Tag Archives: scandals

Barack Obama’s Life Story Continues To Unravel

(Western Journalism) — In an administration defined by scandal, none have dogged Barack Obama longer or more persistently than the secrecy surrounding his past. While the left tries to discount those who question his life story with insulting pejorative, there has been little legitimate response to the genuine concerns of so-called “birthers.”

In a recent American Thinker report, one specific aspect of Obama’s childhood is explored in detail, resulting in the conclusion that at least one of the president’s biographical timelines is inaccurate.

Citing media reports released over the past 14 years, Jason Kissner highlights a discrepancy that seems to put a young Obama in two very different places at one time. While an Illinois Daily Herald article from 1990 indicates he lived in Asia from the age of 2 until he reached fifth grade, a Los Angeles Times report from the same year suggests he spent just six years in Indonesia before returning to Hawaii in preparation for college.

While those two accounts might suggest Obama reached fifth grade by the age of eight, at which time he promptly began studying for college, a subsequent entry in Hawaii Business adds another wrinkle to his purported past. That report suggests Obama was in Hawaii for at least his kindergarten year in elementary school, which represents a major departure from the timeline advanced in the previous articles.

Furthermore, his education records – along with his mother’s passport – are no longer available for review.

These discrepancies are unfortunately only peripheral considerations in the larger tapestry of Obama’s questionable past. In the same article, Kissner explores Obama’s frequent name changes, focusing specifically on the surname Soebarkah. He suggests the name might have been related to a Muslim cult that encouraged its followers to change their names.

Loretta Fuddy, the Hawaiian health official who authenticated Obama’s birth certificate before dying in a plane crash from which all other passengers survived, was a former leader of the Subud cult, he added.

There is no shortage of controversy surrounding Obama’s birth, childhood, and even much of his adult life. The information introduced by Kissner is just one chapter in a long book of questionable autobiographical claims.

Unfortunately, it seems any documents that could unequivocally prove or disprove Obama’s assertions have been forever lost – or destroyed. To a growing number of Americans, that fact makes Obama’s professions appear all the more suspicious.

Barak Obama Smoking

[H/T Western Journalism]

Video: Sources Confirm Obama Purging Military Commanders

Author Sara Carter joins Andrew Wilkow to discuss Obama’s alarming purge of top military commanders.

U.S. General: Obama’s Military Purge ‘Criminal And Treasonous’ 

Obama Terminates Another 34 Nuclear Missile Air Force Officers

Lt. General McInerney: Muslim Brotherhood Inside White House

[H/T YouTube]

The Simple Case For Obama’s Impeachment

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.

(Western Journalism) — A very simple case can be made for the impeachment and trial of Barack Obama. He has committed a crime worthy of impeachment, one so simple and yet so obvious that no Democrat would dare defend his crime during a Senate Trial.  No liberal talking head or Hollywood celebrity could excuse it either.

It is a crime that he has been committing for so long that there is no one in our country who could excuse what he has done. But first, we need to ask ourselves what did the founders determine is a high crime. Because that will be the only argument the Democrats might use to save him from being convicted and removed from office.

Believe it or not, Andrew Johnson was impeached but not convicted of violating the Tenure in Office Act. It was written to prevent Johnson, a Democrat, from removing from his cabinet Republicans (particularly Edwin Stanton, the Secretary of War) that Lincoln had put in his cabinet, and replacing them with Southern Democrats without the permission of the Senate. Andrew Johnson was impeached by the house, but he was not convicted and removed by the Senate. He was impeached for trying to remove Edwin Stanton and was almost convicted by one vote short of the two thirds majority required to remove a sitting president.

Andrew Johnson’s reasons for removing Stanton were very simple. Stanton, along with General Sherman and several black ministers, came up with a plan to give the freed slaves in the south “40 acres and a mule” to compensate them for their bondage; and Johnson fired him for trying to implement it.  Oddly enough, Johnson was the only senator from a seceded state, Tennessee, to remain in the Senate during the Civil War, and in a stroke of brilliance by Lincoln was chosen as his running mate on the “Grand Union” ticket because he was a Southern Democrat. The sole reason he was impeached and almost convicted was an act written by Congress to protect Lincoln’s Cabinet members from being removed and replaced with Democrats.

