Warning: Gun Confiscation Coming Soon

(WND) — A commentator from America’s neighbor to the north is renewing his warning to citizens of the United States that gun confiscation is coming soon, citing Connecticut laws enacted Jan. 1.

Brian Lilley, host of “Byline” on the Sun News Network, said he warned last year that gun confiscation was coming to America. He pointed to statistics showing gun ownership on the rise and gun violence on the decline to argue the issue really isn’t weapons.

He said once government gets a list of gunowners bureaucrats don’t like, it is just a matter of changing the definitions or rules to make the weapons illegal and order citizens to turn them in.

That’s exactly what happened in his home country of Canada, Lilley said.

“Gun sales up, gun crime down, gun deaths are down, but new laws are headed your way. It’s not about the guns, it’s about the control, the ability to control you, your life, what you can own, what you can buy, and what they can take away from you,” he said.

“Last year I issued a warning to American that gun confiscation was coming, that gun control laws would be tougher despite the evidence. Today that warning rings louder. It’s up to law-abiding gun owners to share this warning, and to arm themselves with facts to in order to beat back the next assault on gun owners driven by emotion and fear.”

Lilley pointed out that on Jan. 1 new gun laws went into effect that left Connecticut residents standing in long lines to register their semi-automatic rifles and high-capacity magazines.

The FreedomOutpost blog reports on the Connecticut issue:

Get “Shooting Back,” the DVD about the man who fought off terrorists in his own church, and now explains why good people NEED guns.

“It is happening in America,” he said. “Gun registration has been implemented in Connecticut. What’s even worse is that many residents consider this new law by the state an ‘unconstitutional’ requirement, but are complying anyway.”

Connecticut resident Scott Boccio told the blogger as he stood in line to register his firearms, “I understand why they’re doing it, but I don’t think it’s constitutional.”

Wrote the blogger: “No one has to ‘think’ your state law is unconstitutional. One reading of the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment will tell you it is. The law of the land, the U.S. Constitution, was written to uphold individual rights, not subject individuals to mob rule. An unjust law is not law and should not be obeyed.”

In addition, the Truth About Guns blog reported New York officials were sending out notices in November to owners of guns that had been registered with the state.

The letters said the owner must “immediately surrender your rifle and/or shotgun to your local police precinct” because records showed the weapon has “an ammunition feeding device capable of holding more than five (5) rounds of ammunition.”

Blogger Robert Farago commented: “There it is: the reason why expanded background checks, indeed all background checks and any type of registration, set the stage for confiscation.”

And at Reason.com, Steven Greenhut reported on another new registration law that began this month.

“The main element of registration is that the government can track legal gun owners. In this case the department will have a list of every owner and the specific guns each person buys,” he wrote. “The California Department of Justice relies on the current ownership lists to identify gun owners and cross check those with lists of people how have been convicted of crimes or have been involuntarily committed for mental issues.”

WND has reported extensively on a new effort by the Obama administration to use mental-health diagnoses to deprive people of their Second Amendment rights.

It’s already being applied to military veterans. Government evaluators simply are determining that veterans should not be allowed to have weapons and reporting their names to the FBI’s banned list. Just last week, Obama issued several executive orders that would make it easier for medical diagnoses and other evaluations of citizens to be reported to the FBI.

On the website for the National Rifle Association is a warning.

“At the core of the gun-banners’ program is national gun registration,” the NRA explains. “Gun registration is very good for one thing – confiscation. And even more immediately, gun registration is ideal to bolster the quickly growing public persecution of gun owners.”

The warning continued: “Pete Shields, past president of the Brady Campaign, explained in 1977, ‘The first problem is to slow down the number of handguns being produced and sold in this country. The second problem is to get handguns registered. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition – except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs and licensed gun collectors – totally illegal.’”

The real horrors of gun confiscation, however, already have been documented in the United States. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, thousands of weapons – legally obtained and owned – were grabbed from citizens. The confiscations came after New Orleans Police Superintendent P. Edwin Compass III announced: “Only law enforcement are allowed to have weapons.”

To make sure the message was loud and clear, the city’s deputy police chief, Warren Riley, told ABC News: “No one will be able to be armed. We are going to take all the weapons.”

Then they did exactly that.

One man at a post-Katrina meeting held in conjunction with the National Rifle Association said: “The bottom line is this. Once they did it, they set a precedent. And what we’ve got to be sure [of] is that the precedent stops here.”

