Tag Archives: Global Warming

Global Warming Scientists Still Trapped In Record-Level Antarctic Ice

The scientific ship currently trapped in Antarctic ice is carrying a team of climate change scientists who keep harping the dangers of “global warming” even after multiple rescue ships failed in their attempts to save them.

On Christmas Day, the ice-strengthened MV Akademik Shokalskiy got stuck in Antarctic ice during her Australasian Antarctic Expedition led by Australian global warming professor Chris Turney.

“Bad news: [Rescue ship] Aurora couldn’t get through,” Turney tweeted earlier today. “Tried twice [but] low visibility and heavy ice. [She’s] returning to open water.”

“Try again tomorrow?”

Turney and his team launched this voyage to study “ocean warming” while retracing the route of the original Australasian Antarctic Expedition, which was launched in 1911 by Australian geologist Douglas Mawson.

The official web site for the expedition suggests that the ice in East Antarctica, where the Akademik Shokalskiy is stranded, is threatened by this “warming.”

“There is an increasing body of evidence, including by the AAE members, that have identified parts of the East Antarctic which are highly susceptible to melting and collapse from ocean warming,” the site continues.

But as blogger Anthony Watts points out, Mawson’s team landed in Antarctica under much warmer conditions in 1912:

Additionally, the National Snow & Ice Data Center reports that the current extent of the Antarctic sea ice is two standard deviations above normal:

Global Warming Scientists Trapped

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration even announced back in September that Antarctic ice reached its largest extent since measurements began in 1979.
Yet Turney’s team is still defiant to these facts even as they stay stranded in record levels of ice that rescue ships have not yet breached.
“Sea ice is disappearing due to climate change,” they announced. “But here it is building up.”

Barack Obama: Eyes Executive Action To Advance Climate Change As Second Term Implodes

Barack Hussein Obama and company have 3 years (maybe more if her highness is elected) left to dismantle the Constitution and implement a European flair of Socialism, or worse.  And Climate Change Plan is on deck.  What better way to advance the ‘ultimate goal’ than to use implied executive action for the ultimate fallacy?  Climate Change would cause utter chaos and rip the gut out of this country economically.  A perfect fit for a Saul Alinsky disciple.

Obama Climate Change[H/T Red Flag News]: (THE HILL) — President Obama has a chance to craft a second-term legacy on climate change even as the rest of his agenda runs aground in Congress.

Gun control legislation is dead; immigration reform is on life support; and reaching a fiscal deal with Republicans appears to be a long shot.

To make matters worse, what was supposed to be his signature first-term achievement — ObamaCare — is suffering from a disastrous rollout.

But there’s one thing that’s going right for Obama: Executive action on climate change is moving full-speed ahead at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“He may be able to do more through climate change [rules] because the EPA has the authority,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told The Hill on Thursday.

The most far-reaching piece of Obama’s climate plan is carbon emission standards for the nation’s fleet of existing power plants, by far the largest single source of industrial carbon emissions. The EPA is also writing standards for new plants.

“I think climate change, immigration reform are both sort of legacy issues,” Blumenthal said. “The measure of his presidency will be whether he has left changes in law and regulation, but also a heightened awareness, which I think he has been doing.”

Princeton University professor Julian Zelizer said the push on climate change through executive action could shape Obama’s legacy — but only to a point.

“There are limits to what it will mean to his presidency,” said Zelizer, who teaches history and public affairs.

One problem facing Obama is that some of the new EPA regulations might not be settled by the time he leaves office.


[H/T The Hill]: President Obama has a chance to craft a second-term legacy on climate change even as the rest of his agenda runs aground in Congress.

Gun control legislation is dead; immigration reform is on life support; and reaching a fiscal deal with Republicans appears to be a long shot.

To make matters worse, what was supposed to be his signature first-term achievement — ObamaCare — is suffering from a disastrous rollout.

But there’s one thing that’s going right for Obama: Executive action on climate change is moving full-speed ahead at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

“He may be able to do more through climate change [rules] because the EPA has the authority,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) told The Hill on Thursday.

The most far-reaching piece of Obama’s climate plan is carbon emission standards for the nation’s fleet of existing power plants, by far the largest single source of industrial carbon emissions. The EPA is also writing standards for new plants.

“I think climate change, immigration reform are both sort of legacy issues,” Blumenthal said. “The measure of his presidency will be whether he has left changes in law and regulation, but also a heightened awareness, which I think he has been doing.”

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The Al-Goring of America: Barack Obama Readies the Masses for His Global Warming Ruse

CA has written several articles on how Obama is destroying this country.  And in the eyes of a Marxist, it’s going swimmingly.