Most people don’t realize that Richard Nixon was never impeached; and yet when we think of impeachment of a sitting president, Nixon always comes to mind. Nixon quit rather than put the nation through the spectacle that the Watergate hearings had become. Nixon waited until he had effectively won the war in Vietnam and signed a peace treaty with the North Vietnamese before he did quit. But after he had left, the Democrats in Congress cut off all aid to South Vietnam and signaled to the North that they would allow no US troops to stop their invasion of the South, erasing Nixon’s legacy and condemning South Vietnam to communist oppression.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying before a Federal Grand Jury in a court case about his sexcapades with various women who sued him for sexual harassment. He escaped conviction and removal because of the actions of a young lawyer and senator from North Carolina by the name of John Edwards, who did the deposition of  Monica Lewinsky for the Senate’s trial. The irony of those actions would not be revealed until Edwards himself ran for President in 2008 against Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination.

Johnson was almost convicted of breaking a law specifically designed by Congress to prevent him from firing Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Nixon was almost impeached for attempting to bug the Democrat Party campaign offices in Washington and covering up his involvement, and Clinton was impeached for lying in court to a Federal grand Jury–but wasn’t convicted because a man with an equal sexual appetite convinced the Senate that everyone lies about sex. To remove Obama from office, what he has to have done has to be so egregious that none can condone it.

Lying about Libya isn’t going to do it. Breaking the War powers act in Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, and other places isn’t going to do it. Spying on millions of Americans without a warrant isn’t going to do it. But what will do it is a crime so simple and yet so massive none will challenge it.

Barack Obama has being using the Social Security number of a dead man. Every piece of paper he has had to put his Social Security number on is an act of fraud against the United States government becausethat number belongs to Harrison (Harry) Bounel, whose SSN is the one Obama has used his entire life. For whatever reason (and you can be the judge), in 2012, the Social Security Administration refused to identify Harry Bounel’s Social Security Number,  even though Mr. Bounel died in 1981 in Hawaii. The Social Security Administration sought to protect his privacy.

Even now, there is a court case trying to force  this issue into the spotlight and verify that Obama’s Social Security number belongs to someone else. If it succeeds, all hell will break loose; and Obama will have to explain why he has used someone else’s social security number his entire life. And, he could become the first president in our history removed from office through impeachment and conviction.

[H/T Western Journalism]


Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 1/11/2014: Scorches Obama for All the Scandals and Endless Dragging of Feet, “Shame On You, Mr. President!”

“Justice cannot be fueled by partisan Presidential Politics” says FNC’s Judge Jeanine Pirro in her Opening Statement segment on ‘Justice’ as she scorches President Obama for all the scandals and the endless dragging of feet by his administration in getting to the bottom of them.

Judge Jeanine annihilates Barack Obama in this episode, delivering relentless blows to his administration’s ‘transparency.’

[H/T Right Sightings]


VIDEO: Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate: The Forger-in-Chief and Powers That Be Are Terrified, Find Out Why

More and more Americans are calling for Revolution—a demand that Obama “put down the Quran and leave the White House”—with a renewed scrutiny of Obama’s birth certificate after it was revealed in the lawsuit Klayman v. Obama that there existed multiple versions of Obama’s birth certificate—proving it’s a forgery.

The judge quietly dismissed the case on December 16, 2013; but with Larry Klayman singlehandedly winning a lawsuit against the NSA’s massive spying program on the exact same day, everyone from pundits to politicians are taking a new look at Obama’s forged birth certificate.

Conservatives who have long called for Obama’s impeachment are being joined by Americans from every political stripe, demanding that the Forger-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, get out of the White House—immediately—now!

[H/T Western Journalism]

Barack Hussein Obama: The Complete List of Scandals, Atrocities, Crimes, and Misdeeds

Coming up with, and maintaining, the ongoing atrocities of Barack Hussein Obama is no easy undertaking.

Our hat off to PJ Media’s Zombie for undertaking such a daunting task.

Without further ado, here’s the comprehensive list of Barack Hussein Obama’s dirty laundry (note: you can download a pdf version throughout sections of the list):

• $6 trillion in new national debt under Obama…after he promised to decrease the deficit.

• Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted bill which exponentially increases the federal government’s control over our personal lives…which neither Obama nor a single Democrat even read before passing, and which will likely bankrupt the nation.

• In both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, the Obama campaign purposely disabled the credit card verification system for its Web site donations, allowing anyone from any foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of identity; in both elections it was demonstrated that people overseas and people with obviously false identities were able to donate to Obama campaign, in direct violation of several laws. To this day it is not known what percentage of Obama’s campaign funds are illegally obtained, since there is no documentation.

• Billions of taxpayer dollars gambled on “green” companies like Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust and many others — all of which went bankrupt.

• An intentional refusal to enforce federal immigration laws.

