Muslims Attack Church, Christians Fight Back And Kill Five Of Them

(Walid Shoebat) — Muslims in Nigeria, just this Sunday, invaded the villages of Oweto and Utuluewu, and murdered seven Christians. One John Ngbede described the attack:

They killed seven of our community members in Oweto and Utuluewu villages in Agatu, while many others were injured in the attack …There was sporadic shooting in these two Christian communities in the early hours of Sunday, at about 10 a.m., when they were in their churches. This incident has forced Christian surviving residents of the two communities to flee their villages.

Sule Audu, another Christian community leader in the area, recounted that a relative, 60-year-old Isah Onum, was one of those slaughtered by the Muslims. He then said:

I do not understand the rationale behind these incessant killing of our people and the destruction of their homes

Garus Gololo, the state secretary of the Myetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association of Nigeria,recounted with lamentation his grief over the murderers of his brethren:

I’m so sad over the killings in the area …I’m also told that the soldiers fell in the middle of the crossfire between the Agatu and Fulanis. The killers should be arrested and prosecuted.

This is what Christian suffer at a daily basis, please donate to save Christian lives.

However, the violence of the Muslims has not been completely successful, for a show of strength has recently been illustrated in the Kaduna state of Nigeria. When Muslims were approaching a cluster of Christian villages in this state, in order to invade it and slaughter the people, a group of Catholic parishioners noticed them and informed the inhabitants, giving enough time for the Christians to get prepared for battle.

As the Muslims attempted to gain entry into the churches, the Christians confronted the Islamic hordes. The Muslims opened fire upon the Christian defenders who were gathered together by a church in the Sabon Gari area of Manchok. The Christians fired back, and in their combat they killed five Muslims, and only one Christian was wounded in the fray, leaving the saints a glorious victory.

Yakubu Gandu Nkut, of the Evangelical Church Winning All, recounted:

The gunmen shot indiscriminately at Christians who prevented them from gaining entrance into churches …All churches in Manchok, Zankan, Sabon Gari, Fadan Attakar, Gizagwai, Zangang, and in surrounding villages were forced to end their worship services abruptly because of the early morning invasion by these Fulani gunmen. …A member of my church was shot by the gunmen and was injured

After the defeat of the heretics, the Muslims left a note in the town, telling the Christians “to be prepared for a total war in the coming weeks”.

The Muslims are soon going to realize that their attempt to holocaust the Christians will not be convenient, and that their desire for bloodshed will only lead to the spilling of their blood at the hands of defending Christians.

Christians Kill 5 Muslims

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Oregon’s Obamacare Website Still Doesn’t Work

The Obamacare mess continues.

Cover Oregon, the Obamacare health exchange for the state of Oregon, has spent $200 million on a website that still does not work.

In just three years, program officials spent $200 million of the $305 million they were given in federal money.

Rep. Jason Conger (R., Ore.) expressed his frustration: “So, we’ve already burned through $200 million. We’ve got just over $100 million left. Do we spend that money to continue to try to fix a website that so far has been a lot of promises but no results, or do we send that money back and we look at alternatives that might be more helpful to people that need health insurance?”

Conger sent a letter to Governor Kitzhaber, no stranger to Cover Oregon scandal, petitioning him to terminate the entire program, but has yet to receive a reply.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.), was evasive when asked about the failed CoverOregon, only telling a reporter: “Obviously this has to be fixed, and it seems to me that all the state officials have acknowledged it.”

[H/T The Washington Free Beacon]

Red Alert: Operation American Spring Is Exploding And So Is The Opposition

(Before It Is News) — Guerilla Media Network has fully committed every resource we have available to help promote awareness for the May 16, 2014 event called “Operation American Spring”.  In our discussions with event organizers, we’ve been able to feel much more comfortable with the mission, and we wanted to share them with everyone.  From our perspective, we’ve already seen the “subverters” in full operational mode.  Essentially, there are very powerful forces dedicated to ensuring that this event is not a success.  Below is a list of suggestions as to how we can all contribute to making this event what it needs to be.

As a public service announcement —- here’s the mission; simplified:

1) GET EVERYONE WE CAN TO GO TO DC! Send as many people to Washington DC on May 16, 2014 as we possibly can.  The ideal situation is to have millions of people show up at the front doorstep of our corrupt leaders and demand they vacate their offices.  We will stay in the streets until each of them leaves.  They will have no other option than to leave.

