that.

They inconvenience Americans and spend taxpayer money without batting an eye – in the midst of the weakest recovery of the last 60 years. Wouldn’t you think, that with the President’s approval rating continuing to sink, they’d dial back the extravagance, at least for awhile?

Michelle Ski Vacation


[H/T IJReview]

Judge Could Slap Cuffs On Obama Any Minute

(Western Journalism) — Barack Obama has become known as the president who ignores the law and does what he pleases.

There are many examples, but the latest is the reboot of the White House Office of Political Strategy and Outreach, formerly known as the Office of Political Affairs (OPA). Previously, the OPA had been closed after illegally pouring tax dollars into congressional campaigns and prohibited activities.

The fact that the OPA is being reopened after these abuses warrants concern. Heck, even Congressman Darrell Issa, the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has expressed his extreme trepidation about Obama’s latest move.

The congressman is so troubled that he wrote a letter to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel requesting White House documents related to the OPA.

Congressman Issa’s request included “all documents and communications, including emails, between the OSC and the White House referring or relating to the Office of Political Strategy and Outreach or the reopening of the Office of Political Affairs.”

With them, the committee could “effectively consider whether taxpayer money is being used to advance the interests of Democratic congressional candidates and the Democratic Party.”

Issa seems devoted to stopping the criminal activity, but the Obama White House has been legendary in its willingness to stonewall congressional Republicans’ legitimate document requests.

I’ll be watching closely to see if Issa is forced to go to court to get Obama to be compliant. If the courts force the White House to release the documents, it would handcuff Obama’s future efforts to hide the truth.

A Disconcerting Lack of Oversight

Ironically, when Barack Obama was running for president, he complained bitterly about the activities of the OPA during the Bush Administration. Obama stated in 2008 that “the days of using the White House as another arm of the Republican National Committee are over.”

I guess in a way he was right. Rather than comply with the law and reverse what he saw as an injustice, Obama is redirecting the money to the Democratic Party (and candidates) instead!

But frankly, this should’ve never been a problem in the first place.

When I was an employee of the Reagan Administration, we had to attend “Hatch Act” briefings. The Hatch Act of 1939 was passed to forbid federal employees from engaging in forbidden political activities. Primarily, it prohibits federal employees from using their official authority or influence for the purpose of affecting the results of an election.

In these briefings, it was made explicitly clear that using government money for political campaigns was illegal. I guess times change, as it sure seems like the president is trying to make an end run around the Hatch Act prohibitions.

Even The New York Times reported that the White House was reopening OPA because it was “defending Democratic control of the Senate and taking back the House from Republicans.” This constitutes a direct violation of the law!

But since Obama’s team has been having trouble raising money, the honeypot of taxpayer dollars just looks too good to ignore.


[H/T Western Journalism]

Rep Trey Gowdy Doubles Down, Says Pelosi ‘Needs to Schedule an Appointment with a Mental Health Professional’

Whoa, God Bless Trey Gowdy!

Check this video out,

‘when you have a facts you pound the facts when you have the law you pound the law, when you don’t have either as does Speaker Pelosi does it then you make at home in an attacks then you play a the last chord and the deck or throw a Hail Mary pass which in this case is to accuse a some loss of racism.’

[H/T YouTube]