Tag Archives: Barack Hussein Obama

This Ominous Video Shows Where The Military Is ‘Really’ Preparing To Fight

On January 23, 2014, the U.S. Army opened a one-hundred million dollar urban warfare training facility—a so-called “fake city”—on the outskirts of Bowling Green, Virginia. Despite U.S. Army press releases to the contrary, this is a replica of an American city, complete with American road signs. According to insiders, the subway even has a logo of that used in Washington, D.C. The so-called “mosque” described in the press release is plainly an American church.

Why is the U.S. Army lying about the purpose of this training facility? Why not admit that they are preparing to roam the streets of America? Because what they are training for is illegal—treasonous. According to the Posse Comitatus Act, the military is forbidden from taking on the police powers of local and state police.
Well, it is legal—in a sense: Only if Obama declares martial law.

This could mean only one thing: Barack Hussein Obama is anticipating—or perhaps even planning—some cataclysmic event that will require the declaration of martial law and suspension of elections.
Will this be the third term Obama’s supporters are clamoring for?

[H/T Western Journalism]

Trey Gowdy: “Blank right! We’re Gonna Use The Power Of The Purse Against Obama” (Video)

(Western Journalism) — Barack Hussein Obama has spent 5 years ignoring both the law of the land and constitutionally imposed limits on the power of the presidency. So far, Republicans in both the House and Senate have done precious little to take this corrupt, Marxist plant to task on his countless abuses of executive authority.

But on Monday, during a segment with FOX News political analyst Jeanine Pirro, Congressman Trey Gowdy of South Carolina promised viewers that the House will use the “power of the purse” to end Obama’s obsession with rule rather than governance. When Pirro asked the congressman if House Republicans were actually going to DO it, Gowdy energetically responded “Blank Right!” (just in case his mother was watching.)

At last, conservatives have an honest to goodness promise from one of their congressional fellows, a promise that the contempt with which Barack Obama treats both the American people and the nation will be thrown back in his face.

Congressman Gowdy will have to PROVE it to me, and I would dare say to the vast majority of America’s conservatives, disgusted as we are with the perpetual cowardice of the GOP. Watch this brief interview and remember what the congressman has said. We’ll know very soon if it was another empty promise from yet another dishonest member of the DC ruling class.

[H/T Western Journalism]

U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan Skyrocket Under Obama

(Allen West) — As a former combat commander, I can tell you that fear is difficult to avoid on the battlefield. But on today’s battlefields, a new fear haunts our troops: the fear of persecution by their own government. That fear leads to internal hesitation. And that leads to death.

Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents who know the pain of having their warrior son betrayed write on Breitbart.com:

“U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan are now forced to fight a two-fronted war. Before each deployment, these soldiers understand fully that day after day they will do battle against relentless terrorists with shifting loyalties and unspeakable hatred. But what none of them could have foreseen was the killing field that would open from their rear: the Continental United States.

“Our government’s incessant tightening of already restrictive ROE (Rules of Engagement), compounded by the failed COIN (Counterinsurgency) strategy—also known as “winning hearts and minds”—has made an otherwise primitive enemy formidable.”

The chart below shows the awful truth about US military deaths in Afghanistan.

Troop Fatalities Under Bush and Obama

In the first seven-plus years of war in Afghanistan (October 2001 – December 2008) we lost 630 U.S. soldiers. In early 2009, the Obama administration authorized the implementation of the COIN (Counter-Insurgent) strategy, more focused on “winning hearts and minds” than winning a war, and over the next five years, the U.S. death toll nearly tripled.

Seventy-three percent of all U.S. deaths in Afghanistan have taken place since 2009. In the first seven plus years of war in Afghanistan, 2,638 U.S. soldiers were wounded in action. In the next forty-five months (2009 – 2012) an additional 15,036 suffered the same fate.

