Tag Archives: bill clinton

BOMBSHELL: Former Clinton Aide Sounds Alarm on Bill and Hillary

I know, I know, it’s hard to believe that Slick Willy could be acquased of something so dreadful.

Kathleen Willey, the former volunteer aide to Bill Clinton who says she was sexually harassed by the president in the 1990s, is now sounding the alarm about the potential danger of Hillary Clinton becoming president.

It’s probably not the best timing for Hillary’s 2016 presidential plans, but it couldn’t happen to a lovelier couple.

[H/T Western Journalism]

Is It Over, and We Just Don’t Know It?

Historians have a tough time agreeing on many of the turning points in ancient history.

One of them, in light of events during the past several years and the tone of President Barack Obama’s State of the Union address on January 28, seems particularly relevant. That’s the question of when the Roman Republic ended:

(The republic) began with the overthrow of the Roman monarchy, c. 509 BC, and lasted over 450 years.

* * * * * *

Towards the end of the period a selection of Roman leaders came to so dominate the political arena that they exceeded the limitations of the Republic as a matter of course. Historians have variously proposed the appointment of Julius Caesar as perpetual dictator in 44 BC, the defeat of Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium in 31 BC, and the Roman Senate’s grant of extraordinary powers to Octavian (Augustus) under the first settlement in 27 BC, as candidates for the defining pivotal event ending the Republic.

There’s little doubt that the United States of America has reached a point where, relatively unhampered by legislative or judicial barriers, its president and his bureaucracy exceed the limits of the nation’s Constitution “as a matter of course.” They in turn are quietly but effectively under the control of our “independent” central bank.

Decades from now, it’s possible that historians will look back and conclude that the American experiment, which began with its declaration of independence from and defeat of Great Britain, ended sometime between 1999 and 2014. As with Rome, the pivotal event isn’t obvious, and the list which follows isn’t all-inclusive.

The failure by the U.S. Senate to convict Bill Clinton after his impeachment by the House was the first signal that the rule of law might not matter any more. These days, the law seems to be whatever Barack Obama and Eric Holder want it to be.

President George W. Bush’s formation of the mammoth Homeland Security Department and mission creep at the National Security Agency after the 9/11 terrorist attacks consolidated awesome and disturbing powers in very few hands. Now both outfits are out-of-control monsters.

The 2007-2008 crackup in housing and mortgage lending would be a leading candidate for the pivotal moment prize if one believes that it was the result of decades of conscious effort. Evidence that it was, including the Community Reinvestment Act and HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo’s 1990s housing discrimination directives, both of which forced banks to make loans to vast numbers of borrowers who couldn’t repay, is compelling. Compounding the problem, government-sponsored enterprises Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac “routinely misrepresented” the quality of both the mortgages they packaged for the securities markets and those they kept on their own books for 15 years. The amounts involved were in the trillions of dollars.


[H/T PJ Media]

(Video) Rand Paul: Bill Clinton Guilty of ‘Predatory Behavior’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) accused former President Bill Clinton of “predatory behavior” Sunday in an interview on “Meet the Press.”

“I think, really, the media seems to have given President Clinton a pass on this,” Paul said. “He took advantage of a girl that was 20-years-old and an intern in his office.”

“There is no excuse for that and that is predatory behavior and … we shouldn’t want to associate with people who would take advantage of a young girl in his office,” he continued. “This isn’t having an affair … someone who takes advantage of a young girl in their office.”

“There is no excuse for that and that is predatory behavior…”

“I mean, really? And then they have the gall to stand up and say ‘Republicans are having a war on women?’” Paul concluded.

The characterization came in response to comments Paul’s wife, Kelley, made during an interview with Vogue magazine, in which she also said Clinton’s behavior “was predatory” and “offensive to women.”


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Secret Service Leaks: A Look at The Presidents Behind The Façade, Pictures, and Videos

(via Before It Is News) — These following excerpts are from the book by Ronald Kessler called “In the President’s Secret Service”.

