John Kerry to Visit Egypt The Day Before Mursi’s Trial, Tensions Running High

[H/T Reuters]: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Egypt a day before deposed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi goes on trial, the next likely flashpoint in the struggle between his Muslim Brotherhood and the army-backed interim government.

Several hundred Islamists protested in a few cities on Friday, responding to a call from a pro-Mursi alliance for daily protests until the ousted president stands trial on Monday.

John KerryIn Alexandria, seven people were wounded after residents clashed with Mursi supporters before security forces intervened, a security official said. Forty-five Mursi supporters were arrested.

Fighting also erupted in the Gisr al-Suez district of Cairo.

Ties between Washington and strategic ally Cairo have deteriorated since the overthrow of Mursi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president.

The state news agency said Kerry’s visit to Egypt, the first since Mursi’s fall, would only last several hours.

A mass uprising which toppled authoritarian ruler Hosni Mubarak, a longtime U.S. ally, in February 2011 had raised hopes that military men would no longer dominate Egypt.

But the man who removed Mursi, army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, has become a wildly popular figure and many Egyptians have turned against the Brotherhood and anyone perceived as its supporter, including the United States.

State-run newspapers often carry conspiracy theories which suggest Washington backed the Brotherhood to ensure U.S. domination of Egypt and the rest of the Middle East. One even reported that President Barack Obama is a Brotherhood member.

Those dynamics could make it difficult for Washington to lobby successfully for democracy in Egypt.

In a sign of the tension, the United States said on October 9 it would withhold deliveries of tanks, fighter aircraft, helicopters and missiles, as well as $260 million in cash aid to Egypt, pending progress on democracy and human rights.

Mursi’s removal has posed a dilemma for Obama in dealing with a longstanding strategic ally.

He wants to maintain ties with the most populous Arab country, which has a peace treaty with Israel and controls the Suez Canal waterway linking Europe and Asia.

But he does not want to be seen as acquiescing in the ouster of an elected leader, even an Islamist Washington came to view as ineffective during his turbulent year in office.


Washington has repeatedly urged the army-backed interim authorities to govern in a more inclusive manner – code for accommodating the Brotherhood and restoring democratic rule.

It has instead taken harsher measures against Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement. Hundreds of Islamists have been killed and the Brotherhood’s leaders are behind bars, leading to fears that some members of the group will take up arms against the state.

The Brotherhood and its allies have urged crowds to gather on Monday outside a police institute near Cairo’s notorious Tora prison, where Mursi’s trial is expected to take place.

The charges relate to the deaths of about a dozen people in clashes outside the presidential palace in December after Mursi enraged his opponents with a decree expanding his powers.

Mursi has been held in a secret location since July. In that time Islamist militants have staged almost daily attacks against security forces in the Sinai Peninsula and some fear an Islamist insurgency could spread to other parts of Egypt.

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The Obama Wahhabist Fundraising Empire: What You May Not Have Known About the 44th President of the United States

Walid Shoebat is an absolute wealth of information and this article is no different.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]: While Obama’s connection to his Muslim family in Kenya is an acceptable topic for discussion in the Arab world, it is viewed as a ‘great taboo’ in the United States.

But why is that so? This ‘taboo’ should be considered unfair at best, purely prejudiced at worst. Is it fair that we censor such discussions just because Obama’s relatives are ‘Muslim’? The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) should condemn the media for keeping a tight lid on the subject.

Isn’t it time to go beyond what is disclosed by President Obama in his Dreams from My Father or Wikipedia’s limited information, which includes the only photo released by the Obama family?

Obama Family

We will cover only three of the closest Kenyan relatives to president Obama:

1. Sarah, Barack’s beloved and benevolent grandmother
2. Sayid Obama, his closest favorite uncle
3. Musa Ismail Obama, his first cousin and Sayid’s main sidekick.

After President Obama was inaugurated, the Muslim side of the Obama family in Kenya boomed; it went from rags to riches overnight. They became one of the most influential families in western Kenya and even extended their sphere of influence to Saudi Arabia. When Sarah, president Obama’s grandmother (step-grandmother), decided to go to the Hajj, an obligatory pilgrimage to Mecca with Musa, president Obama’s first cousin, they were welcomed with open arms and were provided a special escort with full security detail and first-class treatment at the Saudi royal court:

His Royal Highness Prince Mamdouh bin Abdul Aziz accompanied the family of U.S. President Barack Obama in his palace in Jeddah after the performance of the Hajj this year. The event was attended by His Royal Highness Prince Faisal bin Thamer bin Abdul Aziz, and His Royal Highness Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Mamdouh Bin Abdul Aziz, and his HRH Prince Abdullah bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz, and a number of other princes and officials.

