47 Bodies Left in the Wake of Hillary Clinton: Part 3

Hillary Clinton is the Democratic party’s pick to carry the torch for the villainous Hussin Obama in 2016.  The Black Sphere has been running a story of the charming Hillary and Bill Clinton, and the legacy they leave behind… along with the 47 bodies left in their wake in route to the White House.  You can catch Part 1 and Part 2 in case you missed them.

(The Black Sphere) — Time magazine Feb 27 cover asks, “Can Anyone Stop Hillary?”…an obviously rhetorical question.

According to Time:

Clinton is so globally famous, so politically wired and so primed for the presidency after two campaigns at her husband’s side and one epic race of her own that her life as a private citizen has become virtually indistinguishable from her life as a candidate.

New Yorker’s John Cassidy notes:

Right now, twenty-four months before the Iowa primary, and at a point when not a single serious candidate has declared that she or he is running for President, Priorities USA, the Democratic Super PAC that raised and spent wads of cash in support of President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, is putting its money and expertise behind—you guessed it—Hillary Clinton.

While all these elite wonks and writers scurry to anoint Hill and pen the fait accompli, I would like to continue my quest to inform Americans, to remind us what’s behind the celebrated veneer of Ms. Clinton.

I don’t expect the GOP to highlight any Hillary Clinton history EXCEPT her titanic failure as Sec State: 4 brave Americans died in Benghazi, under Clinton’s watch, and she is culpable.

As for the rest of her questionable life story? Well, that’s where new media can pick up the brush and paint in the rest of the picture.

Hillary and Bill Clinton are pursuing their goal for ever more power with the relentless abandon and iron will of an Olympic athlete. But unlike the Olympic sporting amateurs, Hill and Bill are pros: they seem to get what they want, no matter the cost.

Take a look at the next 10 people in this series who met with an untimely death. And again, I do NOT assert a direct link between the Clintons and the deaths.

However, use common sense. Use the science of probability. And ask yourself how likely is it that an average person would have this number of folks, in their close circle of acquaintance, die mysteriously or be the victim of a hit-style murder.

You decide.


21 – Charles Meissner

Doris and Charles Meissner (with son and daugher)

Doris and Charles Meissner (with son and daugher)

Assistant Secretary of Commerce who gave John Huang special security clearance, died shortly thereafter in a small plane crash in Croatia in 1996. Also perishing in the crash was Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman, Ron Brown.

Congressional record Volume 142, Number 74, 23 May 1996 states:

Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, the tragic plane crash in Croatia last month that took the life of Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown also took the lives of other outstanding officials in the Department of Commerce, including Charles F. Meissner, who was Assistant Secretary for International Economic Policy and who was also the husband of Doris Meissner, the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service. During the 1970′s, he had served with great distinction for several years on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

22 – Dr. Stanley Heard

Chairman of the National Chiropractic Health Care Advisory Committee died with his attorney Steve Dickson in a small plane crash. Dr. Heard, in addition to serving on Clinton’s advisory council personally treated Clinton ‘s mother, step-father and brother.

According to the National Transportation and Safety Board, the crash was due to “AN INADEQUATE ANNUAL INSPECTION OF THE AIRPLANE AND NON-COMPLIANCE WITH AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES BY COMPANY MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL.”  The NTSB says the airplane caught fire in the air and crashed while the pilot attempted to make an emergency landing.

23 – Barry Seal

Barry Seal

Barry Seal

Barry Seal was a drug-running TWA pilot out of Mena, Arkansas. The scuttlebutt was that car mechanic Johnny Lawhorn Jr. found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of Seal’s car.

Barry Seal was a danger-loving pilot and the best known cocaine smuggler of the 1980′s. He was murdered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in 1986, by three men with machine guns and who were later arrested and convicted. They were Colombians and authorities say they were connected with the Medellin drug cartel.

Judge Polozola

Judge Polozola

The Attorney General of Louisiana told U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese in 1986 that Seal smuggled $3 to $5 billion worth of drugs into the U.S.

In 1981, Seal began running his smuggling operation out of a highly guarded and, for a while, secret airport in Mena, Arkansas.

There have been questions of whether Bill Clinton, who was governor of Arkansas at the time, may have looked the other way if he knew about the drug smuggling operation, but there has not been proof of that.

I have received first hand information from friends of Barry Seal, and the name that keeps popping up as a key to what happened is Federal Judge Frank Polozola.

I will augment this entry as I receive more information from my sources.

24 – Johnny Lawhorn, Jr.

Johnny Lawhorn, Jr. died March 31, 1998. Lawhorn owned a transmission repair shop and found a check made out to Bill Clinton in the trunk of Barry Seal’s car left at his repair shop. He was found dead after his car had hit a utility pole.

25 – Stanley Huggins

Stanley Huggins investigated Madison Guaranty, the financial institution operated by Jim McDougal and Susan McDougal which failed in the late 1980s.

Here is the rough sketch of the Madison Guaranty debacle:


Jim McDougal was convicted of 18 felony counts of fraud conspiracy charges. The counts had to do with bad loans made by Madison S&L. This S&L was partnered with Whitewater Development Corporation, the subject of Whitewater probe, and owned, in part, by Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Madison Guaranty and McDougal hired Rose Law Firm, where the Mrs. Clinton worked, as a defense attorney. Mrs. Clinton’s Rose Law Firm billing records on Madison Guaranty and McDougal’s Castle Grande project that Hillary called IDC – Industrial Development Corporation. How much work she actually did on Madison and Castle Grande was the subject of the missing billing records.

Stanley Huggins died when his plane crashed, but the NTSB never released the crash investigation report.

Read rest of 47 Bodies Left in The Wake of Hillary Clinton: Part 3