Young Man Rescues Hundreds Of People From Being Killed By Jihadist Suicide Bomber

A schoolboy has been hailed a hero after sacrificing his own life to save classmates from a Pakistan suicide bomber.

Aitzaz Hassan, aged around 14, died in hospital after stopping the bomber, who blew himself up, at the gates of his school in the northwestern district of Hangu on Monday.

His father Mujahid Ali Bangash, 55, said he felt not sadness but pride at his son’s death.

‘Aitzaz has made us proud by valiantly intercepting the bomber and saving the lives of hundreds of his fellow students,’ he said.

‘I am happy that my son has become a martyr by sacrificing his life for a noble cause.’

Bangash works in the UAE and was only able to reach Ibrahimzai village, which lies in an area of Hangu dominated by minority Shiite Muslims, the day after his son’s funeral.

‘Many people are coming to see me but if they try to express sympathy, I tell them to congratulate me instead on becoming the father of a martyr,’ he said.

Aitzaz Hasan

‘I will be even more than happy if my second son also sacrifices his life for the country.’

Police official Shakirullah Bangash told AFP that Aitzaz intercepted the bomber some 150 metres (490 feet) away from the main gate of the school, which has around 1,000 students, most of them Shiite.

The schoolchildren were the target of the attack, he added.

News of Hassan’s bravery also led to an outpouring of tributes on social media.

[H/T Mail Online]

Ted Cruz: Obama ‘Dangerous and Terrifying’

(WND) — Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, charged President Obama with a pattern of “lawlessness on a breathtaking scale” that he said even liberal Democrats will come to regret when a future president seeks to exercise similar unbridled power.

Cruz said Friday morning at the last day of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Policy Orientation for the Texas Legislature that, from giving relief from departation to some young unauthorized immigrants to enforcement of drug laws to waiving rules for Obamacare, the president has acted by executive fiat in defiance of the rule of law.

“We are a nation of laws and not men,” said Cruz. “If we had a system where a president can pick and choose what laws to follow at utter whim … that is seriously dangerous.”

Cruz said the liberal media refuses to accurately report the threat to liberty of the Obama presidency, and makes excuses for the president’s overreaches.

But, he said, “If you’re a liberal, if you’re a Democrat, if you’re a reporter for the New York Times, maybe you’re saying, `he’s my guy. I root for my guy. I don’t like some of the things he’s doing but he’s basically my guy so he’s OK.’”

But Cruz warned those with that mindset that they ought to contemplate that their “guy ain’t gonna be there forever. If this president has that power so does the next one and the next one and the next one, and my message to all the Democrats and all the liberals is, what do you think about the next president, maybe a Republican, having the power Barack Obama has as a president who is not bound by the law?”

“If you love liberty, that should concern you greatly,” said Cruz.


Neighbors Inconvenienced By Michelle Obama’s Extended Vacation

(Western Journalism) — Apparently unsatisfied with wasting as much as $100,000 in taxpayer money to extend her Hawaiian trip without her family, Michelle Obama is reportedly uprooting the local community in the process.

Neighbors and local shop owners say the surrounding neighborhood has been effectively closed to traffic.

The Obamas have routinely cordoned off entire streets in anticipation of a personal celebration; however, the current roadblocks are reportedly causing widespread and persistent inconveniences.

One business owner explained potential patrons were unable to reach the location due to a number of police checkpoints set up in the vicinity. Other shops have complained employees are arriving late – or not at all – because of the shutdown.

Furthermore, even those simply trying to enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the Hawaiian landscape are being thwarted by the intrusive security measures. In areas near Winfrey’s mansion, a number of recreational sites have reportedly been closed.

Perhaps it is not surprising that a woman who believes her perpetually vacationing lifestyle should be bankrolled by working citizens also feels her mere presence warrants the gridlock of an entire tourist destination. For those who call the island home, not to mention those who spent their hard-earned money to visit, her departure won’t come soon enough.

Michelle Obama new hairstyle

Sources indicate Winfrey has already had her share of run-ins with her neighbors, who have cited the disruption associated with previous stays. Inviting one of the only women whose arrival would cause even more nuisance than her own will likely only make Winfrey more unpopular among locals.

Incidents such as this illustrate the Obamas’ disdain for the American people they are ostensibly working to help. Shutting down a neighborhood for days on end is nothing compared to yet another “free” vacation.

[H/T Western Journalism: B. Christopher Agee]