These are some interesting observations by secret service agents and the presidents and VPs they protected.  I imagine these SS agents were not invited to the special 9/11 planning meetings or the blood-sucking, child-killing, pedophilia-rampant occult death orgy ceremonies most of these evil “world leaders” participate(d) in.  Let’s not forget that Jeffrey Dahmer was a nice guy, too.

There seems to be a conservative / neocon bent in these snippets but besides that, here is some food for thought. I thoroughly enjoyed the description of the Clintons and the Obamas.

*A philanderer of the highest  order. *
*She ordered the kitchen help to  save all the left-over wine during a State dinner, mixed it with fresh  wine and served again during the next White House occasion.*


*Another philanderer of the highest  order. In addition, LBJ was as crude as the day is long. Both JFK  and LBJ kept a lot of women in the White House for extramarital  affairs and both had set up early warning systems to alert them if/when  their wives were nearby. Both were promiscuous and oversexed  men.*
*She was either naive or just pretended to not know about her husband’s many liaisons.*

*A “moral” man but very odd, weird,  paranoid. He had a horrible relationship with his family and was almost a recluse.*
*She was quiet most of the  time.*

*Nice, decent man. Everyone in the  Secret Service was surprised by his downfall.*

*A true gentlemen who treated the  Secret Service with respect and dignity. He had a great sense of humor.  *
*She drank a lot!*

*A complete phony who would portray one picture of himself to public and very different in private e.g.  would be shown carrying his own luggage but the suitcases were always empty. He kept empty ones just for photo ops. He wanted people to see  him as pious and a non-drinker but he and his family drank alcohol a lot! He had disdain for the Secret Service and was very irresponsible with the “football” with nuclear codes. He didn’t think it was a big deal and would keep military aides at a great distance. Often did not acknowledge the presence of Secret Service personnel assigned to serve him.*
*She mostly did her own thing.*

*The real deal, moral, honest,  respectful and dignified. They treated Secret Service and everyone else with respect and honor, thanked everyone all the time. He took the time to know everyone on a personal level. One favorite story was early in his Presidency when he came out of his room with a pistol tucked on his hip. The agent in charge asked: “Why the pistol, Mr. President?” He  replied, “In case you boys can’t get the job done, I can help.” It was  common for him to carry a pistol. When he met with Gorbachev, he had a  pistol in his briefcase.
*She was very nice but very protective of the President and the Secret Service was often caught in the middle. She tried hard to control what he ate. He would say to the  agent, “Come on, you gotta help me out.” The Reagans drank wine during State dinners and special occasions only otherwise they shunned alcohol.  The Secret Service could count on one hand the times they were served  wine during family dinner. For all the fake bluster of the Carters, the  Reagans were the ones who lived life as genuinely moral people.*

*Extremely kind and considerate,  always respectful. Took great care in making sure the agents’ comforts were taken care of. They even brought them meals. One time she brought warm clothes to agents standing outside at Kennebunkport. One was given  a warm hat and, when he tried to say “no thanks” even though he was obviously freezing, the President said “Son, don’t argue with the First Lady. Put the hat on.” He was the most prompt of the Presidents. He ran the White House like a well-oiled machine.*
*She ruled the house and spoke her  mind.*

*Presidency was one giant party.  Not trustworthy. He was nice mainly because he wanted everyone to like him but to him life is just one big game and party. Everyone knows about his sexuality.*
*She is another phony. Her personality would change the instant cameras were near. She hated with open disdain the military and Secret Service. She was another who felt people were there to serve her. She was always trying to keep tabs on Bill Clinton.*

* An egotistical ass who was once overheard by his Secret Service detail lecturing his son that he needed to do better in school or he would end up like these guys, pointing to the agents.*

*The Secret Service loved him and Laura Bush. He was also the most physically in shape who had a very strict workout regimen. The Bushes made sure their entire administrative and household staff understood that they were to respect and be considerate of the Secret Service.*
*She was one of the nicest First Ladies, if not the nicest. She never had any harsh word to say about anyone.*

*Clinton all over again – hates the  military and looks down on the Secret Service. He is egotistical and  cunning. He looks you in the eye and appears to agree with you but turns around and does the opposite. He has temper tantrums.*
*She is a complete bitch who basically hates anybody who is not black, hates the military and looks at the Secret Service as servants.