Recently, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai decided to release Islamic terrorists with blood on their hands, that of our American troops as well as Afghan civilians. Imagine being a young warrior in Afghanistan at this time and having to ask “why am I here?” Many Americans are now aware of the story behind Lone Survivor and realize that when faced with life or death decisions it seems our warriors fear lawyers and the media more than the enemy. They face a non-state, non-uniformed enemy that blends in with the civilian population and knows our ROE (Rules of Engagement).

Our battle-tested men and women we send into harm’s way are confronted by the enemy and must make instantaneous combat decisions. Some, like Army 1LT Clint Lorance, find themselves afterwards sitting in a prison cell in Ft. Leavenworth.

Yet, while much evidence demonstrated links to Islamic totalitarianism and terrorism with former Army officer Nidal Hasan, and some were told to keep silent because of “political correctness.” That silence led to 13 dead and some 30 wounded in Ft. Hood Texas — shot by a man in American uniform shouting “Allahu Akhbar.” And what did our leaders say to our warriors gunned down by a jihadist on a military installation in America? It was “workplace violence.”

In the last presidential election, for the first time in nearly 77 years, the sitting president, vice president and candidates for office had no military service. I’m not suggesting that the president of the United States must have served in the military — but the most important duty of the president is Commander-in-Chief. Our country needs a leader who can understand the sacrifices and commitment of those brave men and women who stand on freedom’s rampart, because he or she has been there.

As the Vaughn’s write, “Our best and brightest come home in body bags as politicians and lawyers dine over white linen tablecloths; writing, modifying, and re-modifying these lethal rules. Rules that favor the enemy rather than the American soldier. Rules so absurd they’re difficult to believe until you hear the same stories over and again from those returning from battle.”

When the parents begin to feel this way, will America stop being the Land of the Free because parents will no longer sacrifice the brave?

We must make a stand for those who make the stand for us.

[H/T Allen West]

Barack Hussein Soebarkah? Loretta Fuddy, The Cult Of Subud, And (Possibly) Obama’s Real Daddy!

I’m sure this is just another “vast right wing conspiracy theory”…

One of the unexplained mysteries in the scanty documentation of the early life of the 44th President of the United States is the appearance of the name Soebarkah as his last name on an official document filled out by his mother.

While in the midst of developing an argument supporting the idea that Obama was adopted by the Indonesian Lolo Soetoro, Chase states:

Finally, we have Stanley Ann Soetoro’s 1968 application to extend her 1965 passport (now destroyed) for an additional two years, as shown in Figure PPA.

On the second page of the application, Ann moved to exclude her son Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah) from her passport, but the item has been crossed out — perhaps on the advice of the consulate in Jakarta, as this would have left seven-year-old Barry passportless — so it didn’t happen.

The appendage “(Soebarkah)” has never been satisfactorily explained by anyone, and I certainly don’t know what “Soebarkah” means, but it does seem to indicate a name change or change in citizenship status for the boy.

[H/T YouTube]

MUST SEE Video: Obama Family Discovered To Be Part Of Secret Muslim Terror Operation

This is a must-see video that scratches the surface of this tyrannical maniac with now radical Islamic ties.

The panel pierces the Obama umbilical cord, and adeptly exposes the link between Malik Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood, and our sitting president.

Why has this not been exposed by the media, including FOX NEWS?!

The Obama family’s legacy — although most today would not even consider saying it — will one day be etched in history books under the heading, “How a family of terrorists fooled America”. They have promoted Wahhabist interests in Saudi Arabia and were the greatest supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

[H/T YouTube]

The State of the Union is Bleak: But the Socialist, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian Anti-White, Anti-Israeli, Muslim-Sympathizer-in-Chief Spewed Forth a Masterful Performance

Last Tuesday, fraudulently elected President Barack Hussein Obama treated the American people to yet another empty and frightening speech. Not even eligible to be standing on the podium addressing a joint session of Congress for the State of the Union Address – as Obama is not a natural born citizen, as required by the Constitution, sired in the United States by two citizen parents – the socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian and anti-white, anti-Israeli, Muslim-sympathizer-in-chief spewed forth a masterful performance, all the while ignoring the cancer that has metastasized in his administration – a cancer that threatens the continued existence of our severely wounded nation.

