Tag Archives: Walid Shoebat

Why Ex-CIA Deputy Director May Be ‘a Co-Conspirator with Al-Qaeda’

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Yet another tree falls for the Obama Administration.

If former CIA Deputy Director Michael Morrell lied to administration officials when altering the Benghazi talking points, he became a ‘co-conspirator with al-Qaeda’ according to Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who appeared on Fox and Friends this morning to discuss these developments.

Shaffer is a winner of the Bronze Star and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal who also helped lead the Able Danger program that is said to have identified lead 9/11 hijacker Mohamed Atta one year before the attack on the World Trade Center.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Obama Appoints Pro-Muslim Agent To Infiltrate U.S. Government

By Walid Shoebat

“Mr. (Robert) Malley is coming back to the White House, administration officials said on Tuesday. This time, he will manage the fraying ties between the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf, a job that says a lot about how America’s role in the Middle East has changed… (Malley’s 2008 meeting with Hamas) was hardly a secret and came in the course of his work with the International Crisis Group (I.C.G), a nonprofit group focused on preventing conflict.” – New York Times

It is said that the apple does not fall from the tree. Robert Malley is as a rotten apple as he was produced by his rotten father Simon Malley, the colleague of Henri Curiel, one of the main founders of the Communist Party in Egypt.

Robert Malley

Robert Malley

According to a statement from the 2008 Obama campaign, Malley was one of several experts who had offered advice to the campaign on Middle East policy, via the Jewish Daily Forward:

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America published an article exploring Malley’s family roots. The article argues that “Malley’s parents were rabidly anti-Israel” and that Malley’s articles on Middle East issues “demonize Israel only slightly less than his father.

Malley attended Harvard Law School with Obama. In 2006, Malley expressed a belief that Hamas can be moderated.

In 2011, the Washington Post quoted Malley as saying that working with the Muslim Brotherhood was “not a bad idea” and that…

“They are an important constituency in Egypt. They’re very likely to play a role in any future arrangements there.”

In the same report, another infiltrator – Emile Nakhleh – a Palestinian (from my neck of the woods) who worked for the C.I.A. as a hired “expert” predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood will fail to win.

Nakhleh broke his silence in 2009 to the Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat. The title states (translated):“Academic from Palestinian origin who “saved” the letters of bin Laden and al-Zawahiri broke his silence after 16 years as president for the unity of political Islam in the “CIA.” Emile Nakhleh to Al-Hayat:

I failed to persuade the Bush administration to cooperate with “Hamas” but it’s inevitable that we talk to the Islamists if we actually want reform.

Emile Nakhleh

Emile Nakhleh

He added:

“We cannot speak of reform unless we speak to Hamas in Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

He took pride in coining the term as he advised the U.S. government that “most Muslims do not advocate violence”, adding that…

“…the most popular Islamic movements are not extremists and do not want a quick implementation of Sharia. They cooperate on issues that concern us all, which is to satisfy peoples’ concerns to obtain employment and to find a bite to eat.”

On the Boston Marathon bombings, Nakhleh told Al-Arab News:

“According to official statements to authorities by the surviving brother of the Boston Marathon bombings, the United States has a war on Islam and this is what led the two brothers to commit this act of terrorism.”

Nakleh’s solution?

“We need to combat Islamophobia.”

This Hamas-engagement strategy is not new; it was there under Bush and is no different fromMalley’s International Crisis Group (I.C.G) which reported in June of 2008:

The three-year clash between the government and the Muslim Brothers is damaging Egypt’s political life. Ending this confrontation and moving towards the long-term goal of integrating the Brothers into the political mainstream is a far better option.

We have seen this “far better option” wreak havoc; the Muslim Brotherhood partnered with Hamas and Al-Qaeda. We have accurately predicted the outcome in the Middle East while so many of the so-called “experts” have continued to advocate positions that keep the Middle East in chaos.

Another I.C.G member is a Palestinian from Rameh (near Jinin), named Wadah Khanfar, who was head of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) in South Africa and received his diploma in Sudan. He has become one of the most influential figures in the Arab media. Khanfar comes from a family that has produced several terrorists. His father marches and speaks for suicide bomber Majdi Khanfar.

Majdi Khanfar

Majdi Khanfar

The Mareb Press reported (translated):

Wadah Khanfar, a Hamas activist affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of its key figures in the Hamas office in Sudan, led the Al-Jazeera network to shine and to be recognized by the world.

