[Watch] 8 Benghazi Questions They Have Never Asked: Rep Trey Gowdy Hammers Press for Their Cavalier Attitude

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R – SC focuses the spotlight on the press for their timidity and lack of efforts in pursuit of the truth regarding the occurrences in Benghazi. He details some questions that the press should know the answers to but do not and likely have never asked:

  1. Why was ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi?
  2. Why were the Americans the last flag flying in Benghazi, after the British had left and the Red Cross had been bombed?
  3. Why were requests for additional security denied?
  4. Why were no assets deployed during the siege?
  5. Do you know whether the president called any of our allies to request help?
  6. Why was Susan Rice picked to go on the Sunday talk shows and present the video story?
  7. Do you know the origin of the “mythology” that the attack was spawned by a video?
  8. Gowdy remarks, “No one has been arrested, no one has been prosecuted, no one has been ‘brought to justice,’ we don’t even have access to the witnesses.”

He makes it clear that this issue is not going to go away and that the press needs to perform their critical function in our government in the responsible manner in which it was created and start holding the administration accountable.