Notwithstanding his references to pushing an agenda to rid the country of “income inequality,” which is just another euphemism for his socialist if not communist designs of wealth distribution from primarily rich whites to “his people,” those voters who are primarily responsible for pushing him over the top in 2008 and 2012 – African Americans, Hispanics and leftist, ignorant, lower-income and “beautiful” Hollywood-style whites – Obama sidestepped discussing the growing corruption in his administration, the so-called phony scandals he has dismissed as just the banter of tea partiers.

And it is no wonder that he did so. While the American economy and the ethical state of the nation has atrophied under his despotic rule – which promises more illegal executive orders and sleaze in then next three years – Obama and his comrades have succeeded in even surpassing the criminality of the Bill and Hillary Clinton years. When presumably Obama leaves office in 2016 – assuming he does not seize power with his arsenal of drones, stockpiled guns and ammunition for his unprecedented internal security force and the coercive spying on his perceived enemies by the National Security Agency and CIA – he will, as it now stands, leave behind a mere shell of the nation, just in time for Hillary Clinton to take the reins as our fearless leader. There is no Republican who can challenge her for the presidency, thanks in large part to tea-party leaders (some of whom are also ineligible to be president like Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz) who have been ostracized and marginalized by the likes of establishment Republican leaders like House Speaker John Boehner. A one-two punch to the body politic is undoubtedly in store: Obama as the king of socialism and bigotry and Hillary as the queen of continued Democratic corruption, not that Republican establishment leaders are squeaky clean either. So indeed, the state of the nation looks bleak and dire under establishment Democratic and Republican rule.

How, then, can We the People arrest this sad state of affairs? In my opinion and experience, we must look for that wedge issue that can break open the establishment and legally eradicate them from the body politic of the nation. In this regard, none of the current scandals are more severe and frightening than the scandal over the NSA, which in “almost Orwellian” Big Brother fashion, as one federal judge, Richard J. Leon, recently ruled in our case against the NSA, President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, director of the NSA Keith Alexander and other establishment hacks runs roughshod over our Constitution by spying on the entire U.S. citizenry through the collection of metadata. Metadata is intimate information gleaned from our cellphones and Internet communications that allows our establishment-hijacked government to track and know our every move, personal and professional. And, until whistleblower Edward Snowden came forward and revealed this tyranny, the American people were kept in the dark by establishment Democratic and Republican leaders, all of whom, fat and happy, feed at the money trough of Washington, D.C. Indeed, one can only conclude that this spying by the NSA is designed to keep them in power; in effect keeping the people fearful and down and out and the Democratic and Republican establishment leaders riding high and in power as the nobility they perceive themselves to be.

In the last week or so, I have streamlined our lawsuits against the NSA defendants so they can move faster through the courts all the way to the Supreme Court. I have also filed a new class action suit – the only one that has been filed despite repeated promises over the last several months to do so by Sen. Rand Paul (I hope he does finally file one and join us in the fight) – on behalf of the entire citizenry. My goal is to use the court, to the extent possible, to glean discovery information and an ultimate judicial ruling that will break open this unprecedented scandal before this NSA spying destroys the nation by enslaving us to establishment rule.

This Monday, Feb. 3, 2014, the court will conduct a status conference, and at this status conference I will ask Judge Leon for the right to take discovery of the NSA defendants so we can move our cases toward trial at the earliest date. In this regard, I will also ask the court to order that the government grant me a security clearance so that we can take this discovery and glean all of the necessary facts. This security clearance will be a sore issue with the NSA defendants, as they do not want the American people to have any additional knowledge about their illegal and unconstitutional criminality. But I am entitled to a security clearance, and indeed I had one long ago when I was a trial lawyer and prosecutor for a U.S. Department of Justice far less corrupt than it is today.

