Tag Archives: immigration reform

Exclusive Report: TX Taxpayers pay Billions for Illegal Aliens to use State Services

(Breitbart) — A new report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), provided exclusively to Breitbart News, shows that Texans are footing a massive financial bill because of illegal aliens in the state.

“After a brief hiatus that coincided with the worst of the economic recession, Texas’s illegal alien population is on the rise again,” the opening paragraph of the report reads. “There are about 1,810,000 illegal aliens residing in Texas — 70,000 more than resided in the state in 2010 when we estimated the fiscal burden at nearly $8.9 billion annually.”

Specifically, in 2013 alone, FAIR estimates Texans were on the hook for $12.1 billion because of illegal immigration in the state. “That amounts to more than $1,197 for every Texas household headed by a native-born or naturalized U.S. citizen,” FAIR wrote. “The taxes paid by illegal aliens — estimated at $1.27 billion per year — do not come close to paying for those outlays, but we include an estimate of revenue from sales taxes, property taxes, alcohol taxes, and cigarette taxes.”

A breakdown of the costs shows that illegal aliens in Texas are accessing a wide variety of public services they are not supposed to have access to, placing a burden on taxpayers throughout the state. For instance, FAIR found that annually the estimated 195,000 illegal alien students and 481,000 U.S.-born children of illegal aliens place an $8.5 billion burden on taxpayers for their education costs. Many of those students require special needs help with the English language, too, driving the cost even higher for Texas taxpayers.

Taxpayers also pay $1.9 billion per year to fund Medicaid and other uncompensated healthcare programs that illegal aliens and their children are accessing in the state. Taxpayers spend another $1.1 billion to fund law enforcement efforts associated with illegal immigration. Means-tested social welfare programs for U.S.-born children of illegal aliens cost taxpayers another $47.8 million per year. Other basic government services for illegal aliens cost taxpayers $577 million more per year.

FAIR estimates that any efforts to grant legalization to illegal aliens in Texas, which eventually would result in citizenship — as would happen under the Senate-passed “Gang of Eight” immigration bill and many of the plans that House GOP leadership is trying to pass — would exacerbate the impact on Texas taxpayers. Instead of granting them amnesty, which is giving them legalization, FAIR said the only way to save Texans’ hard-earned tax money is to reduce the number of illegal aliens in Texas.

“Examining Texas’s fiscal outlays from the perspective of the current debate over adopting an amnesty for illegal aliens, we find that the fiscal burden to taxpayers would not be significantly lessened even if an amnesty like that proposed in the Senate’s S.744 were enacted,” FAIR wrote.

In fact, it becomes clear that the only way to significantly reduce the fiscal burden is to reduce the size of the population that illegally entered the country. State and local policymakers have options available to accomplish that objective. In Arizona, efforts to discourage the arrival of additional illegal residents and to hold employers accountable for knowingly hiring illegal workers have been effective in reducing the illegal alien population and, thereby, the fiscal costs associated with that population.

In a press release accompanying the report’s publication, FAIR President Dan Stein said that the cost burden of illegal aliens on taxpayers amounts to money not being spent on Americans.

“The net cost of $10.8 billion to state and local governments represents an enormous and unnecessary burden in a state that already ranks 50th in per capita spending,” Stein said. “That is money that is not being spent on other pressing needs such as improving schools, or expanding and maintaining vital infrastructure.”

Stein called on Texas lawmakers in Washington to stop pushing for amnesty, so as to protect the taxpayers in their state.

“Proposed amnesty legislation in Washington, which has the support of some Texas legislators, would only exacerbate the burdens on state taxpayers,” Stein said. “Because most illegal aliens in Texas are poorly-educated and poorly-skilled, they would remain in low-wage jobs even after gaining legal status. However, over time, they would gain access to all means-tested benefits and assistance programs offered by state and local government.”

FAIR spokeswoman Kristen Williamson told Breitbart News that the reason FAIR is honing in on Texas is because of how crucial Texas lawmakers are to any amnesty that House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan would try to move through the House. Two crucial committee chairmen — Reps. Michael McCaul (R-TX) of the Homeland Security Committee and Pete Sessions (R-TX) of the Rules Committee — are Texas members, while many other Republicans from the state command respect with the House GOP conference as a whole. FAIR wants to make sure the powerful Texas conservative grassroots has the information they need to battle the establishment’s push to cave on immigration legislation.

