Tag Archives: Nuclear Warhead

WATCH: Chinese Troops on American Soil, For a Drill Simulating the Detonation of a Massive Nuclear Warhead Over the United States?

[H/T Western Journalism]: The Communist People’s Republic of China was invited take part in a massive drill dubbed GridExII that took place on November 12-14, 2013. The drill simulated the detonation of a massive nuclear warhead high above the skies of the United States, creating a giant EMP—Electro Magnetic Pulse—that took out the U.S. electrical grid, communications, banking services, and all computers, simulating a helpless America completely dependent on its all-wise government.

According to declassified (but heavily redacted) intelligence documents released in 2011, the Chinese were reportedly working on a “Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb.”

China is gearing up for war against the United States, and their top weapon is a super electromagnetic pulse bomb that can blanket the U.S. and send America back to the Dark Ages in less than one second.

And no doubt the Chinese have perfected this EMP bomb by now.

So exactly why the Chinese are involved in a drill of this nature is unclear. The only logical explanation, as crazy as it sounds, is that the Department of Homeland Security—Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force” (the entity overseeing this drill)—is secretly working with the Communist Chinese government!

Which is not surprising, given that Barack Hussein Obama has long been suspected of being an ardent Marxist.