Most of these happy smiling phonies pictured above are responsible for some of the most horrific violent acts against humanity imaginable.

[H/T Before It Is News]

SHOCKING: Evidence of Bill and Hillary’s ‘Relationships’ with the Muslim Brotherhood [and Sisterhood]

The recent claims attributed to the wife of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi are shocking – very shocking. If they are true, they would be extremely damaging to the Obama administration generally but perhaps even more so, to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Naglaa Mahmoud is reported to have divulged some extremely specific details. While we wait to see the story develop, we thought we’d research secondary evidence in an attempt to discredit or bolster Mahmoud’s charges.

Hillary and Mursi: Close friends since the 1980's?

Hillary and Mursi: Close friends since the 1980′s?

While mostly circumstantial, these claims, when examined in the context of multiple other facts, appear to add more credibility to the claims allegedly made by Mahmoud. It is for this reason that we have introduced the report below as Addendum P of our “Ironclad” Report.

Employing the Brotherhood
The employment of a prominent Muslim Brotherhood figure in Egypt, by the Clinton Foundation may help add to the veracity of shocking claims recently attributed to Naglaa Mahmoud, wife of ousted Egyptian president, Mohammed Mursi. Among other things Mahmoud reportedly said in an interview was that the Clintons “recruited” her and her husband in the 1980′s while the Egyptian couple resided in the U.S. and that the two families became close friends.

Let’s take a look at some demonstrable facts in light of these supposed claims. First, consider the potential fruits of such a relationship between the Clintons and the Mursi family.

Earlier this year, it was reported that Gehad el-Haddad had been arrested by Egyptian security forces; el-Haddad also worked for the foundation of the 42nd U.S. President.

Gehad El-Haddad: Al-Shater's Chief of Staff and Clintons' employee.

Gehad El-Haddad: Al-Shater’s Chief of Staff and Clintons’ employee.

Gehad el-Haddad was also the Chief of Staff to Khairat al-Shater, a top Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt who was the front-running Brotherhood candidate for President until Mursi took that mantle and ultimately won the presidency in 2012. El-Haddad’s father – Essam el-Haddad – was an aide to Mursi as his top foreign policy adviser according to Politisite.

We have presented overwhelming evidence that Egypt – under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time – was involved in the attack in Benghazi on 9/11/12 that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Mahmoud’s claims may bolster the case even more.

Ambassador Stevens:  Security at SMC was "grossly" inadequate.

Ambassador Stevens: Security at SMC was “grossly” inadequate.

Let’s bring forth two indisputable facts:

  1. Mohammed Mursi was passionate about wanting the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman (the Blind Sheikh). We presented this in EXHIBITS L and M of our “Ironclad” Report.
  2. The Special Mission Compound (SMC) was woefully and inexplicably insecure, just begging to be attacked. Even the Accountability Review Board (ARB) commissioned by Clinton found State Department leadership failures to be “systemic” and that security was “grossly” inadequate. This SMC came under the ultimate authority and responsibility of Hillary Clinton.

These two facts taken together instantly become more relevant in light of claims attributed to Mursi’s wife. If the Clintons and the Mursis are truly close, with Abedin having served as a Brotherhood operative inside the State Department, claims made by retired four-star Admiral James Lyons, that the attack was likely about a kidnapping operation gone wrong (to exchange Stevens for the Blind Sheikh) may take on added significance as well (EXHIBITS O and AD).

Mursi's Wife: Provided Sisterhood resources to Hillary?

Mursi’s Wife: Provided Sisterhood resources to Hillary?

