BREAKING: Ride for WW II Veterans Memorial Set October 5th

Ride for American Heros, Oct 5thLess than a month ago, hundreds of thousands of bikers rolled into Washington DC  to protest a Muslim march that was planned to be held on the 12th anniversary of 9/11. Even though they were denied a permit, one estimate put the number of bikers who participated in that event at 880,000.

Eric Zern, one of two national coordinators of the “2 Million Bikers Ride to DC” is now coordinating the Ride for WWII Veterans Memorial ~ Escort & Honor Ride. 

Maggies Notebook: When: Saturday, October 5, 2013

Time: Rally 9 a.m., KSU 11:00 a.m.

Location: Harley Davidson of Washington, DC, 9407 Livingston Road, Ft. Washington, Maryland

We have full support from 2MBTDC and Top Fuel Bill’s riders support this event. Both groups have distributed full ride details to their members. We already have riders coming in from adjacent states to support our vets. At the present time, we are expecting 1,000+ riders to come to DC to support this event!

Please escalate this event to all interested riders! We are going to show DC how quickly we can amass a staggering number of riders and take it to the streets of DC!! Share this with everyone you know!

Riders!…Kick Stands Up and lets ride for these American Heroes!! America’s Greatest Generation defended our rights 70 years ago. Not it’s time that we defend THEIR rights and ensure they have access to THEIR Memorials. It’s time we show our government that we will no longer tolerate the political thugs that feel they can punish America into submission!! We are done with it!!

Let’s roll!!

Second message from Zern (all emphasis is mine, not Eric’s):

Riders! Please listen up!!

I grow increasingly concerned at how some may
Eric Zern (from Facebook)

view the intent of this ride! Tomorrow we are riding to offer support to the our WWII veterans, and to make a showing in Washington DC that tells our government that we are still here and will not stand around idly while they remove our freedoms. What this ride is NOT is a bust Washington, DC up mission! I said in an earlier post that we will ride with honor! We will ride with respect! Going into Washington, DC and acting like the New York City motorcycle thugs is NOT what we, as true Americans and Patriots, are all about. It is in stark contrast to what we want to accomplish! It is in stark contrast to what we represent as Americans! There is a time for peace and there is a time for war. Our time for war has not yet arrived!

The Maryland State Police, Prince Georges County Police, and National Park Service (NPS) all know we’re coming, and are granting their full support to us! Right now they are on our side, and we want to keep it that way! However, I do not want law enforcement to be a deterrent to any violence predisposed by us.

What I want to be the deterrent can only be found in the heart of every rider on this mission! We love our country from our hearts! We love our veterans from our hearts! It is our hearts through which courage flows, and it is from our hearts that we make a choice to do what is right, or what is wrong!

Please keep the fire burning within your hearts to return this nation to her former glory!

Please keep the fire burning within your hearts to again see that eagle flying high and proud over this great nation once again!

But please also keep the fire burning in your hearts to represent the best that is in America! To make a statement for what is good! What is honest! What is excellent! What is admirable! What is honorable! What is descent! What is proper! What is respectful!

Those are the virtues that this great country once had and is what we, those who ride, still have! What good is it if we say we “defend” our Constitution, and then don’t live it ourselves? What good is it if we say we want “honor” from our government and then act in a dishonorable fashion ourselves? What good is it if we say we want our government to show us respect, when we, ourselves, show no respect?

Riders! Please don’t think for a moment that I have had a change of heart. I have not! I will be riding tall and proud with you all tomorrow! However, from the beginning it has not been my intent to engage in violence or destruction. That is why I used the words, “honorable” and “respect”!

The anger and outrage burns deep within me and last Wednesday when I placed the Call to Arms on the streets I was so angry I could have bitten a ten-penny nail clean in half!! I’m still angry!! But tomorrow is NOT our moment!

Tomorrow belongs to those vets that have already paid a very dear price, and we refuse to allow them to pay another dime! It is their day, not ours. THAT is what this ride is about!

I have received word from a VERY reliable source that the vets WILL be granted entry to their memorial tomorrow, and henceforth! I have further received word that our government is softening its approach with regard to the shut down placed upon our monuments.

Please ride with dignity, pride, honor, and respect during tomorrow’s ride. Do not be confrontational with the park police, nor with other law enforcement officials. Again, they are on our side and although they wear a badge, many are as angry as we are. Also, please consider future events in the Washington, DC area, and our brothers and sisters that will proudly wave the red, white, and blue in those events, also!

