Fox News: Explosive ‘Exchange’ Between Sean Hannity and Congressman Pascrell On Health Care (Obamacare) Subsidies for Congress , ‘You’re Lying!’

TheBlaze reported: Sean Hannity got into a heated exchange with Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) over the Obamacare “subsidy exemption” available to members of Congress. The debate hit its peak when Hannity offered the congressman a $10,000 bet to benefit charity if he could prove that members of Congress did not have access to a “special subsidy” that the American people don’t have access to.

(Fox News) “If big business gets a special exemption, do you think it’s fair that individuals did not get the same exemption? And similarly you and Congress are getting the subsidy exemption that the rest of us are not getting with Obamacare. Is that fair?” Hannity began.

Pascrell claimed that members of Congress are not technically getting an Obamacare subsidy.

“It’s the employers contribution to health care like any company or any federal agency. We’re not getting anything more than anybody else,” Pascrell said.

Hannity countered by pointing out that the federal government’s “contribution” is a whopping 72 percent.

“Can I get the 72 percent?” Hannity asked. “I can’t.”

Pascrell defending himself by claiming that Republicans will be fighting to make sure they have coverage too once the current budget battle “blows over.”

Later in the segment, Hannity offered Pascrell a $10,000 bet, “you’re charity against mine,” that Congress has a “special subsidy that the American people don’t have.”

“You gonna take the bet, congressman?” the Fox News host asked, his volume getting louder. “Are you gonna take the bet?!”

“No,” Pascrell replied.

“That’s because you’re lying! That’s why,” Hannity shot back.

The New Jersey Democrat told his host that he only talks to people that are “straight” and said he was just afraid of how successful Obamacare is going to be.

“Yeah, OK. So you’re full of crap,” Hannity concluded before abruptly shutting down the interview.

Obama Impeachment Movement: November 19th, 2013 Larry Klayman’s Call for Americans to ‘Descend on Washington, D.C.’ and Demand ‘He Leave Town and Resign from Office’

Obama: November 19thIn the wake of bikers roaring through the streets of Washington DC in protest [Sep 11] and a planned shut down of DC by truckers [Oct 11-13], founder of Judicial Watch Larry Klayman has chosen the date of November 19, 2013 for Americans to “descend on Washington, D.C.’, and ‘demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time’ for pushing ‘his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.’

Klayman is an attorney who has brought numerous cases against Barack Obama concerning his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States.  He has also mused about a military coup to oust Barack Obama following the Egyptian uprising that ousted former Muslim Brotherhood Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi earlier this year.

Larry Klayman claims that Obama, “like Morsi before his downfall,” is “pushing the American people to the limit” and “playing with fire among the military.”

Only time will tell if Klayman gets any momentum, but CA will be doing everything in our power to support the effort.

Renew America reported: Last Wednesday, the great usurper, Barack Hussein Obama, after having been indicted by an Ocala, Florida citizens’ grand jury, was convicted by a people’s court of defrauding the American people and Floridians by proffering them with a fake birth certificate. See As readers of this column and know too well, Obama is not a natural born citizen eligible to be president of the United States, as he was not born in this country to two American citizen parents. However, to justify his fraud and his elections to the highest office in the land, and after years of inquiry, in 2011 the Obama White House posted on its website a birth certificate purporting to show him having been born in Hawaii. The problem is however, according to forensic experts, the birth certificate is altered and forged.

The day of reckoning has come. Obama, having failed to plead in response to the indictment that was served upon him, waived his right to a jury trial. Thumbing his nose at We the People, as the citizens’ prosecutor, I appeared before a citizens’ court judge and presented evidence from Cold Case Posse investigator Michael Zullo showing that Obama tricked voters into electing him in 2008 and 2012. As a result, the citizens’ judge found him guilty on two counts of falsifying information to federal and state election officials. He was thus sentenced to the maximum prison term for these offenses of 10 years, and ordered to immediately surrender himself into the custody of the citizens of the United States and Florida.

Of course, Obama will not willingly obey the law of the people. He will attempt to hide behind the iron fences of the White House, perhaps cowering under his desk for fear that the people will rise up and demand his ouster.

