The Simple Case For Obama’s Impeachment

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.

(Western Journalism) — A very simple case can be made for the impeachment and trial of Barack Obama. He has committed a crime worthy of impeachment, one so simple and yet so obvious that no Democrat would dare defend his crime during a Senate Trial.  No liberal talking head or Hollywood celebrity could excuse it either.

It is a crime that he has been committing for so long that there is no one in our country who could excuse what he has done. But first, we need to ask ourselves what did the founders determine is a high crime. Because that will be the only argument the Democrats might use to save him from being convicted and removed from office.

Believe it or not, Andrew Johnson was impeached but not convicted of violating the Tenure in Office Act. It was written to prevent Johnson, a Democrat, from removing from his cabinet Republicans (particularly Edwin Stanton, the Secretary of War) that Lincoln had put in his cabinet, and replacing them with Southern Democrats without the permission of the Senate. Andrew Johnson was impeached by the house, but he was not convicted and removed by the Senate. He was impeached for trying to remove Edwin Stanton and was almost convicted by one vote short of the two thirds majority required to remove a sitting president.

Andrew Johnson’s reasons for removing Stanton were very simple. Stanton, along with General Sherman and several black ministers, came up with a plan to give the freed slaves in the south “40 acres and a mule” to compensate them for their bondage; and Johnson fired him for trying to implement it.  Oddly enough, Johnson was the only senator from a seceded state, Tennessee, to remain in the Senate during the Civil War, and in a stroke of brilliance by Lincoln was chosen as his running mate on the “Grand Union” ticket because he was a Southern Democrat. The sole reason he was impeached and almost convicted was an act written by Congress to protect Lincoln’s Cabinet members from being removed and replaced with Democrats.

Most people don’t realize that Richard Nixon was never impeached; and yet when we think of impeachment of a sitting president, Nixon always comes to mind. Nixon quit rather than put the nation through the spectacle that the Watergate hearings had become. Nixon waited until he had effectively won the war in Vietnam and signed a peace treaty with the North Vietnamese before he did quit. But after he had left, the Democrats in Congress cut off all aid to South Vietnam and signaled to the North that they would allow no US troops to stop their invasion of the South, erasing Nixon’s legacy and condemning South Vietnam to communist oppression.

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying before a Federal Grand Jury in a court case about his sexcapades with various women who sued him for sexual harassment. He escaped conviction and removal because of the actions of a young lawyer and senator from North Carolina by the name of John Edwards, who did the deposition of  Monica Lewinsky for the Senate’s trial. The irony of those actions would not be revealed until Edwards himself ran for President in 2008 against Barack Obama for the Democrat nomination.

Johnson was almost convicted of breaking a law specifically designed by Congress to prevent him from firing Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Nixon was almost impeached for attempting to bug the Democrat Party campaign offices in Washington and covering up his involvement, and Clinton was impeached for lying in court to a Federal grand Jury–but wasn’t convicted because a man with an equal sexual appetite convinced the Senate that everyone lies about sex. To remove Obama from office, what he has to have done has to be so egregious that none can condone it.

Lying about Libya isn’t going to do it. Breaking the War powers act in Yemen, Sudan, Libya, Syria, Pakistan, and other places isn’t going to do it. Spying on millions of Americans without a warrant isn’t going to do it. But what will do it is a crime so simple and yet so massive none will challenge it.

Barack Obama has being using the Social Security number of a dead man. Every piece of paper he has had to put his Social Security number on is an act of fraud against the United States government becausethat number belongs to Harrison (Harry) Bounel, whose SSN is the one Obama has used his entire life. For whatever reason (and you can be the judge), in 2012, the Social Security Administration refused to identify Harry Bounel’s Social Security Number,  even though Mr. Bounel died in 1981 in Hawaii. The Social Security Administration sought to protect his privacy.

Even now, there is a court case trying to force  this issue into the spotlight and verify that Obama’s Social Security number belongs to someone else. If it succeeds, all hell will break loose; and Obama will have to explain why he has used someone else’s social security number his entire life. And, he could become the first president in our history removed from office through impeachment and conviction.

[H/T Western Journalism]