The NSA scandal goes to the very heart of what is wrong with the government. We no longer have leaders who represent us. Instead, they keep us down so they can continue to profit at the trough of the big government Obama and his enablers, both Democratic and Republican, want to see continue. Worse, Obama is using the NSA to enslave all of us through fear to his socialist and other nefarious designs.

And, this is why We the People must use all means to legally rid the nation of Obama and the Democratic and Republican establishment, before our nation is totally destroyed. That is the state of the nation Obama did not want to discuss, but it is a reality nevertheless.

Barack Obama

[H/T WND: Larry Klayman]

Obama’s Brother Found To Be Supporting Muslims Who Kill Christians

As has been reported already, Obama’s Brother, Malik Obama, has been found to be a supporter of Hamas, as is evidenced by this photo in which Malik is found with a scarf on which was placed the Hamas icon with the Hamas slogan, “Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING!”

Hamas is an organization that kills Christians, and in a recent video by Hamas, the terrorist organization put out a song calling for the extermination of every single Christian on earth:

Obama’s Brother Joins Hamas: Says ‘Jerusalem is Ours, We are Coming!’

(Walid Shoebat) — While in Sanaa, Yemein in 2010, President Barack Obama’s brother Malik Obama was at an event billed as the Orphans Development Fund (ODF) Conference. It’s quite the ironic title considering a group photo Malik is in that he has posted to his website. In the photo, he can be seen wearing a Hamas scarf (keffiyeh) that bears a well-known Palestinian slogan – ‘Jerusalem is ours – WE ARE COMING!’ It also includes a map of Palestine that says, ‘From the River to the Sea!’ In other words, Malik is saying, THERE IS NO ISRAEL.

Here is the full photo:

Malik: Expressing support for Hamas at an 'orphan' conference.

Malik: Expressing support for Hamas at an ‘orphan’ conference.

Here is Malik Obama’s boss (Malik works for him officially in his capacity as IDO Executive Secretary), Suar al-Dahab during a visit to Gaza last year at a Hamas event with the group’s Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi. Notice he’s wearing a similar keffiyeh at a conference entitled, ‘Aiding Jerusalem and Gaza”:

Malik's boss, Suar al-Dahab, wearing a similar keffiyeh in Gaza.

Malik’s boss, Suar al-Dahab, wearing a similar keffiyeh in Gaza.

Here is Malik in 2010, with al-Dahab in Khartoum, Sudan during the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) conference, presided over by Sudan’s terrorist leader Omar al-Bashir, who belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood and is wanted for crimes against humanity:

Malik Obama and Suar al-Dahab.

Malik Obama and Suar al-Dahab.

Like British politician George Galloway, Malik is comfortable associating with those who support the message emblazoned on these scarfs:

British politician George Galloway and Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh with similar scarfs.

British politician George Galloway and Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh with similar scarfs.

Galloway and Haniyeh, wearing and surrounded by keffiyehs.

Galloway and Haniyeh, wearing and surrounded by keffiyehs.

Just in case we’re told that Malik was conned into wearing such a hateful and racist symbol like Swedish King Carl Gustaf and his wife Queen Sylvia were, consider a few things. Carl and Sylvia quickly took the keffiyeh’s off after having them placed on them by an opportunist and distanced themselves from the message.

Malik is a much different story.

Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Sylvia: deceived into wearing hateful keffiyehs.

Swedish King Carl Gustaf and Queen Sylvia: deceived into wearing hateful keffiyehs.

Malik reads and speaks fluent Arabic as do many in his family, like cousin Musa Ismail Obama and uncle Sayyid, who’ve been to at least one prominent Wahhabist university in Saudi Arabia. Barack recited the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer with a ‘first-rate accent’ according to the New York Times’ Nicholas Kristof.