On November 19, 2013, a day that will hopefully live on in the history of our once great republic, I call upon millions of Americans who have been appalled and disgusted by Obama’s criminality – his Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda – among other outrages, to descend on Washington, D.C., en masse, and demand that he leave town and resign from office if he does not want to face prison time.klayman_b

I further propose that we borrow the techniques perfected and used by such epic crusaders such as Mahatma Gandhi, to show Obama and his enablers that the American people are more than fed up and will not take it any more. The millions who are being summoned to our nation’s capital should, like Gandhi did in India and South Africa, peacefully shut the city down, by blocking roads and massing in front of the White House chanting for Obama to get out of our nation’s capital. In addition, I propose bringing the victims of his reign of terror to a podium across from the White House in Lafayette Park to give their testimony on how he has singularly severely harmed and in some instances even killed their loved ones through his actions.

In the words of Thomas Paine in the days leading up to the first American Revolution, “these are the times that try men’s souls.” The nation under Obama and even his inert and castrated political opponents, the Republican Party, have driven our country into the bowels of impending doom. The moral and ethical fabric, our economic underpinnings, and our national confidence and prestige are in the tank. Russia has become the leading world power, however evil and compromised under its communist KGB leader Vladimir Putin. The United States is a mere shell of its prior self under real modern leaders like Presidents John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan, to name just a few.

We must act now. Our Founding Fathers pledged their sacred honor, fortunes, and lives to form a new nation under God. They knew that the odds of defeating the British were not great, save for His Divine grace and intervention. Now, 237 years after they signed the Declaration of Independence in my native city of Philadelphia, the nation has come full circle to the tyranny that has been imposed by a new despot, one far more evil than King George III. King George III may have been a greedy “control freak,” but at least he was a Christian. The United States is being run by a Muslim bent on furthering an Islamic caliphate who seeks to destroy our spirituality and the body politic of our Judeo-Christian roots.

Life is not easy. It requires risk and sacrifice. If as a nation we want to restore our freedom, and we are on the verge of being enslaved under Obama’s socialist Muslim inclinations, we must take our fight to a new level. Tea partiers, bikers, construction workers, police officers, school teachers, farmers, truckers, clergy, housewives, husbands, students, doctors, lawyers and all elements of our society who see our nation slipping away into the abyss, must now stand tall and descend on the capital, much like the Egyptians recently did in ousting another radical Muslim, their then president Mohammed Morsi. If the Egyptians can seek to rid their country of the poison of the Muslim Brotherhood without any real history of democracy, then we Americans, who know what democracy is and have practiced it prior to the ascension of the great usurper, can and must succeed.

Obama has now been convicted of having defrauded the American people into electing him as president. Even more so than Nixon during Watergate, he has no legitimacy to remain president and must be forced to resign. If We the People do not demand justice and remove him from office, then we will be furthering his fraud and we will have no one but ourselves to blame for the death of the greatest nation ever to have been on this earth.

In the words of one of our great Founding Fathers and an architect of our Constitution, “we must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” Benjamin Franklin walked the walk along with the likes of George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson. Let us now walk in their footsteps and march into to Washington, D.C., this November 19th, and rid the nation of the criminal who lurks in our White House. Let us send a message to the other corrupt government officials of all political persuasions, that this is our nation, not theirs. Let’s “Occupy Washington” and restore freedom to our shores!

Motorcycle Road Rage: One of the Motorcyclists Who Allegedly Terrorized Family in Viral Road Rage Incident Won’t Be Charged

Alexian LienTheBlaze reported: Some New York City police are fuming after one of the motorcyclists caught on video chasing down an SUV in Manhattan — and allegedly punching a window near an infant strapped in a car seat and watching the father-SUV driver being beaten — won’t be charged by the city’s district attorney, according to the New York Post.

The biker in question is Allen Edwards, a 43-year-old Queens resident who was among a gang of motorcyclists involved in an accident Sunday with Alexian Lien that soon escalated into road rage that left one of the bikers paralyzed and in a coma.

Edwards allegedly punching rear driver’s side window near infant (Credit: Raw helmet cam video via YouTube)

Edwards surrendered to cops Tuesday but was released without arrest, sources told the Post.

One law enforcement source tells the Post that the DA not pressing charges against Edwards has enraged some on the NYPD.

“He’s there on the motorcycle right next to [Lien] after [Lien] got his a** kicked,” the source tells the Post, referencing the images of Edwards’ alleged attack.

A biker who may be Edwards appears to attempt to open the driver’s rear door near the infant in car seat (Credit: Raw helmet cam video via YouTube)

Besides showing Edwards allegedly punching the window, video also shows him allegedly standing next to Lien after he was thrown to the ground and beaten, the Post notes.