The latest scandals and seemingly endless deceit, is all part of the master plan.  Saul Alinsky is at the heart of the deceit and the Socialist-in-Chief is about to tear a  chapter from Al Gore’s book in order to stick the next toxic needle into our economy.

Obama Global Warming[H/T The Black Sphere]: Barack Hussein Obama presides as President over the greatest and most powerful nation in world History. And he wants to see it destroyed.

It seems almost beyond understanding the way America has moved from one terrible crisis to another since Obama was elected President. Syria, Benghazi, Obamacare, the national debt, the economy, racial unrest…one by one calamities unfold. There’s barely time to breathe between news stories.

Now, just a month into the debacle known as the Affordable Care Act the attack continues.

The ghost of the living (Al Gore) has reared its ugly head to take yet another swipe at America’s pocketbook.

That’s right, my friends. Global warming is alive and well in the Obama White House.

Washington Times reporter Dave Boyer notes:

“President Obama issued an executive order Friday directing a government-wide effort to boost preparation in states and local communities for the impact of global warming.”

Time and again over the past 20 years we’ve been warned that the earth is coming to an end. Seas would boil, Polar icecaps would melt and California would slide into the sea (that was the upside of the warning).

Time and again the claims have not only been proven false, the data itself has been verifiably contrived. Yet Barack Obama, king of all things true (see “You can keep your doctor”), is trumping up yet another crisis before the paint dries on healthcare.gov.

Obama: the man who said with fondness that our energy prices would “necessarily skyrocket.” He’s the guy working to bring down the coal industry which supplies over 40% of America’s energy.

And now the President is embarking on yet another journey to deplete our financial resources. And another will follow… and another until America is not only bankrupt, but is the laughingstock of the world.

It would be pointless to spend much time on the global warming issue because at this point it’s irrelevant: just another nail in the coffin, placed there by Progressives such as Obama.

Many have tried to imply that Barack Obama was an unknown quantity. They say there was little known about the man.


His mindset, his attitudes and his disdain for America were known before he ever took office. The media and the establishment Republicans were complicit in the cover up. Yes, even his “opponent” Senator John McCain refused to speak ill of the man.

But the proof of Obama’s radical ideologies was there. It was all-too available for those with eyes to see.

So, what do we do now?

We can continue complaining that the country is going to hell in a hand basket while doing nothing to change it. Or we can rise up in such great enough numbers that Washington has no choice but to listen. I personally believe finding enough conservatives willing to make their voice known would be a major miracle.

But I’m a firm believer in miracles.

In closing, I believe a quote from our esteemed leader is in order.

“The question is not whether we need to act…The question is whether we will have the courage to act before it’s too late.” ~ Barack Hussein Obama

Obama Administration: Global Warming Gets Nearly Twice as Much Taxpayer Money as Border Security

This article screams New World Order, and unfortunately is exactly what is playing out right in our own backyard.

The Obama administration global warming fallacy supersedes any and all border control, because quite frankly open borders and chasing unattainable pipe dreams suits his agenda.  That same agenda that is systematically breaking down America and rebuilding her in Socialist/Marxist vision.

Obama: Global Warming[H/T The Daily Caller]: New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security.

The White House reported to House Republicans that there are 18 federal agencies engaged in global warming activities in 2013, funding a wide range of programs, including scientific research, international climate assistance, incentivizing renewable energy technology and subsidies to renewable energy producers. Global warming spending is estimated to cost $22.2 billion this year, and $21.4 billion next year.

At the same time, the federal government will spend nearly $12 billion on customs and border enforcement this year.

Obama’s climate agenda has attracted criticism from congressional Republicans who have been hammering the administration over the accountability and transparency of its global warming efforts.

Republicans on the Energy and Commerce Committee have been calling on the heads of major federal agencies to testify on global warming activities. So far, only the heads of the Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency have opted to testify in front of the House.

“With billions of dollars currently being spent annually on climate change activities, Congress and the public should understand the scope of what the federal government is doing, how the billions of dollars are being spent, and what it will accomplish,” said Kentucky Republican Rep. Ed Whitfield. “Anyone who believes the committee ought to be focusing its attention on climate change related issues should be standing with us to get these answers.”

Earlier this summer, the Senate held a hearing to highlight the immediate impacts of global warming. However, Senate Republicans released a report ahead of the hearing that rejected many of the claims made by scientists, politicians and activists about rising global temperatures.

“Over nearly four decades, numerous predictions have had adequate time to come to fruition, providing an opportunity to analyze and compare them to today’s statistics,” reads the report from Republicans on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.

