Watch a Hero Cat Charge Down a Dog Brutally Attacking a Child

A little boy was out enjoying his bicycle in his family’s driveway on Tuesday when out of no where he was attacked by a loose dog.

Luckily, a hero cat was on hand to save the day — yes, a cat.

The incident occurred just before 5 p.m., in Bakersfield, California, according to KERO-TV.

Different angles from the home’s surveillance camera show the boy and then the dog prowling around the corner. When the canine spotted the boy on the other side of an SUV, he trotted over and then lunged, violently pulling the boy from his toddler bike.

Then, the family’s cat, Tara, charged and jumped on the dog, frightening him away from the child and chasing him off the property.

[H/T TheBlaze: ]


Islamists Only Need To Do This One Thing To Impose Sharia On Americans…

Those who say Islam and its Sharia law are not a threat to America are one of two things.

(Western Journalism) – Recently, all fourteen Democrat Florida State Senators voted to allow the introduction of Sharia Law into the Florida court system. Fortunately, they are nowhere near a majority (they lost 24 to 14); and the measure died at the hands of true Americans. The proposed law (SB386) was titled “Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases.”

A report on this vote, which included a brief outline of what living under Sharia law means, drew some comments that indicate a serious lack of understanding of the dangers of Sharia law. Several expressed skepticism that “this is what the Democrats actually voted for,” and others attacked anyone who believed the brief list of horrors as “right wing morons.”

These comments set the stage for this first in a series of special reports on Sharia Law: Sharia and freedom of speech.

The political arm of Islam in America is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR, whose very name betrays the fact that Muslims don’t think of themselves as Americans, has a long history of whining to their allies in the Democrat Party (Muslims vote overwhelmingly Democrat), asking them to silence those who make even the mildest critical comments about the so-called “Religion of Peace.”

Recently, CAIR demanded the Republican Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma apologize for saying that Barack Obama favors Islamists over Judeo-Christian Americans.

This is a strong statement, but it is exactly the type of protected speech our Founding Fathers had in mind when they enshrined Freedom of Speech into the Bill of Rights. The examples of these attempted and successful infringements on Freedom of Speech go on. Another that serves this purpose is the fact that Islamists used American police to arrest American citizens peacefully demonstrating outside an Islamist gathering in Dearborn, Michigan.

This steady pressure on our rights is part of what Islamists do whenever they gain enough strength in a given area. Minneapolis is now well on its way to being a Sharia-run city. Islamist cab drivers are refusing passengers they believe are carrying alcohol or are bringing a dog with them – even a Seeing Eye Dog. They have gotten away with turning down rooftop ads for Cleveland’s Gay games as well.

A look across the Atlantic at the sad condition of England gives us an idea of the ultimate goal of the Islamists in stage one of their destruction of America.

A patriotic English politician was recently arrested for quoting Winston Churchill on the slovenly habits of Muslims and how they breed destruction of society wherever they “rule or live.” The arrest came after a single Muslim complained to a cowardly British government that is already too far gone to be helped.

For a look at what American patriots could be demanding in the near future, consider this first demand from patriotic Brits: “Introduce a US style First Amendment guaranteeing free speech.”

Those who say Islam and its Sharia law are not a threat to America are either self-delusional fools or lying supporters of Sharia themselves. Either way, they must be pushed aside as we fight for our liberties.

ObamaCare contractor pays employees to do nothing, whistleblower says

(Fox News) – Employees at an ObamaCare processing center in Missouri with a contract worth $1.2 billion are reportedly getting paid to do nothing but sit at their computers.

“Their goals are set to process two applications per month and some people are not even able to do that,” a whistleblower told KMOV-TV, referring to employees hired to process paper applications for ObamaCare enrollees.

The facility in Wentzville is operated by Serco, a company owned by a British firm that was awarded $1.2 billion in part to hire 1,500 workers to handle paper applications for coverage under the law, according to The Washington Post.

The whistleblower employee told the station that weeks can pass without data entry workers receiving even a single application to process. Employees reportedly spend their days staring at their computers, according to a KMOX-TV report.

“They’re told to sit at their computers and hit the refresh button every 10 minutes, no more than every 10 minutes,” the employee said. “They’re monitored, to hopefully look for an application.”

The employee accused Serco of attempting to conceal the lack of work as it continues to hire employees for processing centers in Missouri, Kentucky and Oklahoma. The employee said Serco is compensated for each worker it hires.

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare services told KMOV-TV in a statement that “Serco is committed to making sure federal funds are spent appropriately, and the number of Serco staff is reviewed on a regular basis.”

Last year, the British government launched an investigation into the firm’s parent company, Serco Group, for allegedly overbilling the government by “tens of millions of pounds” under a contract to monitor offenders on parole and individuals released on bail, The Washington Post reported.

The Obama administration defended the high-dollar contract at the time.

“Serco is a highly skilled company that has a proven track record in providing cost-effective services to numerous other federal agencies,” then-Medicare spokesman Brian Cook said. “The company has provided exceptional records management and processing support to other federal agencies, similar to work they will do for the marketplace.”

[H/T FoxNews]

ICE Release of 36,000 Criminal Immigrants a President-Sanctioned Prison Break

Texas Republican Rep. Lamar Smith reacted harshly to a new report detailing the crimes committed by 36,007 criminal immigrants that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released last year.

(Breitbart) – “This would be considered the worst prison break in American history, except it was sanctioned by the President and perpetrated by our own immigration officials. These criminal immigrants should have been deported to ensure that they could never commit crimes on U.S. soil. But instead, ICE officials chose not to detain them and instead released them back onto American streets,” Smith said in a statement Monday.

An internal Department of Homeland Security document obtained by the Center for Immigration Studies, a limited immigration group, and shared with Breitbart News Monday revealed that last year ICE released 36,007 criminal immigrants who had nearly 88,000 convictions.

The document further broke down the crimes and number of convictions – including 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions.

CIS detailed the document’s findings in a report Monday morning, explaining that ICE prepared the document in response to congressional inquiries seeking additional information about the number of criminal aliens released into the United States and the crimes for which they were convicted.

Smith was one of the members of Congress who pressed DHS for these answers.

The congressman actually did receive a response from DHS earlier this year explaining that ICE did release 36,007 criminal aliens. DHS also included a breakdown of the kinds of offenses but did not include the number of offenses per type of crime.

“Obama administration officials want the American people to think these individuals were guilty of minor, petty offenses,” Smith said. “But the convictions tell a chilling story. Among those released were criminal immigrants convicted of murder, rape, kidnapping, drunk driving, and aggravated assault.”

The Texas congressman added that immigration reform should be off the table until laws currently on the books are enforced.

“There should be no discussion of reforming our nation’s immigration laws until the President enforces the laws currently on the books. The safety of the American people should be the President’s top priority. We need a President who follows the law and deports criminal immigrants who violate our laws and endanger our lives.”

ICE has not responded to the CIS report, but told Breitbart News Monday morning they are looking into it.

[H/T Breitbart: ]