Al Qaeda Declares First Independent States Towards Caliphate: Where Does Obama’s Handiwork Reveal Itself?

(Adina Kutnicki) — When a leader places ones own political/ideological fortunes ahead of national interests the“natural” result is one of disaster – for their nation and those used as bargaining chips. And when the leader of the free world does as much, well more than hell on earth will eventually shake out […]

It should be more than obvious – at least one would hope so – that deliberate fires were set in the Mid East via the Islamist-in-Chief’s handiwork, and with ill intent, in order to hand the Muslim Brotherhood (and its outgrowth, Al Qaeda) a leg up. To wit, they can now proclaim their FIRST arm of their intended Caliphate, a possibility which Barack HUSSEIN Obama crowed would never come to fruition, as he buried Osama and put an end to Al Qaeda. Yup. Looks like Al Qaeda rose from its grave[…]

(DEBKAfile) — After seizing the heart of the western Iraqi town of Falluja, Al Qaeda’s local branch (ISIS) Friday night decreed it the capital of a new independent caliphate. The jihadists continue to push Iraqi forces out of another western Sunni town, Ramadi. To cover up the army’s inability to stop Al Qaeda’s advance, the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Saturday reported that the jihadists had sustained heavy losses and that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad had been killed in battle. DEBKAfile: Western sources counter this claim with a report that Al Baghdadi is still orchestrating the counter-offensive against the Iraqi army from Baqouba in the eastern province of Diyala. If this is confirmed, it would mean that al Qaeda continues to seize territory.

Al Qaeda’s most significant victory in the Syrian war was achieved this week in the Iraqi arena. Its Iraq and Syrian branch (ISIS), under the command of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, resoundingly defeated the Iraqi army which two weeks ago launched a major offensive to relieve the country of the jihadist grip. Baghdadi’s troops were able to throw back the Iraqi army’s crack 7th and 1st divisions and keep going to capture large sections of Ramadi and Falluja, the key Sunni cities of western and central Iraq.

This victory enabled ISIS to forge a territorial chain of control stretching from Ramadi in central in Iraq, 110 km west of Baghdad, all the way to the northern Syrian town of Al-Raqqah, 160 km from Aleppo.

It also brought the Iraqi military offensive to a standstill. Soldiers downed arms and fled and units still intact started falling back toward Baghdad, dumping their heavy weapons to hasten their retreat.

DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Al Qaeda owes much of its victory to the decision of the Sunni tribes of western Iraq to join and spearhead its counter-attack on Iraqi forces. After smashing whole Iraqi units in the two cities, these tribal militias opened the door for the ISIS jihadists to march in.

Ironically, the tribal militias backing al Qaeda are the same “Awakening” groups which the US army sustained and armed for the battle to root out Al Qaeda from western Iraq during the 2005-2007 landmark “surge” campaign devised by Gen. David Petraeus.
That surge wheel has clearly turned round in favor of al Qaeda. Iraq’s military downfall is the worst it has suffered since the US invasion of the country in 2003 and al Qaeda’s greatest Middle East battlefield triumph, following which its commander Al-Baghdadi has vowed to proclaim the first Middle East caliphate stretching between western Iraq and eastern Syria.

This development has many critical ramifications:

1.  There is no military force in the region capable of going into Iraq and stopping al Qaeda’s advance, which was allowed to happen in consequence of the US army’s precipitate exit from the country three years ago.

2.   Al Qaeda’s fortunes in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula have received a major boost. The Sinai affiliates in particular are in close touch with Al Baghdadi.

3.  The hook-up between them exacerbates the terrorist threat hanging over Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

4.  The Nusra Front, Al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, has acquired strategic depth in Iraq. Its leader Abu Mohammad al-Julani (Golani) is expected to announce that his movement will join the new Islamist state.

5.  A merger of the Iraqi and Syrian al Qaeda branches could draw in a host of sympathetic Middle East Islamist groups.

6.  The ISIS victory in Iraq represents a humiliating setback for Tehran, which heavily backed the Iraqi army offensive led by its pro-Iranian prime minister Nouri al-Maliki for cleansing the country of the violent Al Qaeda presence.

7. The US, by its decision to send weapons to the Iraqi army for its engagement with al Qaeda, was shown to have backed the losing side.

