Obama’s Favorite Golf Course Weathers the Government Shutdown

Obama Golf Course Stays OpenExaminer reported: Life for the junior enlisted just got much more difficult…

In the face of World War II veterans being barricaded from visiting the World War II Memorial, and Marine Corps veterans from Upstate New York, half of them wheelchair bound, found themselves having to knock over the barricades in order to gain access to the Marine Corps War Memorial (popularly known as the Iwo Jima Monument), America’s active duty, retired and former members of the Armed Forces can rest easy in the knowledge that the current Commander-in-Chief’s favorite golf course has been spared the blade of the government shutdown axe, as reported by both The Weekly Standard on Oct. 5, 2013 and Breitbart.com on Oct. 6, 2013.

The world-class golf course at the Joint Base Andrews, MD, formerly Andrews Air Force Base, has remained opened while closed or have their hours slashed are many of the base activities that low-paid junior enlisted troops, especially the married ones, rely on to make their meager paychecks pay the rent, make the car payment and feed and clothe their families.

Last week on the eve of the media-hyped “shutdown” Barack Obama ensured he got in his 35th round of golf this year alone.

According to the official website of Joint Base Andrews, more than a few service facilities have either had their hours cut or flat-out shuttered, two notables are both the Base Commissary which has been completely shutdown, and the Base Family Child Care which will be closed every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday while allowing married couples who both work the opportunity to ensure their child(ren) have quality day care only on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM – 1 PM.

While testifying at a Congressional hearing, the Air Force’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics Lt. Gen. Raymond Mason stated that with the closure of the commissary, base personnel will have to shop “at local stores that cost about 30 percent more.”

According to Kiplinger.com, Washington, DC is the sixth most expensive city in the nation to live with the average cost of living 44.7 percent above the national average.

The annual salary for an Air Force Senior Airman (E-4) with more than 2 years in service is a paltry $24,972.

“Make Life Difficult…”

As quoted by TownHall.com on Oct. 4, 2013, a rather frustrated (and anonymous) Park Ranger who was ordered to close parking lots at the home of George Washington in Mount Vernon, Va. may have summed up the feelings of many who have been ordered to carry out the directives from the higher-ups in DC:

We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can.

It’s disgusting.

Disarming of America Continues: New NFL Policy To Forbid Off-Duty Law Enforcement From Carrying Firearms Into NFL Stadiums

NFL Disarming Off Duty PoliceThe disarming of America led by this farcical administration continues it’s agenda. Their next attack: disarming off duty law enforcement officers at NFL games.

We’ve seen what happens in gun-free zones. Pray nothing happens on the head of this stupidity.

Via The Blaze:

A new NFL policy reportedly prohibits all law enforcement personnel from carrying their firearms into all NFL stadiums.

Police in Cleveland, Ohio said they received an internal member on September 11 from the NFL that said all off-duty federal, state and local members of law enforcement would not be allowed entry into NFL facilities if they attempt to bring their gun with them, according to Fox affiliate WJW.

An NFL spokesperson did not immediately return multiple requests for comment Sunday.

However, according to Cleveland.com, a spokesman explained that the new policy was implemented after deciding it would best enhance the gameday experience.

The Cleveland Police Patrolman’s Association (CPPA) appeared to oppose the new policy, telling WJW officers do not like to disarm themselves.

“A police officer is never happy to give up his service weapon, especially when we have the right to carry it, you know, 24 hours 7 days a week and we’re upheld by our oath too to protect and serve the public on or off duty,” said Jeff Follmer, president of the CPPA.

“We are police officers 24/7,” Follmer added to Cleveland.com. “I don’t know why anyone would want to disarm a police officer.”

Barack Hussein Obama: The Muslim [Sympathizer] Con Man


This video is extremely engaging, informative, and well done.

Do you believe Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim or, perhaps a Muslim sympathizer / puppet of the New World Order? Is Obama’s ties with Islam allow him to extend himself to appease his family, but actually follow a much different path to destroy America?

The Obama family obviously are Muslims with radical ties to Islamic Terrorism.  However, it’s also quite obvious that our current president is part of something very evil but simply does not possess the intelligence to pull it off himself. Please state your comments below.

Bill Maher: Stoops to a New Low, Mocks WW II Vets

Just when you thought POS Bill Maher couldn’t say anything more offensive than he already has, he outdoes himself. Marher, calling the vets ‘not the smartest generation,’ resembles that remark in more ways than one.

News Busters reported: On HBO’s Real Time Friday, the host during his opening monologue mocked World War II vets saying, “They’re the greatest generation – nobody said they were the brightest generation” (video follows with transcript and commentary):


‘Million Vet March’ to Descend on Washington D.C. 10/13/2013

Million Vet MarchThe Bikers started the crusade on September 11th, the Truckers followed suit, and the Veterans will help them polish it off, with a descent upon Washington D.C. October 13.

This could be big, this could be very big, as we now have both the truckers and vets closing in on our capital to protest Barack Obama and our corrupt government on the same weekend.

Bizpackreview reported: Outraged that the government shutdown has denied veterans access to numerous memorials in Washington, D.C., a group organizing a march on the capital is gathering support from all over the country.

Million Vet March on the Memorials is planning an Oct. 13 protest, according to its website:

We do not care what political leanings you may be; be it liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent or whatever.  The actions of the U.S. government this week with regard to barricading and shutting down the World War II Memorial to veterans, that may or may not be on their last trip to Washington DC, is a despicable act of cowardice.

Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis.  We feel that this should never be the case.  This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes.  In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th!  Our veterans deserve that!

The group’s Facebook page, launched Thursday, has already garnered over 8,000 “likes” and has caught the attention of the bikers and truckers who have organized similar demonstrations.

The march is being promoted on Twitter under #1MVetMarch:

Million Vet March

Million Vet March