Obama’s Plan for U.S. Troops to Fight Alongside Al-Qaeda

(Western Journalism) — A report released on January 14, 2014 by a team of MIT scientists declares that Obama’s “incontrovertible evidence” that Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad was behind the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack was a complete fabrication

That the rocket must have come from areas controlled by Obama’s “freedom fighters,” meaning al-Qaeda.

And Obama knew this according to high-level sources in the Pentagon.

But it gets worse.

Obama’s planned two to three day “surgical strike” on Syria—before the American people put a stop to his proposed illegal war—was also a lie.

Obama, according to these same sources in the Pentagon, had been planning a full scale invasion of Syria, lasting months if not years, that would have involved a staggering 70,000 U.S. troops!

Yes, Obama was planning for U.S. troops to fight alongside al-Qaeda!

That’s called aiding and abetting the enemy.


And treason calls for impeachment, arrest, and imprisonment.

[H/T Western Journalism]