8.  The Iraqi army used up all its reserves for this offensive. Its only remaining option now is to fall back to Baghdad and regroup for the defense of the capital.

9.  For Syrian President Bashar Assad and his Hizballah ally, Hassan Nasrallah, the Iraqi military debacle was the worst possible news. It struck them at the tipping moment of the Syrian war. Just as they gained the advantage over the rebel movement, they were confronted with a fresh war arena against al Qaeda now invigorated by its Iraq victory.

[H/T DEBKAfile]

Fallujah Falls to al-Qaeda, Obama Goes Golfing

Keith Koffler sums it up perfectly:

“I have finally figured out the Obama Doctrine: Screw up the hard fought gains handed him by George W. Bush.”

“President Bush left office with al Qaeda desperately trying to blend in with camel herds in the desert and Iraq mostly pacified. Today, none of that is true.”

Some history: The first battle of Fallujah was fought from early April to early May 2004. Fifty one members of the United States military were killed in action. In addition, contractors Scott Helvenston, Jerko Zovko, Wesley Batalona, and Michael Teague were murdered, and then had their bodies desecrated by al-Qaeda-affiliated “insurgents.” (Democrat propagandist Markos Moulitsas responded to this atrocity by writing, in reference to the dead civilian contractors, “screw them.”) American forces eventually withdrew from the city, although they maintained a presence nearby.

The second battle of Fallujah was fought from early November to late December 2004. Ninety five American military personnel died while successfully capturing the city from al-Qaeda. And the city was held from that point on…until now.

One hundred and fifty Americans died fighting for this city, and hundreds more were wounded. And now it has been retaken by the enemy. Commander-in-chief Obama’s response: another round of golf.

What an absolute disgrace.

Obama goes golfing

And let’s not forget that Obama has worked to fund and arm al-Qaeda “rebels” in neighboring Syria. But none dare call it treason.

Read how al Qaeda is claiming its first independent state towards caliphate.

[H/T Examiner]

Shocking Evidence Hitler Escaped From Germany

(WND) — Everyone knows Adolf Hitler committed suicide by gunshot in his underground bunker on April 30, 1945.

At least, that has been the conventional wisdom.
Hitler and Eva Braun

Now comes WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi’s new book, “Hunting Hitler: New Scientific Evidence That Hitler Escaped Germany.”

Examining declassified FBI and U.S. military intelligence files, Corsi makes a compelling case that U.S. investigators suspected from the beginning Hitler had escaped. For political purposes, the evidence indicates, they were willing to go along with the cover story that in the final days of World War II, Hitler married his mistress Eva Braun, and the two took their lives in a joint-suicide ritual just before the Soviet Army entered Berlin.

But the truth is, no one actually saw Hitler commit suicide. There are no photographs documenting a joint suicide of Hitler and Eva Braun, and the bodies of the two were never recovered or preserved for positive identification.

In 2009, Corsi pointed out, Nicholas Bellatoni, the Connecticut state archaeologist, was allowed by the Russian Federation State Archive in Moscow to examine skull fragments the Russians have claimed for decades are proof Hitler committed suicide.

Bellatoni’s startling findings prompted Corsi to investigate further.

“What caused me to question Hitler’s suicide was Bellatoni’s DNA analysis that proved conclusively the skull fragments belonged not to Hitler, but to a 40-year-old woman unrelated to Eva Braun,” Corsi said.

In “Hunting Hitler,” Corsi posits Hitler made his way to Argentina with the help of U.S. intelligence agents that had been secretly working with the Nazis since 1943. Allen Dulles, then an agent of the Office of Strategic Services, or OSS, the predecessor agency to the CIA, was communicating secretly with top Nazis from his office in Bern, Switzerland, Corsi said.

Corsi brings to light many troubling questions, including:

  • Why were the Americans unable to obtain physical evidence of Hitler’s remains after the Russians absconded with his body?
  • Why did both Stalin and Eisenhower doubt Hitler’s demise?
  • Why did nobody in Hitler’s bunker hear any shots fired?
  • Did U.S. intelligence agents in Europe, including the OSS and Allen Dulles (who later headed the CIA under President Eisenhower), aid Hitler’s escape, as they did with so many other Nazis?
  • Argentinean media reported Hitler arrived in the country and it continued to report his presence. Why have the findings not made it to the US?