Musa Obama and Sayyid Obama at Umm al-Qura University.

Musa Obama and Sayyid Obama at Umm al-Qura University.

The keffiyeh (or scarf) doesn’t just say, ‘Al Aqsa is ours and is not their temple’. It also says ‘Innana Qadimun’, which translates to mean ‘We are marching forward’. This famous battle command which is a reference to the prophecy that some day the Muslim world will march on Jerusalem and then the trees and stones will cry out, ‘here is a Jew hiding behind me… come O Muslim, come and kill him’.

Here is Khansa, the Mother of the Resistance movement, donning the keffiyeh:

Khansa, mother of the Resistance movement, dons the keffiyeh.

Khansa, mother of the Resistance movement, dons the keffiyeh.

This is a photo of Khansa sandwiched between Haniyeh (L) and Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al, who is donning the keffiyeh in this picture:

Khansa between Hamas Prime Minister and Hamas leader Khalid Mash'al.

Khansa between Hamas Prime Minister and Hamas leader Khalid Mash’al.

Those who see this as a matter of guilt by association run into some major problems. President Barack Obama and Malik are much closer than is being admitted publicly. In an interview published in GQ Magazine last July, Malik took offense at the characterization of him and the president as being merely ‘half’ brothers:

“Everyone’s referring to us as half, quarter,…step, things like that,” he says, displeased even by the taste of those words. “I think that’s like weights and measures. This didn’t even occur to us until he became president, until he gained prominence. And now we’re sort of like celebrities.

“But this is a streak of ignorance,” he adds. “Here in Africa we don’t think of each other as ‘half’ this or that. In an extended family, someone is your brother even if he is just in your clan. So I…am Obama.”

A photo of Malik as best man at Barack’s wedding tends to back up the claim:

Malik best man at Barack's wedding.

Malik best man at Barack’s wedding.

So do photos of Malik visiting Barack at the White House on more than one occasion:

Barack and Malik in the Oval Office.

Barack and Malik in the Oval Office.

In the same GQ interview, Malik insists that he and his brother (the word ‘half’ left out in deference to Malik) are indeed close:

Ask Malik how often he and his brother talk nowadays and he boasts that it’s about once a year, as though that’s proof of their intimate bond. “Of course we’re close!” Malik says, just a bit too loudly. “I’m the one who brought him here to Kogelo in 1988! I thought it was important for him to come home and see from whence his family came—you know, his roots.”

As for Barack’s take on the relationship with his brother, well, he doesn’t say much about it but Barack has a history of dishonesty when it comes to being forthcoming about how close he is to his family. Late last year, Barack had to admit that he’d stayed with his uncle Onyango during the former’s days at Harvard. Prior to the admission, the American public had been told that Barack never met his uncle. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney put forth a very unbelievable explanation for the inconsistency.

Onyango Obama: Barack lied about knowing him.

Onyango Obama: Barack lied about knowing him.

Another Obama brother – Mark Ndesanjo Obama – accused the President of lying about their relationship as well, after Barack said the two had only met one time, presumably during thePresident’s visit to China in late 2009. Ndesdanjo insists they met several times, dating back to the 1980′s, during an interview with Laura Ingraham, via National Review:

“I heard that after the meeting we had in Beijing and I can tell you I was floored by it — I don’t know why he said it,” Ndesandjo said to Laura Ingraham, adding that he had met the president several times over the years and still isn’t sure what his motivation was for making the claim. “I think he was being president and was not being my brother,” Ndesandjo said.

Ok, so according to Barack, he only met his brother Mark once and that meeting was in China, right?

Barack and brother Mark Ndesanjo Obama met in China in 2009.

Barack and brother Mark Ndesanjo Obama met in China in 2009.