Palestinian media, Al-Majd in Jordan and Elaf all confirm this.

The family business in Rama/Jinin was raided several times for its connection to Hamas. There is also Anwar Ibrahim, the other board member of I.C.G who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Here he is with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi:

Anwar Ibrahim and Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Anwar Ibrahim and Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Here is where all of this is going. Last November, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced his support for the Muslim Brotherhood while in Trabzon. Turkey later tried to put pressure on Russia to prevent the export of arms to the Egyptian army so as not to provide Egypt’s post-Muslim Brotherhood government with any offensive or defensive weapons systems. Russia, thank God, has rejected all such pressure from the Turks.

It is worth mentioning that Turkey was supporting the Brotherhood in secret and is now doing so out in the open. It welcomed the meeting of the International Brotherhood organization in Turkey – the new headquarters of the Brotherhood – to begin work on a new strategy to regain Egypt. Barack Obama – along with his extended family – is actively working toward this goal. The U.S. President’s brother Malik has rubbed elbows with the head of the IHH, an organization that 87 U.S. Senators asked President Obama to designate as a terrorist organization to no avail. Malik also appears to serve as somewhat of an unofficial Ambassador to the Turkish region for this brother’s administration.

The Muslim Brotherhood now has four major bases in the world. In Turkey, it’s led by Erdoğan; in Tunisia, it’s led by Rachid Ghannouchi; and in Malaysia it is led by Anwar Ibrahim, head and co-founder of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in America. The fourth center is inBeirut, a new office so that Turkey can lead the new operations in Syria.

In Lebanon, they have set up TV channel Ahrar 25 from Lebanon to Turkey. Its motto is “Ahrar Thuwar Hankammil el-Mishwar” (Free Revolutionary and We will Finish the Race):

Even in Israel proper, there is Raed Salah, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Israel.

In South Africa, the Muslim Brotherhood is led by Wadah Khanfar, who initiated the movement there while he supported Hamas.

Khanfar serves on the Executive Board of none other than Robert Malley’s International Crisis Group (I.C.G.), stressing that he inherited the chair from Mohamed ElBaradei, who played a major role in creating a mess in Egypt and now, through one of its products, Obama will continue the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood through Malley.

That’s what we call coming full circle with a fools’ circle.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Revealed ‘Top Secret’ Muslim Brotherhood Documents: Implicate Obama’s And Clinton’s

(Walid Shoebat) — Shocking documents (screen shots at bottom of this post) by Egyptian security forces monitoring the movements of Malik Obama’s Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) and the father (Essam el-Haddad) of a former Clinton employee (Gehad El-Haddad) sheds further light on the nefarious dealings of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. These documents could implicate the Obamas and the Clintons as being complicit in endangering national security.

'Top Secret' Document implicates Clintons and Obamas.

‘Top Secret’ Document implicates Clintons and Obamas.

Al-Masry Network also published the claims of intelligence sources showing that Malik Obama’s Organization is the main sponsor to Islamize the Nuba area, Aswan and Luxor. The Aswan region is a territory in southeastern Egypt that borders northern Sudan, which includes a long stretch of the Nile river. During the Mohammed Mursi regime, both Egypt and Sudan (under Omar al-Bashir) would have presented an opportunity to work toward the slow erasure of the border between the two nations. Such negotiations in Aswan would have predictably caused Egypt’s Security Forces great concern.

Aswan region in southeastern Egypt.

Aswan region in southeastern Egypt.

The younger Haddad, who worked as City Director for five years at the William J. Clinton Foundation, also worked with his father; both men were the closest of advisers to Mursi. BothEssam and Gehad were arrested late last year – after Mursi’s ouster – and had their assets frozen.

Gehad el-Haddad: Son of Essam, former Clinton employee.

Gehad el-Haddad: Son of Essam, former Clinton employee.

The Al-Masry report seems to indicate that Malik Obama’s role within the Sudanese branch of the IDO is much more significant than previously thought (translated):

“Authorities within Egypt’s security apparatus have warned over the past two and a half years of the movements of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), based in the Sudanese capital of Khartoum, headed by businessman Kenyan owner Aboonju Obama (Malik), the elder brother of U.S. President Barack Obama, according to security authorities who are privy to the details of the investigation. One official said the organization and its president, a close friend of the President of Sudan Omar al-Bashir, support the Muslim Brotherhood with money, as well as the international organization of the group…”

The article further reports that Malik has headed the IDO not only in Kenya but leads the organization headquartered in Khartoum and “overseen by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir”. His role allegedly includes assisting and regulating the global Muslim Brotherhood agenda.