Corsi relies on autopsy reports, interrogation transcripts, documents from Soviet archives, CIA reports, extensive research in the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C., and in College Park, Md., and more to back up his case.

Did U.S. intelligence help Hitler get away?

His evidence is shockingly abundant, and his clear argument lends credence to a new theory that disembowels the double-suicide narrative.

“The story Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide was a cover story, designed by U.S. intelligence agents at the end of World War II to facilitate the escape not only of Hitler and Eva Braun, but also of top Nazi war criminals such as Adolf Eichmann who was discovered in 1960 hiding in Argentina,” Corsi argued.

He presents documentary evidence Allen Dulles’ wartime mission in Switzerland included helping Martin Bormann, Hitler’s secretary, to funnel billions of dollars of Nazi ill-gotten financial gain out of Germany and invest in the U.S. and Argentinian stock markets to provide a financial cushion to survive in hiding after the war.

In the National Archives at College Park, Corsi discovered a clipping from the U.S. military newspaper “The Stars and Stripes” published Oct. 8, 1945, reporting a shocking statement made by General Dwight D. Eisenhower, then the supreme commander of the Allied Forces.

The short piece read: “There is ‘reason to believe’ that Hitler may still be alive, according to a remark made by Gen. Eisenhower to Dutch newspapermen. The general’s statement reversed his previous opinion that Hitler was dead.”

Corsi asks why Eisenhower’s shocking claim has gone largely unreported in U.S. newspapers and history books even until today.

Was Hitler on the U-530?

Tracing Hitler’s escape route, Corsi found in the National Archives documentary evidence Hitler got to Argentina in a German submarine, the U-530 that mysteriously surfaced outside the harbor at Mar del Plata under the command of Otto Wermuth and his executive officer, Karl Felix Schuller, after having spent weeks making surreptitious drops of passengers along Argentina’s Atlantic shore.

Hidden away in the National Archives, Corsi found a U.S. naval intelligence report written July 18, 1945, by the Naval Attaché in Buenos Aires who notified Washington there was reason to believe U-530 had landed Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun in the south of Argentina before the submarine journeyed on to surrender at Mar del Plata.

Corsi had newspaper reports translated of Hitler and Braun being welcomed by wealthy Nazi sympathizers among Argentina’s large German community. The Germans there had constructed a mansion hidden away in the dense mountain forests of Bariloche to provide the Nazi führer with comfort and security in his elder years.

Argentine newspaper report

Corsi writes: In 1943, architect Alejandro Bustillo, at the request of German supporters of Hitler then living in Argentina, designed and constructed an elaborate resort residence for Hitler and Eva Braun, Residencia Inalco, located in a remote area between San Carlos de Bariloce Villa La Angostura, bordering the Nahuel Haupi Lake, outside the city of Bariloche, in the province of Río Negro, Argentina.”

In southern Argentina in the region of the Andes adjoining Chile, he writes, “the surroundings and the Hitler residence were selected and designed to have a distinct feel of Hitler’s Obersalzberg retreat above the town of Berchtesgaden in the Bavarian Alps. Hitler moved into the residence in June 1947.”

[H/T WND: Jerome Corsi]


Barack Obama Leaves Hawaii, Michelle Obama Stays on as ‘Birthday Present’ Costing an Additional $100k

(Breitbart) — President Barack Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha left their vacation in Hawaii on Saturday, but left First Lady Michelle Obama behind on the islands, according to news agency reports. The president reportedly let his wife stay on in Hawaii with friends as a “birthday present.” Michelle Obama will turn 50 years old on Jan. 17.

It is a birthday present whose costs, in separate travel and security expenses, are likely to be borne, in part, by taxpayers. On a previous occasion, when Mrs. Obama left for a Hawaii vacation in advance of her husband, the additional cost to the Treasury was estimated to be at least $63,000, and potentially upwards of $100,000.

Mrs. Obama’s vacations have often been a source of controversy, beginning with a lavish holiday with friends in Spain’s Costa del Sol in 2010, and continuing with high-end sojourns in the Bahamas, Martha’s Vineyard and the Maine coast–the latter after urging Americans to vacation in the oil spill-stricken Gulf of Mexico.

