Tag Archives: judge jeanine opening statement

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 11/23/2013: ‘You Are The One Who is Transparent, And Americans Now See Right Through Your Lies’

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Barack Obama Lies Again To Americans – 11-23-2013

‘You came into office claiming you would give the American people the most transparent administration in history.  That’s one of the few things maybe, you didn’t lie about.  Except the transparency is about YOU.  You Are The One Who is Transparent, And Americans Now See Right Through Your Lies.


Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 8/24/2013 The Beat Goes On: ‘No One Respects Us, No One Fears Us, We Look Weak and We’ve Lost Our Credibility’

Saturday, August 24th Judge Jeanine Opening Statement Best Lines:

‘Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.’

‘Oh, I feel better the same attorney general who also lied in front of Congress about investigating reporters In-Over-His-Head Eric Holder.’

‘The red line for chemical weapons has its own beat, a year ago Mr. president, you said the use or mere movements of chemical weapons by Syria would cross your ‘RED LINE’ in a pro it’s confirmed that the Syrian government had used chemical weapons you in April ‘Paper Tiger’ mode said that that was a game-changer and signal that the US would supply the Syrian rebels with weapons which of course never arrived but the Muslim Brotherhood they got their F-16’s and armored tanks and 1.3 billion of OUR dollars.’

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement 8/17/2013: ‘You Even Get Bitch Slapped by Russian President Putin After Begging Him for Five Weeks to Return NSA Leaker Edward Snowden’

‘…You shouldn’t waste our money on your political bunglers hare brained solar energy nonsense also known as Solyndra to the tune of a half a billion of our dollars… you should develop the technology that allows us to drill for oil and the fracking that we need to be energy sufficient.’

Judge Jeanine: Opening Statement 6/15/2013, ‘The Real Losers of D.C.’


‘The script just doesn’t work anymore. The fairy tale doesn’t work anymore. The real losers of D.C. just can’t be trusted. Here’s something for you [Obama Administration]: I can’t trust you, I don’t trust you, and I won’t trust you. You don’t deserve to be trusted.’

‘That old chicken salad, marriage and the government? It seems the only thing we can trust today is that chicken salad sandwich.’