• Unemployment at or above 8% for almost his entire term in office (which was actually closer to 15% actual unemployment).

• Operation Fast & Furious — a government-sponsored illegal gun-running scheme designed to purposely go awry so as to induce public outcry for gun control.

• Spent 20 years listening to a racist anti-American pastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), whom Obama described as a mentor. On March 18, 2008, Obama gave a speech in which he said “I could no more disown Jeremiah Wright than I could disown my own grandmother” and “[Wright’s church, Trinity United] embodies the black community in its entirety.” Now Obama tries to pretend that Jeremiah Wright doesn’t exist, and that his extremist anti-white philosophy didn’t influence Obama’s worldview.

• Increased the percentage of Americans dependent on food stamps to unprecedented levels (now over 15% of the nation’s population).

• Militarily intervened in Libya in 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the War Powers Act — technically an impeachable offense.

• Before he entered politics, Obama worked as a lawyer suing banks in landmark cases, forcing them to give home loans to unqualified minority borrowers — a practice now understood as one of the primary initial causes of the eventual housing bubble and market collapse.

• Handed out over 1,200 waivers to politically connected donors exempting them from the onerous requirements of Obamacare.

• Greatly expanding the number of unaccountable “czars,” which essentially amounts to unilaterally adding new federal departments with no congressional oversight — leading to a true “bureaucracy” in the original sense (rule by unelected bureaucrats).

• Using taxpayer dollars to bail out the private pension funds of autoworkers’ unions at GM & Chrysler.

• Illegally ending the welfare-to-work requirements passed by Congress.

• Doling out $800 billion in stimulus cash for “shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t exist — the money just evaporated with no measurable economic benefit.

• Alienating and isolating Israel, our strongest ally in the Middle East.

• Apologizing to Islamists and terrorists for offending them.

• Under Obama’s watch, for the first time in history America’s credit rating was downgraded, due to his poor economic policies.

• Stopped American oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing other nations with worse environmental records to drill instead — thereby managing to both weaken our economy and damage the environment simultaneously.

• Proposed in 2008 to intentionally bankrupt the coal industry — and now lies to voters and workers in coal-producing regions about his true intent.

• Pretends to be concerned about skyrocketing energy prices, when in fact he vowed to increase them on purpose (so as to make alternative energy schemes more competitive.)

• In a primary debate against Hillary Clinton in 2008, Obama said he would never force people to buy health insurance, since those without it couldn’t afford to buy it. Less than two years later, he rammed through Obamacare, which does indeed force people to buy health insurance.

• During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly promised that if he was elected “No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase.” This promise was broken over and over again once he was elected.

• In 2008 Obama vowed if elected to increase security along the U.S.-Mexican border — and then in 2010 stopped construction of a “virtual fence” on the border and re-routed money earmarked for border security to other projects.

• Cash for Clunkers, which doled out taxpayer money to anyone who wanted to replace their old cars, but which mostly only ended up subsidizing the puchase of foreign-made cars by people who could have afforded them on their own anyway; meanwhile, the traded-in cars were all destroyed, creating a shortage and thereby increasing the cost of used cars, hurting the pocketbooks of poor people.

• Violated the U.S. Constitution by authorizing assassinations and drone strikes to kill American citizens abroad — without due process.

DOWNLOAD: Barack Hussein Obama: The Complete List of  Scandals, Atrocities, Crimes, and Misdeeds

• Was caught on a “hot mike” promising the President of Russia that he would cave in to their demands for a weaker missile shield — after he was re-elected and no longer had to keep up the pretense that he sought to defend America.

• Appointed Van Jones, a former avowed communist who supported a “9/11 Truth” petition, to be “Green Jobs Czar.”

• Appointed Anita Dunn, who said Chairman Mao was her “favorite philosopher,” to be White House Communications Director.

• Appointed John Holdren, who perviously entertained the notion of forced mass sterilzation to stop overpopulation, to be Science Czar.

SEAL TEAM 6 COVERUP: Disturbing Video on Obama’s Most Horrific Scandal Yet

On August 6, 2011, a military helicopter— Extortion 17— carrying thirty-eight men (including twenty-five of the elite SEAL Team 6, five National Guard and Army Reserve, and eight Afghan commandos) was shot down over Taliban-controlled territory in eastern Afghanistan.  This was a top-secret mission for a high value target.

Western Journalism reports: It was the worst loss of life in a single day since the war in Afghanistan began. Per a 1250-page military report, it was simply the result of a “lucky shot” by Taliban soldiers perched on top of a building. Per families of those killed and military experts at a press conference held on May 9, 2013, this is a lie among a host of other lies.