[H/T Breitbart]

Rock Star Says He Sees ‘No Difference’ Between Eating Meat and Pedophila, ‘They are Both Rape, Violence, Murder’

(The Blaze) — 1980′s English rock star Steven Morrissey said in an online interview this week that he doesn’t see a difference between eating meat and pedophilia.

English singer Morrissey performs during the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo, Norway on December 11, 2013. Artists from all over the world gathered at the Oslo Spektrum to help spread the message of peace and celebrate this year’s Nobel Peace Prize laureates, Ahmet Uzumcu, Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibiton of Chemical Weapons. (Daniel Sannum Lauten/AFP/Getty Images)

“I see no difference between eating animals and paedophilia (sic),” he said, responding to a question about what’s motivated him to be a vegetarian. “They are both rape, violence, murder.”

“If I’m introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away,” the former frontman for The Smiths continued. Imagine, for example, if you were in a nightclub and someone said to you ‘Hello, I enjoy bloodshed, throat-slitting and the destruction of life,’ well, I doubt if you’d want to exchange phone numbers.”

“If I’m introduced to anyone who eats beings, I walk away.”


Morrissey added in the interview he would like “the Queen of England to be asked why she wears an electrocuted bear-cup on her head” and wondered why if a British celebrity is “so certain that flesh-food is tasty then why doesn’t he stick one of his children in a microwave.”

In February, Morrissey canceled an appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” after learning the cast of “Duck Dynasty” would be on the same night. At the time, he said he didn’t want to be featured on a program that included “animal serial killers.”

[H/T: Mediaite]

Obama Administration: Will Give $313 Million U.S. Tax Dollars to Muslims for Home Mortgages

(American Overlook) — According to the GAO, Obama’s administration will be handing over more than $300 million tax dollars to Muslims to help pay their mortgages. $110 million of this money will be used as loans for businesses located in the West Bank.

Happy Muslim Homeowners

The name of the group in charge of this is called the Overseas Private Investment Corporation. According to their website, ““OPIC provides financial products, such as loans and guaranties; political risk insurance; and support for investment funds, all of which help American businesses expand into emerging markets.”

The OPIC is partnering with a group created by the Palestinian Authority president. The GAO notes , ” PIF is governed by a board of directors and a general assembly appointed by the Palestinian Authority President, and manages investments throughout a number of sectors…”

They claim this will help emerging U.S business in the middle east. Though, some argue this money will be going to terrorist linked groups and businesses.

The OPIC claims all groups who will manage the money have been vetted to make sure the money isn’t going to the wrong people.

What do you think? Why isn’t this money staying in the U.S. where it is needed?

[H/T American Overlook]

Horrific Honor Killing In Michigan: Iranian Sanaz Nezami Savagely Beaten By Islamic Husband – When Will Hopelessly Brainwashed Progressive Media Wake Up?

(Freedom Post) — Sanaz Nezami was a beautiful, intelligent young woman with a bright future ahead of her. She was 27-years-old and newly married to Nima Nassiri, an Islamic man from Los Angeles. This tragic story broke on January 1st. The AP whitewashed the story. USA Today’s story read “Woman’s Tragic Death Leads Nurses To Bond With Her Family Overseas.” The title is correct, but the truth about what happened to the brilliant young woman, who could speak three languages, is much darker.

She died at the hands of her Islamic husband, in what was most obviously an honor killing. Why does the media ignore the atrocities of Islam? How many more women like Sanaz Nezami will have to die at the hands of their husbands, or other relatives, before society recognizes the truth? Sadly, too many have died. American society is hopelessly brainwashed by the progressive media and the Obama Administration into believing Islam is a religion of peace; a religion misunderstood and hijacked by radicals. By the time people wake up, it will be too late.

Sanaz Nazami
Sanaz Nezami
Sanaz Nezami had big plans. She wanted to pursue an advanced degree in engineering at Michigan Technological University, but she never got that chance. Instead of getting the chance to pursue this dream, she was viciously and repeatedly beaten by her Islamic thug of a husband. They had only been in Michigan for a few weeks before she died. The circumstances of her quick marriage and horrific death should shine light on the brutality that Islamic woman face who are victims of an honor killing.