Another claim attributed to Mahmoud is that Hillary “seeks the assistance – both official and unofficial – of several members of the Muslim Sisterhood” to “help with problems in the Middle East” and that Mahmoud has “many wives of Brotherhood leaders” at her disposal to do just that. If Mursi wanted the Blind Sheikh released, it can be concluded that Mahmoud does as well; ditto Saleha Abedin and her daughter. The same can most assuredly be said for the el-Haddads and Mahmoud’s co-Sisterhood leaders.

The “grossly” inadequate security at the SMC would be like low-hanging fruit for Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to capture Stevens and demand the Blind Sheikh’s release in exchange for Stevens’ release.

When asked in a Congressional hearing about the possibility of the attack being about a kidnapping operation gone wrong, the reason given by ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering for why he dismissed the idea, didn’t comport with the facts. Pickering said he didn’t believe the attackers knew where Stevens was inside the SMC but multiple sources confirm that Stevens was specifically targeted by the attackers (see EXHIBIT AE).

Of course, when talking about the Benghazi attack, the attempt made by both Hillary and Mursi to point to the video as the cause, takes on added significance in light of Mahmoud’s purported claims. Hillary blamed the video as early as the night of the attacks (EXHIBIT F). Later, on 9/25/12, while speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), Mursi blamed the video for the attacks as well (EXHIBIT H).

Mursi: Blamed video for Benghazi while speaking at Clinton Global Initiative.

Mursi: Blamed video for Benghazi while speaking at Clinton Global Initiative.

This would mean that Hillary and Mursi were on the exact same page when it came to their expressed views for the attack on the SMC in Benghazi. Additional irony is provided by where Mursi was when he did so – CGI.

Again, the claims attributed to Mahmoud are bolstered by these facts.

Relationship with Clintons
How about the claim by Mahmoud that the Clintons ‘recruited’ her and her husband in the 1980′s? Here’s what is known. Mursi was in the U.S. from 1978 – 1985. He attended USC from ’78 – ’82 and then taught for three years at Cal State-Northridge in Los Angeles before returning to Egypt. The degree he earned from USC was in Materials Science, which appears to be a discipline of interest to Bill Clinton. In a 2008 interview Clinton gave to the AP, he said the following:

I also think colleges need to have more funding in basic funding and research and less politics, from stem cell research and human genome research to global warming research and research in materials science.

None other than Bill Clinton’s Foundation announced in November of 2007 that it would be partnering with Universities to deal with global warming from the perspective of Mursi’s area of expertise. Cal State-Northridge picked up the story at the time as well.

Via Elia Powers at Inside Higher Ed:

Its list of signatories continues to grow, and the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment received a major boost Wednesday with the announcement of a partnership with the William J. Clinton Foundation to address global warming through building retrofits…

…To decrease energy consumption and work toward carbon neutrality, the commitment asks colleges to take several steps, which can include adopting green building standards and embracing energy-efficient appliances. That’s where the Clinton partnership comes in. The foundation is connecting colleges with companies that are offering to help them fund and complete building retrofits intended to decrease energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If Mahmoud’s claims of a relationship with the Clintons is correct, would it not have made sense for Bill to reach out to and consult with Mursi about this particular “Green Initiative”? To be sure, materials science would not be the sole aspect with regard to building retrofits but it would certainly be an aspect.

Mursi and Bill at CGI on 9/25/12: How well do these men know each other?

Mursi and Bill at CGI on 9/25/12: How well do these men know each other?

The Ph.D. Mursi earned from USC was in precisely this or a related discipline, according to theDaily Trojan. At Times Higher Education, just prior to Mursi taking office last year, David Matthews wrote:

When he submitted his PhD thesis on the “high-temperature electrical conductivity and defect structure of donor-doped [alpha]-Al2O3″ at the University of Southern California in 1982, it is doubtful that Mohamed Morsi thought he would one day become president of Egypt.

Aside from any expertise Mursi may have been able to provide to the Clinton Foundation with regard to his expertise in materials science, did a longtime relationship with the Clintons benefit Mursi’s campaign in any way? If the families were indeed close, there likely could have been some interest in seeing him win.

