Watch Glenn Beck’s Takedown of NY Gov. Cuomo – Plus, He Tells Megyn Kelly His Biggest Regret From His Time at Fox News

Appearing on “The Kelly File” Tuesday, Glenn Beck continued to rip New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over divisive remarks he made about “extreme” conservatives having no place in the Empire State.

Beck, who recently penned an open letter to the New York governor, argued Cuomo is attempting to assert a certain position in his state, which continues to move to the far-left. He said there is a “hostile takeover” by the radical left in New York, with progressive Bill de Blasio taking the reins in New York City.

“It’s a position that’s going to leave him in the dust bin of history,” he told host Megyn Kelly. “He says he’s talking about politicians, but, OK. If we can’t have politicians who stand up for the Constitution, stand up because they have the point of view that you have the right to life as an unborn child. … Those two, in particular, those are essential for us to argue about and have debate about, especially in politics.”


As Americans, Beck continued, we need to decide if we can live alongside people who have different points of view. “If we can’t,” he added, “we’ve seen that road in the 20th century over and over again, and it doesn’t end well.”

Beck even went as far as to say Cuomo sounds an awful lot like the former governor of Alabama who told people who wanted to march with Martin Luther King Jr. and ride on the “Freedom Bus” to get out of town.

“Where would the disenfranchised of the world in history be if we didn’t have that pushback?” he asked.

Later in the segment, Kelly asked Beck to reflect on his time as a TV host at Fox News. His answer may surprise some people.

Though he remembers the job being a lot of fun, Beck also revealed that he has some regrets about the way he handled himself on the air.

“I remember it as an awful lot of fun and that I made an awful lot of mistakes, and I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language,” he said. “I think I played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart.”

“I didn’t realize how really fragile the people were, I thought we were kind of more in it together,” he added. “Now I look back and I realize if we could have talked about the uniting principles a little more instead of the problems, I think I would look back on it a little more fondly. But that’s only my role.”

Glenn Beck on Cuomo

[H/T TheBlaze]