If Barack only met Mark once (in China), how does he explain this photo of Mark in the White House ten months earlier, half-way around the world during Barack’s inauguration (Mark is circled and Malik is on the far left)?

Mark Ndesandjo Obama at White House for Barack's inauguration in 2009.

Mark Ndesandjo Obama at White House for Barack’s inauguration in 2009.

The point here is that Barack cannot be trusted to issue a full disclosure when it comes to the relationships he has with his family members.

Once again, this leads us to his relationship with Malik. How is it that Malik received 501(c)(3) status for his Barack H. Obama Foundation in less than 30 days and had it illegally backdated 38 months by Lois Lerner? If Barack had anything to do with it, history says he might be lying if he denies it. In order to come full circle here, Malik’s foundation is tied to a State Sponsor of Terrorism in Sudan.

As we’ve said before, Lois Lerner should be granted immunity and compelled to testify about why she granted tax exempt status to a man who is tied to terrorism and just so happens to be the brother of the President of the United States.

Lerner: Granted Malik Obama's foundation illegal tax exempt status.

Lerner: Granted Malik Obama’s foundation illegal tax exempt status.

If Osama bin Laden’s driver was convicted of material support for terrorism, shouldn’t Malik bebrought up on charges of supporting Omar al-Bashir, a world-renowned terrorist? After all, the Egyptian government wants Malik Obama to appear for questioning about this.

Malik Obama’s Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF) raises money and likely provides material support to terrorists. PLEASE DONATE TO RESCUE CHRISTIANS TO SAVE CHRISTIAN LIVES from terrorists who are in solidarity with Hamas.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Ex-CIA Operative: Military Thwarted Obama’s Plans To Nuke/EMP America

(Western Journalism) — Three brave Americans stood up to Tyranny a few weeks ago and told Barack Hussein Obama, literally, to take a flying leap as they refused orders to illegally divert control of several nuclear weapons to agents of Barack Hussein Obama.

Nobel Peace Prize nominee and former CIA spy Dr. Jim Garrow explains how the actions of these men – a Army General, an Air Force General, and a Navy Admiral – who were in charge of safeguarding the nation’s nuclear stockpile, saved the lives of 300 million Americans from the devastating effects of a planned EMP attack on the United States: A “false flag” EMP attack perpetrated by the Obama administration using our own nuclear weapons.

As reported by Anthony Gucciardi and Infowars, a secret transfer of nuclear weapons from Dyess Air Force Base was ordered by the Obama administration; but according to Dr. Garrow this transfer broke every established protocol concerning the storage and movement of weapons in the nation’s nuclear stockpile and the officers in charge refused to carry them out.

According to seismographic records, on October 8th a magnitude 4.5 earthquake occurred off the coast of South Carolina, giving credence to Dr. Garrow’s claim that one of the weapons was actually detonated at sea to keep it out of the hands of traitors who would destroy the United States; the others, according to Dr. Garrow, are still missing.

[H/T YouTube]

12 Ways Barack Hussein Obama Has Assaulted Our Military

(Western Journalism) — They are extraordinary Americans. It is said that they sign a blank check to their country and their countrymen pledging that they will give their all, up to and including their lives, to defend the American way of life and their fellow Americans. They are the men and women who are currently serving or have previously served in the armed forces of the United States. They take an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic,” and they always live by that oath.

Obama and Military

This blank check is readily accepted by our government and by other Americans who send these selfless individuals off to fight and die for our nation and its freedoms. Many of them have made the ultimate sacrifice and died in battle, while many others have returned home with shattered bodies and emotional scars. Unfortunately, they have often returned home to betrayal by some of their fellow Americans and particularly by their own government.

The Americans who fought in World War II returned home as heroes and rightfully so; yet just a few years later, when members of the military fought in Korea and over 50,000 died, the survivors were virtually ignored when they came home to the point that Korea is often referred to as the forgotten war.

