BOMBSHELL: Federal Judge Says Obama Administration Aids/Abets Human Traffickers (Video)

A federal judge in Texas is accusing DHS of smuggling kids into the US and delivering them to their illegal immigrant parents.

U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen revealed the practice in a blistering court order filed late last week. He said the “dangerous” practice is effectively aiding human traffickers and particularly the drug cartels, which run many of these operations.

“These actions are both dangerous and unconscionable,” he wrote.

The charges are yet another example how the Obama Administration is turning a blind eye to illegal immigration and implementing a de facto amensty for illegals. The judge attempted to lift the curtain on what is happening behind the scenes of the Obama administration’s changing approach to immigration enforcement.

Hanen called the practice a conspiracy and used the case of an illegal immigrant parent in Virginia to detail a much broader program.

Hanen claimed that the Obama Administration is not enforcing border security. In more than one case before his court, the judge said that immigration officials are arresting human traffickers smuggling children into the US and then “delivering the minors to the custody of the parent illegally living in the United States.”

“The DHS has simply chosen not to enforce the United States’ border security laws,” he wrote.

He added: “To put this in another context, the DHS policy is as logical as taking illegal drugs or weapons that it has seized from smugglers and delivering them to the criminals who initially solicited their illegal importation/exportation. Legally, this situation is no different.”

DOWNLOAD Judge Hanen Order on Child Smuggling