2) LEADERLESS:  We will achieve success if the “leaders” of this event are people who live at their home addresses and take care of their families. If you care about your family, you are a leader of this event.  Nobody is in charge of getting you off your butt to save your country but YOU!  There are approximately 120 million households in the USA; all potential leaders in this effort to restore our Constitution.

3) PEACEFUL PROTEST: Peacefully convene in the streets coast-to-coast on May 16th and demand that all polticians comply with our peaceful mandate.  If we have 10 million people come out of their homes; stand in the streets with their mouths shut and even with their eyes closed, and stay there til our politicians and banksters leave — WE WIN!  It’s 100% guaranteed that we will take our government back if we simply have faith and determination.

4) ACT NOW!  Between now and May 16th, everyone needs to take some sort of peaceful action in their local communities, and spread awareness on their social media.  If we can immediately schedule weekly meetings at our local VFW, American Legion ot Public Library, we can start the process of nullifying the NDAA within out local towns and cities.  PANDA (People Against the NDAA) has had tremendous success organizing and providing tools for individuals to go to their City Council, and request that they pass legislation to nullify the NDAA.

5) IGNORE ANYONE WHO TRIES TO DISCOURAGE OR DETER US:  People (some of whom are paid to do so) are already trying to attack indiciduals who mention the event.  This is an old and stale method of detraction and subversion, especially to those of us who see it coming a mile away.  Operative within alternative media are starting to write articles and desparage anyone attaching their name to the event.  WE MUST CRUSH THIS TACTIC BY IGNORING THEM.  Col Riley has admitted publicly that he matters thevery least in this effort.  If he is removed completely, it shouldn’t matter because leadership needs to come from each community; each household.

Here’s the general rule:  If someone targets an individual who they believe is not suited to lead or volunteer in any capacity, then they should be prepared to replace them.  This is a leaderless event; therefore attacking leadership is a waste of time and distraction.

If someone discourages people from getting involved, you may as well put a dunce cap on their head.  They’re either being paid to discourage people, or they’re trying to suck up to the establishment in trying to keep people at home.  Anyone who cares about our country will support this event in their own way.  Anyone who opposes it , or attempts to dissuade people from trying to save our country should be formally considered our opposition.

During the “Trucker’s Ride for The Constitution” back in October 2013, there were many powerful entities trying to stop the event.  Even top alternative media personalities were attempting to create fear by telling their audience that “truck were going to deliver nukes” or “the national guard is on the streets!”; this was their method of convincing people to stay home.  Whoever they are working for is obviously not on the side of the American people.  Why was this event sabotaged?  Because we were proposing shutting down commerce to Washington DC with the truckers.  When you go up against the man, always remember that the man has a lot of money at his disposal to stop you.

We have to chose one of two option:  (1) Attempt a peaceful means to take our government back  or (2) Submit to tyranny and enslavement.  If we opt for #2, our children will have to die trying to fight off what they have inherited from us.

The choice is yours.  Make no excuses. Don’t wait for someone else to save your country.  It’s time for each of us to pitch in.  For those of you who wish to “wait & see” what others will do, please recognize that you are doing EXACTLY what those who steal trillions from us want your to do.

Resist the temptation to hide behind your computer.  Get off your arse and save your country; even if you have to do it all by yourself.

Here’s the text from the main page of Col. Roley’s website.  Please go to his website and share everything on it.  Copy, paste & share. if his site is taken down, we should have millions of backups.  Instruct others to do the same.

Please listen to the interview with Col. Riley on The Pete Santilli Show on Thursday, December 16, 2014. The 30 minute interview starts at the :30 minute mark of the first hour.  (Click here to visit YouTube directly)

[H/T Before It Is News]

Video: Obama Birth Certificate: Loretta Fuddy’s Brother Questions Autopsy Results

Loretta Fuddy Plane Crash Death Gets More and More Strange! Own Brother Disputes Autopsy Results!

Shortly after the plane soared from Kalaupapa, Molokai, Mr. Kawasaki heard a bang and the engine died. At that moment, all nine passengers faced imminent and inexplicable death.

The controversy swirling around President Obama’s birth certificate simply will not die. Take a recent plane crash in Hawaii.

[H/T YouTube]

Family With Rare Medical Conditions Denied Obamacare Coverage, Now Struggling With New Plan’s Expense

  • Ken Davert has spina bifida. Melissa “Missy” Davert and their two children have a condition that makes their bones fragile and susceptible to breaking. 
  • When the Davert family was told their insurance for their children would be cancelled, they turned to Obamacare and were denied. 
  • Now, with a fixed income, the family is worried about being able to afford the out-of-pocket maximum for the private insurance their children need.
  • “… we’ve overcome many obstacles in life. And now it’s a shame that one of the obstacles we have to overcome is our own government to pay for health care,” Ken Davert said.