“House Republican leadership cannot move immigration legislation without the support of the Texas delegation,” Williamson said.

This report helps arm Texans with proof that taxpayers are paying dearly for this administration’s non-enforcement policies while Republican leadership stands idly by. Texas members should use their power and influence to lead the effort to enforce current immigration laws and reduce costly burdens on their constituents, rather than cave to special interest demands for amnesty and more foreign workers.

The complete report is now publicly available on FAIR’s website.

[H/T Breitbart]

Obama Administration: Global Warming Gets Nearly Twice as Much Taxpayer Money as Border Security

This article screams New World Order, and unfortunately is exactly what is playing out right in our own backyard.

The Obama administration global warming fallacy supersedes any and all border control, because quite frankly open borders and chasing unattainable pipe dreams suits his agenda.  That same agenda that is systematically breaking down America and rebuilding her in Socialist/Marxist vision.

Obama: Global Warming[H/T The Daily Caller]: New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.

Obama’s climate agenda has attracted criticism from congressional Republicans who have been hammering the administration over the accountability and transparency of its global warming efforts.

Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee have been calling on the heads of major federal agencies to testify on global warming activities. So far, only the heads of the Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency have opted to testify in front of the House.

“With billions of dollars currently being spent annually on climate change activities, Congress and the public should understand the scope of what the federal government is doing, how the billions of dollars are being spent, and what it will accomplish,” said Kentucky Republican Rep. Ed Whitfield. “Anyone who believes the committee ought to be focusing its attention on climate change related issues should be standing with us to get these answers.”

Earlier this summer, the Senate held a hearing to highlight the immediate impacts of global warming. However, Senate Republicans released a report ahead of the hearing that rejected many of the claims made by scientists, politicians and activists about rising global temperatures.

“Over nearly four decades, numerous predictions have had adequate time to come to fruition, providing an opportunity to analyze and compare them to today’s statistics,” reads the report from Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

Republicans have also taken aim at the EPA’s efforts to cut U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. The agency will be imposing emissions caps on new and existing power plants across the country, which significantly hurts the coal industry.

“The American public should be deeply troubled to learn that EPA is actively working to increase energy prices based on predicted global temperature increases without first undertaking efforts to determine if temperatures are actually increasing to the extent predicted by the climate models they are using,” reads the Senate Republicans’ report.

The Obama administration recently declared that the country has moved beyond debating whether or not global warming is a threat, and instead, should be debating what can be done about the issue.

“We have turned a corner on that issue,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz in a recent speech. “We are — including in our Congress — really past the issue of whether we need to respond.”

Obama to Push Immigration Reform ‘Day After’ Shutdown, Debt Ceiling Resolved

Obama-lipsBreitbart reported: President Barack Obama has vowed that he will pressure Congress to take up comprehensive immigration reform “the day after” the government shutdown and the debt ceiling are resolved.

“Once that’s done, you know, the day after I’m going to be pushing to say, call a vote on immigration reform,” Obama told Univision’s Los Angeles affiliate Tuesday. “I’m going to do so because I think it’s really important for the country.”

Obama vowed that he would “keep pushing” on comprehensive immigration reform. Last Saturday, the President used his weekly radio address to say one of the reasons the government shutdown had to end was so that Congress could pass comprehensive immigration reform, his “number-one priority.”

While the Obama administration barricaded open-air memorials like the World War II Memorial during the shutdown and sent riot police to greet veterans protesting those actions on Sunday, it allowed protesters demanding comprehensive immigration reform to use the National Mall, which was supposedly “closed” due to the shutdown, for a rally last week.

Obama praised the immigration bill the Senate passed, which Senators like Marco Rubio (R-FL), John McCain (R-AZ), and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) helped to write and provides a “pathway to citizenship” for all of the country’s illegal immigrants. He blamed House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) for not allowing a vote on the Senate’s bill, which the Congressional Budget Office determined would reduce the wages of working class Americans. House Republicans said they would not bring up the Senate bill.