Lien, his wife, and two-year-old daughter were celebrating the couple’s one-year wedding anniversary at the time of the incident, Fox News reports. The helmet-cam video embed of the entire incident has been disabled, but it can be viewed on YouTube.

Motorcycle Road Rage
Alexian Lien and his wife (Credit: WPIX)

As TheBlaze previously reported, Lien reportedly collided with one of the bikers on a New York City highway. The other bikers, apparently furious about the collision, went after Lien’s SUV and reportedly started to slash its tires. Lien, who had his wife and young child in the car, “barreled through three of the bikers to get away,” CBS Boston reports.

However, the bikers continued to pursue Lien and eventually caught up to him, smashed his window, pulled him from the car and beat him in front of his wife and child. Video of the incident has gone viral and has sparked a contentious debate over whether the dad was wrong or just trying to protect his family.

More from the Post:

Police, meanwhile, are zeroing in on two other suspects, including the one who slashed Lien, sending him to the hospital for stitches.

“They’re trying to ID two of the guys. One of them is the main guy. He’s the one that assaulted the victim. On the video, he was wearing the chrome helmet that has a logo of a bird,” a third source said late Tuesday.

A witness told police the biker in the chrome helmet pulled Lien out of the car, threw the terrified dad to the ground and stomped on his head.

The second suspect being sought also smashed windows on the SUV, the source added.

“He’s wearing orange and he hit the window of the SUV,” the source said.

One of the bikers collared in the incident is Christopher Cruz, 28, of Passaic, N.J., who yelled “F—!” upon leaving Manhattan Criminal Court on $1,500 cash bail after being charged with reckless driving and unlawful imprisonment, the Post says.

Read rest of story.

BREAKING: Shots Fired at Capitol Building

Capitol Hill ShootingWestern Journalism reported: According to multiple social media reports, the U.S. Capitol building is currently locked down after shots were fired nearby.

First reports came around 2:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, though details surrounding the event are currently murky.

Bloomberg News reports that individuals inside the Capitol complex were “ordered to shelter in place” while Yahoo! News reporter Chris Moody indicated that local police were chasing a black car near the scene. When authorities had the vehicle cornered, he indicated shots rang out near that location.

Reports indicate that one suspect is in custody, and at least one police officer was injured in the incident.

More details will be available as this story continues to develop, stay tuned to Conservative Angle.

***UPDATE 3:04 EST:

DC Shooter killed

Breitbart reported: Media reports say that the incident started when a woman attempted to crash her car through the barriers in front of the White House along Pennsylvania Avenue. Shots were exchanged with police and a car chase took events to Capitol Hill.

ABC News says the female suspect is dead.

CNN reports that a police officer was shot and MedEvac’d.

The order for everyone on Capitol Hill to shelter-in-place has been lifted. NBC’s Pete Williams reports that the incident is “over.”

Sen. Harry Reid’s Pal Gets Jail Time for Funneling Him Illegal Cash

Dirty HarryJudicial Watch reported: Convicted of three felonies, a close friend and political donor of U.S. Senator Harry Reid is going to jail for funneling more than $130,000 in illegal campaign funds to the Nevada Democrat who happens to be the senate majority leader.

The big question is what will happen to Reid, who has been embroiled in a number of corruptions scandals in the last few years. Yet, he remains unscathed and continues abusing the power of a top federal lawmaker to enrich his friends and family. We’ll get into those later, but now let’s look at this latest story involving the senator’s convict pal, Nevada developer Harvey Whittemore.

This week Whittemore, a one-time Nevada power broker and lobbyist, was sentenced to two years in prison for operating the illicit scheme in which he skirted campaign finance laws to fill Reid’s coffers. The wealthy businessman did it by giving money to family members and employees so they could be the official contributors. Whittemore insists he had no idea this was illegal and Reid claims he was “unaware of any potential problems with the money he received.”

Whittemore and Reid go back years and the veteran senator has long used his influence in Washington to help his friend land lucrative deals. In fact, in 2007 a mainstream newspaper reported that for four years Reid used his power as a legislator to help Whittemore clear obstacles for a profitable real estate deal. As the project advanced, the paper reported, “Reid received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from Whittemore.” The developer also hired one of Reid’s sons (Leif) as his personal lawyer and then promptly handed the junior Reid the responsibility of negotiating the real estate deal with federal officials. This landed Reid on Judicial Watch’s list of “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians.”

