Tag Archives: immigration

Immigration ‘calamity’ in border states caused by the Obama Administration

The flood of illegal immigrants — particularly children — crossing into the U.S. along the southern border is at a “crisis” level, creating a humanitarian emergency that both immigration officials and lawmakers are putting at the feet of the Obama administration.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer called the overload a “crisis of the federal government’s creation.”

Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who for years has been warning that the administration’s easing of immigration enforcement would create a crisis along the border, said: “President Obama is responsible for this calamity.”

Recriminations are flying as state and federal officials grapple with a surge in illegal immigrant children — some accompanied, some not — flowing into Texas. With resources there over-burdened, many of the children and others are being sent to Arizona, in turn overwhelming resources in that state. Arizona officials say they are now rushing federal supplies to a makeshift holding center in Nogales, as it runs low on the basics.

But some are warning that the administration, rather than tightening enforcement in response, is continuing on the same path of steadily easing off immigration rules.

“The rising crisis at the border is the direct and predictable result of actions taken by President Obama,” Sessions said, adding that “only by declaring to the world that our border is no longer open — and that the law will be restored — can this emergency be stopped.”

Some of those warnings are coming from inside the administration.

According to portions of a memo obtained by Fox News, an official with Customs and Border Protection wrote late last month that current policies are serving as an incentive for more to cross.

“If the U.S. government fails to deliver adequate consequences to deter aliens from attempting to illegally enter the U.S., the result will be an even greater increase in the rate of recidivism and first-time illicit entries,” Border Patrol Deputy Chief Ronald D. Vitiello wrote in the May 30 memo.

Among the policies that allegedly are creating a magnet for illegal immigrants is what’s known as Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. The unilateral policy in 2012 allowed some illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children to defer deportation — among other criteria, they must have come to the U.S. before they were 16 years old, be younger than 31 on June 15, 2012, and have been in the country since at least June 15, 2007, and have no criminal history.

The administration extended that program earlier this month, allowing the immigrants to apply for protection from deportation for another two years.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a statement that the extension and changes would “proactively invite fraud and abuse.”

In December, a U.S. District Court judge in Texas also claimed that federal agents were intercepting human smugglers transporting children at the U.S.-Mexico border — and then delivering those children to illegal immigrant parents in the U.S.

Angry Illegal Aliens

The situation is likely more complicated and involves more agencies than the order made it sound. It is a matter of public record that thousands of illegal immigrant children and teens are caught trying to enter the United States, and often sent to federally run care centers while their status is determined.

Judge Andrew Hanen’s order, though, claimed the Obama administration was engaging in a risky practice by delivering some children to their parents. He argued that the practice would only encourage more parents to have their children smuggled over the border, through operations often connected to the drug cartels.

“These actions are both dangerous and unconscionable,” he wrote.

Further, the administration for years has prioritized deportations to focus on those who commit crimes or pose other threats. Immigration officials have argued that they’re simply making the best use of limited resources. But some lawmakers warn that the policies further incentivize people to cross the border illegally.

Of the nearly 370,000 removals carried out in fiscal 2013 by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, 94 percent of them fell into one of two categories — illegal immigrants caught crossing the border, and illegal immigrants convicted of a crime in the U.S.

A report by Sessions’ office drilled deeper into the data, finding that just 23,000 people were removed from the country last year who did not fall into those categories.

In the latest policy announcement, the administration is now seeking young lawyers to help provide legal assistance to children in immigration proceedings. Officials say about 100 lawyers and paralegals will be enrolled as members of AmeriCorps in a new division called “justice AmeriCorps.” It’s a partnership between the Justice Department and the agency that administers AmeriCorps, the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Further, the White House is seeking an additional $1.4 billion to handle the wave of unaccompanied children making the trek to the U.S., largely from Central America.

The administration reports that it is catching and removing more people caught illegally crossing the border than at the end of the George W. Bush administration. Further, the administration touts that the percentage of convicted criminals being removed is now at the highest level in five years.

The Obama administration is hardly the first to face complaints about its immigration enforcement policies. Up until 2006, the George W. Bush and prior administrations allowed a so-called “catch-and-release” practice where non-Mexican migrants were simply released — many never showed up for their hearings and stayed in the U.S. In 2006, the Bush administration changed the policy so that non-Mexican illegal immigrants caught sneaking into the country would be held until they could be returned.

But illegal immigrant traffic from Central America is rising once again.

According to one estimate, the number of unaccompanied children caught on the southern border has exploded — from 6,500 in 2011 to an estimated 90,000 this year, and nearly 150,000 projected for next year.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest noted Monday that FEMA has been tapped to lead a “government-wide effort” to address the influx of children, many of whom he said are “escaping abuse or persecution.”