Instead, House Republicans have been working on piecemeal immigration legislation of their own—even during the budget negotiations—and Republican leaders have also indicated immigration reform would be on the agenda after the budget issues are resolved.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) suggested any immigration bill that passes the House would go to a conference with the Senate, where provisions like a pathway to citizenship would most likely prevail. For that reason, Pelosi said she and other Democrats were willing to do “whatever it takes” o ultimately conference with the Senate on comprehensive immigration reform.

Business Leaders Push for Immigration Reform

Immigration Reform Protest-APBreitbart reported: Manufacturers and business leaders are traveling the country to visit members of Congress and take part in townhalls to explain why the economy needs immigration reform.

From what they have seen, they are confident Congress will pass a new immigration law this fall. These business leaders want to see the House and Senate pass a bill that will make it easier for a person to become a citizen, which they argue could help them fill jobs. From The Hill:

“We believe strongly that fixing the immigration system makes for a healthier American economy and must attract individuals from around the world,” said Matt Sonnesyn, director of research for the Business Roundtable.

“We are making sure we have the labor force needed, especially in the service industries, so as the economy gets cooking, we’re better able to maintain productivity.”

He also is encouraged to see House lawmakers, especially those in leadership, consistently talking about need for a careful process.

“They are talking about how to move it forward, not about how to kill it,” he said

These leaders are interested in immigration because they claim fewer Americans are not going into STEM (science, technology and math) fields. They claim they need to reach outside of America to fill these jobs.

The Senate passed their immigration bill in July, but the House is still working out their own legislation.  However, it is not bothering the business groups because they feel the same way as Sonnesyn. Joe Trauger, the National Association of Manufacturers’ vice president of human resources policy, said his group does not want to force anyone to do what they do not want to do. His group just wants the lawmakers to work out their differences and move forward.

Civil Unrest: Activists Against Immigration Reform to Appear on Univision’s ‘Al Punto’

American ActivistBreitbart reported: A prominent citizen activist who is against the Senate’s comprehensive immigration reform bill because he fears it will lower wages for working class Americans will make an appearance this Sunday on Univision’s Al Punto, the Spanish-language Sunday show hosted by Jorge Ramos.

D.A. King, a citizen activist from Georgia who quit his small business more than a decade ago to become an advocate against comprehensive immigration reform and amnesty, told Breitbart News he was “grateful to Mr. Ramos for inviting” him to his “widely viewed” show. He acknowledged that he has “wanted to meet him for quite some time.”

King said he is “familiar” with the Ramos’s “Hispanic-centric agenda that another amnesty is the solution to America’s immigration crisis” and hopes the popular and influential host can respectfully give him an opportunity to explain why he became an advocate against comprehensive immigration reform while doing research on his hand-me-down computer.

As Breitbart News has reported, pro-immigration reform groups are using the August recess to go into hostile districts to advocate for their policy goals. King, as Breitbart News reporter Lee Stranahan suggested opponents of immigration reform do, is likewise trying to get his message across to an audience and host who may not be the most receptive to it.

Stranahan attended a pro-immigration reform town hall in Houston, TX that was hosted by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) and noticed only three opponents of immigration reform were present.

King believes unchecked immigration will increase tribalism and negatively impacting assimilation, and he said going down to the U.S.-Mexico border and the 9/11 attacks made him the fierce advocate he is today.

“I hope for a polite and respectful conversation with Mr. Ramos about immigration, immigrants, illegal aliens, justice and the fact that the USA takes in more real, legal immigrants than any nation on the planet. We don’t have anything to apologize for,” King said. “My adopted sister is an immigrant. I hope that Mr. Ramos will at least recognize that the federal government has not just a right, but a duty to the American people to enforce its immigration laws.”

King said the Senate’s amnesty bill would, at best, “only reduce illegal immigration by 30-50% and would lower the wages of low-skilled Americans–including the Latino immigrants who obeyed our immigration laws. “

“After more than a decade of careful study, pro-enforcement activism and helping to produce state level legislation, I completely disagree,” King told Breitbart News. “I think we proved beyond any doubt that legalization does not stop illegal immigration in 1986.”