Consider this excerpt from an NBC News report shortly after he was elected:

Morsi has been described as the accidental candidate; in April, he replaced Khairat El-Shater, the Muslim Brotherhood’s more charismatic and effusive choice who was deemed ineligible to run.

Khairat Al-Shater was disqualified because he had been in prison too recently, convicted of crimes that included money laundering. Mursi was arrested and jailed in January of 2011, during the Arab Spring but was freed during a prison break.

After Al-Shater left the race, many believed that Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh would become the frontrunner but Mursi saw opportunity, claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood would not back Fotouh, who formally left the Brotherhood (wink, wink) in order to run for President, ostensibly because the Brotherhood announced that it would not put forth a presidential candidate. As chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party – the Brotherhood’s political arm – Mursi essentiallytorpedoed Fotouh’s chances by announcing that the Brotherhood would not endorse anyone for president who left the organization.

Uh, but the Brotherhood pledged not to put forth a candidate. No matter, Mursi ran anyway – and won on June 24, 2012.

Activities of Huma Abedin
It is noteworthy to keep in mind that questions about what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin was doing during these months later became a source of controversy. In December of 2011, Abedin went on maternity leave. She returned in June of that year while simultaneously taking a job a Special Government Employee (SGE). In addition to her role their being quite ambiguous, questions about the legality of the arrangement caught the eye of Senator Charles Grassley, who sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter demanding answers.

The letter sent in response by State Department legal counsel also included correspondence from Abedin herself. These letters raised more questions than they answered. Another interesting timeline aspect involved a letter sent by Rep. Michele Bachmann to the Inspector General at the State Department in June of 2012. In it, Bachmann expressed concerns over Abedin’s familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. It was during this same month that Abedin took her job as an SGE.

(L): Hillary with Huma's mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia. (R): Hillary with Huma.

(L): Hillary with Huma’s mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia. (R): Hillary with Huma.

Let’s go back to transcript of the news report about Naglaa Mahmoud that appeared on Mehwar TV. While Mursi’s wife allegedly spilled a lot of beans, she went out of her way to say she would “not speak about Huma Abedin”. Remember, Mahmoud and Abedin’s mother – whom Abedin remains close to – have been very close colleagues as leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood.

In summation, the evidence already in existence, whether primary, secondary, or circumstantial only raises more questions when viewed in the context of the claims attributed to Naglaa Mahmoud.

Also see our previous post that covers Walid Shoebat’s interview.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]


A senior progressive strategist and former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton who specializes in the use of executive authority to bypass Congress is reportedly joining the White House.
The New York Times is reportingJohn Podesta, founder of the Center for American Progress, has agreed to serve as counselor to President Obama for a year.

Podesta last month announced the establishment of a new group, the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, that will work within his Center for American Progress. The new center bills itself as a research and grant-making organization founded to accelerate the closing of what it calls the income gap in the U.S. by fighting so-called income inequality.


The Times reported Podesta will help the White House on “matters related to the health care law, administration organization and executive actions,” with particular focus on so-called climate change issues, according to a person familiar with the plans.

Podesta is a long-time champion of the use of executive powers, including bypassing the legislative branch to enact progressive change.

In November 2010, he co-authored a 48-page Center for American Progress paper titled “The Power of the President: Recommendations to Advance Progressive Change.”

“The U.S. Constitution and the laws of our nation grant the president significant authority to make and implement policy,” wrote Podesta in the paper’s introduction.

“These authorities can be used to ensure positive progress on many of the key issues facing the country through executive orders, rulemaking, agency management, convening and creating public-private partnerships, commanding the armed forces … diplomacy.”

Podesta stressed: “The ability of President Obama to accomplish important change through these powers should not be underestimated.”

In a conference call to reporters after the release of the paper on executive authority, Podesta recalled that after Democrats lost control of Congress in 1994, President Clinton utilized his executive privileges to enact progressive change without the help of Congress.

Podesta’s paper details how Obama can push executive change on a host of issues.