In August, Nezami married Nima Nassiri in Turkey and lived with him temporarily in the Los Angeles area, where he was born and raised. Her sister said the two met over the Internet.

Nezami, a native of Tehran, had a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a master’s in French translation. She wanted a doctorate degree in environmental engineering.

The newlyweds drove from California and found a rental home in November in Michigan. Nezami stayed in touch with family through e-mail, text message and video.

Leaving her family in Iran, she took off with Nima Nassiri. Keeping in touch with her family via the internet, no one knew what she was going through at the hands of her husband; how many times she had been beaten. However, when she omitted some lines from a translation, her family members knew something was terribly wrong. Someone this intelligent, who had always been exceptionally precise, would not miss something like this.

On Dec. 7, she asked her sister to proofread some English-to-Persian translation she was doing on the side.

“I was shocked,” Sara Nezami said. “Sanaz was a very precise girl, but she omitted some lines. I asked, ‘Are you OK?’ She told me there was no problem.”

The next day Sanaz Nezami was rushed to a hospital with severe head injuries and was transferred to Marquette General Hospital. Police believe she was assaulted by her husband, who has been charged with second-degree murder.

Nima Nassiri

She had been suffering from repeated brutal beatings at the hands of Nassiri, but she suffered in silence, then she slipped away. Her body was so battered internally, there was no way to save her.

Her brain was so swollen and so damaged, there was no longer any blood flow,” explained Gail Brandly, who supervises nurses at the hospital.

No one knew anything about Nezami, so Brandly ran her name through Google. Suddenly, the stranger who couldn’t speak for herself came alive through a resume posted online.

After about 24 hours, the hospital reached relatives in Iran. Immediate travel to the U.S. was impractical due to visa requirements, so a laptop was set up so the family could see Nezami on life support and talk to nurses and doctors over Yahoo Messenger.

It is truly amazing that the hospital was able to reach Nezami’s family through a Google search. The horror of watching her die online would have to be the most heartbreaking sight to witness. This was the only way to reach her family. Otherwise, she would have died and no one would have known.

At one point, nurse Kim Grutt was asked to stroke Nezami’s head and kiss her forehead.

“They wanted us to do things for Sanaz that they would have done,” Grutt said. “They said, ‘Let her know we love her. We’re here.’ I felt completely comfortable.”

Nezami died on Dec. 9, but her critical organs — heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas and small intestine — could be used by others. With the family’s consent, they were removed and transplanted to seven people.

Sanaz Nezami loved America, and she was buried on December 18th in a local cemetery. Twenty people came to her funeral, mostly doctors and nurses who had cared for her in her final days. Her death touched the hospital staff profoundly, but the real issue is left unaddressed: The honor killing she suffered at the hands of her Islamic husband.

Murder is also inflicted upon Muslim women by their husbands, fathers, and brothers. The practice is called “honor killings.” A Muslim woman or young girl will often be killed by a male family member, after she is believed to have committed an act which defies Islam.

What motivated Sanaz Nezami’s husband to beat her senseless? We might not ever know the truth about why he mercilessly beat her to death, but there doesn’t have to be a reason. Possibly it was her ambition that upset him. He doesn’t have to have a reason. His reason is Islam.

Qur’an (4:34) –“Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.”

Sanaz Nezami died a horrific, tragic death at the hands of her husband. He beat her to death because he could; because his “religion” sanctions it. Islam is sadism and demented. Nezami’s beating will be written off as domestic violence in a culture that refuses to acknowledge the truth about the cult of death and Hell.

[H/T Freedom Post: Janna Brock]

12 Ways Barack Hussein Obama Has Assaulted Our Military

(Western Journalism) — They are extraordinary Americans. It is said that they sign a blank check to their country and their countrymen pledging that they will give their all, up to and including their lives, to defend the American way of life and their fellow Americans. They are the men and women who are currently serving or have previously served in the armed forces of the United States. They take an oath to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic,” and they always live by that oath.

Obama and Military

This blank check is readily accepted by our government and by other Americans who send these selfless individuals off to fight and die for our nation and its freedoms. Many of them have made the ultimate sacrifice and died in battle, while many others have returned home with shattered bodies and emotional scars. Unfortunately, they have often returned home to betrayal by some of their fellow Americans and particularly by their own government.