Noting that “the argument to grant another legalization and to expand immigration rings hollow with Americans of all descriptions who are allowed access to the facts,” King said he is hoping that, “Mr. Ramos may be able to tell me on the air when he thinks the next amnesty should be scheduled.”

Citing a 2012 Department of Homeland Security report, King emphasizes that most people do not realize that Communist China sends the most immigrants to the United States after Mexico.

“I am hoping that Mr. Ramos wants to talk policy and not indulge in name-calling or leveling the usual charges leveled at Americans who demand an equal application of the law,” King said.

King is not a Republican, and he says Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) are the reasons he is not.

“I am not a member of any political party,” he said. “I am an independent. I work closely with a lot of elected officials in the Georgia Capitol.”

He extensively blogs about American sovereignty and posts fact-based analysis on the immigration debate–using mostly data provided by the government–on his website, TheDustinInmanSociety.org, which is named after an American who was killed by an illegal immigrant.

King acknowledges that “real villains are not the dirt-poor” illegal immigrants, noting they are “a byproduct of the corruption.”

“Most of the people who come here illegally or overstay a visa do so because they can make more money here than they can in their home nation,” King said last Friday in an appearance on The Wilkow Majority on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125 with guest host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon. “This is not too difficult to figure out.”

He refers to Latino activist groups as “the tribalists,” saying they seek to impose a divisive ethnic agenda. He has called out Democrats, Wall Street, big business interests, and Republicans that he asserts have been colluding to get comprehensive immigration reform passed to lower the wages of working class Americans.

“I was taught that we have an American culture to which immigrants will assimilate. And I am incredibly resentful that’s not what’s happening anymore,” he told the New York Times in a profile piece he described as relatively fair. “The tribalists will not make any difference with any Republican who has enough sense to get on an airplane every Monday and fly to Washington.”

King, whose billboards influenced Georgia’s Republican senators to vote against the Senate’s immigration bill, said if he were dirt poor in a third-world country, he “would be doing everything to get here as well.” But he acknowledged that American cannot accept everyone, and comprehensive immigration reform programs only hurts American workers, which include “real legal immigrants.”

He said he was proud that a “working class kid from Detroit” has been able to help impact public opinion on immigration by emphasizing that corporate America often colludes with liberals to flood the labor force to lower wages.

“On my watch, that cannot happen without a fight,” he said.

King said fighting against that drives him to relentlessly combat comprehensive immigration reform.

“The illegal alien lobby never changes. It’s the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party joining forces with the Chamber of Commerce, the far left and the Democrats in an effort to expand cheap labor and increase voting for the Democratic Party,” King said.

On a lighter note, while King is anticipating what will be a spirited debate with Ramos, he said he has never been to Miami, and the self-described “committed Foodie” told Breitbart News he is also looking forward to some “authentic Cuban cuisine” in South Florida.

Ted Cruz: Fights Off Democrats and RINO’s, ‘We’ve Seen This Play Before, It Is Reminiscent of ObamaCare…’


It’s beginning to look like Ted Cruz is the only true conservative left in the now hallow chambers of Washington D.C. Please take a moment to Like and Share in support of Senator Cruz.

Breitbart reports: Late this afternoon, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX addressed the Senate floor to contrast the border measures in the current Corker-Hoeven amendment to the border security amendment he filed last week.

Sen. Cruz spoke in opposition to efforts of both Democrats and Republicans to rush through the bill without giving Americans adequate time to understand what’s in the bill. Additionally, he cited six different areas where the Corker-Hoeven amendment fails to secure the border.

“Fundamentally, this is about political cover. It’s not about solving the problem. It is an approach that says: I will gladly secure the border next Tuesday for legalization today,” Sen. Cruz concluded. “This amendment and the underlying Gang of Eight bill grants immediate legalization, and the border security changes will never be implemented, and the border will not be secured. That’s not a solution the American people can be proud of, and I urge this body to reject the amendment, to vote against cloture and reject the underlying bill.”

When Cruz decried the fact that the 1,200 page bill was laid on the Senators last Friday for a vote, today, Senator Schumer interrupted to make an argument many of us heard ad nauseam over the weekend.