In 2006 Reid was also embroiled in another major scandal for taking tens of thousands of dollars from a corrupt Republican lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, who was sentenced to seven years in prison for mail fraud, conspiracy to bribe public officials and tax evasion. Reid reportedly took more than $30,000 in Abramoff-tainted money in return for his “cooperation” in matters related to Nevada gaming. Judicial Watch investigated the Abramoff scandal and successfully sued the Bush administration for White House visitor logs that show the corrupt lobbyist visited often.

More recently Reid was embroiled in a major influence-peddling scandal involving a Chinese “green energy” client (ENN) of the Nevada law firm headed by his son Rory. Here is an excerpt from a national wire service story published in August 2012: “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada. His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”

“Well below appraised value” is a considerable understatement. The deal Rory Reid put together for the firm his dad brought to town saw ENN purchase the site for just $4.5 million—a mere fraction of separate appraisals that valued the property at $29.6 million and $38.6 million. Even with all of that, however, the project has failed to move forward as rapidly as the Reid gang hoped because there is no market in Nevada for the green energy ENN claims it could produce. The scandal earned the unscrupulous senator another spot on JW’s “Ten Most Wanted Corrupt Politicians” in 2012.

Shop Obamacare Marketplace, Get a Free Obamaphone, But Wait There’s Much More to This Story

InfoWars reported: In order to get folks to shop Obamacare coverage in Tennessee, the Community Health Alliance (CHA) co-op is giving away government subsidized smart phones in a program reminiscent of the original Obamaphone program.

According to the Nashville Biz Blog, “qualified individuals” with receive an LG Lucid 2 4G smart phone, or equivalent model, a phone plan and tech support. The phone plan includes unlimited talk, unlimited texting and 1.2GB of data, according to staff writer E. J. Boyer.

Members will have to select a primary care physician from CHA’s network within 90 days of their coverage start date and must “pledge to stay connected for better health” within 90 days. After “those requirements are met, the phone — preloaded with health apps, contact information for a CHA representative, and phone numbers for primary care doctors and after-hours clinic — will be shipped to members within two weeks,” writes Boyer.

CHA is promoting the effort as a way to keep in touch with patients. “Members will have the phone number for their CHA representative pre-loaded in their phones and can quickly get answers to questions about their policies,” said CHA Chief Operating Officer Judy Slagle in a press release. “At the same time, we will be able to connect with our members by phone, by email or by text almost instantly with health tips and reminders.”

Carlos Slim, named the world’s wealthiest man four years running, was the mastermind entrepreneur behind the Obamaphone. Slim is the owner of the Mexican telecommunication company América Móvil, the corporation providing the TracFone, the product name of the now legendary Obamaphone.

“The Obama phone, an effective tool that helped the candidate gain leverage in the 2012 election, is a TracFone product stemming from the government program Lifeline, which generated a whopping $452 million last year,” Infowars reporter Julie Wilson wrote in August. “The Lifeline program is overseen by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), generating its funding by tacking on mandatory fees to consumers’ cell phone bills.”

In January, Alex Jones interviewed the “Obama Phone Lady,” Michelle Dowery, a Cleveland woman who shilled for government subsidized phones outside of a Romney event last September. After talking with Jones, Ms. Dowery said she wouldn’t vote for Obama again.

In 2012, a music remix of her Obamaphone rant went viral on Youtube.

Politico: Unpopular Obama Clings to ‘Hard-Line Position’ in Debt Ceiling Gamble

Obama Dusting-off ShoulderBreitbart reported: With President Barack Obama’s Gallup approval rating down to just 45% after his mishandling of the Syrian crisis, and with CNN reporting that only 39% of Americans support Obamacare, White House officials tell Politico that “Obama doesn’t see any reason to back off his hard-line position” on the looming debt ceiling showdown–a risky strategy that could drag Democrats down with him come the 2014 midterm elections.

On October 17, the federal government will officially hit the nation’s $16.7 trillion debt ceiling. While polls show that more voters blame Republicans for the current government shutdown, polls also show that voters overwhelmingly side with Republicans in demanding that any raising of the debt ceiling be coupled with spending cuts. Indeed, a Bloomberg poll found that 61% of voters believe it is “right to require spending cuts when the debt ceiling is raised even if it risks default.”

