Tag Archives: Marxism

Obamacare: Mission Accomplished, The High-Jacking of America Is Complete

Have you ever wondered why Obama seems to have a carefree, almost blasé attitude, after the disastrous Obamacare launch?  Well, it’s because Obamacare is the impetus of Marxism; it represents the destroying of economy, of Capitalism, of the American Dream.  Mission accomplished.  Game may not be over, but the door is closing fast!

Saul Alinsky

There are two major political parties in America. I’m a not a member of the naive, stupid, and cowardly one. I’m a Republican. How stupid is the GOP? They still don’t get it. I told them five years ago, two books ago, a national bestseller ago (The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide), and in hundreds of articles and commentaries, that Obamacare was never meant to help America, or heal the sick or lower healthcare costs or lower the debt or expand the economy.

The GOP needs to stop calling Obamacare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s not. This is a brilliant, cynical and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism. It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success. It’s not a “trainwreck,” Obamacare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government.

Obama’s hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky – a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinsky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide your own intentions. To scream that the other guy is “ruining America,” while you are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech…that you are “saving the middle class,” while you are busy wiping out the middle class.

The GOP is so stupid they can’t see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned purposeful attack. The tell-tale sign isn’t the disastrous start to Obamacare. Or the devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of full-time jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that.

The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly callingTea Party Republicans and anyone who wants to stop Obamacare “terrorists.”  There’s the clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that. They are calling the reasonable people…the patriots…the people who believe in the Constitution…the people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believed…the people who want to take power away from the corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion in debt…terrorists?

That’s because they are ‘Saul Alinsky-ing’ the GOP. The people trying to purposely hurt America, capitalism and the middle class…are calling the patriots by a terrible name to fool, confuse and distract the public.

Obamacare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure. Here is what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts.

#1) Obamacare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream, re-distribution of wealth. Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote Democrat). Think about it. If you’re rich or middle class, you now have to pay for your own health care costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other people’s costs too (through massive tax increases). So you’re stuck paying for both bills. You are left broke. Brilliant.

#2) Obamacare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them dependent on government. Think about it. Even Obama’s IRS predicts that health

insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year.  But how would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K can’t possibly hope to spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless. Bingo. That’s how you make middle class people dependent on government. That’s how you make everyone addicted to government checks. Brilliant.

3) As a bonus, Obamacare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs. Why? Just to make sure the middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000 per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of the state. Brilliant.

#4) Obamacare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve donations to the GOP. Think about it. Do you know a small business owner?

I know hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by Obamacare. Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and conservative causes?  Small business.Even if a small business owner manages to survive, he or she certainly can’t write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is the “mother’s milk” of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist. Bingo. That’s the point of Obamacare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition and drying up donations to the GOP.  Brilliant.

#5) Obamacare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful. It adds thousands of new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy. The IRS has the right because of Obamacare to snoop into every aspect of your life, to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets. By law your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign.  (Or have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama and conservative groups?) Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother rules our lives. Brilliant.

#6) Obamacare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers. That produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic candidates and socialist causes – thereby guaranteeing Obama’s friends never lose another election, and Obama’s policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting business owners long after he’s out of office.

Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddly-winks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to high-jack America and destroy capitalism.This isn’t a trainwreck. It’s purposeful suicide. It’s not failing, it’s working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting.

[H/T Western Journalism]

WATCH: Chinese Troops on American Soil, For a Drill Simulating the Detonation of a Massive Nuclear Warhead Over the United States?

[H/T Western Journalism]: The Communist People’s Republic of China was invited take part in a massive drill dubbed GridExII that took place on November 12-14, 2013. The drill simulated the detonation of a massive nuclear warhead high above the skies of the United States, creating a giant EMP—Electro Magnetic Pulse—that took out the U.S. electrical grid, communications, banking services, and all computers, simulating a helpless America completely dependent on its all-wise government.

According to declassified (but heavily redacted) intelligence documents released in 2011, the Chinese were reportedly working on a “Super Electromagnet Pulse Bomb.”

China is gearing up for war against the United States, and their top weapon is a super electromagnetic pulse bomb that can blanket the U.S. and send America back to the Dark Ages in less than one second.