The Americans who fought in World War II returned home as heroes and rightfully so; yet just a few years later, when members of the military fought in Korea and over 50,000 died, the survivors were virtually ignored when they came home to the point that Korea is often referred to as the forgotten war.

As for the Americans who served in Vietnam, they often were insulted, spat on, and physically attacked by people in their own country who supposedly believed in peace. To make it worse, many in the mainstream media actively supported the enemy and lied about what was really happening in Vietnam. To this day, children are taught in school that the U.S. military lost the war in Vietnam.

That is a blatant lie; American soldiers never lost a battle during that war. The victory was given to the enemy by a vote of the U.S. Congress that cut off military support to the South Vietnamese army and allowed the communists to launch a new and successful invasion.

Fortunately, the American people as a whole are much more grateful to the men and women who are fighting the war on terrorism; but the same cannot be said about the mainstream news media and the government. The media ignores the sacrifices and victories of our soldiers and often seems to support our enemies with insane reporting in the name of political correctness.

As for our government, we have a President of the United States, an administration, and a Congress that seems intent on breaking the morale of our soldiers and destroying their capability of protecting our nation. Their actions support the fact that there is an all-out assault on both our active duty military and our veterans. The elements of this assault consist of:

  1.  The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a bulletin to all police agencies in 2009 naming all military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan as potential domestic terrorists.
  2.  Senator Dianne Feinstein declares that all veterans have PTSD and are therefore mentally ill and should not be allowed to own firearms.
  3.  The Veterans Administration in 2009 begins declaring veterans with physical disabilities, minor PTSD, past depression, or who even allow their spouses to pay the family bills as mental defectives incompetent to handle their own financial affairs and forbidding them from owning, purchasing, or possessing firearms. This process is accelerating.
  4.  Obama unilaterally cuts billions of dollars from our military budget without approval of Congress.
  5.  Congress passes legislation authorizing sequestration leading to massive cuts in the military readiness of the United States, and putting us in a position of being incapable of defending our national interests around the world.
  6.  Our military capabilities are being cut in half, and we have lost respect around the world. The ridiculous politically correct rules of engagement imposed on our fighting men and women in combat have cost countless American lives.
  7.   High ranking officers in the military who disagree with these policies of the Administration are being purged, and enlisted personnel who utilize their right to free speech to express their concerns are being court martialed and dishonorably discharged.
  8.  The Obama administration has also launched an attack on the very foundation of the success of our military, the profound religious beliefs of most of our troops.  Members of the military are being prohibited from practicing their religion even to the point of being denied the right to have bibles in their workplace, mentioning Christmas, or expressing their opposition to radical Islam. Chaplains are having their sermons and even prayers censored to make sure they are politically correct.
  9.  The Veterans Administration that is supposed to represent the interests of our military heroes has slowed down the process of filing claims for benefits to the point where veterans are waiting for months and even years to have their claims processed. In addition, when veterans go to the VA, they are being asked if they own firearms, if they have ever been depressed, and if their spouses handle the family finances. Then this information is being used to declare them incompetent and deny them their Constitutional rights under the 5th and 2nd Amendments.
  10.  During both the 2010 and 2012 election cycles, the Obama administration through the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, actively encouraged Secretaries of State around the country to violate Federal law by failing to timely mail out absentee ballots to active duty military personnel. As a result, hundreds of thousands of military votes were never counted, denying our heroes a basic American right.
  11.  While civilian employees of the Obama administration get pay raises, members of the military and veterans are seeing their pay and benefits cut with the Secretary of Defense promising more cuts to come.
  12.  Military families are also being affected in other ways. Chuck Hagel wants to close commissaries at U. S. bases, forcing military families to purchase their groceries from civilian stores where they will pay up to 30% more. In addition, thousands of military spouses work at these commissaries to supplement the family income. They will be losing their jobs.

I could go on with this list because it just scratches the surface. Our military members and our veterans are being hammered by the government they have fought for. They are being denied the medical care they were promised, the respect they are due, and ultimately the constitutional rights they have been defending. Enough is enough; if we allow our military and veterans to be treated this way, how can we expect the government not to turn on all of us?

[H/T Western Journalism: Michael Connelly]