The paper states that on energy and environmental arena, the president can:

  • Reduce oil imports and make progress toward energy independence.
  • Progress toward reducing greenhouse gas pollution by 17 percent by 2020.
  • Conserve federal lands for future generations.
  • Manage public lands to support a balanced energy strategy.
  • Convene and engage hunters and anglers in the development of a fish and wildlife climate adaptation plan.
  • Generate solar energy on U.S. Air Force hangar roofs.On the domestic economic policy front, Podesta usges Obama to:
  • Direct an assessment, strategy, and new policy development to promote U.S. competitiveness.
  • Launch the new consumer financial protection bureau with an aggressive agenda to protect and empower consumers.
  • Increase the capacity of small businesses to expand hiring and purchases by accelerating the implementation of the Small Business Jobs Act.
  • Promote automatic mediation to avoid foreclosure where possible and speed resolution.
  • Create a Web portal to empower housing counselors, reduce burdens on lenders and speed up home mortgage modifications.
  • Help stabilize home values and communities by turning “shadow REO” housing inventory into “scattered site” rental housing.
  • Promote practices that support working families.

On the domestic policy front, Podesta’s paper recommends that Obama:

  • Partner with the private sector in health care payment reform.
  • Focus on health care prevention in implementing the Affordable Care Act.
  • Streamline and simplify access to federal antipoverty programs.
  • Replace costly, inhumane immigration detention policies with equally effective measures.

Regarding education policy, the paper states the president can:

  • Launch an “educational productivity” initiative to help school districts spend every dollar wisely to best prepare our children for the 21st century.
  • Ensure students can compare financial aid offers from different postsecondary institutions.
  • Improve the quality, standards and productivity of postsecondary education.

With regard to “improving the performance of the federal government,” the president can:

  • Scrutinize federal spending programs and tax expenditures to achieve greater returns on public investment.
  • Build the next-generation Recovery.gov website to track all public expenditures and performance in real time.
  • Use new information technology for faster, more transparent freedom of information.
  • Create a virtual U.S. statistical agency.
  • Collect data on lesbian ,gay, bisexual and transgender Americans in federal data surveys.

And in the foreign policy and national security arena, the president and his administration can:

  • Rebalance Afghanistan strategy with greater emphasis on political and diplomatic progress.
  • Promote domestic revenue generation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
  • Appoint a special envoy for the Horn of Africa and the southwest Arabian Peninsula region.
  • Appoint a special commission to assess contracting practices in national security and foreign affairs.
  • Redouble support for Palestinian state- and institution-building efforts.
  • Pursue dual-track policy on Iran while sharpening focus on Iranian human rights issues.
  • Reinvigorate the U.S.-Turkey strategic alliance. Develop a comprehensive policy on the Russia-Georgia conflict.

In 2008, Podesta served as co-director of Obama’s transition into the White House.

A Time magazine article profiled the influence of Podesta’s Center for American Progress in the formation of the Obama administration, stating that “not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan’s transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway.”

The center is funded by billionaire George Soros. Its board includes Van Jones, Obama’s former “green jobs” czar, who resigned in September 2009 after it was exposed he founded a communist revolutionary organization.


Hillary Clinton: Former Associate Claims to Have Been Her Personal Hit Man, Admits to Killing for Money

Hillary Clinton

This story is coming from the fringes and most likely will not reach mainstream.  As you can see in the article, Fox News had the opportunity but backed off.  Listen to the audio below and decide for yourself the legitimacy.

Freedom Outpost reported: There are bombshells being dropped on that show that go far beyond a trucker’s strike.

The story the listeners are getting is that Larry Klayman was prepared to go on Neil Cavuto’s show tonight and show pictures of National Guard troops that have been assembled to squash the uprising, should it get out of hand. But it is also being reported that Fox News pulled the interview. Why?

