Glenn Beck: Reveals a Story He Hasn’t Been Able to Share for Over a Year, And If You’re a Conservative, One You Need to Hear

TheBlaze reported: Glenn Beck shared a story with viewers on Wednesday that he’s been keeping close to the vest since before the 2012 election, explaining that he’s been waiting for the right time to say what exactly happened, and what it means for the country.

It all began, Beck said, in what he believes was late August when he was getting ready to do a number of events with FreedomWorks.

“It’s about 4:00 in the afternoon and I get a call from the president of FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, and I can hear the distress in his voice,” Beck said. “[Kibbe said], ‘Glenn, I’ve just been escorted out of my office by armed guards and told not to come back.’” Watch the video for the full story, and then watch the next video at the bottom with his followup with Ted Cruz:

Beck said men like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul may be the “Charles Sumner” of today, and he has no doubt that someday soon they will be “the most beloved members of the new Republican Party…”

Watch his subsequent interview with Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) below:

Video: The Case For Impeaching [and Imprisoning] Barack Hussein Obama – Part 2

Border Patrol agent Brian Terry never had a chance, shot in the back with a gun supplied by our own government. Who else besides Barack Obama and Eric Holder were behind the program—Fast and Furious—that shipped thousands of guns to Mexican drug cartels, including the AK-47 used to murder Brian Terry? America will never know because on June 20, 2012, Barack Obama invoked executive privilege over the tens of thousands of documents Congress subpoenaed days before it found Eric Holder in contempt of Congress. The only way America will discover who was a part of this perfidious gunrunning program will be to impeach Barack Hussein Obama.

Part 2 of a video series exclusive to Western Center for Journalism, making the case for why Barack Hussein Obama should be impeached immediately. Click here for Part 1.

Ted Cruz: Owns Harry Reid [Again] and Blasts Obama Administration for Politicizing and Inflicting Pain on Americans from Govt Shutdown

Once again Ted Cruz destroys Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and shows Reid is nowhere near the same class as Cruz.  Moreover, this stand by Ted Cruz proves he is for Americans and Harry Reid is for political posturing.  Godspeed Ted Cruz.

Breitbart reported: In response to Pentagon Withholding Death Benefits for Fallen Soldiers’ Families:

It must be noted that while Democrats and some in the media are trying to blame Republicans for this outrage, Congress passed a bill  last week to fund the military and  those benefits should have been paid under that. This is Shut-Down Theater at its most gut-wrenching and shameful.

Yesterday, Senator Cruz took to the Senate floor to register his disgust not only with this deplorable tactic, but with the way the DoD chose to notify the families of the fallen soldiers who were affected.

Cruz said, “the way this announcement was made was highly troubling… The DOD notified our military families via Twitter that those service members who die in battle will not be paid their tax free death gratuities due to the partial federal government shut down.

This is yet another pattern we have seen distressingly from the Obama administration of politicizing the shutdown and playing partisan games to maximize the pain that is inflicted on Americans it is part and partial of the pattern we’ve seen barricading the WWII memorial, barricading the parking lot at Mt Vernon George Washington’s home even though it’s privately operated, barricading the roads leading to Mt Rushmore even though they’re state roads and not federal roads.”

And he went on to note that “the actions by the DoD are also contrary to the statute this body just passed. The Military Death Gratuity is by statute a pay and personnel benefit, and accordingly it is clearly funded by public law  113-39 the Pay Our Military Act that was passed in a bipartisan manner this week. We’ve already acted  to prevent this and unfortunately, the DoD is declining to follow that law that we passed.”

Arguing that our veterans should be beyond partisan politics regardless of the shutdown, he again asked for unanimous consent for the Senate to consider HJ Res 72 to make continuing appropriations for veterans benefits. Reid shot down his motion, saying”our position is simple. Open the government, pay our bills, and then we’ll be happy to negotiate about anything.”

The text of the Pay Our Military Act, which was passed October 1,  can be viewed here.

GOP Congressman Destroys Andrea Mitchell and Slams ‘Pathetic News Reporting’ Main Stream Media

Appearing on Andrea Mitchell’s MSNBC 1 p.m. ET hour show on Tuesday, Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy destroys Andrea Mitchell on ObamaCare and the ‘pathetic news reporting’ the mainstream media does on a regular basis.

Wrapping up the segment, Duffy reiterated: “We’re just saying treat individuals and families like big business and have Obama go into ObamaCare. That’s it. No one asked that question but Jon Stewart. I think the media should start doing its job.”

Mitchell snidely remarked: “Thanks for your advice.”

Shelia Jackson Lee: Suggests ‘Martial Law’ to End Government Shutdown

Here it comes. Here comes the term we Conservatives have feared since 2008′ but knew it would eventually rear its ugly head — ‘Martial Law.’

Advocating for the passage of a clean continuing resolution that would, at least temporarily, end the current standoff in Washington and reopen the government, Lee said there were enough members of Congress who would vote for the resolution.

“It’s something called a continuing resolution, but it’s a bill that you put on the floor that has been passed already by Republicans and Democrats in the United States Senate….that we could vote on today,” said Lee, adding, “We have martial law – what that means – and my colleagues know what it means – is that you can put a bill on in just minutes.”

The term “martial law” in a legislative context is somewhat obscure but it has been used before to define lawmakers’ ability to “fast track” bills without going through the usual congressional process.

However, Lee’s insistence that a Senate-approved resolution to fund the federal government be fast-tracked via “martial law” appears to conflict with Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution, which states, “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”