He clarified that facilities in Texas, Oklahoma and elsewhere are largely receiving the unaccompanied minors, while illegal immigrant families are being sent to Nogales, Ariz. He disputed criticism of the administration’s enforcement record, saying that process is “as robust as ever.”

“There’s no doubt that the president understands that protecting our border security is a key component of our national security,” Earnest said.

Asked about the influx from Central America, Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada, in Arizona, said it has been fueled in large part by conditions in those countries — “corruption, poverty and violence.”

“I think they’re trying to escape from all that,” he said.

Estrada acknowledged the strong possibility that many of the migrants dropped off at bus stations will simply disappear. But some, he said, will probably stay in touch with immigration authorities, because they “feel that door is opening a little bit for them.” He said “humanity usually calls for” more compassion toward women and children.

Regarding the busing of illegal immigrants in Arizona, ICE has said it does not want to lock up minors in detention centers or split up families.

According to ICE, the family units “will be released under supervision and required to report in to a local ICE office near their destination address within 15 days, where their cases will be managed in accordance with current ICE enforcement priorities.”

[H/T Fox News]

Jeb Bush: Both right and wrong

(WND) – I’ll admit it: If I lived in Mexico, I would want to get to America as fast as I could, as America is the land of opportunity. Mexico, not so much.

According to a report by Transparency International, Mexico and Argentina shared the dubious title in 2013 as the two most corrupt countries in Latin America. Toss crime, drugs and a crushing 50 percent poverty rate on top of rampant corruption, and it’s no wonder why upwards of 15 million illegal aliens have escaped hell to come to America looking to improve their lives.

NAFTA, which was supposed to create a prosperous Mexico, has been a rusty shiv through the heart of the Mexican economy, which is why millions of Mexicans continue to take their lives into their own hands to come to the last best place.

Borrowing from his brother who stated on the campaign trail in Iowa in 1999 that “family values do not end at the Rio Grande,” Jeb Bush recently declared that those who illegally come to America have not committed a felony, but rather an “act of love.”

Mr. Bush, who is considering jumping into the presidential race, is both right and wrong.

He’s absolutely right that many hardworking Mexicans come to America to build a better life for themselves and their families because things in Mexico are so bad. Again, if I were living in corrupt Mexico, I would be planning my escape to America.

Mr. Bush is wrong, however, in arguing that illegally entering America is analogous to jaywalking. It’s not, and poll after poll clearly indicates that most Americans support tougher controls to stop illegal immigration. Poll after poll also finds the majority of Americans do not support amnesty.

I constantly hear the reference to our “nation of laws,” but witness total defiance of this by our president, attorney general and so many others in powerful government positions. This level of lip service is how people’s lives are ruined.

America has immigration laws for the same reason every other civilized country has immigration laws: to monitor and control entry. We can’t nor should we turn a blind eye to illegal immigration and instead create an amnesty path, as Mr. Bush is insinuating. If we do, to what other crimes does Mr. Bush suggest we turn a blind eye?

In pandering to Hispanics with his “act of love” quote, Mr. Bush realizes the Republican Party needs all the help it can get as it pertains to attracting Hispanic voters who are solidly in the camp of the Democrats – at least for now.

There are new forces at play these days, however, and they don’t bode well for the Democrats. First and foremost is the economy.

Our anemic economy is limping along pathetically due to the jobs-killing agenda of Mr. Obama. Mr. Obama’s sluggish economy has exacted the most pain on those on the bottom rung of the economic ladder, many of whom are Hispanics.

Regardless how the Democratic spin machine tries to scam us, things haven’t improved for Hispanics under Mr. Obama. In fact, things have gotten economically worse for my Hispanic friends, and polls indicate that the No. 1 issue for them is jobs.

Hispanic unemployment has consistently been higher than white unemployment rates since Obama was first elected in 2008. Things are so bad that illegal aliens are returning to Mexico in record numbers. Some research indicates more Mexicans are returning to Mexico than are coming to America.

It’s no secret why the Democrat Party is pushing hard for immigration reform: They want to bestow citizenship upon these people as soon as possible so they can begin giving them free stuff in return for their votes. What that will do, as it always does, is destroy their families, wreck their communities, shatter their traditionally hardworking culture and condemn individuals to a life of dependency and poverty. The GOP should consistently hammer this home and remind everyone that earning your own way through hard work and sacrifice is indeed the American Dream.

Mr. Bush and the GOP would be wise to consistently inform Hispanic voters that the Democratic Party is and always will be a ticket to the poor house.

Those illegal aliens who want to become a legal U.S. citizen should have to pay a price for breaking the law before earning this ultimate privilege. I believe this should be a 10-year penalty that includes no voting rights for 10 years, no welfare, having to learn English and pass a proficiency exam, pass a Constitution test, pay all taxes, be prohibited from having dual citizenship, register with the government, sign the Pledge of Allegiance and lose all citizenship claims if arrested for a felony during these 10 years. How bad do you want it?

