Gov. Andrew Cuomo Says Conservative, Gun-loving, Pro-lifers, Not Welcome in New York, Right Explodes

(The Raw Story) — Right-wing media figures of all stripes are outraged that New York Gov. Chris Cuomo (D) said that New York state is no place for “extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay” Republicans.

“(T)hey have no place in the state of New York,” the governor said, “because that’s not who New Yorkers are.”

The Albany Times-Union reported that Cuomo was speaking to Susan Arbetter on the New York Public Broadcasting radio show “The Capitol Pressroom.”

The National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez interpreted Cuomo’s statements to mean anyone who opposes abortion. In a column titled “Pro-Life? Not Welcome in Andrew Cuomo’s New York,” she lamented that people who want do deny a woman’s right to choose are, as ever, being unfairly persecuted.

She called Cuomo an agent of “the culture of death” and bemoaned New York’s “miserable [sic] high occurrences of the grave, irreversible misery” of abortion.

CNN conservative commentator S. E. Cupp took to Twitter to denounce the governor:

Cuomo Twitter

The conversation with Arbetter was about the current schism in the GOP between moderate Republicans and Tea Party extremists.

“Is the Republican party in this state a moderate party or is it an extreme conservative party?” he asked. “That’s what they’re trying to figure out. It’s a mirror of what’s going on in Washington. The gridlock in Washington is less about Democrats and Republicans. It’s more about extreme Republicans versus moderate Republicans.” called the governor’s remarks “condescending” and demanded to know how liberals would feel if conservative governors made similar remarks about liberals.

The website’s Cortney O’Brien urged readers not to be “soft on Cuomo.”

“We should be attacking his comments,” she said, “which alienated a large bloc of voters, just as much as the left jumped all over Romney’s ‘47 percent’ gaffe.”

Audio of Cuomo’s remarks is embedded below:

[H/T The Raw Story]