Was the Fox interview pulled because Klayman wanted to talk about some other issues as well, including a gentleman named Larry Nichols, who was a longtime associate of Bill and Hillary Clinton? The accusation is that Fox News does not want to share this story and only wants reports of the alleged National Guard troops in D.C.Guerilla Media Network reported on September, 24 2o13:

Clinton Insider Admits To Murder For Hire Claiming He Did It For The Money

Larry Nichols, former 10 year accomplice to the Clintons, can now add hit-man to his list of dirty deeds.  Nichols dropped a bombshell on The Pete Santilli Show when he very calmly admitted that he had murdered people, on command, for Bill and Hillary Clinton.  Mr. Nichols has been a voice crying out in the wilderness since he brought to light the sexual brutality of Bill Clinton during his reign as Governor in Arkansas. That information would eventually play a key role to Clinton’s impeachment in the 90′s.  Larry says he makes no apologies.

They sent me overseas to kill people for them and told me it was for the good of the Country. So when they asked me to do it for them in the States it felt no different. The real truth is, I did it for the money and I didn’t give a shit about the women I beat and the men I murdered.  The Clintons are bad people and I did bad things for them.  I had to live with that all of these years and now I just don’t care anymore who knows it.

Larry maintains the Clintons were into so many illegal activities at the time, they had to have a team of mercenaries made up of friends and state-troopers to cover it all up and keep them protected from the public finding out.  According to Larry Nichols, both Bill and Hillary were wild and out of control and both were relentless in their pursuit for money and power.  From running drugs, to the rape and beating of women and young girls, both of the Clintons are guilty of the unspeakable crimes.

When Pete asked Larry about Gennifer Flowers making headlines last week claiming Bill had told her Hillary had eaten more pussy than he had Larry said that’s old news, and indeed it is … Larry had made that same statement on the Pete Santilli show early last spring.  Larry is adamant that Hillary Clinton is a “Dyke” and always has been.

One thing I know for sure She did have enough sex with men to have a kid, but it wasn’t Bill Clinton’s Kid she had … Chelsea is actually the daughter of Web Hubble.

Nichols and many other insiders claim Clinton began having sex with Hubble to gain employment at The Rose Law Firm which she believed would eventually advance Bill Clinton’s chances of becoming Governor of Arkansas.

The above quotes came from a radio interview. I have obtained a video that is posted on the same page. It is 4 hours long and I have not had time to isolate the comments so I have no idea what segment of the show contains them. I am posting the video for those who might have time to listen to it.

WARNING: Some content in the video may be offensive to some in this audience. Pick up the video around the 1Hr 09Min mark.

This is a perfect example of how major stories can be squashed by large media outlets. I was unaware of this story until today. Is it true? Maybe so and maybe not. The point is that if a former associate makes these accusations it should be covered by the media even if their only intent is to discredit such comments.

Larry Nichols was there and he knows what happened. Is he lying? That’s something that only he and others that were there truly know.

If the accusations that are flying on the Pete Santilli show are true, it is just more evidence that we cannot fully put our trust in Fox News.

Clinton and Obama Claim Obamacare Will Slash the Deficit

Clinton Global InitiativeTheBlaze reported: While Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) filibustered the funding of Obamacare, two Democratic presidents claimed the law is making health insurance cheaper for individuals and actually reduce deficit spending.

President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton spoke in a talk show like setting Tuesday in New York in a forum about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, sponsored by the Clinton Global Initiative.

“You remember our president said our structural deficit would disappear if we had a consistent health care system in terms of cost with the French and Germans,” Clinton said.

“In the last three years, since we started doing this, rise in health care costs has dropped for three years in a row for the first time in 50 years,” Clinton later added. “Before that, the costs were going up at three times the rate of inflation for a decade.”

Obama praised the law for being fiscally responsible, arguing that costs will shrink and thus so will government expenditures.

“We’ve raised enough money to pay for providing health insurance for those who don’t have it through providing tax credits in the market place and at the same time, because we’re driving down costs, we actually end up saving a little money,” Obama said. “It is a net reduction of our deficit. The irony of those who are talking about repealing Obamacare because of it’s so wildly expensive is if they actually repealed the law, it would add to the deficit.”

