VIDEO: Obama’s Forged Birth Certificate: The Forger-in-Chief and Powers That Be Are Terrified, Find Out Why

More and more Americans are calling for Revolution—a demand that Obama “put down the Quran and leave the White House”—with a renewed scrutiny of Obama’s birth certificate after it was revealed in the lawsuit Klayman v. Obama that there existed multiple versions of Obama’s birth certificate—proving it’s a forgery.

The judge quietly dismissed the case on December 16, 2013; but with Larry Klayman singlehandedly winning a lawsuit against the NSA’s massive spying program on the exact same day, everyone from pundits to politicians are taking a new look at Obama’s forged birth certificate.

Conservatives who have long called for Obama’s impeachment are being joined by Americans from every political stripe, demanding that the Forger-in-Chief, Barack Hussein Obama, get out of the White House—immediately—now!

[H/T Western Journalism]