In a series of videos, the NRA has documented the stunning weapons grab by police in New Orleans. Videos show policy taking weapons from individuals, including one woman who was stunned when officers threw her against her kitchen wall because she had a small handgun for self-defense.

The not-to-be-forgotten images, Part 1:

Part 2:

The police actions – many of the victims describe the gun confiscation as out-and-out theft – left New Orleans’ residents, who had been prepared to stand their ground and defend themselves from thugs and looters running amok, defenseless.

Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center, told WND earlier such plans “start smacking of a non-The United States of America” and more of “some Third World country.”

Herb Titus, a nationally known constitutional attorney and law professor, told WND at the time the government’s claim always is that such draconian powers will only be used “in an emergency situation.”

But there are so many “emergencies,” he said, that “all of our rights are in jeopardy.”

“It’s typical of the government to do this, typical of this age. You see the government believes it can make the decision for you better than you can make it for yourself. There’s a lot of this from the Obama administration,” he said.

The result? Government “as our master, rather than servant,” he said.

The danger is great, he added, noting that all the major scourges of the 20th century – Hitler, Mao and Stalin – started with confiscating the weapons of citizens.

Mathew Staver, chairman of the public interest law firm Liberty Counsel, has told WND Americans “should be shocked and rightly concerned” at attempts to ban and confiscate guns.

“This is a significant threat to our freedoms,” he said. “When the government takes away the ability to defend yourself, it crosses the line.”

Recorded testimonies from the NRA videos are stunning, including these statements from law-abiding residents of New Orleans who were subject to the city’s “emergency” gun confiscation:

  • “They didn’t care what your rights were.”
  • “They were drawing down on ME?”
  • “I thought they were going to kill me.”
  • “They really did a number on me,” said Patty Konie, who was thrown against her kitchen wall by police officers taking her handgun.
  • “You’re treated like a criminal and you did nothing wrong,” said Richard Styron.
  • “The took something they didn’t have a right to take.”

NRA officials said on the organization’s video that even after the danger was over, gun owners were not allowed to get their weapons back. Some arms had been destroyed by police officers; others were taken without an identifying receipt, so the owners had no way to prove their ownership.

Several even had original purchase receipts but were not allowed to retrieve their guns.

As a result, many of the victims of gun confiscation reported what they called almost “religious conversions” – from being apathetic about the Second Amendment to being strong supporters. One man reported 30 participants in his latest gun-training class.


(VIDEO) Obama: Following His Leader Saul Alinsky, Chasing 8 Levels To A Socialist State, It’s All in a Day’s Work

Ah, all in a day’s work… Obama was trained by Saul Alinsky, author of the book “Rules for Radicals.”

Barack Obama followed his leader throughout his days as a Community Organizer for ACORN,  shaking down businesses in exchange for not branding them hate groups.

And apparently Obama is still following that training to a T.

Ah, all in a day’s work… Obama was influenced by the writings and philosophies Saul Alinsky, author of the book, “Rules for Radicals,” and later by Frank Marshall Davis, with similar philosophies.

Barak Obama followed the philosophies of these ‘role models’ throughout his days as a Community Organizer for ACORN, using tactics that appeared to some as ‘shaking down’ businesses in exchange for not branding them ‘hate groups.’

And apparently Obama is still following those radical rules today.

While we haven’t read the book, we were told that according to Rules for Radicals there are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a Social State. The first is the most important.

1) Healthcare —
Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty —
Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt —
Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control —
Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare —
Take control of every aspect of their lives: Food, Housing, and Income.

6) Education —
Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion —
Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.

8) Class Warfare —
Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take from the wealthy, as in taxing, with the support of the poor.

Does any of this sound like what is happening in the United States ?

…This is the end of this video but it doesn’t have to be the end of our nation if enough people wake up and wake up other. Will you please help save our nation by forwarding a link to this video to your congressman and to people you know? …Thank you.

[H/T Western Journalism]

Mark Levin: Boehner, Cantor, Ryan Expanding Welfare State by Pushing Amnesty

(Bretibart) — Radio’s Mark Levin on Friday evening excoriated House GOP leadership, particularly House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan, for their immigration policies that will end up aiding an increased welfare state.