But a non-partisan government report released last week said the slower rate of increased costs is due to the slow economy. The National Health Expenditures Report from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) states that health care costs will be on the upswing.

“By 2022, the ACA is projected to reduce the number of uninsured people by 30 million, add approximately 0.1 percentage-point to average annual health spending growth over the full projection period, and increase cumulative health spending by roughly $621 billion,” the report states.

“Health spending growth through 2013 is expected to remain slow because of the sluggish economic recovery, continued increases in cost-sharing requirements for the privately insured, and slow growth for public programs,” the CMS report adds. “These factors lead to projected growth rates of near 4 percent through 2013.”

The increase will be in part because of Obamacare and anticipated economic growth, the report says.

“However, improving economic conditions, combined with the coverage expansions in the Affordable Care Act and the aging of the population, drive faster projected growth in health spending in 2014 and beyond,” the report continued. “Expected growth for 2014 is 6.1 percent, with an average projected growth of 6.2 percent per year thereafter. Over the 2012–22 period, national health spending is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.8 percent. By 2022 health spending financed by federal, state, and local governments is projected to account for 49percent of national health spending and to reach a total of $2.4 trillion.”

A recent Forbes magazine analysis found the law would increase health care costs by $7,450 for the average family of four.

In the face of a potential government shutdown over funding the law the president is going on the offensive to change public opinion on the law. Part of that offensive is turning to the politician who was instrumental in his 2012 reelection.

Obama was able to do what Clinton could not, which was push a massive health care overhaul through Congress. A Democratic-controlled Congress shot down the Clinton-backed plan in 1994.

Obama reminded the former president of his failure bringing up the well known “Harry and Louise” ad campaign that helped sway public opinion against the Clinton universal health care plan.

“Sometimes people come up to me and say ‘well, if this is such a good deal, how come the polls show it’s not popular,” Obama said. One of the things that you and I both know is that when it comes to health care, there is no more personal and intimate decision, and this is something that people really care about. And frankly, the devil you know is often better than the devil you don’t know. That’s what Harry and Louise were all about back in the 90s. It was scaring people with the prospect of change.”

OBAMA AND CLINTON: Obama Made ‘Secret Deal’ to Support Hillary in 2016

Obama Clinton Secret DealThis makes total sense. Clinton kissed Obama’s ass in exchange for political gain.  Two of Conservative’s most despised pair (Obama and Hillary Clinton) struck up a secret deal to endorse Hillary Clinton in 2016, in exchange Bill Clinton served up his support in the past November election, a move that may ultimately destroy our country.  Thanks Bill, you are a real champ…

Klein, author of last year’s explosive “The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House,” writes that despite the former president’s reported animosity toward Obama, Clinton agreed to prominently back him at the Democratic National Convention, according to an excerpt of the book’s new paperback edition:

The Blaze reports: [A]s last summer wore on, and Democrat enthusiasm waned, chief political strategist David Axelrod convinced the president that he needed Bill Clinton’s mojo.

A deal was struck: Clinton would give the key nominating speech at the convention, and a full-throated endorsement of Obama. In exchange, Obama would endorse Hillary Clinton as his successor.

Clinton’s speech was as promised; columnists pointed out the surprising enthusiasm in which he described the president. It also lived up to Obama’s fears, as more people talked about Clinton’s speech in the weeks following than his own.

But after his re-election, Obama began to have second thoughts. He would prefer to stay neutral in the next election, as is traditional of outgoing presidents.

Bill Clinton went ballistic and threatened retaliation. Obama backed down. He called his favorite journalist, Steve Kroft of “60 Minutes,” and offered an unprecedented “farewell interview” with departing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

It was Klein who wrote last year that Clinton ripped Obama as an “amateur” and tried to persuade his then-secretary of state wife to quit her post and challenge Obama in 2012. Representatives for the Clintons and for Obama strongly denied the claims, which the White House called “nonsense.”

Hillary Clinton is considered a top Democratic contender for 2016, along with Vice President Joe Biden.