Hillary Clinton: See Who Made The ‘Hit List’

The Clinton’s are no stranger to ‘lists.’ Between Bill and Hillary, they have compiled at least 47 infelicitous deaths and all, were associated with the Clintons.

Do you want to know who’s on Hillary’s hit list?

The new book, “HRC: State Secrets and the Rebirth of Hillary Clinton,” by The Hill’s Amie Parnes and Politico’s Jonathan Allen, spills which political figures made Hillary’s hit list.

According to the authors, Hillary and Bill Clinton have been keeping a database of people who’ve crossed them throughout their political careers. The book alleges most of the people on Hillary’s “hit list” crossed her during run for president in 2008.

“As one of the last orders of business for a losing campaign, they recorded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet the names and deeds of members of Congress,” the book notes. “They carefully noted who had endorsed Hillary, who backed Barack Obama, and who stayed on the sidelines—standard operating procedure for any high-end political organization. But the data went into much more nuanced detail.”

Hillary’s campaign also kept record of Democrats who “understandably” didn’t support her because they were African-American. One of Hillary’s campaign staffers who was quoted in the book explained, “[There were] those who understandably didn’t endorse us because they are [Congressional Black Caucus] members or Illinois members.”

The staffer said the hit list would be especially important for Hillary if she won the presidency in 2016—“so that friends could be rewarded and enemies punished.”

The book states Hillary’s top enemies are:

1. John Kerry

2. Jay Rockefeller

3. Bob Casey

4. Patrick Leahy

5. Chris Van Hollen

6. Baron Hill

7. Rob Andrews

8. the late Ted Kennedy

Hillary Clinton