The reason for such treatment—as explained in an exclusive interview with Musa Ismail Obama on Al-Jazeera—is that a close relationship was built with Saudi royals. Like president Obama’s call for education in the United States, the Kenyan Obamas embarked on a similar project.

President Obama’s grandmother Sarah started the Sarah Obama Benevolent Fund Institute, otherwise known as the Mama Sarah Obama Children Foundation, which raises 90% of its monies primarily from donors in the United States and some from Europe. Those monies are solicited as humanitarian aid and according to the website…

…to make a lasting impact on the lives of the orphans and underprivileged children by improving their housing, their education, their upbringing (which) continued to weigh heavily on Mama Sarah.

All this and…

…to help the neglected HIV/AIDS infected and affected in Kogelo village by linking them to care-givers and professional health services providers.

Barack Obama with his Step-grandmother Sarah
Barack Obama with his Step-grandmother Sarah

That’s what we’re told but when one peruses the foundation’s real activities in Arabic, it reveals a very dark side to the family’s efforts.

Musa Ismail Obama, the president’s cousin—in an exclusive interview with Al-Jazeera TV—explained all the troublesome detail, which does not bode well when translated into English: the bulk of the Sarah Fund as it turns out sends little to widows and orphans while the rest goes towards giving free scholarships to studying Sharia at the most influential Wahhabist centers in Saudi Arabia.

In the shocking interview, Musa was asked about his communications with cousin Barack, the president of the United States. The soft-spoken Musa explained that the President’s preferred method of communications was through one chosen conduit that relays messages back and forth with the family in Kenya by going through Uncle Sayid Hussein Obama. This is the man who was in attendance with Mama Sarah at Barack Obama’s inauguration in 2009.

Musa, Sayid’s sidekick and the public promoter of Mama Sarah’s non-profit became the family’s key advertiser to the social efforts in Kenya. He selects specific Arab media asking wealthy audiences for help, but mandates as a prerequisite that no questions are asked regarding any details of such communications with president Obama or the delving into any political views. Yet, he tells just enough to connect the dots to the wealthy Arab audience of Al-Jazeera. He relays the message to raise all necessary funds since his mission is to transform Kenya to an Islamic majority by using the Obama household name and his grandmother’s non-profit organization.

The fund has little to do with secular education or the care for widows and orphans. It never once mentions anything in any Arabic media in regards to helping the HIV infected. The bulk of the Sarah’s benevolence fund, as Musa explained, goes toward scholarships destined for Saudi Arabia’s most virulent Wahhabi Sharia centers—the Islamic University in Medina, Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah and the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh.

The counter-Wahhabist Muslim moderate think tank, the Gulf Issues Centre For Strategic Studies describes these institutions as “Salafi schools, which imbibed radical ideas” and are “the spring of Wahhabism”:

“[Wahhabists] grew up in the Wahhabi and Salafi schools which imbibed radical ideas in the Islamic University in Medina, Umm Al-Qura University in Makkah, and the University of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in Riyadh. (see essay, The Role of Wahhbist Movements, under a section entitled The Circle of Violence)

Musa expresses in classical Arabic how he memorized the entire Quran and how he graduated to become an Islamic scholar on Sharia from the Islamic University in Medina.

“I studied Arabic and Sharia at the Islamic university in Medina in Saudi Arabia,” exclaimed Musa while explaining his visit to Umm Al Qura University with his uncle Sayid: “In the month of Muharram we visited the dean of Umm Al Qura University, me and my uncle Sayid,” he told Al-Jazeera during the interview.

“The nature of the visit,” Musa explains, “was to facilitate scholarship to send students to Umm Al Qura.”

Umm Al Qura University has a heritage that includes being one of Saudi Arabia’s historical and national monuments. A paragon of Wahhabist education, it takes pride that the university was the first to print the works of Muhammad Abdul Wahhab, the founder of the most virulent brand of Islam—Wahhabism. The history of its Wahhabist connections can be seen [here].

On a cover-page of one of Wahhab’s collections from Umm Al Qura University, one can clearly see in fanciful Arabic calligraphy, the title, “Writings of Muhammad Abdul Wahhab” and a stamp that says “A gift from Umm Al Qura University-Mecca” is clearly visible.

And there’s much, much more.