The GOP would also be wise to know that endorsing an easier path to citizenship for illegal immigrants than for legal immigrants will ultimately spell the death of the GOP. That’s not an act of love unless you are a RINO or a Democrat.

[H/T WND: Ted Nugent]

Report: Obama Admin Released Tens of Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Criminals

(Breitbart) – President Obama’s Department of Homeland Security caught then released 68,000 aliens who had previously been convicted of a crime, a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows.

The report, provided to Breitbart News ahead of its late Sunday evening release, reviews internal Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) metrics to conclude that the Obama administration released 35 percent—or 68,000—convicted criminal aliens back into the U.S. general population when they could have been deported. “The criminal alien releases typically occur without formal notice to local law enforcement agencies and victims,” CIS’s Jessica Vaughan, the report’s author, added.

By “criminal,” ICE means people who have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony that is not a traffic violation. For instance, traffic violations like Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or even vehicular manslaughter do not count toward this description of “criminal alien.” As for the definition of “alien,” ICE mostly means illegal aliens, though some are legal aliens when they are considered deportable legal aliens—which is possible for legal immigrants who have committed a serious crime, like a felony.

The documents also show ICE only deported a small fraction of the aliens they encountered overall.

“In 2013, ICE targeted only 195,000, or 25 percent, out of 722,000 potentially deportable aliens they encountered,” CIS’s Vaughan wrote. “Most of these aliens came to ICE’s attention after incarceration for a local arrest.”

This report comes out on the heels of a report from the office of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) last week which found that only .08 percent of the aliens deported in 2013 were not serial immigration law violators or convicted of serious crimes.

In response to these findings from CIS that follow up on his office’s report last week, Sessions said immigration law in America has essentially ceased to exist.

“The preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that immigration enforcement in America has collapsed,” Sessions said. “Even those with criminal convictions are being released. DHS is a department in crisis. Secretary [Jeh] Johnson must reject the President’s demands to weaken enforcement further and tell him that his duty, and his officers’ duty, is to enforce the law – not break it. As Homeland Secretary, Mr. Johnson is tasked with ensuring the public safety and the rule of law. But Secretary Johnson is not meeting these duties.”

The CIS report also contains a breakdown per city of percentages of criminal aliens who were released back into the population. San Antonio’s 79 percent is the highest, where ICE encountered 36,228 criminal aliens and released 28,680 back into the general population in 2013. New York City’s 71 percent is next, where ICE agents encountered 7,571 criminal aliens and released 5,391 of them. Washington, D.C. follows that, with ICE agents encountering 8,688 criminal aliens and releasing 64 percent, or 5,558, of them into the public. Other cities with high percentages include Salt Lake City, Houston, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Newark, and Buffalo. Notably, many of these cities are not in border states, which means visa overstays and illegal aliens who crossed the border but migrated further inward are as much a problem as the actual U.S.-Mexico border in terms of stopping the flow and enforcing the law.

“These findings raise further alarm over the Obama administration’s pending review of deportation practices, which reportedly may further expand the administration’s abuse of ‘prosecutorial discretion,’” CIS’s Vaughan wrote. “Interior enforcement activity has already declined 40 percent since the imposition of “prosecutorial discretion” policies in 2011. Rather than accelerating this decline, there is an urgent need to review and reverse the public safety and fiscal harm cause by the president’s policies.”

Sessions echoed Vaughan’s concerns, saying the lack of enforcement for immigration laws further hurts the ability of American citizens to obtain employment.

“American citizens have a legal and moral right to the protections our immigration laws afford – at the border, the interior and the workplace,” Sessions said. “The administration has stripped these protections and adopted a government policy that encourages new arrivals to enter illegally or overstay visas by advertising immunity from future enforcement.  Comments from top Administration officials, such as Attorney General Holder’s claim that amnesty is a civil right, or Vice President Biden’s claim that those here illegally are all US citizens (apparently including someone whose visa expired yesterday), demonstrate the administration’s increasing belief in an open borders policy the American public has always rejected.”

[H/T Breitbart: Matthew Boyle]

Allen West: Obama Relaxes Immigration Ban on Refugees Supporting Terrorism, ‘Naturally, this latest action by the administration is receiving little attention’

(Allen West) — I am sorry to have to report yet another event that makes me question not only the Obama administration’s intent and motivation, but more fundamentally, its allegiance. Naturally, this latest action by the administration is receiving little attention.

Now you would think refugees and asylum seekers who have provided “limited material support” to terrorists might be barred access to our country. But not according to the Obama administration. On Wednesday, the Department of Homeland Security and the State department wrote new exemptions for the Immigration and Nationality Act which narrowed a ban to exclude refugees and asylum seekers who had supported terrorists.

