King Barack: “I Can Act On My Own Without Congress”

(Western Journalism) — As many Americans predicted, Barack Obama’s second term is taking an even more authoritarian turn than his first. No longer restricted by a need to be re-elected, he has made it abundantly clear that he intends to treat America as his monarchy for the remainder of his time in the White House.

Obama’s disdain for the legislative branch was on full display during a speech in North Carolina this week. After calling for yet another extension of unemployment benefits, he indicated that he won’t let lawmakers stand in the way of his radical agenda.

“Long-term, the challenge of making sure everybody who works hard can get ahead in today’s economy is so important that we can’t wait for Congress to solve it,” he told the crowd.

Of course, millions of Americans realize that the working class would advance naturally if Obama’s intrusive federal government would allow the free market to operate, well, freely. His stated goal, however, differs from his true mission of fundamentally transforming this once-great nation.

He has already presided over a marked decline in U.S. economic liberty. A recent report shows that America has, for the first time, dropped from the list of the world’s ten freest nations.

“Where I can act on my own without Congress,” he told the North Carolina crowd, “I’m going to do so.”

Outrageously, he has already signed multiple executive orders with little significant criticism of his fiat rule. This has apparently only emboldened him to declare outright his intention to carry out the remainder of his term as a monarch.

Obama King

[H/T Western Journalism: B. Christopher Agee]