On Wednesday, Speaker John Boehner published an op-ed recounting House Republicans’ numerous attempts to avert a government shutdown and stating Obama’s refusal to negotiate on a deal to cut spending in exchange for agreeing to raise the debt limit.

“In just a few weeks, Congress must act to raise the debt limit to pay the tab for President Obama and Washington’s out-of-control spending,” wrote Boehner. “There is no way Congress can or should pass such a bill without spending cuts and reforms to deal with the debt and deficit and help get our economy moving again. But President Obama refuses to even talk about negotiating such a bipartisan agreement.”

For months now, Obama and top Democrats have flatly refused to negotiate on the debt ceiling.

“Democrats are unwilling to bargain on the debt ceiling,” top Democratic House Ways and Means Committee member Rep. Sandy Levin (D-MI) said back in May. And in August, Obama Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said, “The president will not negotiate conditions on the debt limit.”

Obama hopes that his defiant stance will shore up the fissures in his fractured political base. In short, Obama is spoiling for a fight to stop his dwindling numbers from their current freefall. This is especially so given that two-thirds of the government’s Obamacare healthcare exchanges failed to work on Obamacare’s grand opening.

And while that strategy may make sense for a second-term president with no more elections in front of him, Obama’s willingness to defiantly oppose any debt ceiling negotiations with Republicans and place America at risk of default could have severe electoral implications for Democrats in tight 2014 congressional races, especially since midterm elections traditionally favor the party not in the White House. Indeed, an unpopular president, an angry electorate overwhelmingly opposed to Obamacare, and a dysfunctional government that cannot negotiate on a way to pay its bills may prove to be the perfect storm for congressional Democrats.

In a few weeks, Republicans will possess maximum leverage in the debt ceiling showdown. Speaker Boehner has promised conservatives he intends to give Obama a “whale of a fight.” All eyes are on the GOP leadership to ensure that he does.

Rand Paul Calls Out CNN Anchor After She Declares Obamacare a GOP ‘Obsession’ and Asks Why This Offer From Democrats Isn’t ‘Enough’

CNNTheBlaze reported: CNN anchor Erin Burnett invited Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on her program Wednesday to discuss the state of “negotiations” between Democrats, including the White House, and Republicans in Congress. Burnett argued that Obamacare has become a GOP “obsession” and asked the senator why the Democrats’ offer of a $988 billion spending cap wasn’t “enough” to end the partial government shutdown.

Paul said Republicans are doing their best to compromise with Democrats, but the Senate has rejected every single proposal from the U.S. House.

“We started out with a position that we don’t want any Obamacare,” he said. “The president wants all of it, 100 percent. I would think a compromise would be both sides come off of their positions some.”

Referencing the Democrat proposal to implement a $988 billion spending cap in order to reach a long-term budget agreement, Burnett asked why it wasn’t “enough.”

“[Harry Reid] is saying, ‘look I thought you cared about long-term fiscal responsibility.’ I mean he had a point there,” she said, adding that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi also said they were agreeing to it even though they didn’t want to.

“They are giving you that. Why isn’t that enough? It does seem like Obamacare is a bit of an obsession,” Burnett added. She would also later ask, “Why put your entire heart, soul, reputation and next seat in office on Obamacare?”

Paul, calling out the CNN host in a very respectful way, responded by explaining why government is “so messed up.” He also reminded her that Congress controls the “power of the purse.”

He said government shut down because “we aren’t doing appropriations bills.” If Sen. Reid had “done his job,” he would have brought a number of appropriations bills to the floor and passed them to fund more of the government during the partial shutdown.

“Their intransigence really is keeping the government shut down,” Paul said.

Later in the segment, Burnett played a clip of Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) attacking Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) for sparking the government shutdown, at least according to him.

“What do you say to that? There are a lot of Republicans who say that what this core group, a minority group, in your party is doing, is destroying your party,” she said. “Peter King is one of them, but he is certainly not alone.”

Paul said it was “unfair” because the Republicans are “united” on Obamacare and feel “it’s bad for America.”

Burnett also cited a CNN poll that shows 60 percent of people want to avoid a government shutdown than delay or block Obamacare, 34 percent.

“I’m not so sure it’s as clear-cut as you make it out to be,” Paul said. “I think people, particularly the people who elected me, wanted me to stand up and fight Obamacare. They think it’s bad. They think it’s going to reduce their choices.”