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Malik Obama: Evidence He is Very Closely Associated International Terrorist Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir

The interview with Dr. Sadek Ebeid begins at the 25:30 mark if you’d like to fast forward.

Malik Obama[H/T Walid Shoebat]: Dr. Sadek Ebeid, a retired Egyptian Air Force Officer who is currently a U.S. Physician appeared on the Ben Barrack show today. He is the son of Dr. Rauf Obeid, a renowned professor of Law in Egypt. This past August, he filed a complaint against Malik Obama – the half-brother of President Barack Obama – with Hisham Barakat, the Attorney General of Egypt.

At the heart of Ebeid’s case is factual evidence that Malik Obama is very closely associated with an international terrorist in the Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for crimes against humanity. Providing additional credibility to Ebeid’s case is Tahani al-Jebali, a former Egyptian Constitutional Court judge who has also backed up his claims.

During Barrack’s interview with Ebeid, the latter reveals that much of his evidence was taken from but that he has even more evidence that implicates Malik.

According to Ebeid, what is likely to happen is that Malik will be given the opportunity to travel to Egypt in order to clear his name. If the elder Obama does not do so, Ebeid seems to indicate that Malik would be placed on the terror watch list.

Ebeid issued a call for Rep. Louie Gohmert to open a congressional investigation into these charges. To this point, no one in Congress has been willing to do so.

During today’s show, the debacle that is Obamacare was also a topic of conversation.

Riot Warnings Over Food Stamp Cuts Rollback ‘Will be Close to Catastrophic for Many People,’ Cloward Piven Strategy Emerges

[H/T WND]: The 5 percent rollback in food-stamp funding that hit at the start of November has unleashed a wave of familiar scaremongering.

The reduction returns food-stamp benefits to the level they would have been without the infusion of stimulus cash since 2009. That money is now spent, and the average individual monthly benefit is dropping from about $133 to $125.40. Roughly $7.60.

Food Stamps CutDemocrats and the anti-hunger lobby treat the reduction as a cruel and draconian cut.

Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., contends it “will literally take food right out of the mouths of poor children as well as their families, the elderly, the unemployed and the underemployed.”

The rollback “will be close to catastrophic for many people,” a spokesman for Feeding America, a leading hunger relief organization, told CBS News.

One food-bank executive implied that riots may soon follow.

“If you look across the world, riots always begin typically the same way: when people cannot afford to eat food,” Margarette Purvis, president and CEO of the Food Bank for New York City, told

The sharp criticism ignores the fact that federal food-stamp spending has doubled since 2008 and is now nearly $80 billion. One in seven Americans, 47.6 million people, are now on food stamps, with 20 million added since 2008.

Unemployment, relaxed eligibility standards and aggressive marketing to recruit food-stamp participants all contributed to the swelling food-stamp rolls. The number of able-bodied adults under the age of 50 without children on food stamps grew by 163.7 percent from 2007 to 2011.

A Cato Institute report reveals that combined federal and state spending to market food stamps is more than $41.3 million annually. Food-stamp recruiters in Florida have a quota of 150 new enrollees a month.

Talk of catastrophe around the corner over food-stamp benefit cuts also fails to acknowledge that food stamps are “just one of 80 federal means-tested programs that provide food, housing, medical care to poor and low income Americans,” asserts Heritage Foundation policy analyst Rachel Sheffield.

Total welfare spending has increased 16-fold since 1964 when President Lyndon Johnson declared war on poverty and is now more than $1 trillion annually.

Spending debates often focus on just one program at a time and fail “to take into account the total picture of the welfare system,” Sheffield said, noting that the current reduction in food stamp spending is “minuscule in light of total spending.”

More frenzied rhetoric will come as Congress works out the differences between House and Senate versions of a farm bill before year’s end. “Farm bill” is a misnomer, because the measure funds both agriculture subsidies and food stamps, with about 80 percent of its funding going to food stamps.

The Senate version of the measure, which spends nearly $1 trillion over 10 years, calls for a cut of $4.5 billion in food-stamp spending while the House has passed a 5 percent cut of $39.5 billion. GOP support for the House cuts prompted House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to charge that Republicans were “taking food out of the mouths of babies.”

Obama wants a measure that “protects vulnerable children and adults in times of need” and has threatened a veto if it contains the Howard Piven Strategy Emergesouse-passed food-stamp cuts.

The next crisis on the horizon if Congress fails to reach a deal on the farm bill by year’s end will be soaring milk prices. Federal dairy-price supports will kick in if the farm and food stamps legislation is not passed, sending the price of milk skyward, some say, up to $8 a gallon.