We’ve talked about Obama and his economic record, which is worse than Jimmy Carter’s. Now, what are we going to do about it in this country? They have a new idea. In addition to increasing unemployment compensation, or I should say extending, in addition to more food stamps and more disability insurance—in other words, expand the welfare side of the state rather than the productive side of the state—the Republicans have a ‘great idea’: amnesty. If we make illegal workers legal, and of course we don’t really secure the border wink wink, we just say we will at some point in the future—that’s been going on for about 30 years now—and word gets back home in that country or that country over there and the other country over there and of course it encourages more illegal aliens to come into our country. What happens then, to the workforce, ladies and gentlemen? Well here’s the deal: They like to talk about increasing the minimum wage on the left and unemployment insurance and ‘protecting the workers’ and benefits and healthcare and all the rest. Yet not only do their statist, Marxist policies undermine all of that, because they destroy the heartland, or I should say the core, of our industrial nation, but when you import people into this country with incentives, without enforcing the law, migration and what have you, many of whom are illiterate as I say over and over again in their own language, or low-skilled or unskilled, you drive down wages. The same people who are pushing this are pushing an increase in minimum wage and the rest of the welfare state. But the Republicans are in on it too.

Levin said he thinks it’s a “mistake to say the Republicans really think they can get these illegal aliens” to vote for them if they’re granted amnesty and eventually citizenship. “The vast majority of them will not,” Levin claimed. “If they can’t read the Constitution of their home country, how are they going to read ours? It’s much easier to say you have a right to this, you have a right to that. Well the question is this: What are the Republicans going to do about it? The Republicans are going to support amnesty.”

“Now what I was saying was, no, the Republicans are not going to get a majority of this vote. There’s no evidence to support that whatsoever,” he continued. “Even when the Bushies and the other RINOs point to Bush’s one year ‘oh he got 44 percent,’ it’s not true. He got 40 percent by most estimations. The fact of the matter is you can get 40 percent all the time but last time I checked that’s not a majority.”

Levin claimed he has sources who inform him that Boehner, his “McCain staffer” aide Rebecca Tallent, Cantor, House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, and Ryan are “finalizing these so-called ‘principles’” on immigration soon. Levin said those GOP leaders plan to attempt to force the House GOP conference to support their plan, similarly to how Ryan got House Republicans to support his budget deal with Senate Budget Committee chairwoman Patty Murray. 

“They’re finalizing these principles of their immigration plan without input from the rank and file and the rank and file will forced to go along, just like they did with the budget just a few weeks ago,” Levin said. “Remember? ‘This is our budget, man, and we’re going with it, and anybody who criticizes it, you haven’t read it.’ Turns out, none of them read it, and they’re cutting benefits and pensions from combat veterans.”

Levin said the reason why Republicans and the Chamber of Commerce—which he called the “Chamber of Crony Capitalism”—support amnesty is not because they think it will help the GOP but because they want more money. “If you increase or legalize people who are here illegally, there’s really no reason for business to increase wages or benefits on their own—which is exactly why the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism is pushing it,” Levin said. 

You and I and everybody else, we have to pay for these school systems and hospital systems and the infrastructure that’s affected by all of this, local law enforcement, state law enforcement. There is a price. But the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalism doesn’t give a damn. They’re not going to pay it. And if the supply of foreign workers were to be addressed, illegal foreign workers, what would business do? Well, they’d have to offer higher wages and more benefits and better working conditions and so forth. That’s how the free market system works. That’s how free enterprise works. But they don’t have to do any of those things if we import labor or we legalize labor that was imported illegally. The Republicans don’t expect to get a majority of this vote. That’s just tripe. That’s just propaganda. That’s just play-along. I talked about this the other day: What they really are about is the money. The Democrats know they’re going to get a majority of this vote. What the Republicans want are the massive contributions and the cozy jobs after they serve in Capitol Hill from the U.S. Chamber of Crony Capitalists and their affiliated members. That’s what they want. That’s what they’re about. I’m not kidding. And you can see it now.

Boehner’s motive, Levin accused, is because he wants a lobbying job when he leaves Congress sometime in the next few years. “I will bet somebody $1,000 today that when Boehner leaves his Speakership, he’s going to become a lobbyist,” Levin said. “If I’m wrong, I’m wrong. But I bet he is because I see him setting it all up right now just like Trent Lott.”

Levin said that U.S. Chamber of Commerce president Tom Donohue has vowed to take out any candidate for public office “who stands for the American citizen, who stands for the American taxpayer, any candidate who stands for legal immigration as opposed to this.”

