Tag Archives: conservatives

Gallup: The Top 50 Conservative and Liberal States in the U.S.

(CNSNews.com) — The percentage of people living in Washington, D.C., who call themselves liberals is far greater than the national percentage, and significantly greater than the percentage in any of the fifty states, according to polling data released today by Gallup.

Nationally, 23 percent of American adults call themselves liberals, according to Gallup, and 38 percent call themselves conservatives.

But in Washington, D.C., 38.1 percent call themselves liberals–65.6 percent more than in the nation as a whole.

After D.C., Vermont is the most liberal jurisdiction, with 32.4 percent of people there calling themselves liberals.

The prevalence of liberals in Washington, D.C., according to Gallup’s numbers, is 17.6 percent greater than second-place Vermont.

In 2013, Gallup asked 18,871 people 18 years or older living in the District of Columbia and the 50 states this question: “How would you describe your political views: very conservative, conservative, moderate, liberal or very liberal?”

Nationally, Gallup learned, conservatives continued to far outnumber liberals, although there has been a slight closing of the gap in the last few years.

In 2010 and 2011, 40 percent said they were conservative, 35 percent said they were moderate, and 21 percent said they were liberal. In 2012, 39 percent said they were conservative, 35 percent said they were moderate, and 22 percent said they were conservative. In 2013, 38 percent said they were conservative, 34 said they were moderate, and 23 percent said they were liberal.

The mix of political views varied by state, according to Gallup’s polling. In Wyoming, the most conservative state, a majority of the people (51.4 percent) described themselves as conservative. Yet, while 24 states had 40 percent or more their people describe themselves as conservatives, not one state approached the 38.1 percent liberal population that has gathered in Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital.



Here are the 50 states and the District of Columbia ranked by the percentage of inhabitants calling themselves conservatives:

1. Wyoming, 51.4%

2. Mississippi, 47.9%

3. Idaho, 47.5%

4. Utah, 46.9%

5. Arkansas, 45.2%

5. Montana, 45.2%

7. South Carolina, 45.1%

8. Oklahoma, 45.0%

9. Tennessee, 44.9%

10. Alabama, 44.7%

11. Louisiana, 44.1%

12. Alaska, 43.1%

13. Missouri, 42.9%

14. North Dakota, 42.9%

15. South Dakota, 42.7%

16. Georgia, 41.8%

17. Kansas, 41.7%

17. Nebraska, 41.7%

19. West Virginia, 41.6%

20. Indiana, 41.1%

21. Kentucky, 41.1%

22. Texas, 40.5%

23. Iowa, 40.1%

24. North Carolina, 40.0%

25. Wisconsin, 40.0%

_______Nationwide percentage: 38%_______

26. Ohio, 37.9%

27. Pennsylvania, 37.1%

27. New Mexico, 37.1%

29. Virginia, 37.1%

30. Colorado, 36.9%

30. New Hampshire, 36.9%

32. Florida, 36.8%

33. Minnesota, 36.2%

34. Arizona, 36.0%

35. Nevada, 35.7%

36. Michigan, 34.6%

37. Washington, 34.3%

38. Rhode Island, 33.8%

39. Oregon, 33.6%

40. Maine, 32.6%

41. Illinois, 32.4%

42. Delaware, 32.3%

43. Maryland, 31.8%

44. California, 30.8%

45. New Jersey, 29.6%

46. New York, 29.3%

47. Massachusetts, 27.4%

47. Connecticut, 27.4%

49. Hawaii, 27.2%

50. Vermont, 26.8%

51. Washington, D.C. 21.6%



Here are the 50 states and the District of Columbia ranked by the percentage of their inhabitants calling themselves liberals:

1. Washington, D.C. 38.1%

2. Vermont, 32.4%

3. Massachusetts, 30.2%

4. Delaware, 29.3%

5. New York, 28.2%

6. Oregon, 27.9%

6. Hawaii, 27.9%

8. Maine, 27.3%

9. California, 27.1%

10. New Jersey, 26.4%

11. Washington, 26.3%

12. Connecticut, 26.1%

13. Maryland, 25.3%

14. Illinois, 25.0%

14. New Hampshire, 25.0%

16. Colorado, 24.9%

17. Nevada, 24.2%

18. New Mexico, 24.2%

19. Rhode Island, 23.8%

20. Minnesota, 23.3%

_______Nationwide percentage: 23%_______

21. Pennsylvania, 21.9%

22. Michigan, 21.7%

23. Arizona, 21.6%

24. Florida, 20.9%

25. Virginia, 20.9%

26. Wisconsin, 20.8%

27. Nebraska, 20.7%

28. Alaska, 20.6%

29. Kansas, 20.0%

30. Ohio, 19.9%

31. Iowa, 19.8%

32. North Carolina, 19.0%

33. Missouri, 19.0%

34. Texas, 18.8%

34. Montana, 18.8%

36. Georgia, 18.2%

37. Kentucky, 18.1%

37. West Virginia, 18.1%

39. Indiana, 17.8%

40. Oklahoma, 17.2%

41. South Carolina, 17.1%

42. Tennessee, 16.6%

43. Arkansas, 16.1%

44. Alabama, 16.0%

44. South Dakota, 16.0%

46. Utah, 15.6%

47. Mississippi, 14.8%

47. North Dakota, 14.8%

49. Louisiana, 14.7%

49. Idaho, 14.7%

51. Wyoming, 10.9%

Liberals vs. Conservatives

[H/T CNS News]

Conservatives Outnumber Liberals in 47 States

(Washington Post) — People who identify as conservative outnumber those who call themselves liberal in 47 states, according to a new Gallup survey.

Map shaded by the conservative advantage over liberals in each state. (Gallup)

Nationally, conservatives had a 14.6 percentage point lead on liberals, though that was more than a full point smaller than last year’s lead. The gap in 2013 was largest in Wyoming, where 40.5 percentage points separated those who identified as conservatives from those who identified as liberals. Only Hawaii, Massachusetts, Vermont and D.C. had more liberals than conservatives. The top 10 liberal states voted for Obama during the last two elections, while the top 10 conservative states chose the Republican nominee.

Another Gallup poll this week found that the Democratic party’s advantage in the states had gone down dramatically, though the party can still lay claim to more states than Republicans can. Still, the new findings suggest that most Americans are ideologically at the center to center-right. And the implications for Democrats could be simple: focus on the middle.

“How do Democrats continue to win elections if so few Americans identify themselves as liberal? The answer may lie with moderates, which, as a voting bloc, are solidly Democratic,” the Gallup authors write. “If moderates begin voting with Republicans in the near or long-term future, there may indeed be a Republican revival on the national level.”

The word liberal, once often spoken with scorn, has been enjoying a slight resurgence nationally and a strong one among Democrats in recent years. Last year, 23 percent of Americans surveyed by Gallup identified as liberal, up from 19 and 20 percent in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Among Democrats, 43 percent identify as liberal now, up from 29 percent in 2000.

Conservative identification by state


Moderate identification by state


Liberal identification by state


[H/T Washington Post]

De Blasio Backs Cuomo: Wants Conservatives to Get Out

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio emphatically backed New Governor Andrew Cuomo’s controversial remarks that “extreme” conservatives – which he defined as being pro-life, second amendment advocates, or supporters of traditional marriage – “have no place in the state of New York.”

“I stand by that 100 percent,” de Blasio told reporters at the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. on Thursday.

“I agree with Governor Cuomo’s remarks. I interpret his remarks to say that an extremist attitude that continues the reality of violence in our communities or an extremist attitude that denies the rights of women does not represent the views of New York State,” he added.

Governor Cuomo riled up conservatives in New York state as well as all over the country when he told a local New York State radio program last Friday “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay….have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

The remarks have snowballed into a major controversy, with Fox News host Sean Hannityvowing to leave New York City, prompting a bidding war between Republican governors to persuade him to move to their states. Hannity is reportedly eyeing a political bid in Texas. At the March for Life yesterday, one participant pushed back at Cuomo, telling Breitbart News, “We’re here, we’re pro-life, get used to it.”

De Blasio conceded that “we all understand there’s a right to free speech. I wouldn’t disagree with that right and neither would Governor Cuomo.”

But exercising that free speech could put you on the wrong side of New York “values,” de Blasio maintained. “I think he’s saying that the attitude of those who want to continue the status quo on guns or want to challenge and deny the right to choose does not reflect the values of New Yorkers. He was absolutely right to say what he said,” de Blasio stated.