Thankfully, not everyone in DC thinks this is a good idea. As reported in the Daily Caller,

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions offered a scathing rebuke of the Obama administration’s decision. Senator Sessions is a stalwart champion in the fight against amnesty for illegal immigrants and protecting our sovereign Republic. He stated, “Not only is this a national security issue, but a financial issue: those granted admission gain access to federal welfare programs funded by U.S. taxpayers. It seems the Obama Administration has forgotten that our immigration laws are meant to protect the interests of Americans.”

Last week, Speaker John Boehner said immigration reform legislation will not happen this year due to President Obama’s penchant for unilaterally and selectively enforcing only those laws he approves. Do you realize how seriously frightening this is? After all, it is a violation of the president’s oath of office not to uphold the Constitution and faithfully execute the laws of this Republic – and the Speaker of the House says it as a matter of fact.

Senator Sessions said,

“In light of these and other facts, it is thus deeply alarming that the Obama Administration would move unilaterally to relax admissions standards for asylum-seekers and potentially numerous other applicants for admission who have possible connections to insurgent or terrorist groups. This includes terror groups not yet designated: al-Qaida was not designated by the Department of State as a foreign terrorist organization until 1999 — long after the first attack on the World Trade Center.”

A Department of Homeland Security official explained the reasoning behind the exemptions, saying “These exemptions cover five kinds of limited material support that have adversely and unfairly affected refugees and asylum seekers with no tangible connection to terrorism: material support that was insignificant in amount or provided incidentally in the course of everyday social, commercial, family or humanitarian interactions, or under significant pressure.”

I absolutely agree with Senator Sessions, as I’m sure many of you would when he said,

“The DHS does not have the authority to eliminate portions of the law, stating the department’s claim, leaves one incredulous. It is one thing to approve a waiver in a particular case with uniquely compelling circumstances; it is entirely another thing to declare a plain legal requirement is null and void. What is the point of Congress passing a law if the Administration abuses its ‘discretion’ to say that law simply no longer applies? This is yet one more instance of the Administration rewriting U.S. code through executive decree.”

Many of you are asking, what can be done? We need lawsuits to be filed against President Obama by Congress, regardless if the DC Circuit Court is now stacked with his selected cronies. We also need citizens who can prove legal “standing” to file lawsuits against this unconstitutional administration, which means they must demonstrate concrete evidence of invasion of their legally protected interests.

Most importantly, we need those who are concerned for the future of this Republic to cast the correct vote in November to ensure there is a conservative House and Senate a year from now on Capitol Hill. In which case, if this lawlessness continues from President Obama, there is a Constitutionally-established method to return him to Chicago.

What can possibly be the motivation and intent of eliminating the law barring entry into America for those who have offered support to terrorism, regardless of degree or circumstance? I will leave it up to you to determine the answer – but it’s just another aspect of the “fundamental transformation” of America.

[H/T Allen West]

America Has Lost Her Will to Live

America long ago lost her will to live. Historically, trespassing into another people’s territory could bring violence. And nations the world over secure their borders, sometimes at the end of a gun fondled by an itchy finger. But not the US. We place water stations in the Arizona desert for thirsty trespassers, offer driver’s licenses and in-state tuition for them, and now a Supreme Court justice has opined that calling illegal migrants “criminals” is insulting. I don’t know, what do you call someone who broke the law? “Legally challenged”?

But it’s even worse than that. About 20 years ago Japan expelled illegal migrants and made the statement (I’m paraphrasing), “Japan is for Japanese. Others are welcome to come and visit, but they’re expected to go home.” Under the Mexican Constitution, a foreign-born individual perhaps can be naturalized — but he can never enjoy the full rights of citizenship. And as would be the case if some tribe of “noble savages” were being overwhelmed by a colonizing people, when millions of Chinese flood Tibet and seek to supplant its ancient Buddhism-saturated culture, liberals are the first ones to scream “cultural genocide!”

Heck, leftists don’t even like the gentrification of minority neighborhoods or when an adopted black child is raised by white parents and denied bona fide “black” enculturation. Yet millions of unassimilable foreigners violate the US’ borders and sovereignty, sometimes commit further crimes and stress our social services, and we’re only supposed to discuss secondary issues. Are the illegals a benefit or a liability economically? Do they contribute more in taxes than they take in handouts? Who’ll pick the grapes? But with our bones poised to be picked, can we ask about culture? After all, people make the nation, not the other way around. Import enough Mexicans into your country, and you no longer have Western civilization. You have Mexico Norte.

Yet the very same people who claimed they could orchestrate the health care of 317 million people will insist that “we can’t deport” 20 million people. In fact, even though deportation should be reflexive, it isn’t even on the radar screen. To suggest it brands you bigot or xenophobe, and the only thing really at issue is the rate of surrender: will it be sudden with full-on amnesty or the slower “path to legal status” — the coup de grace or the death by a thousand cuts?