Every member in the Davert family has a medical condition requiring special care. But after losing their preferred insurance upon the enactment of the Affordable Care Act and being denied federal coverage, the Michigan family is now worried about high costs associated with their new private plan.

According to The Bay City Times, Ken Davert has cerebral palsy and his wife, Missy, and their 15-year-old fraternal twins all have a condition called osteogensis imperfecta, which makes their bones very fragile.

davert family

The newspaper reported that the couple receives disability payments and are covered under Medicare. The state’s Children’s Special Health Care Services covers issues related to the teens’ bone condition but not their other health needs.

“We received a letter from Blue Cross maybe four months ago stating that their plan was going to be canceled due to new requirements of Obamacare,” Missy Davert told The Bay City Times. “I can imagine they didn’t fit criteria of the new plan. There were some particular benefits the new act didn’t cover.”

So, the family applied for Obamacare. The Bay City Times reported that their first application was lost and their second came with a rejection. In response, the family is filing an appeal, which could take three months for the federal exchange to answer.


“What we did in the meantime, because their insurance was ending Dec. 31, we had to go out and buy a separate plan directly through Blue Cross/Blue Shield,” the teens’ mother told the newspaper. “The president had come on TV and said, ‘If you like your plan, you can keep your plan, we won’t require you to get marketplace insurance for another year.’ But Blue Cross/Blue Shield would not continue their plan, despite what the president said.”

The family’s issue with this new plan is its out-of-pocket maximum. Before, coverage cost the parents $2,500 for both teens, the Times reported. Now, it will cost $5,100 each – $10,200 total.

“It’s great insurance if you don’t have to use it, that’s how I look at it, but you never know from day to day if you’re going to need it,” Missy Davert told the Times.

Based on their family’s medical history, meeting the maximum out-of-pocket expense relatively common.

Watch this video from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy about the Davert’s insurance issues (via Michigan Capitol Confidential):

“We have such a unique family and we’ve overcome many obstacles in life. And now it’s a shame that one of the obstacles we have to overcome is our own government to pay for health care,” Ken Davert said in the video, laughing in disbelief.

The Bay City Times reported that it is unclear exactly why Blue Cross cancelled the Davert’s previous coverage.

Last week after the family’s plight was seen on some websites, the newspaper reported that they were contacted by  Paul Tibbits, a representative with the Federal Health and Human Services Agency. Tibbits told the Daverts he thinks a glitch in the federal marketplace system might have mistakenly denied their children Medicade coverage. When she tried to re-enroll again after this conversation, Missy Davert said the site still wasn’t working.

Overall, the family told the newspaper they are figuring out how to make it work financially. Ken Davert is going back to work, something he can only due part time due to the symptoms associated with spina bifida.

“It’s frustrating to me. It seems more and more our government has become a controlling power when the power is supposed to be with the people,” Missy Davert told the Times. “I’m not saying this law isn’t good for some people. I’m really happy for those people [being helped], and I’m not trying to take away what they’ve gained, but it’s also hurting many people.”

Watch this video from a couple years ago, in which the Daverts share more about their family and life:

[H/T TheBlaze]

Mullen: Washington ‘Doing Handstands’ as if Grave Problem of National Debt ‘Has Gone Away’

(PJ Media) — WASHINGTON — The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said at a breakfast Tuesday in Washington that the national security implications of the national debt are keeping him up at night, even as budget negotiators are “doing handstands … as if the problem has gone away.”

Adm. Mike Mullen, who retired in 2011 after serving in parts of George W. Bush’s last term and President Obama’s first term, stressed at the Concerned Veterans for America event that “the military is part of the solution to better outcomes around the world, but on a higher level it’s really about economies.”

“If you can create some stability in a peaceful environment, people’s standard of living will improve and economies will start to thrive,” he said.

Mullen said he was “delighted” with the progress made through bipartisan budget and appropriations agreements in Congress, but “I worry that it sends the signal that it’s over.”

“We just can’t be the country that we are capable of… if we just keep spending ourselves into oblivion,” the four-star retired admiral warned. “It’s going to take sacrifice, quite frankly, on the part of everybody.”

Even for all of the complaints about defense eating up the budget, Mullen said pouring the entire Pentagon budget into the debt still would have “minimal impact” without entitlement reform.