Haddad and Ali
One thing is clear; Essam and Gehad aren’t just close family members; they were close collaborators. Essam had another partner in crime as well. His name is Ayman Ali. Via El-Fagr(translated):

“Essam Haddad and Ayman Ali worked as former advisers to the president, Mohamed Morsi, and are in a high-security prison (Al-Aqrab) in Egypt. Both are charged with major espionage with foreign countries.”

Haddad and Ali

Haddad and Ali

Without reading too much between the lines, that “major espionage involving foreign countries” most likely includes “the Obama administration” when Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State. Ali was heavily involved in a group identified by the U.S. as a terrorist entity in 2004 – Taibah, via el-Fagr (translated):

“Ayman Ali created cadres for the Muslim Brotherhood in the region through an organization called Taibah International in 2004… the U.S. government identified it as a terrorist organization for funding terrorist groups… Ayman is accused of transferring money from his account to a number of terrorist cells in various countries of the world. He settled in Austria until he was called to Egypt after the January 25, 2011 and was appointed adviser to Mursi.”

Mohammed Mursi with Essam el-Haddad.

Mohammed Mursi with Essam el-Haddad.

As for its record in funding terrorism, the el-Haddad family has the equivalent of a terrorist rap sheet, via Estkal (translated):

“Al-Haddad family worked with the International Islamic Relief Organizations.”

In August 2006, the Treasury Department also designated the Philippine and Indonesian branch offices of the MWL-founded IIRO as terrorist entities “for facilitating fundraising for al-Qaida and affiliated terrorist groups.”

Further evidence that Gehad is not just an innocent victim of circumstance has to do with the family he married into. His wife is the daughter of Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid, who is a leader within the Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Bureau. Gehad is also the nephew of Mohammed Ibrahim, who is a member of the leadership within the Guidance Bureau. This all adds up to mean that the longtime Clinton employee is one of the primary players within the Muslim Brotherhood regime.

The cooperation between Sudan’s terror state and the Muslim Brotherhood is corroborated by former Muslim Brotherhood leadership member and insider from 1985 – 2002, Tharwat El-Kherbawy, whom we wrote about earlier this month. El-Kherbawy’s assessment of the Muslim Brotherhood’s connection with Sudan comports with the intelligence reporting as well, via Al-Rakoba (translated):

“Kherbawi said that the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan, led by the ruling al-Bashir ofSudan has turned to the Brotherhood’s interest and not the interest of Sudanese.He also revealed that Omar al-Bashir is a member of the International Organization of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Tharwat El-Kherbawy: Muslim Brotherhood Insider's claims corroborate 'top secret' documents.

Tharwat El-Kherbawy: Muslim Brotherhood Insider’s claims corroborate ‘top secret’ documents.

One of the reasons for the meetings in Aswan may have had something to do with furthering the territorial goals of the Brotherhood, which would have caused nationalistic Egyptians great concern. Nubia is a region that is currently inside both Egypt and the Sudan. If the IDO was expressing interest in the annexation of all of Nubia, the border between the two countries would change, which could set the stage for dissolving it altogether. In essence, the dissolution of the Egypt / Sudan border could commence and would become a microcosm for what the Muslim Brotherhood wants to do globally.

This would implicate the Mursi regime in an extremely serious Muslim Brotherhood plot involving both a U.S. State Department-designated State Sponsor of Terrorism in Sudan and the former government of Egypt.

Taken further, all of this information helps to explain why Egypt’s Security Forces and new government – under General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi — has seemingly taken great interest in Malik Obama. Back in August, former Egyptian Constitutional Court Justice named Tahani al-Jebalipublicly expressed great interest and concern about Malik’s role in the International Muslim Brotherhood. Not long after al-Jebali made those charges, a complaint was filed with Egypt’s Attorney General (No. 1761) that echoed said charges.

Lerner: Granted Malik Obama's foundation illegal tax exempt status.

Lerner: Granted Malik Obama’s foundation illegal tax exempt status.

In short, Malik Obama’s prominent role as Executive Director of the IDO, at minimum, implicates his brother in a serious conflict of interest matter relative to national security. That Malik was givenillegal tax-exempt status by Lois Lerner may implicate his brother as an accessory to terror funding (this is why Lerner should be granted immunity for her testimony). So far, members of Congress who sit on such committees have shown no desire to do this. One such Congressman – Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) – has been well aware of the IRS scandal involving Malik Obama for several monthsand has called the charges “spot on”.