It will be an honor…AN HONOR!!…riding with you tomorrow as we again take our stars and stripes to the streets of Washington, DC!! ~ Eric Zern

This message is from Belinda Bee on the 2 Million Bikers to DC Facebook page:

Folks – I just got off the phone with DC Police. The officer was very helpful! He said, they were told to put the barricades back into place, they did (it’s their job to follow orders). He also said he couldn’t talk as a citizen since he was on the job…however, he would “imagine” all folks have to do is the same thing they did Tuesday, move the barricades!


PLEASE NOTE: He was not aware of any additional security as being reported. They did not have any additional folks there, they are skeleton crew as it was!

So some of these media’s who like to get folks worked up are apparently doing a good job of it!

Video: Asking People on the Street What Party Obama is Affiliated With, The Answers May Surprise You

The majority of the people Dice talked to didn’t know which party Obama was associated with and some even thought he was in fact a Republican.

One man thought Obama was associated with the “best ideas” party.

“The average American is a zombie and doesn’t even know what political party he stands for,” Dice tells one man who asserted that Obama was a Republican. “I would agree,” the man responds.

“What political party is Barack Obama affiliated with?” Dice asks another man, who responds, “It’s one of those.”

In response to the same question, another woman responds, “I have nothing good to say, I’m sorry.”

The clip would be hilarious if it wasn’t a tragic reflection of how dumbed down and ignorant of basic facts Americans have become in the modern era. Given that a substantial percentage of them don’t even know that Obama is a Democrat, how could they possibly hope to understand things like Obamacare or the government shut down?

Video: The Case For Impeaching [and Imprisoning] Barack Hussein Obama – Part I

Western Journalism reported: According to U.S. Code 18 USC Section 2339A, it is a treasonous act to arm a State Department-designated terrorist group. Barack Obama on September 16, 2013 signed an executive order essentially exempting himself from the law in order to allow him to send thousands of tons of weapons to what he calls “freedom fighters”—the Syrian rebels that openly identify with al-Qaeda. The executive order, however, is not retroactive.  This means that the 1000 tons of weapons that our own CIA distributed to the rebels on August 21, 2013— including thousands of shoulder-fired missiles capable of taking down a commercial airliner—is clearly a treasonous act. In fact, this was just one of dozens of weapon transfers prior to September 16, 2013 that the Obama administration has made to a terrorist group that murdered thousands of Americans on 9/11.

Part 1 of a video series exclusive to Western Center for Journalism, making the case for why Barack Hussein Obama should be impeached immediately.



Barack Obama: Spent Shutdown Day #3 Sitting for a Portrait?

Obama striking a pose in WHBarack Obama’s 3rd day of the shutdown was busy sitting for a portrait by Tony Powell.  If you had any question of Obama’s narcissism before today, this should seal the deal.

Breitbart reported: Tony Powell is an absolutely marvelous photographer (and artistic jack of all trades). He’s known for his portraits, celebrity shots and fashion photography. Stuff like this:

And yesterday, according to his Facebook account, he did a one-on-one shot of President Obama at the White House:

Obama Portrait

It’s not Powell’s first time photographing the president, but an interesting anecdote about how the president is spending his time during the government shutdown.

Allen West: Considering a Run for 2016 Senate, ‘If I See People Are Not Taking Our Country Down the Right Path, God Will Set My Feet on the Right Path’

Allen WestAllen West, beloved Tea Party candidate, is telling D.C. bloggers he’ll take a run at Marco “Speaks With Forked Tongue” Rubio’s Senate seat in 2016. “If I see people are not taking our country down the right path, God will set my feet on the right path,” said the Colonel. Rubio’s fatal mistake was to coax the Tea Party into backing him–and back him they did, right into the Senate’s front door–and then promptly putting in with old guard, Senate liberals who were playing him for a fool. This mistake just may doom his re-election bid. It’s something you do not do in politics (that is, not dance with the guy who brought you.)

Popular SoFla radio talk host Joyce Kaufman plays over and over Rubio’s speeches against amnesty before he was elected. She mirrors the hypocrisy factor that just sticks in the craw of once-gullible ordinary citizens looking to back a candidate who will truly represent them. Word bouncing around SoFLa airwaves is that once Rubio was elected, his “relatives” (that is, blood links from in and around Calle Ocho) leaned on him to get behind comprehensive immigration reform just because blood votes blood.

Well, the young man, new to brutal D.C. politics, allowed himself to be sucked into an unholy alliance with old bull, lib Dems who saw a two-fold opportunity in Rubio–namely to push Amnesty through Congress, but mainly to sink the very promising newcomer’s presidential aspirations. Apparently, they calculated correctly on the second aim, but not the first. “Listen to the People,” Senator Ted Cruz kept telling Congress over and over for 21 hours. And the people in SoFla, although with many libs in their midst, just turned away from a Potomac Two Step of the personable young Florida Senator. They knew where Astronaut Bill Nelson was flying; but what’s that adage? Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. “The People are mad,” says an astute observer.

