The Absurd And Unbelievable ‘Numbers Games’ Of Obama And The Media

The ‘short list’ of the myriad ways the Obama White House has defrauded the American people is … well, deceptively long.

The Liberal news media has been all atwitter recently, insisting that Obama hasn’t really taken that much vacation time. Huh?

This President’s being slammed because he continues to fund raise while the world burns; and if he’s not fundraising for the upcoming Democratic midterm disaster, then he’s on a lavish vacation at taxpayer expense. That’s the reality.

But our lame-duck news media can’t have any criticism of their man in the Oval Office; oh no, that wouldn’t do.

So they borrowed a page, a stratagem, a ruse from Obama himself: use ‘numbers’ and statistics to confuse and confound ordinary (read: ‘saps’) Americans.

Not satisfied with the one-sided deception, the media added another favorite Obama ploy: blaming his presidential predecessors. Scapegoating. Obama et. al. are the masters—and by “master,” I mean the senseis, the Mr. Miyagis of scapegoating others to obfuscate their own malfeasance. It’s so old, they do it reflexively, in their sleep.

And they’ve got the news media well-trained.

So this latest scheme involves the lapdog ‘news’ people stepping forward with new numbers on the previous president’s vacation days. Based on an unscrupulous CBS News report in 2011, the NY Times, CNN, MSNBC, Politifact, Daily Kos, and all the other usual Marxist suspects have sought to compare the lackadaisical Obama and his shoddy work ethic to previously more hard-working presidents, Reagan and George W. Bush in particular. I mean, does anybody else really have any doubt that Obama is cavalierly slacking off, enjoying the perks of our presidency to the fullest and ignoring America’s domestic and foreign issues? Anybody?

And unfortunately, I’m not surprised anymore at how he, Obama, and they, his tightly-leashed news media, pervert the truth through their own special brand of numbers games.

These deceiving games are employed again and again endlessly, as Obama never meets a crisis he wants wasted while America and the world suffer.

The ‘short list’ of the myriad ways the Obama White House has defrauded the American people is … well, deceptively long:

**The continuous cheer-leading the Obama administration has performed using cooked books by their Treasury Department, Economic Advisory Board, Council on Jobs & Competitiveness, and Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS—“Just Take Out The ‘L’”) regarding the all-important economy is shameful. No numbers from this cabal can be trusted. First, Obama and his campaigners made the economic downturn look worse while he was running, then, when he was elected in 2008, took an immediate 180° turn– dissembling that the economy was already getting better under Obama’s absurd tutelage. The “Summer of Recovery” was nothing of the sort and a grand deception; everybody knows that now. The suspiciously rosy numbers Obama put out just months before his 2012 re-coronation were provably false–and with the lies he’s told before and since, amount to a theft of the election.

**The constant padding of the jobs and crucially the unemployment percentage is despicable. There’s no greater lie than to tell the American people that they have more jobs than they do, when you know in fact that they don’t. Look: America’s economy was what made it a superpower the world over, a place where “the streets were paved with gold” and anybody could come to improve their lives, and the greatest nation the world has ever known. Until Obama, that is. Telling the American people—who are scrambling to find jobs, earn a living, and support their families—that the unemployment rate is 9% when it’s 15% (or more recently, when Obama and his henchmen continued the charade that the rate is 6% and it’s really over 12%), is lying. Furthermore, it’s lying for personal gain and lying to the American people, an impeachable and jail-able offense.

**The other numbers Obama’s sect is always releasing are no more reliable than any of these absolutely crucial ones above. Housing numbers, GDP numbers, Cost of Living numbers, IRS numbers, GSA numbers, terrorism numbers, poll numbers … they’re all suspect because that’s what Obama and his people do: fudge the numbers.

Using a smoke-and-mirrors strategy employing fun-house mirrors, Obama and crew have mastered the art of misleading malfeasance in order to not only get reelected, but remain in office.

We the People need to immediately tune out any numbers coming out of this entire government and any agency associated with it. Once the spin doctors in Obama’s clique see that nobody believes or is paying any attention at all to their sinister yet feeble attempts to mislead and prevaricate, they will slowly slither back under their rocks to devise another set of lies.

And this time, we’ll all be ready.

[H/T Western Journalism]