Dr. Jim Garrow: Reveals Dark Secrets of the Barack Hussein Obama You Will NOT Hear on Mainstream Media

Dr. James Garrow, PhD. is a Canadian teacher and businessman. In 1968 he founded the Bethune Institute, the legendary schools in China named for the Canadian thoracic surgeon, Dr. Norman Bethune. He is also President of Pink Pagoda Girls, an organization dedicated to rescuing baby girls from gendercide (female infanticide) in China. His book, The Pink Pagoda: One Man’s Quest to End Gendercide in China.

Nominated for Noble Prize, Humanitarian, Author, Founder Bethune Institute’s Pink Pagoda Schools (www.pinkpagoda.org)

An ex-CIA operative, below, are some links to articles on Dr. Jim Garrow:

Did Obama Plan to Nuke America?

About a month ago Dr. Garrow reported that Tom Clancy and Andrew Breitbart were basically assassinated by operatives from The Obama Administration. I can actually believe that could be true. However, the part I had a hard time swallowing was that Garrow claimed to have this knowledge only because he is a former CIA Agent. I printed that article, written by Dr. Eowyn but I must admit that the CIA Agent scenario seemed a bit odd to me.

MUST SEE: Dr. Jim Garrow Explains How 3 American Heroes Foil False Flage EMP Attack

Did three brave Americans stand up to Tyranny a several weeks ago telling Barack Hussein Obama to take a flying leap? Well, according to several sources including this one, yes. Dr. Garrow talks about a supposed thwarted attempt to ‘EMP’ the country he has been entrusted to protect.

MUST SEE: Assassination Attempted on Intel Whistleblower Dr. James Garrow: Pete Santilli Show

On today’s live broadcast of The Pete Santilli Show, Dr. James Garrow disclosed that there was an attempt on his life yesterday.  Dr. Garrow indicated that his vehicle was making odd noises as he was entering a freeway onramp while traveling only 20 mph.


CLICK to Listen Dr. Jim Garrow: Reveals Dark Secrets of the Barack Hussein Obama Administration, You Will NOT Hear This on Mainstream Media