So all we hear instead are ridiculous arguments justifying the illegals’ presence, as if they have no country to which to return. We’ll hear that they’re hard-working people who love their families, which is about as meaningful as saying they’re bipeds who breathe air. I’m sure that German soldiers during WWII were generally hard-working people who loved their families, too, but as long as they posed a threat to the US, they had to be dealt with as such.

Particular indignation is exhibited when defending children of illegals, who, we’re told, “are here through no fault of their own.” This also is meaningless. Countless millions of children throughout the world are poor through no fault of their own, yet we don’t propose they all be allowed green cards. And how many children have ended up in foster care through no fault of their own after their parents were imprisoned for committing crimes? Perhaps we should stop enforcing laws, period — “for the children.”

Then there’s language. Every liberal psychologist will talk about the importance of communication in a family. But what about a national family? India recognized a common language to be such a necessary cultural glue that it actually adopted the tongue of its former colonizer, England, as its co-national language. Meanwhile, Americans stand by while their government prints official documents in foreign tongues and transforms us into a Tower of Babel.

And the surrender and silly arguments never end. I heard a caller on Michael Savage’s Tuesday radio show say that he agreed with NYC mayor Bolshevik Bill’s plan to make two Muslim religious days and the Lunar New Year official school holidays; his reasoning was that since American culture is made up of so many different things, how can we exclude anything? Interestingly, though, he did agree with Savage that English should be our common language.

But why? English is also made up of so many different things, with Greek and Latin as well as Angle, Saxon, Frisii, Jute and Frankish influences. Hey, press two for Latin, folks.

Of course, American culture is the product of many influences. And the Greeks and Etruscans influenced each other, Rome was influenced by Greece and the Etruscans, Western Europe by Rome and by extension the Greeks and Etruscans, and then the rest of the world by…well, you get it. Everyone was influenced by someone except for Adam and Eve, and even they — as we have our liberals — had their serpent. And since our whispering voices tell us that we shouldn’t trouble over cultural genocide because culture is a relative thing, let’s examine the matter further.

Having been influenced not just by the aforementioned groups but also the Germanic Franks, French culture is an amalgamation of many different elements. But it is also now a specific thing. It’s much as how cubed beef, vegetable oil, tomatoes, peppers, paprika and salt, cooked a certain way, become something specific: Beef Goulash. And so it is with many things. Combine iron and carbon and the result is the unique thing called steel; two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule yield water. (And for you warmists, note that COisn’t carbon any more than it’s oxygen.) Now, would goulash be better if we added other “influences” (ingredients)? That depends — but it might no longer be goulash.

Of course, you may not like Beef Goulash; you may prefer Vegetable Curry, Chicken Cacciatore, Roast Pork Lo Mein or Steak and Ale Pie. Then make your case; explain your vision of a deific diet, a meritorious menu. That’s not what we’re doing, however. Under the illusion that all ingredients are equal — and equally compatible — we haphazardly throw anything and everything into the mix. Some vanilla syrup in that goulash? Sure, why not? You’re not a syrupist, are you? Some cinnamon sticks, limburger cheese, hay from the field, eye of newt, toe of frog, wool of bat and tongue of dog? Now that’s diversity! And throw in some foxglove while you’re at it — no worries about indigestion afterwards then.

We’re no longer a melting pot, but a dish gone to pot. We’ve forgotten that robust, healthy America was a result of a specific recipe, and we cannot perpetuate that republic unless we remember the recipe. Of course, some say that limiting a land to one recipe is narrow and exclusionary. I say that the road to Heaven is narrow. And all recipes necessarily include only some ingredients and exclude most others, just as definitions limit by defining. If America can mean anything, she means nothing; but if she is something, then she can be defined. And then, by definition, she would have to be exclusionary — like any nation.

Why are many Americans indifferent about their cultural destruction? For one thing, they’ve been conditioned to feel that Western culture is either nothing special or especially bad. At the same time, however, they’ve been imbued with moral relativism, which blinds one to danger. After all, different cultures espouse different values, but this won’t matter to a person who considers all values equal. And, yes, it is possible to hate the West at one moment while claiming all cultures are equal the next. For a person disconnected from Truth will tend to operate based on emotion, which changes with the wind. Besides, consistency is no better than inconsistency in a relativistic universe.

But reality is an absolutist. And having been fed lies for decades, Americans will soon find out that their tomorrows will only be as great as their appreciation of their yesterdays.

“When we hang the capitalists, they will sell us the rope we use,” is a phrase often attributed to Lenin(and occasionally to Stalin.) What both couldn’t have known was that one day a perverse America would tie the rope around her own neck and jump off that ism-fashioned stool into the abyss of civilizations past.