After the families attended a several hour military briefing about this “lucky shot,” describing what happened and why their sons died, they smelled a rat and started digging around.

Billy and Karen Vaughn, parents of Navy SEAL Aaron C. Vaughn, started poking around at the “official” story and found not a rat, but a stinking swamp, a coverup that went all the way to the top.

When the Vaughns began trying to drain the swamp, they received what the Obama administration is famous for: the shakedown. None other than one of the highest ranking officers in the nation—Admiral William McRaven, commander at U.S. Special Operations Command—paid the Vaughns a little visit, in essence telling them to keep their mouths shut.

What exactly happened on August 6, 2011? What went wrong—or in this case went right that has the Obama administration dispatching high-ranking officers as thugs?

There are two possibilities, according to information revealed at the press conference:

1. The Obama administration sent American soldiers on a suicide mission, or

2. Someone set up our American heroes—that is, had them murdered—that may include the Afghan government—or shockingly may include Barack Hussein Obama himself.

We learned seven major facts at the press conference:

1.  Thirty SEAL Team 6, National Guard, and Army Reserve were packed into a decrepit 1960s era CH-47 helicopter (something, according to military experts, that was unheard of.) Per military experts, special operations were always conducted with the state-of-the-art MH-47 helicopter—the helicopter SEAL Team 6 exclusively trained in. Further, never—ever—were that many special operations personnel packed into a single helicopter. They were always split up into small groups with multiple MH-47s. 

2. Although the military could have easily taken out the Taliban positions with a drone strike prior to the operation, as the families were later told, this was not done because there were possible “friendlies” among the Taliban; the United States wanted to “win the minds and hearts of the enemy.”

Billy Vaughn, father of Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, speaking at the press conference with rage in his voice, blasted this ludicrousness:

3. Although the military had intel that the Taliban were planning on firing on a helicopter, although an intense battle had been raging for several hours, and although normal protocol mandated that the CH-47 required at least one gunship escort, all normal rules of war were suspended.

But now for the real coverup by the Obama administration:

4. There were eight nameless Afghan commandos onboard the CH-47. Eight Afghan commandos were loaded onto the CH-47 along with their American counterparts; but at the last minute, they were replaced without changing the manifest. It was as if someone knew they were going on a suicide mission and pulled them out. The official in charge of the investigation (General Jeffrey Colt), in his 1250-page report, did not address this fact and did not even mention it. In fact, it is likely these original Afghan commandos contacted the Taliban, telling them the CH-47 was on its way. It appears the Taliban knew the exact time and route the CH-47 would be using; that the only way the “lucky shot” would have been possible with the helicopter thousands of feet in the air in cover of darkness would have been if the Taliban had been tipped off.

5. Everyone on Extortion 17 was immediately cremated without permission from the families, supposedly because the bodies were so badly burned in the crash. According to Charles Strange, father of Navy SEAL Michael Strange, this need to immediately cremate everyone aboard is a complete lie. Taliban on the ground in fact found the bodies of the crew. The Obama administration cremated everyone in order to cover up something.

6. The CH-47 black box was “lost” according to the military investigation—“washed away by an Afghan flood.” As most know, aircraft black boxes don’t get “lost”; they are virtually indestructible and carry a tracking device that makes them easy to locate. It was “lost” in order to cover up something the Obama administration wants to keep hidden.

7. Probably one of the most shocking revelations in the SEAL Team 6 coverup, something that was first brought out during the press conference that shows Obama is no Christian but is in fact a closet Muslim, is that Barack Hussein Obama disallowed the name of Jesus to be spoken during the initial military memorial service in Kabul and permitted a radical Islamic iman to curse our dead heroes.

Let every American demand that whatever Barack Obama is hiding, whatever the military brass is hiding, that it be revealed. America must demand that a Congressional investigation drain the swamp of the Obama administration in order to reveal exactly what sickening secret Barack Hussein Obama is covering up. Not next month. Not next week. Not tomorrow. But today.

SCHIEFFER ON BENGHAZI: “Why Are You Here Today?”


As NewsBusters reported two weeks ago, CBS’s Bob Schieffer is fed up with the White House’s talking points concerning what happened at our consulate in Benghazi, Libya, last September.

His impatience continued on Sunday’s Face the Nation when Obama senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer gave stock answers to questions about the three crises facing the President leading Schieffer to first accuse his guest of taking “exactly the approach that the Nixon administration took” and finally scolding him by asking, “Why are you here today? Why isn’t the White House Chief of Staff here to tell us what happened?”