As for the Americans who served in Vietnam, they often were insulted, spat on, and physically attacked by people in their own country who supposedly believed in peace. To make it worse, many in the mainstream media actively supported the enemy and lied about what was really happening in Vietnam. To this day, children are taught in school that the U.S. military lost the war in Vietnam.

That is a blatant lie; American soldiers never lost a battle during that war. The victory was given to the enemy by a vote of the U.S. Congress that cut off military support to the South Vietnamese army and allowed the communists to launch a new and successful invasion.

Fortunately, the American people as a whole are much more grateful to the men and women who are fighting the war on terrorism; but the same cannot be said about the mainstream news media and the government. The media ignores the sacrifices and victories of our soldiers and often seems to support our enemies with insane reporting in the name of political correctness.

As for our government, we have a President of the United States, an administration, and a Congress that seems intent on breaking the morale of our soldiers and destroying their capability of protecting our nation. Their actions support the fact that there is an all-out assault on both our active duty military and our veterans. The elements of this assault consist of:

  1.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a bulletin to all police agencies in 2009 naming all military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan as potential domestic terrorists.
  2.  Senator Dianne Feinstein declares that all veterans have PTSD and are therefore mentally ill and should not be allowed to own firearms.
  3.  The Veterans Administration in 2009 begins declaring veterans with physical disabilities, minor PTSD, past depression, or who even allow their spouses to pay the family bills as mental defectives incompetent to handle their own financial affairs and forbidding them from owning, purchasing, or possessing firearms. This process is accelerating.
  4.  Obama unilaterally cuts billions of dollars from our military budget without approval of Congress.
  5.  Congress passes legislation authorizing sequestration leading to massive cuts in the military readiness of the United States, and putting us in a position of being incapable of defending our national interests around the world.
  6.  Our military capabilities are being cut in half, and we have lost respect around the world. The ridiculous politically correct rules of engagement imposed on our fighting men and women in combat have cost countless American lives.
  7.   High ranking officers in the military who disagree with these policies of the Administration are being purged, and enlisted personnel who utilize their right to free speech to express their concerns are being court martialed and dishonorably discharged.
  8.  The Obama administration has also launched an attack on the very foundation of the success of our military, the profound religious beliefs of most of our troops.  Members of the military are being prohibited from practicing their religion even to the point of being denied the right to have bibles in their workplace, mentioning Christmas, or expressing their opposition to radical Islam. Chaplains are having their sermons and even prayers censored to make sure they are politically correct.
  9.  The Veterans Administration that is supposed to represent the interests of our military heroes has slowed down the process of filing claims for benefits to the point where veterans are waiting for months and even years to have their claims processed. In addition, when veterans go to the VA, they are being asked if they own firearms, if they have ever been depressed, and if their spouses handle the family finances. Then this information is being used to declare them incompetent and deny them their Constitutional rights under the 5th and 2nd Amendments.
  10.  During both the 2010 and 2012 election cycles, the Obama administration through the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, actively encouraged Secretaries of State around the country to violate Federal law by failing to timely mail out absentee ballots to active duty military personnel. As a result, hundreds of thousands of military votes were never counted, denying our heroes a basic American right.
  11.  While civilian employees of the Obama administration get pay raises, members of the military and veterans are seeing their pay and benefits cut with the Secretary of Defense promising more cuts to come.
  12.  Military families are also being affected in other ways. Chuck Hagel wants to close commissaries at U. S. bases, forcing military families to purchase their groceries from civilian stores where they will pay up to 30% more. In addition, thousands of military spouses work at these commissaries to supplement the family income. They will be losing their jobs.

I could go on with this list because it just scratches the surface. Our military members and our veterans are being hammered by the government they have fought for. They are being denied the medical care they were promised, the respect they are due, and ultimately the constitutional rights they have been defending. Enough is enough; if we allow our military and veterans to be treated this way, how can we expect the government not to turn on all of us?

[H/T Western Journalism: Michael Connelly]