Yet, he remains silent today.

Kelly: Remains silent despite knowing.

Kelly: Remains silent despite knowing.

Essam el-Haddad’s negotiations with the IDO implicate the Clintons – through el-Haddad’s son – in a serious conflict of interest matter as well.

That all says nothing of Hillary’s very close relationship with Huma Abedin, whose mother andMursi’s wife are high-ranking colleagues inside the Muslim Sisterhood’s leadership.

(L): Hillary with Huma's mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia. (R): Hillary with Huma.

(L): Hillary with Huma’s mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia. (R): Hillary with Huma.

From the first ‘top secret’ document (translated):

In regard to: the monitoring of the activities of the IDO of Sudan in Egypt the following: Authorities within Egypt’s security apparatus in Aswan that the named Mahmoud Hamza, the Assistant to the Consul General of Sudan in Cairo and the name Barakat Allah, the representative of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO) of Sudan have met the named Essam el-Haddad, a leader in the Muslim Brotherhood organization at the headquarters of the Consul General of Sudan in Aswan at 10:00 yesterday. The meeting lasted for two hours, after which Essam el-Haddad left the meeting carrying a diplomatic briefcase, most likely containing money. He left with the briefcase from the Aswan airport in a return trip to Cairo.

Mohammed Ashraf, Lt.
Top Secret to the Director.

That first document – dated February 12, 2013 – identifies Essam el-Haddad – a close adviser to former Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi – who is clearly a collaborator with his son Gehad el-Haddad.

Egypt Security Document 1

The second leaked document is dated a couple of months after the first and reports on another meeting in Aswan between officials from the IDO and Muslim Brotherhood (translated):

In regard to: the monitoring of the activities of the IDO of Sudan in Egypt the following: We have been informed by our branch in Aswan that the person named Dr. Ayman Salama, the Consul General of Sudan in Aswan, met a man named Dr. Mohammed Ali Bashr, the leader in the Muslim Brotherhood and a man named Ali Barakat Allah, the representative of the Muslim Brotherhood of Sudan at the headquarter consulate in Aswan. The meeting started at approximately 11:30 and lasted until 14:15. Dr. Mohammed Ali Bashr left for the Aswan airport to return to Cairo. The one named Ali Barakat Allah left for Sudan on a private jet.

It is worth noting that Ali Bashr is a product of the U.S. higher education system. He attained a Ph.D. from Colorado State University and was named as a visiting professor at another American university in 1998.

Egypt Security Document 2


[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Complaint Involving Hillary Clinton Has Legs: Involvement With Muslim Brotherhood and Terrorism Now Taking Front and Center

(Walid Shoebat) — The validity of the claims against Muslim Sisterhood leader and wife of former Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi appear to have just gotten a shot in the arm. The complaint (No. 18337, according to El-Fagr) filed with Egypt’s Attorney General has been escalated according to multiple Arabic reports. The complaint doesn’t just involve Naglaa Mahmoud’s alleged efforts in leading a coup but also a supposed close relationship with Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton

Via Al-Wafd (translated):

Attorney General Hisham Barakat has ordered his office to refer the complaint against the wife of Mohammed Mursi, submitted by attorney Assem Qandil, to the national security sector for further investigation.

Qandil filed the complaint against Najla Mahmoud, Mursi’s wife. The complaint accuses her of being behind the violence in the country and planning a coup against the current government. The complaint further calls for her arrest and an intense investigation.

According to Misrday (translated):

Hisham Barakat ordered the Attorney General’s office to refer the communication submitted by attorney Assem Qandil against the wife of President Mohammed Morsi, to the homeland security sector for further and more extensive investigation.

Qandil filed the complaint with the Attorney General, against Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of the isolated former president. Mahmoud is accused of being behind acts of violence in the country and planning a coup against the current regime… Qandil stated further that the defendant is the primary driving force in getting her Muslim Sisterhood organization to engage in these terrorist operations, which are being called false cover demonstrations that are intended to drain the forces of the state.