So Colonel West just may be lining up for a run at Rubio. And don’t forget, Congressman West survived a positively brutal SoFla Congressional campaign to defeat Ron Klein in 2010. The incumbent Dem. Chief of Staff Joyce Kaufman had her bags packed to head up the West Congressional D.C. office, but the fallout from the mean streets of the Gore Triangle proved to be not worth the fight.

West was defeated in a re-districting nightmare challenge by Dem Patrick Murphy, who was helped along by the entrenched Democrat machine in St. Lucie County; and West lost out in the very narrow and very contentious recount. But his loyal followers still stand by their war hero and are not looking to go away anytime soon. And as for Rubio, his home four blocks away from Calle Ocho just may be a bridge too far away from the Potomac in the future.

Rush Limbaugh Reveals Mind Numbing Story: Obamcare Converts 30-Year-Old Future Lawyer Into a Welfare Case

Bendan MahoneyTheBlaze reported: If you listen to the President’s rhetoric when it comes to why America needed Obamacare, it’s riddled with stories of people who can’t get health insurance and are falling through the cracks. And while there may be such people, Brendan Mahoney doesn’t seem to be one of them.

Who is Brendan Mahoney? He’s a 30-year-old law student from Connecticut. He already has health insurance through his school that he pays about $39-per-month for. Still, as the Wall Street Journal’s James Taranto points out via the Hartford Courant, he decided on Wednesday to see what Obamacare could offer.

So he went on to his state exchange to sign up. What did he find? Lo and behold, the Obamacare exchange site had some great news: he could now save that $39 every month starting next year and have taxpayers front the bill for his new Medicaid coverage.

Rush Limbaugh read the story on his show Thursday and seemed disgusted.

“Here we have a future lawyer…and he’s been converted into a welfare case. And that ladies and gentleman is the objective,” Limbaugh said. “When you strip it all away, this shows how all of this is really designed to work.”

“At 30 years of age, he discovered he was eligible for Medicaid,” Limbaugh added. “And it is a joke here that they’re saying, ‘Great news we got a 30-year-old guy who could sign up. … They’ve turned him into a ward of the state.’”

Daily Rushbo has Limbaugh’s full reaction:

Fake ObamaCare Insurance Exchange Sites Already Spotted

Obama-pointing-laughingBreitbart reported: Amid numerous reports of ObamaCare exchange difficulties, Internet cloud security company Trend Micro has reported that they have already seen spam targeted to words such as “Medicare,” “enrollment,” and “medical insurance.” The company reports that some of the spam variants appear “professional enough to fool some users into opening the email and clicking the links in these messages.”

According to SecurityWatch magazine, Trend Micro’s threat communications manager Christopher Budd said “deep problems with the Marketplace websites could make things much worse.”

Budd wrote last week that due to the way the online registration for ObamaCare will work, and to the type of information people must enter online to obtain health insurance coverage, “there’s a real risk of a perfect storm that can make this process a bonanza for identity thieves and cybercriminals:”

The root problem is that the Health Insurance Exchange isn’t made up of a single, authoritative site where people can go and register for coverage. In addition to the Federal site, people can apply for coverage at sites run by individual states. Then, within each state, there can also be legitimate third-party sites that provide assistance and even broker coverage.

When a person starts looking through sites to find one, at this time, they’re faced with the challenge that there’s no official marking or labeling that they can look at on a site to know that it’s an officially sanctioned site. A survey of state and third-party sites also shows that official sites aren’t required to provide the ability to verify the site using SSL: many of them don’t provide it for site verification at all, though the Federal site does. As people look for health care exchanges, they’re going to be faced with potentially hundreds or thousands of sites that claim to be legitimate but won’t be able to easily verify that claim.

Budd said that, in addition, when applying for healthcare coverage, people must submit all of their most sensitive personal data – not only for themselves, but also for their entire family.

In short, according to Budd, the ObamaCare exchanges create a situation in which people are encouraged to give away critical personal information to what they believe to be legitimate sites, but can’t really be sure the sites are legitimate:

This is a perfect environment for identity thieves and other criminals to put together bogus sites to get personal information they can use or sell on the digital underground. And this situation also provides an opportunity for old fashioned healthcare scammers to offer bogus coverage and fraudulent billing scams to more unsuspecting people.