When asked by a reporter if he does not feel the need to reach out to those who disagree with him and would rather others share his values instead, de Blasio responded, “The first point is, we represent our people and Governor Cuomo is right and I believe I’m on firm ground in saying our people, the people in New York State and the people of New York City reject extremists views against a women’s right to choose and in favor of the proliferation of guns in our society. And I stand by that 100 percent.”

De Blasio is under fire in New York for the city’s disastrous response to the recent snow storm, which prompted questions about why he was in front of the television cameras in D.C. instead of working to fix the roads back home. De Blasio admitted Wednesday “more could have been done.”

2 Jokers

[H/T Breitbart]

Cuomo Can Kiss My Conservative Extremity…

(The Black Sphere) — America’s cities may have pretty skylines, but big cities are armpits.

Sure there are some sight-seers’ trappings in the Big Apple — like Broadway, the Empire State building, and so on. However those famous sights are only for the Chamber of Commerce to brag about and to attract capitalists’ money.

Leave downtown [insert armpit here], and you are in the underbelly of evil, where your life expectancy drops dramatically. You’re not going to see Brady, TX on the list of 25 most dangerous cities or neighborhoods any time soon.

How often do you hear about crime in rural areas? Outside of somebody’s car being vandalized or a mailbox smashed by rowdy teens, rural America is mostly cow-tipping and the occasional meth lab. Rural America is like living in a church, compared to America’s big cities.

But Conservative-loathing Democrat, New York Governor Cuomo, wants no part of Bible-thumping, gun-toting, America-loving, military-supporting, independent-thinking, hard-working, tax-paying extreme Conservatives.

We are a scourge on society, according to Cuomo, the ruination of America.

Cuomo prefers Liberal intelligentsia; the ones who live conservative lives privately. Those who put their kids in private school, and get their concealed weapons permits through high-power government officials, akathe hypocrites.

And Cuomo also prefers the high-crime-creating, no-tax-paying, lower class deadbeats who vote for him, because they are easily led.

It’s not Conservatives filling the jails in these urban indoctrination centers, it’s the “easily led.” And it’s not Conservatives passing laws that punish the poor in these cities. Liberal voters in these metropolises complain about Republicans in Congress, however their real problem is their local Liberal gangsters.

New York state is phenomenal, and chock full of Conservatives. But New York state suffers at the hands of New York City: the tail wags the dog.

The Mayor of New York City is more powerful than the governor of New York. That’s why Cuomo is content to denigrate the great state of New York, most of whom are Conservatives. Cuomo caters to New York City, because he know where there is corruption, you will find the power.

Cities are run by Liberal mobs, and Liberals know it.

“The Chicago Way” happens in cities all over this country, and should be called “The Liberal Way.” New York is no different. The very people Cuomo derided in his comments represent his tax base in New York, and are the state’s most productive and law-abiding citizens. Yet Cuomo wants them gone.

Supporting life is extreme? Wanting to protect oneself with a gun is extreme? Cuomo has described “extreme Conservatism,” but what is “extreme Liberalism.”

I bet you will find ALL governors  are against extreme Liberalism, whether they admit it or not.

Without extreme Liberalism, we would need fewer cops, since the crime rate would drop to almost nothing. Yes, Liberals commit the most crime. And with less crime, America could get rid of lots of prisons.

Without extreme Liberalism the graduation rates for high school would be in the 98 percentile, and we would have the smartest college graduates in the world. And those college grads would have jobs. Their jobs would be at corporations focused on quality products, not diversity of employees, because last time I checked, corporations were not in the business of social engineering.

Without extreme Liberalism, cities would be able to pay their bills, and the family and the church would become the centerpieces for society’s charity, not government.

Without extreme Liberalism, America would be racially tolerant, because Conservatives don’t care about race; we care about character.


So yes, I for one am all for ridding America of extreme Liberalism, and I say let’s begin with Cuomo.

[H/T The Black Sphere]

Gov. Andrew Cuomo Says Conservative, Gun-loving, Pro-lifers, Not Welcome in New York, Right Explodes

(The Raw Story) — Right-wing media figures of all stripes are outraged that New York Gov. Chris Cuomo (D) said that New York state is no place for “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay” Republicans.

“(T)hey have no place in the state of New York,” the governor said, “because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

The Albany Times-Union reported that Cuomo was speaking to Susan Arbetter on the New York Public Broadcasting radio show “The Capitol Pressroom.”