[H/T American Thinker]

Boehner, Undeterred, Moves Forward on Immigration

Speaker John Boehner isn’t ready to let the dream die.

On Tuesday, Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell told reporters immigration is just not in the cards in 2014. Last Thursday, rank-and-file House members sent a loud message at that President Obama is not the partner for legislation, spooking even top proponent Paul Ryan.

The editors from National ReviewWeekly Standard, and numerous other top conservative pundits have urged the Ohio Republican to cut it out.

However, since the GOP retreat last week, Boehner has just kept marching along.

“I think leadership’s focus and my focus is to get [immigration] done as early as possible,” said Rep. Jeff Denham of California, who Boehner recently met with on the issue.

“It’s part of our conference agenda right now. It doesn’t go on the agenda without scheduling bills and scheduling time on the floor,” Denham added.

“Clearly, the draft principles we outlined, members seemed to be supportive of them,” Boehner said at a press conference Tuesday morning in response to a question from Breitbart News, adding, “no decisions have been made” on whether to move forward.

“I wouldn’t be surprised” if immigration legislation came to the House floor as early as this spring, one well-connected GOP member said.

Boehner’s office has released several documents touting the GOP principles since the retreat, some of which include almost cartoonish defenses of a proposal.

The “principles” would “eliminate the ability for any administration to arbitrarily decide which laws to enforce,” a Q&A posted on Boehner’s website says.

Meanwhile, top amnesty proponents outside Congress say they were relatively pleased with the principles and how they were received by the GOP.

“What has surprised me is how few people in House Republican caucus have stood up and opposed the policy,” said Frank Sharry, founder and executive director of America’s Voice and one of the nation’s leading proponents for immigration reform. “Now maybe the concern about timing, and Obama’s trustworthiness are excuses, ways to get to ‘no’ without seeming to be in league with the hardliners. For us, watching it from our somewhat distant perspective, it’s the dog that didn’t bark,” he continued.

“This is the party that voted against the DREAM Act in Dec. 2010. Republicans backed Mitt Romney and his call for self-deportation in 2012,” Sharry added. “And now in early 2014 the House Republicans are saying citizenship for DREAMers and legal status with no special path for the rest. That’s a pretty significant shift, it seems to me.”

In the House, immigration is still going to be a tough slog, no matter what Boehner wants.

For example, the push back from conservatives has caused significant tremors of doubt within Boehner’s leadership team.

GOP Whip Kevin McCarthy, who on a personal level strongly supports moving forward on the issue, is feeling the heat back home, Republicans familiar with the matter say. The California Republican represents a highly conservative district with a lot of anti-amnesty sentiment. But it also has a significant percentage of Hispanics and pro-immigration bill activists have staged sit-ins in McCarthy’s district offices.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor has put major effort into a GOP version of the DREAM Act, which grants amnesty to the children of illegal immigrants. But he is also keeping an eye on his right flank in the event Boehner retires at the end of this Congress, leaving the seat open for Cantor to claim.

Responding to Denham’s claim that floor time has already been scheduled for immigration bills, Cantor spokesman Rory Cooper said, “There has been nothing scheduled as of now.”

Ryan, meanwhile, confirmed Tuesday that he had met secretly with top Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer on immigration but dismissed the importance of the session, which he said occurred last year.

After raising serious doubts about whether immigration could come to the floor this year in a Sunday television interview, Ryan was more optimistic in remarks to reporters Tuesday.

“It wasn’t really bad,” Ryan said about the immigration showdown in Cambridge, MD. “The substance of our document people really appreciated. It’s just, like I said, the lawlessness of the White House makes us lose confidence that the President will enforce the laws,” Ryan said.

What took place in the meeting has emerged as a point of debate among Republicans.

GOP sources who participated in the meeting – both those who support moving on the issue and those who don’t – said in the hours afterwards that about 80 percent of the lawmakers who spoke were against bringing a bill forward this year.

“I would say that’s ridiculous,” Denham said Tuesday about their accounts.

The issue is complicated because some of the lawmakers who spoke in favor of the substance of the principles were not in favor of moving forward on legislation. In many cases, members only implied their stance on the underlying question rather than explicitly stating it. They also mostly only had one minute to speak each.

Still, conservative heavyweights like Reps. Tom Price and Jeb Hensarling came out strongly against moving forward, and the result of the meeting seemed to change Ryan’s tone in the days afterward.

One conservative lawmaker who said the meeting was deeply lopsided against bringing forward legislation in 2014 warned Boehner: “I think he is out for a walk with nobody tagging along.”

“At this point I don’t anticipate legislation will come to the floor,” said Rep. Tom Cotton, a freshman member running for Senate in Arkansas.