Levin cited Milton Friedman to argue that a welfare state cannot have open borders. 

“Let me cite to you Milton Friedman, may I do that?” he asked his listeners. “He said it’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration in a welfare state. You can’t have free immigration in a welfare state. And our welfare state is massive, and getting bigger.

He also quoted former Sen. Eugene McCarthy (D-MN), who ran for president in 1968 as a Democrat but later endorsed Ronald Reagan for president in 1980, as saying the United States “cannot regain its competitive standing in the world by importing low-wage workers from other countries.”

“On the other hand, it endangers conditions this country cannot and should not tolerate,” Levin said, while quoting McCarthy. “Furthermore, in the modern age, a nation’s wealth and prosperity are procured by high worker productivity and investment and not by the availability of low-wage labor.”

Levin agreed with McCarthy’s one-time assessment of how amnesty and importing large swaths of unskilled or low-skilled immigrants would hurt the United States, and specifically, American workers.

“We’re dumbing down our labor force,” Levin said. “All this talk about inequality? When you import poor people, illiterate people, not all, but too many, unskilled or low-skilled people from other countries, from the third world or from Europe or what have you, from the Middle East or Africa, when you do that, obviously that has an impact on the ‘disparity between the rich and the poor.’”

[H/T Bretibart]

Glenn Beck Predicts Massive Changes for Talk Radio: We Have ‘Had It’ With the GOP

(The Blaze) — Glenn Beck on Friday predicted massive changes in talk radio over the coming years, saying that as far as he knows, the titans of the industry have all “had it” with the excuses of the GOP.

The fiery segment was a response to a caller on Beck’s radio program Thursday, who said Beck needs to stop “poisoning the well” for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie because conservatives may have to vote for him in 2016.

“Anyone else who feels this way, I want you to listen carefully,” Beck told his audience. “This isn’t the show for you. Let me tell you what we do on this show. We tell the truth as we know it. It’s not our job to make sure the Republicans get elected at just any cost. We will tell you what we truly believe.”

Glenn Beck on Friday predicted massive changes in talk radio over the coming years, saying that as far as he knows, the titans of the industry have all “had it” with the excuses of the GOP.

The fiery segment was a response to a caller on Beck’s radio program Thursday, who said Beck needs to stop “poisoning the well” for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie because conservatives may have to vote for him in 2016.

“Anyone else who feels this way, I want you to listen carefully,” Beck told his audience. “This isn’t the show for you. Let me tell you what we do on this show. We tell the truth as we know it. It’s not our job to make sure the Republicans get elected at just any cost. We will tell you what we truly believe.”


[H/T The Blaze]

The Obama Death List: A Staggering Account of Suspicious Deaths and ‘Working Theories’ ~ Nachumlist

The number of deaths connected to the Obama White House is nothing short of mind-boggling.


(Nachumlist) Deaths connected to the Obama White House

Mama Lois” Anderson: 79, and her 52 year old daughter Zelda White: Two US women aid workers were shot dead in Nairobi in Kenya (2008) were the retired Presbyterian Church missionaries of Pennsylvania (USA), known to thousands of Africans.  The suspected killers of the US women, who were travelling in a car with diplomatic license plates, allegedly shot dead by police later.  They were well known for their work.  There is speculation that they possibly had knowledge of the birth and care for Barack Obama in Kenya and were later murdered to cover the trail. When murdered, the Husband had his full wallet which the thieves/car jacker didn’t take, and there was never a connection made to the said attackers the police later shot dead, but blamed for the double homicide/car jacking.  Their church was burned in 2008, possibly to destroy any possible birth records there. Then police chief Mohammed Hussein Ali was later removed from office by Obama supported Kenyan strongman Odinga.  All possible witnesses ended up dead, all possible records of the care of infant Obama burned in the church fire, and the public official responsible out of office.

Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell: Died in  the Camp Bastion attack 3 days after the Benghazi attack

Mohammed Bakhti : A prominent figure in Tunisia’s Salafist movement has died nearly two months after launching a hunger strike following his arrest for an attack on the US embassy, his lawyer and the justice ministry have said.

Jeff Joe Black:  Found dead on a hiking trail from “blunt force trauma to the head“:  Chicago activist who claimed that Emmanuel was put into place in Chicago to oversee a coming false flag event.

Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time – Report: Mother Of Obama’s Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up — With Video

Andrew Breitbart  –  Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama’s extremist activities in college.  More speculation: Breitbart: “Wait ‘Til They See What Happens March 1st”,  Breitbart’s Footage Shows Obama ‘Palling Around’ With Terrorists….. Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died ……An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart’s Death Scene… Breitbart’s skin color described as bright red. … Was Andrew Breitbart assassinated?…More murder speculation: Was Andrew Breitbart Murdered?……….Coroner: Breitbart Died of Heart Failure…* Christopher Lasseter, Dissapears…..witness to Breitbart’s death vanishes -Follows suspicious demise of member of coroner’s team (possibly in hiding to avoid reporters), …. Breitbart witness: He dropped like sack of bricks Describes ‘thick white band’ around forehead at death ;  Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy (story also linked here ) ;  Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed ; Brandon Walker interviews Doctor Jim Garrow, philanthropist and worker for one of the largest non-profit organizations on the planet to save female children from slaughter in China.. states he knows that President Obama ordered the murders of Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart (Audio)

Steve Bridges Dies At 48  – Impersonator Who Offended 0bama …Steve Bridges as President Obama – August 2011 ….It appeared that he died of natural causes...: On the Steve Bridges website, they are now calling his death ‘an accident”...that the probable cause of death was due to “upper airway anaphylaxis”, caused by a severe allergic reaction..   — CSI Show: Murder by anaphalaxis?… A real life example of possible murder by anaphalaxis

Tom Clancy Dies at 66;  actual list of cause of death on his autopsy, cause of death unknown.; Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Killed Breitbart and Clancy– Dr. Garrow states President Obama had Tom Clancy killed as well and noted that it takes 5 days for plant toxins and most poisons to break down and leave no traces in the human body. Amazingly enough, or coincidentally, the doctors did not perform an autopsy on Tom Clancy’s body for 5 days. (story also linked here )

Robin Copeland, 46, 11/4/2011: former Energy Department official who took part in several significant disarmament programs, died suddenly

Michael Cormier  –  respected forensic technician for the Los Angeles County Coroner died under suspicious circumstances at his North Hollywood home April 20, the same day Andrew Breitbart’s cause of death was finally made public.  Medical examiners in Los Angeles are investigating the possible poisoning death……Conspiracy theorists cry foul after Andrew Breitbart’s ‘coroner’ dies of arsenic poisoning– ….Police Debunk Theories Linking Breitbart, L.A. Coroner Tech Deaths ; No Answers in Death of Technician Linked to Andrew Breitbart: Killed by high amounts of arsinic in his system ; Breitbart’s Coroner Murdered. News From LA

Madelyn Payne Dunham:  Obama’s grandmother, died 2 days before the general election.  Flew up to see her for one hour – alone. No records.  Cremated immediately, ashes dispersed.

BEVERLY ECKERT, Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting the president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks

Extortion 17:  On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter, call sign Extortion 17, was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American special operations personnel, five United States Army National Guard and Army Reserve crewmen, seven Afghan commandos, and one Afghan interpreter—as well as a U.S. military working dog. It is considered the worst loss of U.S Military life in the Afghanistan campaign, surpassing Operation Red Wings in 2005.  There were 15 Navy SEAL’s killed. ; Afghanistan’s Benghazi: The Shoot-Down of Extortion 17 ; TrentoVision 5.9.13 – Navy SEAL Extortion 17 EXPOSED – Obama Failures ; Obama increased special op’s missions from an average of 56 a month to 334 per month (statement  begins at 26 minute mark of video) ; Afghan Benghazi: Extortion 17, Betraying Seal Team 6 ; ; Navy SEAL’s father: Obama sent my son to his death Tells Michael Savage ‘they knew something was up’ ; Extortion 17! Mother of slain SEAL on Biden: “He should be in prison for high crimes and treason.” ; Families suspect SEAL Team 6 crash was inside job on worst day in Afghanistan  ; Navy warrior’s quick cremation deepens mystery of Chinook disaster in Afghanistan ; The Shocking True Story of Extortion 17 as Told by a Navy SEAL’s Father ; Extortion 17, The Deadliest Day in the War on Terror  ; SEAL’s Parents: Obama’s Rules Of Engagement Killing Our Troops

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Judge rules Chicago gun ban is unconstitutional

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U.S. Service Sector Unexpectedly Expands At Slower Rate In December

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U.S. Trade Deficit Narrows To Smallest In Four Years In November