The National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez interpreted Cuomo’s statements to mean anyone who opposes abortion. In a column titled “Pro-Life? Not Welcome in Andrew Cuomo’s New York,” she lamented that people who want do deny a woman’s right to choose are, as ever, being unfairly persecuted.

She called Cuomo an agent of “the culture of death” and bemoaned New York’s “miserable [sic] high occurrences of the grave, irreversible misery” of abortion.

CNN conservative commentator S. E. Cupp took to Twitter to denounce the governor:

Cuomo Twitter

The conversation with Arbetter was about the current schism in the GOP between moderate Republicans and Tea Party extremists.

“Is the Republican party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party?” he asked. “That’s what they’re trying to figure out. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans.”

Townhall.com called the governor’s remarks “condescending” and demanded to know how liberals would feel if conservative governors made similar remarks about liberals.

The website’s Cortney O’Brien urged readers not to be “soft on Cuomo.”

“We should be attacking his comments,” she said, “which alienated a large bloc of voters, just as much as the left jumped all over Romney’s ‘47 percent’ gaffe.”

Audio of Cuomo’s remarks is embedded below:


[H/T The Raw Story]

Harvard Professor: Tea Party Not Going Anywhere, More Likely to Win

(via Breitbart) — A government and sociology professor at Harvard writes that the Tea Party is more likely than not to “win in the end” in an age when Americans are becoming more removed from Washington and distrusting the federal government and their elected officials.

“Tea Party forces will still win in the end,” Theda Skocpol writes, unless moderate Republicans can defeat them. Skocpol concedes that the Tea Party “will triumph just by hanging on long enough” as Americans are getting fed up by “our blatantly manipulated democracy and our permanently hobbled government.”

The article, “Why The Tea Party Isn’t Going Anywhere,” was first published in the journal Democracy, and later reprinted in The Atlantic.

Despite the fact that Democrats, the mainstream media, and the Republican establishment again were predicting the “demise of the Tea Party” immediately after the government shutdown ended, Skocpol doesn’t believe so.

Tea Party

“But we have heard all this before,” she writes. “The Tea Party’s hold on the GOP persists beyond each burial ceremony.”

Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson published a book in 2011 that “showed how bottom-up and top-down forces intersect to give the Tea Party both leverage over the Republican Party and the clout to push national politics sharply to the right.”

“At the grassroots, volunteer activists formed hundreds of local Tea Parties, meeting regularly to plot public protests against the Obama Administration and place steady pressure on GOP organizations and candidates at all levels,” they found. “At least half of all GOP voters sympathize with this Tea Party upsurge.”

Though Skokpol and Williamson have their typical biases and describe the Tea Party movement as a “radical” one that may not like minorities–without any evidence of that assertion–they acknowledge that “even though there is no one center of Tea Party authority—indeed, in some ways because there is no one organized center—the entire gaggle of grassroots” and outside groups that support the movement “wields money and primary votes to exert powerful pressure on Republican officeholders and candidates.”

Skocpol observes that the “Tea Party clout has grown in Washington and state capitals” because “Americans are also losing ever more faith in the federal government.” In addition, “most legislators and candidates are Nervous Nellies,” and they have seen the Tea Party defeat establishment Republicans like Charlie Crist in Florida in 2010 and David Dewhurst in Texas in 2012 in addition to knocking off incumbent Republican Sens. Bob Bennett (R-UT) and Richard Lugar (R-IN).

“That grabs legislators’ attention and results in either enthusiastic support for, or acquiescence to, obstructive tactics,” Skocpol writes.

She writes how powerfully someone like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) resonates with the Tea Party. She noted that he was able to direct House Republicans to pressure House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to demand that President Barack Obama and Democrats fund the government except for Obamacare.

Skocpol notes that it will not be easy to defeat the Tea Party.

“For one, at least three successive national election defeats will be necessary to even begin to break the determination and leverage of Tea Party adherents,” Skocpol writes. She concedes that Tea Partiers will not “stand down easily or very soon.”

Skocpol notes “moderate Republicans” do not have as much power in Washington or in state capitals and points to Cruz as being “very well positioned to garner unified Tea Party support in the 2016 GOP presidential primaries.” The Chamber of Commerce will reportedly spend $50 million to wage war against the Tea Party, along with Karl Rove’s American Crossroads; Skocpol believes unless those groups defeat the Tea Party, it may well win many permanent victories.

