Was Obamacare Deliberately Designed to Fail?

Is the ineptitude of ObamaCare’s authors and directors really a function of good old-fashioned government incompetence? Or is a widely ignorant American public being taken in by precisely what members of the radical left WANT to be brought about by the Affordable Care Act? Could the daily disasters–the suspended employer mandate, “honor system” reporting of income, previously unannounced taxes, doctors refusing to treat ObamaCare policy holders, the ludicrous Healthcare.gov website, the baldfaced lies about keeping your insurance and your doctors–could these extraordinary failures actually mean that the rollout of the ACA is proceeding exactly according to plan?

Obama Obamacare Signature Accomplishment

Acquisition of total control over 1/6 of the American economy, along with the absolute power of life and death over the American public–such have been the dreams of left wing politicians for a century. But the direct approach, that of commandeering authority over the healthcare industry, has consistently failed thanks to a suspicious, recalcitrant public and the massive complexity of the task. Ask Hillary Clinton.

But thanks to a Regime willing to lie shamelessly to the public on each and every day, many roadblocks have been successfully navigated. The “Affordable Care Act,” through which the uninsured and previously uninsurable are told they can at last obtain healthcare, has been sold as a Godsend, the only means by which victims of industry greed can secure life-saving service. The ACA has ostensibly incorporated the expertise of insurance companies, doctors, hospitals, and healthcare providers across the nation, not threatening to rule or replace them, but to encourage each to do what they do best, all for the benefit of the American people.

Throughout the system, ObamaCare supporters claim to be depending upon rather than assaulting these institutions. ObamaCare minions will suggest they are on the outside looking in as the best and brightest of private enterprise carry the ball. Competition is reducing premiums, states are setting up and running their own ObamaCare exchanges, and the federal government is intruding only reluctantly in states unwilling to provide care for their inhabitants.

Indeed, the Obama Regime and its ObamaCare authors did little more than create mere guidelines. The private sector will make it all work.

This of course is utter nonsense. The authors of ObamaCare deliberately manufactured the most complex system imaginable. They have included thousands of pages of mandates and regulations, all designed to drown insurers in a sea of government red tape, and all for the purpose of making profitability impossible. The failed Healthcare.gov website has made it more difficult for the young and healthy–the very group upon which insurers were told to depend for balancing losses incurred thanks to the forced scrapping of medical underwriting–to sign up for ObamaCare, even if for some obscure reason they might want to!

The penalty for a healthy 20 year old NOT purchasing an ObamaCare policy–$95 or 1% of yearly income. And this can ONLY be collected by the IRS withholding the penalty from an income tax refund. The IRS is NOT permitted the use of leans, threats, or additional interest added to the original amount. No jail time may be incurred. In short, few if any of this “healthy” group, so vitally important to the eventual profitability of insurers, is likely to obtain insurance until they should absolutely NEED it. That, of course, will put them squarely in a class with the rest of those with pre-existing conditions.

The radical left want to introduce single payer, government-run health insurance into the US. In order to do so, the Affordable Care Act must destroy the health insurance industry in the United States, itself going up in flames along with the insurance companies and healthcare providers it takes along with it. At this point–in 18 to 24 months–Barack will ride to the rescue of the American people as he claims his Regime did not want to do it, but is now forced to institute a single payer system so as to save the sick and infirm along with the remainder of an ObamaCare system destroyed by Republican interference and industry greed.

Perhaps even more disgusting than Barack the Liar will be Republicans who have said and done nothing to prevent this massive, additional theft of our liberty.

Thanks again, Justice Roberts.

[H/T Western Journalism]