“Does the gentleman deny that of thousand pages, about a hundred pages are new text – the rest is just the old text of the existing bill and every Senator over a weekend, should be able to read a hundred pages of important legislation?” Schumer asked.

Cruz answered, “as the Senator knows well, the amendments are interspersed through a very complicated bill, and analyzing where waivers have been given, what the intersection of new previsions with old previsions, is not a simple endeavor, and indeed in this particular body, it is not unbeknownst… to slide something into text, and my point is very simple – what is the rush?”

Rush transcript:

“Why are we proceeding gangbusters? And the only explanation that makes sense is there are many senators it seems in this body perhaps on both sides of the aisle that very much want a fig leaf. They want something that they can claim we are supporting border security when, in fact, this bill does not.”

Immigration Bill: Now Includes New Amendment for Jobs Bill To ‘Gang of Eight’ Immigration Plan

Immigration Reform BillOpponents of the Gang of Eight Immigration bill has uncovered yet another spin-job, translucent section that was rewritten — this time a JOBS FOR YOUTH program.

The Immigration reform bill is already over 1075 pages long, weights 24 pounds, and does nothing but pad beltway politician’s career paths.  A JOBS FOR YOUTH section was discovered in rather plain sight.  Many of the bill’s provisions are based on President Obama’s American Jobs Act, which Congress never passed.

This Immigration bill MUST not be passed, it clearly goes against the grain and logic of clear thinking Americans that want what’s best for the country.  This bill simply does not pass the smell test and is an absolute atrocity policy.  The solution?  It’s really quite simple — we must secure our borders before introducing any kind of pathway to citizenship.

The Washington Examiner reports: ‘Opponents of the Gang of Eight immigration bill have spent the weekend looking for hard-to-find changes in a piece of legislation that was substantially re-written by the Hoeven-Corker amendment. But there’s one big change that’s right out in the open — impossible to miss, in fact.

The original Gang bill ended with a section designated Title IV, which was headlined REFORMS TO NON-IMMIGRANT VISA PROGRAMS. The Hoeven-Corker version of the bill added a Title V, with the headline JOBS FOR YOUTH. The measure would provide $1.5 billion in the next two years to provide jobs for Americans between the ages of 16 and 24. It was originally pushed by Democratic Sen. Bernard Sanders, who wanted to come to the aid of young workers who were “hard hit by the Wall Street-caused recession.” Now, Sanders says immigration reform will further damage youth job prospects.

In the few days of Senate debate over the Gang of Eight bill, Sanders delivered several floor speeches that were almost bitterly critical of the legislation’s economic effects. The bill will cost jobs and reduce the standard of living of millions of low-skilled Americans, Sanders argued. His was the most vocal and persistent criticism of the bill from the left.So how to make him happy, or at least less unhappy, with the legislation? Allow him to put in a few features of his own. A press release from Sanders’ office put it this way: “Sanders had argued that helping unemployed American young people was the least Congress should do in a bill that allows college students from around the world to take jobs that young Americans would otherwise perform.”

According to Sanders, each state would receive a minimum of $7.5 million to run a summer jobs program for young people in 2014 and 2015. States with high youth unemployment would receive a lot more. Many of the bill’s provisions are based on President Obama’s American Jobs Act, which Congress never passed. Sanders claims it would be paid for by “imposing a temporary $10 fee on employers who hire guest workers and international workers who receive green cards.”

Sanders’ amendment is entirely consistent with positions he has taken over many years. The only odd thing is that his proposal would be included in an amendment offered by two Republicans, John Hoeven and Bob Corker. Do they endorse Sanders’ policy positions?

On the one hand, a critic could ask what business lawmakers have recycling provisions from the American Jobs Act as new additions to a sweeping new immigration reform bill. On the other hand, one could argue that the Sanders addition is an attempt to counter some of the economic damage the bill’s sponsors will not admit it will inflict. In any event, Sanders’ project is likely to be part of the massive bill that wins Senate approval by the end of the week.


Cruz: ‘This Current (Immigration) Bill is a Mess… Don’t Support the Gang of Eight Bill’

Ted CruzTed Cruz making logical sense again, huh, what are we going to do ‘Gang of Eight?’