“During the last election cycle, no far-right candidate ever consolidated sustained grassroots Tea Party support, as those voters hopped from Rick Perry to Herman Cain to Newt Gingrich to Rick Santorum,” Skocpol writes. “But this time, Cruz may very well enjoy unified and enthusiastic grassroots Tea Party support from the beginning of the primary election season.”

Skocpol also sends a warning to Democrats who think that the Tea Party will fade because of a few bad polls.

“Once the October 2013 shutdown ended in supposed total victory for President Obama and his party, many Democrats adopted a cocky swagger and started talking about ousting the House GOP in 2014,” Skocpol writes. However, she warns that “a clear-eyed look shows that Tea Party remains powerful and has achieved victories that continue to stymie” Democrats and their statist agenda.

[H/T Breitbart]

MUST SEE: Trevor Loudon Gives Outstanding Advice to Conservatives, Tea Party Patriots, and Constitutionalists

Trevor Loudon, an author and blogger from New Zealand who has spoken to over 200 tea party groups in 30 states, decried the “normalcy bias” that blinds Americans from seeing a future America without liberty, the Constitution and military strength in an interview with The Daily Caller.


‘I would like to see Ted Cruz pick his cabinet today.’ Rand Paul, Secretary of Treasury, Sarah Palin Secretary of Energy, John Bolton Secretary of State, Dr. Ben Carson Secretary of Health and Human Services, David Barton Secretary of Education, Allen West Vice President, Mark Levin Attorney General.

Barack Hussein Obama: The Calculated Plan of Civil War Against Conservatives

Western Journalism: Barack Hussein Obama shut out our own veterans—many of them war heroes—from their own war memorials, while opening up the same memorials to illegals and socialists. He has sent out thousands of letters to veterans mandating that they turn in their weapons and ammunition if the VA terms them “incompetent.” Obama has deemed the Tea Party and conservatives—anyone who doesn’t go along with his big government policies—as “domestic terrorists.” These “domestic terrorists” under the NDAA can be imprisoned indefinitely without due process. He has directed the military to deem all Christians as part of “domestic hate groups.” He has fought tooth and nail to disarm these “domestic terrorists”—conservatives—of their guns, while at the same time buying up billions of rounds of ammunition, thousands of assault weapons, and a trainload of armored vehicles and light-armored tanks.

Video: Wild Bill ‘Marco Rubio Has Gone from America’s Hero to Zero in One Year’



Marco Rubio has gone from American Hero to Zero in just one year. He did a really good job of firing up the conservative movement in America with his bold way of presenting the conservative message. Rubio was one of the few that I thought was presidential material I’ve never thought that about Hillary but Rubio was different until the good old boy network co-opted him. Now Rubio is the poster boy for the destruction of American conservative values as he trumpets amnesty for criminals. Twelve million illegals are here breaking our laws in a disgusting display of political prostitution the Democrats and Republicans are competing to see who can kiss the criminal butts the most in order to win votes.

This is political corruption in broad daylight. Mr. Rubio says our immigration is broken, no it’s not Mr. Rubio, the enforcement of Immigration laws is broken because politicians like you don’t have the courage to obey your oath of office, it’s not an immigration issue, it’s a crime issue.

There are two questions that surprise almost everyday the first one is how low can Obama can go, and he is setting records almost every day, and the second one is how stupid can the Republicans get, and they are beginning to set records too. Now the key to winning landslide victories at the polls is to stand for rock solid God and country values, but under John Bainer the Republicans are abandoning their faithful constituents and trying to out liberal the liberals! Are we witnessing the suicide of the Republican party? Do you knuckle heads actually think the criminals will stop voting Democratic if you help them get amnesty?

Well here’s a Wild Bill bullet of truth for the Republicans, if those twelve million illegals were back in Mexico they couldn’t vote democrat now could they? They couldn’t bankrupt our economy crime would plummet, and no that is not a racist statement, did it ever occur to you that people who break one law will break others as well. With Washington D.C. Republicans openly embracing stupidity I think it’s time for the American voters to seriously consider a third party. This is wild Bill for America thank you for watching, and America bless God again.