Republicans have also taken aim at the EPA’s efforts to cut U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. The agency will be imposing emissions caps on new and existing power plants across the country, which significantly hurts the coal industry.

“The American public should be deeply troubled to learn that EPA is actively working to increase energy prices based on predicted global temperature increases without first undertaking efforts to determine if temperatures are actually increasing to the extent predicted by the climate models they are using,” reads the Senate Republicans’ report.

The Obama administration recently declared that the country has moved beyond debating whether or not global warming is a threat, and instead, should be debating what can be done about the issue.

“We have turned a corner on that issue,” said Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz in a recent speech. “We are — including in our Congress — really past the issue of whether we need to respond.”

Obama: Will Use Climate Change as Prop to Take Down America, Time to Revisit Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals

Obama and Climate ChangeClimate ‘change’ has been a socialist hack for years, and I for one was looking for this prevarication to come much sooner from Team Obama.  But, he’s been busy with other Alinsky tactics.  Health care, student loans, gay marriage, now climate change; it’s all very orderly and predictable in Obama’s plan to take down America.

First of all, there is no global warming.  Secondly, even if there was, the fact that the United States has done more for reducing carbon emissions than any other country since 2006 and still represent a mere fraction of the total, equates to an initiative with no teeth.  But then again, Obama could care less about global warming, because it in fact doesn’t exist.  So in the meantime, Obama’s mission is to use climate change as a mere prop to further destroy our economy.  Sad but true.

Breitbart reports: President Obama’s Climate Action Plan won’t do much to curb global warming, but it will please liberals who delight in extending government control over large segments of the economy.

The president argues the overwhelming majority of scientists, including some early skeptics, agree the planet is warming and greenhouse gas emissions are the primary culprit. As CO2 composes 80 percent of those gases, Obama is targeting coal-fired electric utilities and opportunities to reduce fuel use in heavy transportation.

The president proposes reducing U.S. emissions by 17 percent from 2005 levels through strict EPA regulation and oversight when market forces are already accomplishing that goal without imposing a command and control regime.

In 2011, the last year data is available, U.S. greenhouse gas emissions were already down 8.5 percent from 2005. Simply responding to changing consumer preferences, Detroit started making more fuel efficient vehicles even before the president started phasing in tougher mileage standards in 2012. Recently, more abundant and cheaper natural gas inspired electric utilities to start switching out of coal where it was most cost effective.

If current trends continue, as is likely, these market driven adjustments in U.S. energy use will take U.S. greenhouse gases well below the president’s target by 2020, without needless and costly government intervention.

If left alone, the power sector in the Midwest, for example, will continue to phase out coal in most cost efficient ways by strategically replacing it with natural gas and purchasing nuclear, hydro, and other renewable power from other parts of the country. This will keep down electric utility rates.

Instead, the president will micro-manage the process by imposing strict and inflexible requirements on each electric utility, similar to corporate fuel economy standards now imposed on car and light truck manufacturers. This will limit flexibility, result in the overuse of natural gas, and unnecessarily raise both natural gas and electricity prices to manufacturers, other commercial users, and homeowners.

Similarly, competition from rail, complemented by short-haul light trucks, already imposes pressures on long-haul trucking companies and heavy truck manufactures to conserve fuel in the most cost effective ways. But the president’s program will micro-manage their efforts out of the EPA, and raise the cost of moving goods around the country without cutting CO2 emissions very much.

All this will make U.S. manufacturing and other commercial enterprises less competitive and send more jobs to China, where businesses pollute with reckless abandon.

With an economy about half the size, China already emits twice the greenhouse gases as either the United States or Europe. Every three years, its emissions grow enough to replace the savings the United States would accomplish over 15 years. Other developing countries, like India, are similarly adding to the problem.

The president proposes to bring China and other nations along through diplomacy, but he has not been able to obtain Beijing’s cooperation on the value of the yuan, cyber piracy, or even detaining Eric Snowden. No one can reasonably believe China can be persuaded to rearrange its entire automobile and electrical generation industries to suit the predilections of American environmentalists–especially when American approaches to regulation are delivering growth at less than one-third the pace accomplished in the Middle Kingdom.

The president wants the new EPA standards for power plants finalized by June of 2015 and implemented in 2016. This hasty time table is necessary to lock in a new regime before its wisdom is debunked and another round of negotiations with China, India and others fail.

Global warming will go unmitigated, and U.S. economic growth and jobs creation will be further harmed; however, the president’s desired legacy will be served. As with ObamaCare, the scope of command and control over the private economy will be extended.