Al-Watan has also included a reference to this latest news in a more comprehensive report, even making reference to Mahmoud’s claims that she has a significant amount of evidence against the Obama administration (translated):

A National Security communique accuses the wife of Mursi, Naglaa Mahmoud, of plotting to overthrow the current regime. The communique was based on the complaint filed by Assem Qandil, who quoted Mahmoud as saying that ‘between her fingers, she holds the secrets of the White House’, adding that it recognized the ties linking her husband and other members of the Muslim Brotherhood to members within the administration, as well as to former officials, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

24E Reports:

A jurist and constitutional expert Essam Islambouli, in reference to dialogue with “Anatolia” by the wife of Mursi, said her comments, that she ‘is leading the Mujahideen in Egypt for planning a coup against the coup’ is an explicit recognition of her own efforts and that she is a mastermind… who must face prosecution on charges of ‘planning to overthrow the regime’.

In exclusive statements to 24E, Islambouli stated that Mahmoud must be tried on charges of ‘spying’, as evidenced by her confession that she has close ties to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who used the (Muslim) brothers and sisters to deal with the Middle East, according to remarks made by Mursi’s wife.

Mahmoud: Case against her officially escalated.

Mahmoud: Case against her officially escalated.

Even Al Jazeera Arabic has acknowledged both the complaint and its escalation, though it refrains from reporting on any connection to the Clintons.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

HILLARY UPDATE: Walid Shoebat is Interviewed About His Findings

Walid Shoebat is the driving force behind exposing Hillary Clinton for what she is — a lying wannabe who has her eye on the prize, the presidential 2016 presidential election. And it’s up to us to stop her! God Bless Walid Shoebat for his effort.

Today, Walid was interviewed on the Dan Cofall Show. He talked about our latest report regarding the alleged claims of Mohammed Mursi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmoud. Our report was the subject of an article written by Jerome Corsi that appeared on the World Net Daily website.

In addition to the connections between the Muslim Brotherhood and Hillary, Walid also ties the Malik Obama connections to Sudan and Omar Al-Bashir.


[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Hillary Clinton: Sudden Threat Endangers 2016 Presidential Run

We published an article Friday via Walid Shoebat that Hillary Clinton has now been closely tied to terrorism, more specifically Muslim Brotherhood.  Oh sure, we all made the Clinton-Brotherhood connection long ago, but these new revelations are damning evidence that there’s more that meets the eye.  Shoebat promises there will be more, but in the meantime, WND has now acknowledged story, so it’s gaining momentum. Stay tuned, this is getting interesting.

NEW YORK – A threat to Hillary Clinton’s much anticipated 2016 presidential campaign appears to be developing in Egypt where the government is taking steps to criminalize the Muslim Brotherhood.

Hillary Clinton

Specifically, a new criminal complaint has been filed with Egypt’s attorney general, Hisham Barakat, alleging U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton collaborated with Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi in seeking to excite domestic insurrections to topple Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Egyptian general who has been commander in chief of the Egyptian armed forces, as well as minister of defense, since Aug. 12, 2012.

Researcher Walid Shoebat, a native Arabic-speaker and a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, has reported on his blog credible news sources in Egypt have reported in Arabic that criminal charges brought against Hillary Clinton and Morsi’s wife.

Shoebat translated the following from an Egyptian Mehwar TV channel news video in which television reporter Nasr Qaffas explains on camera details of an interview Turkey’s Anatolia news agency conducted with Naglaa Mahmoud.

The following are excerpts from the transcript of the Mehwar TV news video, in which comments by Naglaa Mahmoud also implicate Huma Abedin, wife of former Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner and the former Hillary Clinton chief of staff whom WND has identified as having close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood:

Qaffas: According to Anatolia Press, Mahmoud said, “I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath.” She said, “I will not speak about Huma Abedin.” When asked if she had a close relationship with Hillary Clinton, Mahmoud said, “When my husband returns from his kidnapping, the one who led the coup will pay a hefty price.” Of Mrs. Clinton, she said, “We have a long friendship of many years. We lived in the U.S. and my children learned there. This friendship increased further when my husband became the legitimate president of the country.”

Mahmoud went on to say that they were recruited by the Clintons from the U.S. and began their friendship in the 1980s. This appears to be a conspiracy that is being hidden.

When asked if they still have friendships with each other, Mahmoud said communications never ceased and that the conversations are all recorded. The wife of Morsi divulged that Mrs. Clinton seeks the assistance – both official and unofficial – of several members of the Muslim Sisterhood organization to help with problems in the Middle East. “We also have routine business dealings with the Clintons.”