That includes means testing for entitlements, which he said he’s happy to personally do. “Those who can afford a little more need to pay a little more, as far as I’m concerned,” he said, instead of a mentality of “they feel entitled to this whether they need it or not” or “‘you owe me this,’ whether or not you need it.”

The recent bipartisan cooperation is hopefully “a harbinger of steps to be taken in the future” on broader reform. “I would hope it’s the beginning of being able to turn it around.”

Within the Pentagon, he notes that the overhead has “grown enormously” over the past couple of decades. “The force is going to get a little smaller,” Mullen said, stressing that a budget-strapped department needs “to customize our force for the world we’re living in.”

“We have a bad history in this country of ignoring the lessons, then just moving forward and starting all over again,” he said.

In addition to the debt, four other issues weigh heavy on Mullen’s mind when worrying about the future of America.

One is K-12 education, where he believes one of the problems is teachers are “not valued in the country,” while another is the political paralysis in Washington. “I hope leadership in the country at large can figure out a way to get us moving in a positive direction before we have some catastrophic event,” he said.

Mullen also worries about cyber attacks and the ability of policy makers without technical backgrounds to understand the gravity of the threat. “I understand how lethal it is,” he said, noting that the hacking of Target customers’ credit card data “speaks to the scale of the capability in the cyber world.”

The fifth big challenge is caring for this nation’s veterans who are facing “very tough employment numbers” as well as health and education challenges — though he thinks the answer is found on a local scale instead of within Washington.

“I find this ‘sea of goodwill’ out there on the part of the American people; you need local leaders to galvanize that,” Mullen said, stressing that service members are “leaving at 1,000 a day, which is normal, and we’re hiring them at about 100 a day.”

But the admiral said it’s also important that the military retain the best of the best. “After every war we lose a lot of our best people… particularly as the economy improves, they’re going to leave,” he said. “We need to keep the best we have in the military.”

While it’s early to gauge the full impact of sequestration — “one of the areas I stay out of is Obamacare,” Mullen quipped — the recent fiscal uncertainty in the military may reverberate notably in retention numbers.

On the foreign policy front, Mullen said he’s concerned Obama’s pivot to Asia is giving a sense of U.S. retreat and withdrawal from other hot zones in the world.

“I’m very supportive of rebalance,” he said, noting “that’s an economic zone that feeds the world — it needs to be stable.”

“That said, the Middle East is not going away… I don’t think we can do it and not continue to focus on the Middle East.”

“We don’t need to get into a fight with China,” Mullen added. “That doesn’t mean it isn’t going to happen.”

Watching Iraq become infested with al-Qaeda again in Anbar province has left the former chairman “extremely disappointed” but “not shocked.”

On the National Security Agency, he said from what he saw the NSA was “complying with the law; they have the interest of the United States of America at the top of their list.”

“I hate what Snowden did. I think Snowden is a traitor,” Mullen said, adding that nevertheless he’s glad there’s a debate about security vs. privacy that ensued in the wake of Snowden’s revelations. “The threat’s not going away, the danger is out there, so how do we balance that?”


[H/T PJ Media]

Americans Indifferent About Destruction of Fourth Amendment

Dianne Feinstein, chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said over the weekend NSA surveillance is not going anywhere despite Obama’s less than lukewarm assurance last week there will be reforms.

“The president has very clearly said that he wants to keep the capability” to surveil Americans without court-issued warrants, Feinstein said on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday. “So I think we would agree with him. I know a dominant majority of the — everybody, virtually, except two or three, on the Senate Intelligence Committee would agree with that.”

“A lot of the privacy people, perhaps, don’t understand that we still occupy the role of the Great Satan,” she continued. “New bombs are being devised. New terrorists are emerging, new groups, actually, a new level of viciousness. We need to be prepared. I think we need to do it in a way that respects people’s privacy rights.”

Feinstein, Rep. Mike Rogers, the Michigan Republican who chairs the House Intelligence Committee, and others in Congress continue to spread the debunked claim that giving the NSA a blank check has stopped terrorist attacks. ABC NewsCNN and the New York Times have repeated the falsehood.

If we can believe corporate polls, the American people have tuned out the debate over the destruction of the Fourth Amendment and the Bill of Rights.

“The latest evidence comes from a new Pew Research Center poll showing that half the public said they had heard nothing at all about President Obama’s speech Friday outlining new restrictions on the National Security Agency. Only 8% of those surveyed said they had ‘heard a lot’ about Obama’s plans,” the Los Angeles Times reports.

Polls also indicate a majority of Americans believe the whistleblower Edward Snowden is a criminal who should be prosecuted.