Ted launched a Cruz Missile and aimed it right at the Gang of Eight Immigration Bill, stating ‘this new bill is a mess, it is repeating the same failed pattern we saw in 1986’ and you know what?  He’s right!  Please, let’s just FIX THE PROBLEM FIRST!  Let’s stop the bleeding of our country’s resources before we grant amnesty to illegals.  This is not rocket science!

The Blaze reports: ‘Despite the introduction of a so-called breakthrough border security amendment, Sen. Ted Cruz on Friday warned that the current bill is a “mess” and won’t result in a more secure borders.

He claims the immigration bill currently on the table makes the same hollow promises Congress made in 1986 with its amnesty legislation.

“This current bill is a mess,” Cruz told Fox News. “It is repeating the same failed pattern we saw in 1986. In 1986, Congress came to the American people and said, ‘we’re gonna grant amnesty to some three million people who are here illegally and in exchange, we’ll secure the borders. We’ll fix the problem so illegal immigration will go away.’”

“What happened was, the amnesty happened — three million people got amnesty — but the borders never got secured,” he added. “The problem got worse and worse. Today, instead of three million people, we are dealing 11 million people who are here illegally.”

Cruz said Congress is again vowing legalization first, and then “maybe someday in the future the border will be secured.”

In reality, the “overwhelming majority of Americans” want to see the border secured first and then create a plan to encourage legal immigration and “welcome legal immigrants,” he said.

Joe Biden: Please Support Our Flawed Immigration Reform Because it’s the ‘Christian Thing to Do…’

Joe BidenInstead of the race card, Vice President Joe Biden is now playing the ‘Christian card’ with hopes of persuading more gullible on the side of the severely flawed Immigration reform bill, and even went so far as to cite a verse in the bible.

Biden, who is a pro-abortion Catholic said, “Many of these same [GOP] representatives talk about their Christianity and their fidelity to the Bible, but they forget Matthew Chapter 25, Verse 34, where scripture teaches us: ‘I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty — you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you welcomed me.’”

Breitbart reported: ‘Speaking at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast Thursday, Vice President and self styled theologian Joe Biden suggested that Republicans who profess to be Christians are hypocrites because they oppose comprehensive immigration reform that does not secure the border.

Biden later added, “It’s the right thing to do; it’s the Christian thing to do. But it’s also an incredibly practical thing to do.”

Since Biden considers himself somewhat of an arbiter of what Christians should and shouldn’t do, I wonder what he would say about Nancy Pelosi’s comments characterizing late-term abortions as “sacred ground”, which has  has drawn fire from a national organization of Catholic priests active in pro-life work.

In an open letter to Pelosi, Priests for Life says her comments make a “mockery of the Catholic faith.”

“With this statement, you make a mockery of the Catholic faith and of the tens of millions of Americans who consider themselves “practicing and respectful Catholics” and who find the killing of children — whether inside or outside the womb — reprehensible,” the letter says.

“You speak here of Catholic faith as if it is supposed to hide us from reality instead of lead us to face reality, as if it is supposed to confuse basic moral truths instead of clarify them, and as if it is supposed to help us escape the hard moral questions of life rather than help us confront them,” Father Frank Pavone continues in the letter. “Whatever Catholic faith you claim to respect and practice, it is not the faith that the Catholic Church teaches. And I speak for countless Catholics when I say that it’s time for you to stop speaking as if it were.”

“Abortion is not sacred ground; it is sacrilegious ground. To imagine God giving the slightest approval to an act that dismembers a child he created is offensive to both faith and reason,” the letter adds. “And to say that a question about the difference between a legal medical procedure and murder should not “have anything to do with politics” reveals a profound failure to understand your own political responsibilities, which start with the duty to secure the God-given right to life of every citizen.”

The letter from Pavone concludes: “Mrs. Pelosi, for decades you have gotten away with betraying and misrepresenting the Catholic faith as well as the responsibilities of public office. We have had enough of it. Either exercise your duties as a public servant and a Catholic, or have the honesty to formally renounce them.”

Joe Biden of course agrees with Pelosi on abortion, so I guess he would say Father Pavone is not doing the “Christian thing” in confronting Pelosi, this way. He’s doing the “judgmental thing”, which as you know, is always bad.’