A top immigration proponent from the upper chamber, meanwhile, pitched a new argument for why Republicans can trust Obama to enforce any immigration bills they send him.

“80 percent of Americans, if not 90, want to secure the border. So, lets say that for some reason the Obama administration backed away from what Congress mandated – fellow Democrats would get killed,” said Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican up for reelection this fall. “He’s not running again, other people are. This scenario that he could just unilaterally back away from border enforcement and politically that not be damning to the Democratic party… the reason I know that we could move forward with securing the border is the Democratic party would get killed if they didn’t,” Graham said.

Senator Marco Rubio, another Gang of Eight member, was more pessimistic. Asked if the House should move forward in 2014, Rubio said, “That’s not my role to give them advice on. They’re working on what is a very difficult issue. The resistance they’re running into is a lack of confidence that this president and the federal government will enforce the security measures no matter what they’re written as.”


[H/T Breitbart]

Chuck Shumer: Immigration Reform Stalled by Tea Party Racism

On Thursday, speaking at the John Podesta-founded Center for American Progress, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that if it were not for the Tea Party, immigration reform would have passed long ago. He blamed Tea Party opposition to immigration reform on racism. “In a pre-tea party world, the Senate immigration bill would have been welcomed by House Republicans,” Schumer stated. “However, the tea party rank and file know it’s a different America. It looks different; it prays different; it works different. This is unsettling and angering to some.”

Schumer added that discomfort with demographic change – racism – explained “why so many on the right vehemently opposed the Senate immigration bill, a bill that actually embodies many conservative, non-governmental principals: reducing our deficit by billions, growing our economy, creating jobs and spurring new entrepreneurial activity.”

Republicans in the House have not pushed forward the Senate’s immigration bill, arguing that it does little to secure the border while essentially granting amnesty to the 12 million illegal immigrants living within the United States.

Chuck Schumer


Obama’s Taxation Without Representation Brings Revolution

History may be repeating itself. “Taxation without representation” may soon be shouted from coast to coast, as a team of legal researchers have found that ObamaCare sets up a massive wealth redistribution scheme—all illegally.

In an eighty-page academic paper appearing in the peer-reviewed journal Health Matrix, entitled “Taxation Without Representation: The Illegal IRS Rule to Expand Tax Credits under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”—the authors reveal that the Federal Exchange—Health.gov, provides subsidies to the “poor”—families making up to $100,000 per year—illegally.

This, along with Obama’s other illegal acts—constantly ignoring the Constitution and the rule of law, directing the NSA to spy on Americans, setting up a police state with his out-of-control TSA—is bringing about a revolution: Forget about impeachment. Americans are demanding Obama leave the White House immediately. In the words of Larry Klayman, who single-handedly won a lawsuit against the NSA’s illegal spying of Americans:

I call upon all of you to wage a second American nonviolent revolution, to use civil disobedience, and to demand that this president leave town, to get up, to put the Quran down, to get up off his knees, and to figuratively come up with his hands up.

BOMBSHELL: Federal Judge Says Obama Administration Aids/Abets Human Traffickers (Video)

A federal judge in Texas is accusing DHS of smuggling kids into the US and delivering them to their illegal immigrant parents.

U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen revealed the practice in a blistering court order filed late last week. He said the “dangerous” practice is effectively aiding human traffickers and particularly the drug cartels, which run many of these operations.

“These actions are both dangerous and unconscionable,” he wrote.

The charges are yet another example how the Obama Administration is turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and implementing a de facto amensty for illegals. The judge attempted to lift the curtain on what is happening behind the scenes of the Obama administration’s changing approach to immigration enforcement.

Hanen called the practice a conspiracy and used the case of an illegal immigrant parent in Virginia to detail a much broader program.

Hanen claimed that the Obama Administration is not enforcing border security. In more than one case before his court, the judge said that immigration officials are arresting human traffickers smuggling children into the US and then “delivering the minors to the custody of the parent illegally living in the United States.”

“The DHS has simply chosen not to enforce the United States’ border security laws,” he wrote.

He added: “To put this in another context, the DHS policy is as logical as taking illegal drugs or weapons that it has seized from smugglers and delivering them to the criminals who initially solicited their illegal importation/exportation. Legally, this situation is no different.”

DOWNLOAD Judge Hanen Order on Child Smuggling

Amnesty: Companies Supporting Amnesty at the Expense of Americans

Amnesty will soon be a major focus for the Obama administration.  Aiding and abetting Obama will be well established U.S. companies pushing for full fledged Amnesty to infuse their bottom lines, all at the expense of American workers.

Amnesty[H/T CIS.org]: Officials representing over 100 corporate interests issued a letter to Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) demanding the legalization of 11 million illegal aliens and increased legal immigration through the creation of new visa programs. As these companies put it in their letter:

[W]e strongly support efforts to bolster the availability of a workforce at all skills levels, through a separate visa program as well as by creating a path to legal status for those already here.