“Overall, the public is divided about whether Edward Snowden’s leak of classified information, which brought the program to light, has served or harmed the public interest: 45% say it has served the public interest while 43% say it harmed it,” Pew Research reported on Monday. “Nonetheless, a 56% majority wants to see the government pursue a criminal case against Snowden, while 32% oppose this.”

Defenders of the Fourth Amendment place hope in a positive ruling by the Supreme Court. Following rulings by lower courts, however, this appears unlikely.

Last month, U.S. district Judge William Pauley of New York ruled in response to an ACLU lawsuit that the NSA surveillance is reasonable, a “vital tool” in the battle against terrorism and less intrusive than the data people “voluntarily surrender” to “trans-national corporations.”

“Given the Justices’ preference for percolation in the lower courts,” writes Orin Kerr, a prominent Fourth Amendment scholar at George Washington University, “they may want to wait until the lower courts work through them.”

“I think a lot of commentators overestimate the chances that the Supreme Court would step in,” he added. “It’s certainly possible, but it’s not at all a sure thing.”

[H/T Info Wars]

Lawsuit: LA Cops Tased Man’s Genitals Until He Could “Smell His Flesh Burning”

(Info Wars) — A lawsuit currently being heard in a federal court reveals how LA sheriff’s deputies assaulted a young black man who had done nothing wrong, tasering his genitals up to ten times, enough for the flesh to begin to cook.

Twenty-six-year-old Daniel Johnson is pursuing damages for excessive force, false arrest, violations of the Constitution and civil rights, battery, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

The lawsuit describes how the incident, which happened just over a year ago, came about because Johnson’s father dropped a cigarette on the street outside their home, prompting the deputies to issue a citation of $1000 for littering, plus eight hours of community service.

Johnson notes that his 58-year-old father has nerve damage in his hand, which was the cause of him dropping the cigarette. When Johnson challenged the cops on the hefty punishment, he says they threatened and then attacked him.

“Deputy Abdulfattah responded by belligerently threatening Mr. Johnson, telling him that ‘I can write you a ticket too if you want,’” according to the federal lawsuit.

“At this point, plaintiff’s mother, who had also come outside to see what was going on, told him to go back into the house.” the case states. “He was not being given a ticket, and neither of the officers said anything further to him, so Mr. Johnson turned away and began to walk back toward the house. As he walked away from the officers, Deputy Russell grabbed plaintiff from behind and tried to slam him against the police car.”

“When Mr. Johnson asked why he was assaulting him, Deputy Russell maintained his hold on plaintiff and then tried to slam him against a nearby concrete post. Mr. Johnson’s mother and father repeatedly asked the officers to ‘leave him alone’ because ‘he hasn’t done anything wrong.’ The officers refused.” the case notes.

Johnson, who is of small build and height, maintains that he did not threaten, resist or raise his voice to the officers at any point, and that the attack was unprovoked.

The complaint states that one of the officers put Johnson in a full nelson while the other punched his father full in the face. The first officer then “swept Mr. Johnson’s legs out from under him and tackled him to the ground, slamming plaintiff’s left shoulder into the sidewalk.”

Johnson, who says he was still not resisting at this point, says that the second officer, deputy Abdulfattah, then tased him in the groin repeatedly.

“Mr. Johnson could smell his flesh burning from the Tases and he was screaming in pain.” the document reads.

“Abdulfattah continued to intentionally shoot his Taser at plaintiff’s genitals every couple seconds. Mr. Johnson begged Abdulfattah to stop Tasing him. His mother and father repeatedly asked Abdulfattah to stop Tasing him. Deputy Abdulfattah did not stop.”

The complaint also claims that Abdulfattah has previously faced multiple complaints of excessive force. The case is ongoing.

Sheriff’s deputies allegedly tased a man in the groin ten times over a littering citation

[H/T Info Wars]

New York Officials Move to Seize WWII Vet’s Property – and With Taxpayer Dollars

(TheBlaze) — World War II veteran Frank Whitney is fighting taxpayer-funded attempts by a New York village to seize his private property.

Officials in the village of Saltaire on Fire Island, N.Y., are trying to take Whitney’s Saltaire Market grocery using eminent domain so they can build a municipality-owned market, the New York Post reported.

And in an attempt to get their hands on the 88-year-old’s property, which was damaged in 2012 by Superstorm Sandy, village officials may try to raise the $2.5 million needed to buy and refurbish his grocery store by increasing the area’s property taxes.