Threats like that – real or imagined – are nothing new when it comes to spending cuts. Just before the 2.5 percent sequestration reductions were set to begin on March 1 of this year, President Obama warned the “meat-cleaver” cuts would trigger Armageddon.

“Border Patrol agents will see their hours reduced. FBI agents will be furloughed. Federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go,” the president predicted. “Thousands of teachers and educators will be laid off. Tens of thousands of parents will have to scramble to find childcare for their kids. Hundreds of thousands of Americans will lose access to primary care and preventive care like flu vaccinations and cancer screenings.”

Cloward-Piven strategy

The president’s warnings proved false, but his attempt to block spending cuts and grow welfare spending, despite nearly $17 trillion in federal debt, is consistent with a strategy advanced in 1966 by two socialist Columbia University instructors to create widespread dependency on federal largesse and, ultimately, overburden and collapse the system.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven laid out a plan in the May 2, 1966, issue of Nation magazine to recruit America’s poor onto welfare rolls and trigger a fiscal crisis that would lead, they hoped, to “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty.”

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Islam Resembles the Skink

[W/T Walid Shoebat]: I certainly am not a biologist. I am an historian of sorts and law enforcement by profession. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I believe that satan is active all over the world. I also believe there are two great personages of satan today – Marxism and Islam. It appears to me that President Obama represents both of these. Ultimately, the latter is the greatest threat.

Islam and the SkinkWe must look at Islam from both a macro and micro approach to really understand it, and we need to understand and expose it at every opportunity. The macro and micro views are important and akin to a macro and micro view of cancer. Cancer from afar makes people a little nervous, but cancer inside oneself, family and friends has an entirely different reality than when it is more theoretical. Islam in Pakistan or Iran might cause some nervousness in people, but the cancer of Islam in one’s country or region, as in one’s own body, might be very deadly.

That old saying about a recession is when your neighbor is out of a job and a depression is when you’re out of one, is quite apt in this regard.

When considering Islam, a man made concept, from a macro view, we should understand that never in the history of this world has such an undertaking to so evilly dominate the world, taken place. There is nothing even close to it, not even the earlier conquests of Islam.

Ghengis Khan, Alexander the Great, Atilla, Tamerlane… not one of these approach Islam today, whether by area, national boundary or, ferocity. None of these was ever really capable of regeneration, as Islam today is. It has been beaten, but never died. It has been damaged, but always regenerated as a Skink regenerates. Also, as the Skink, underground is its realm until destructive power is gained. Underground is where Islam does much of its devious work.

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Obama: Reportedly Told His Aides That He’s ‘Really Good at Killing People’

[H/T Business Insider]: This will not go over well for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize winner.

According to the new book “Double Down,” in which journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann chronicle the 2012 presidential election, President Barack Obama told his aides that he’s “really good at killing people” while discussing drone strikes.

Obama: Good at Killing PeoplePeter Hamby of The Washington Post reported the nugget in his review of the book.

The claim by the commander-in-chief is as indisputable as it is grim.

Obama oversaw the 2009 surge in Afghanistan, 145 Predator drone strikes in NATO’s 2011 Libya operations, the May 2012 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and drone strikes that killed leader of the Pakistani Taliban leader and a senior member of the Somali-based militant group al-Shabab this week.

His administration also expanded the drone war: There have been 326 drone strikes in Pakistan, 93 in Yemen, and several in Somalia, compared to a total of 52 under George Bush.

Two of those strikes killed American-born al-Qaeda propagandist Anwar al-Awlaki and his American-born 16-year-old son within two weeks.

Under Obama U.S. drone operators began practicing “signature strikes,” a tactic in which targets are chosen based on patterns of suspicious behaviour and the identities of those to be killed aren’t necessarily known. (The administration counts all “military-age males” in a strike zone as combatants.)

Furthermore, the disturbing trend of the “double tap” — bombing the same place in quick succession and often hitting first responders — has become common practice.

Needless to say, a lot of innocent people have been killed.

Obama has also embraced the expansion of capture/kill missions by Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) after it developed into the primary counterterrorism tool of the Bush administration.

One JSOC operator told investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, author of “Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield,” that operations became
“harder, faster, quicker with the full support of the White House” under Obama.

Scahill, who also made a “Dirty Wars” documentary, told NBC News that Obama will “go down in history as the president who legitimized and systematized a process by which the United States asserts the right to conduct assassination operations around the world.”

So it is true that President Obama is “really good at killing people,” but he has demonstrated that is not necessarily noble.