The companies include well-known names like Hallmark Cards, Disney, CVS, the Cheesecake Factory, American Airlines, Wendy’s, McDonald’s, the Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Coca-Cola, T-Mobile, AT&T, UPS, Rubbermaid, and McCormick spices — just to name a few examples.

These companies cite a recent Congressional Budget Office report, arguing that the Senate bill would grow the economy. They conveniently left out the CBO estimate that even though the amnesty might make the economy larger, it would simultaneously make American workers poorer by lowering the wages of American workers for a decade or more. The companies claim the bill is an “opportunity to level the playing field for U.S. employers” but it is more of an effort to level the wages of American citizens.

It is difficult to understand how these companies can feel justified in demanding the importation of cheap labor with a straight face at a time when tens of millions of Americans are unemployed. The number of working-age (16 to 65) native-born Americans who are not working — unemployed or out of the labor market — stood at 57.5 million in the second quarter of 2013. The unemployed population is spread throughout the labor market and includes 25 million with no more than a high school education, 16 million with some education beyond high school, and nine million with at least a bachelor’s degree.

The letter is available online.

Below, is a list of companies supporting Amnesty.  You can also DOWNLOAD PDF version here.

  • The Cheesecake Factory, Inc.
  • CVS Caremark Corporation
  • Hallmark Cards, Inc.
  • McDonald’s Corporation
  • The Wendy’s Company
  • The Walt Disney Company
  • The Coca-Cola Company
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • American Express Company
  • 21st Century Fox
  • Darden Restaurants, Inc (Olive Garden, Red Lobster, and others)
  • Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.
  • Allstate Insurance Company
  • Western Union
  • Northwestern Mutual
  • American Airlines Inc.
  • Motorola Solutions, Inc.
  • The Procter & Gamble Company (wide range of well-known home and beauty brands)
  • Newell Rubbermaid Inc.
  • AT&T Inc.
  • T-Mobile USA, Inc.
  • Caterpillar Inc.
  • The ADT Corporation
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Hewlett-Packard Company
  • United Parcel Service, Inc.
  • General Electric Company
  • Verizon Communications Inc.
  • Marriott International, Inc.
  • Hilton Worldwide
  • Hyatt Hotels Corporation
  • McCormick & Company, Inc.
  • Cisco Systems, Inc.
  • Quest Diagnostics Incorporated
  • Eaton
  • E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company
  • BNSF Railway Company
  • Shell Oil Company
  • General Mills, Inc. (many well-known food brands)
  • Ingram Industries Inc.
  • Kronos Incorporated
  • Ingersoll Rand Company
  • General Parts Inc.
  • Merck & Co., Inc.
  • United Technologies Corporation
  • Harris Corporation
  • Illinois Tool Works Inc.
  • Sears Holdings Corporation
  • USG Corporation
  • Archer Daniels Midland Company
  • Johnson Controls, Inc.
  • Ally Financial Inc.
  • US Foods
  • Univar, Inc.
  • Kiewit Corporation
  • Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
  • W.W. Grainger, Inc.
  • Avery Dennison Corporation
  • Humana Inc.
  • Novelis, Inc.
  • The Williams Companies, Inc.
  • Avaya Inc.
  • Computer Sciences Corporation
  • Honeywell International Inc.
  • International Paper Company
  • Dover Corporation
  • Danaher Corporation
  • TRW Automotive
  • Analog Devices, Inc.
  • Ecolab, Inc.
  • Avnet, Inc.
  • White Lodging Corporation
  • Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc.
  • Simon Property Group
  • Daikin McQuay Americas
  • Continental Grain Company
  • MSC Industrial Direct Co., Inc.
  • Hospira, Inc.
  • Cigna Corporation
  • The ServiceMaster Company
  • Automatic Data Processing, Inc.
  • Bloomin’ Brands Inc.
  • Fiserv, Inc.
  • Carolinas HealthCare System
  • SRA International
  • Emerson
  • Rockwell Automation, Inc.
  • Parker Hannifin Corporation
  • Saint-Gobain Corporation
  • General Dynamics Corporation
  • A. O. Smith Corporation
  • Praxair, Inc.
  • HCA Inc.
  • Eastman Chemical Company
  • ManpowerGroup
  • Fifth Third Bank
  • Pitney Bowes Inc.
  • Express Scripts, Inc.
  • Cardinal Health, Inc.
  • Aleris International, Inc.
  • DTE Energy Company
  • U.S. Steel Corporation
  • Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation
  • Cargill, Incorporated
  • Assurant, Inc.
  • XL Global Services, Inc
  • Texas Instruments Incorporated
  • ATK
  • WESCO International