Whitney said he has means and the money to fix the damaged store, which he has owned and operated for 25 years, but he said Saltaire officials are preventing him from repairing his property.

“Our choice was to rebuild,” Whitney said in a video his family put together in an attempt to draw attention to his situation. “It’s not fair. What they did is not fair.”

The village’s board of trustees voted Aug. 31 to pursue an eminent domain proceeding against Whitney’s property, leaving some scratching their heads over the ordeal.

“There is almost nobody I have spoken to in the town that supports this eminent-domain action,” David Fisher told the Post.

It’s “disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful,” Kathleen Butle added.

In a statement, the village said it has “been trying, without success, to engage the Whitneys in substantive discussions” about renovating for the past year.

“[A]t various times they have clearly stated their inability or unwillingness to undertake the renovation requirement and despite statements to the contrary, no building plans or architectural drawings of any kind have ever been presented to the village for review,” it said.

But here’s where the story becomes particularly frustrating for Whitney: Four engineers, including two commissioned by the village, reviewed the storm damage on the market and ruled that it was not “substantial,” the store owner’s son, Scott, said.

“The repairs that are required due to the flooding . . . do not appear to me to be substantial improvements as defined in the building code,” one of the village-commissioned reports reads.

Nevertheless, despite the findings in the reports, village officials continue to argue that the damage is too much for Whitney to handle. Officials also said the veteran’s submitted plans for repairs are insufficient or incomplete.

New York Officials Move to Seize WWII Vet’s Property – and With Taxpayer Dollars

The village applied Aug. 12 for a $1.5 million New York state waterfront-improvement grant to acquire Whitney’s property, the Post reported. The New York State Department of State denied the village’s request this month.

Perhaps in anticipation of this ruling, village trustees voted three weeks after submitting the application to pursue eminent domain against Whitney.

Here’s a video of Frank Whitney recalling his years in the United States Air Force during WWII:

Saltaire Mayor Robert Cox III said that if the village’s condemnation moves forward, “it would be paid for by raising village taxes, floating a bond or selling off village property,” the Post reported.

The fight between Whitney and village officials continues to this day in the Appellate Division in Brooklyn.

“We continue to be hopeful that the matter can be resolved by the Whitney family agreeing to undertake the required repairs,” Cox told TheBlaze in an email, directing all inquiries to a more thorough explanation of the situation.

The Whitney family did not respond immediately to TheBlaze’s request for comment.

You can read more about Whitney’s fight to keep his property here.

[H/T TheBlaze]

Watch Glenn Beck’s Takedown of NY Gov. Cuomo – Plus, He Tells Megyn Kelly His Biggest Regret From His Time at Fox News

Appearing on “The Kelly File” Tuesday, Glenn Beck continued to rip New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo over divisive remarks he made about “extreme” conservatives having no place in the Empire State.

Beck, who recently penned an open letter to the New York governor, argued Cuomo is attempting to assert a certain position in his state, which continues to move to the far-left. He said there is a “hostile takeover” by the radical left in New York, with progressive Bill de Blasio taking the reins in New York City.

“It’s a position that’s going to leave him in the dust bin of history,” he told host Megyn Kelly. “He says he’s talking about politicians, but, OK. If we can’t have politicians who stand up for the Constitution, stand up because they have the point of view that you have the right to life as an unborn child. … Those two, in particular, those are essential for us to argue about and have debate about, especially in politics.”


As Americans, Beck continued, we need to decide if we can live alongside people who have different points of view. “If we can’t,” he added, “we’ve seen that road in the 20th century over and over again, and it doesn’t end well.”

Beck even went as far as to say Cuomo sounds an awful lot like the former governor of Alabama who told people who wanted to march with Martin Luther King Jr. and ride on the “Freedom Bus” to get out of town.

“Where would the disenfranchised of the world in history be if we didn’t have that pushback?” he asked.

Later in the segment, Kelly asked Beck to reflect on his time as a TV host at Fox News. His answer may surprise some people.

Though he remembers the job being a lot of fun, Beck also revealed that he has some regrets about the way he handled himself on the air.

“I remember it as an awful lot of fun and that I made an awful lot of mistakes, and I wish I could go back and be more uniting in my language,” he said. “I think I played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart.”

“I didn’t realize how really fragile the people were, I thought we were kind of more in it together,” he added. “Now I look back and I realize if we could have talked about the uniting principles a little more instead of the problems, I think I would look back on it a little more fondly. But that’s only my role.”

Glenn Beck on Cuomo

[H/T TheBlaze]