And no doubt the Chinese have perfected this EMP bomb by now.

So exactly why the Chinese are involved in a drill of this nature is unclear. The only logical explanation, as crazy as it sounds, is that the Department of Homeland Security—Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force” (the entity overseeing this drill)—is secretly working with the Communist Chinese government!

Which is not surprising, given that Barack Hussein Obama has long been suspected of being an ardent Marxist.

Video: Ronald Reagan From 1961 Warning the Public of Socialism, ‘Don’t Say We Weren’t Warned!’

In 1961 Ronald Reagan warned the public of socialism and how it can creep in slowly. His words ring so eerily true today, as we are now being attacked by a leftist Marxist. This audio was originally aired by Glenn Beck on his radio program on 8/28/09.

It is happening, people. It is happening right now. Please put the party loyalty aside, either party, and look at the facts.

Michelle Obama: Much Like Her Husband is Closely Associated with the Teachings of Marxism

Michelle ObamaConservative Angle strongly maintains that Barack Obama and his wife Michelle, are very much products of their environment and ultimately out to destroy America and rebuild it under their ‘vision,’ as twisted as that may seem.

Below, is an article by the Freedom Outpost that formulates Michelle Obama’s past and, how this dynamic duo’s actions explain the ‘almost’ irreversible mess we are in.

I did some background checking into Michelle Obama and her links with socialists, communists and other high ranking radicals that wish nothing more than to destroy the United States as it is, and create a brand new United States! This may sound absurd and demeaning, but it is true. Some of the words spoken by Michelle Obama and her husband Barack Obama have come directly from a radical book titled Rules for Radicals by Saul D. Alinsky.

I’ll expose Alinsky’s background in future articles, but before we go too far, let us just start with Michelle Obama’s college days, since to find her high school history seems to be quite difficult.

Michelle Obama’s maiden name was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson, and she was born on January 17, 1964. She married Barack Hussein Obama in 1992.

According to FrontPageMagazine reporter Jacob Laksin, “In a [February 2008] interview with Newsweek, [Michelle] Obama reveals that she got into Princeton … not on the strength of her grades, which she admits were unexceptional, but thanks to her brother Craig, a star athlete and gifted student who preceded her to the school. As a ‘legacy’ candidate and a beneficiary of affirmative action, Michelle Obama was granted an opportunity that others more accomplished were denied.”

The First lady got her college education due to her brother and her ethnicity, not her excellence in academics. So why is she such a radical racist woman? It must come from somewhere in her background. Perhaps her parents were the ones who led her to this road of turmoil about racial prejudice. Let us take a brief look to see just what she was doing at Princeton while she was there and what types of people she had as her close friends. Some of Michelle Obama’s contacts in College were of the Marxist/socialist types. Princeton, 1984 Charles C. Johnson wrote on October 30, 2012, “Michelle Obama attends and promotes a ‘Black Solidarity’ event for guest lecturer Manning Marable, who was, according to Cornel West, probably ‘the best known black Marxist in the country.’ The event is the work of the Third World Center (TWC), a campus group whose board membership is exclusively reserved for minorities.”

Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama the Radical

With this documented article, we see that Michelle Obama, much like her husband is closely associated with the teachings of Marxism and had attended meetings with Marxist-type people. We must now wonder, why did the people elect a man with a wife that has such a marked background, mixed with Marxism and communism by association with such types of people?

Michelle Robinson’s racial animosity of Caucasian people is exposed through her articles and statements from the time she was at Princeton. One can see this in her ideas that the white population at Princeton were a bunch of “racist” individuals. Johnson quotes an article Michelle Robinson (Obama) wrote while at Princeton University, following an introduction to the quotation.

‘If ever there was an example of the TWC governing board’s obsession with race, an editorial from October 21, 1981 is it. The members took great offense to an op-ed titled “Rebuilding Race Relations,” calling the article “racist, offensive, and inaccurate” for daring to question the group’s true commitment and to present a thesis on race relations counter to its own. “The word RE-building implies that race relations once existed and, for some mysterious reasons, fell apart … ,” the board wrote in a scathing letter to the editor. “We, on the other hand, believe that race relations have ​never​ been and still are not at a satisfactory level. We are not RE-building. We cannot RE-build something that never existed in the first place.”’

Read the entire article.