Continuing with the excerpts from the transcript of the Mehwar TV news video, Naglaa Mahmoud claimed Hillary Clinton is looking for the support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood in her anticipated 2016 run for the U.S. presidency:

Mahmoud further stated that “Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections, just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.” She is quite the looney bin to believe she helped Obama win.

When asked about her relationship with Michelle Obama, Mahmoud said it is very good but it never developed to the point of close friendship, like with Hillary.

On the ability of women to take the lead in the revolution, Mahmoud said that could indeed happen with the Sisterhood. “I have many wives of Brotherhood leaders with me. Many of their husbands were kidnapped and jailed too. I tell them to be patient, for you will have a great reward in the future. I tell them that if their husbands are martyred, we will see to it that they are married off to other men as soon as their menstrual period is over,” she said.

According to Mahmoud, the police will not touch the women, which is why the women are so effective.

Finally, the excerpts from the transcript of the Mehwar TV news video suggest Naglaa Mahmoud was aware the current criminal charges her husband and other Muslim Brotherhood leaders face in Egypt could be a liability for Hillary Clinton in her anticipated presidential race:

On her concerns that the Muslim Brotherhood could be identified as a terrorist organization, the wife of the former president said she was not and declared that she and her colleagues are in the process of organizing a “coup against the coup.”

“We are under the condition of war and Jihad,” she said, “and we have a good command of the necessities of war, the ancient and the modern. I will keep the tactics of war secret because in Islam, war is trickery.”

She said her conscience will not be eased until all of the traitors are hanged in the gallows.

“A key revelation in these reports is Mahmoud’s claim that the Clintons befriended her family in the 1980s while living in the U.S. As one of 63 leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood, Mahmoud is a colleague of Saleha Abedin, another one of those 63 leaders,” Shoebat wrote. “Saleha is the mother of Huma Abedin, who is a close adviser to Hillary Clinton and wife of former Democratic Congressman, Anthony Weiner.”

Muslim Brotherhood goes on trial in Egypt

WND first reported in August that criminal charges have been filed against Malik Obama, half-brother to President Barack Obama, for his involvement allegedly managing funds for a terrorist organization based in neighboring Sudan as well as for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

A criminal trial against former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is scheduled to begin in Egypt in January 2014, with Morsi facing charges that he supported the Muslim Brotherhood in acts of violence directed against the Egyptian people.

President Obama is likely to be a subject in Morsi’s criminal trial given evidence the Obama administration used to U.S. Embassy in Cairo to provide direct financial support to key Muslim Brotherhood political operatives, with the full knowledge and complicity of the Morsi government, as WND first reported in August.

In November, WND reported the Egyptian Air Force Officer currently residing in the U.S. and working as a physician, who has pressed terrorist charges in Egypt against President Obama’s elder brother Malik, has characterized the decision of the Egyptian government to prosecute the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt a conflict that involves “Moderate Muslims vs. the Obama brothers.”

As Jan. 8, 2014, approaches and Egypt prepares for the next appearance in court of former president Mohammed Morsi and the 14 Muslim Brotherhood leaders facing charges of incitement to murder, Sadek Raouf Ebeid believes Barack Obama and his brother Malik Obama in Kenya will be implicated in the criminal proceedings because of the support President Obama and his brother have shown for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

Ebeid was the man who filed last August what in Egypt is known as “Complaint No. 1761″ with the office of Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat, a complaint that accused Malik Obama of managing investment funds for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

In a letter addressed to WND, translated and published as a “guest column” on the website of Walid Shoebat, Ebeid stressed that the promptness with which Hisham Barakat responded to the filing of his complaint requesting that Obama’s elder brother, Malik, be placed on the Egyptian terrorist watch list reflected not just the efficiency of Ebeid’s lawyer in Egypt, Dr. Ahmed el-Ganzory, but also demonstrated the degree to which this case “resonated with the feelings of the majority of moderate Muslims in the Arab world.”

On Sept. 5, WND reported Ebeid’s attorney, Dr. Ahmed Nabil Ganzory, filed Complaint No. 1761, adding that the complaint asked the Egyptian High Court to consider placing Malik on the terrorist watch list both for his involvement managing funds for both the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and for the Islamic Dawa Organization, or IDO, in Sudan.

On Nov. 11, WND reported Egyptian lawyers have filed criminal terrorism charges in the International Criminal Court against President Obama, in addition to the criminal terrorism charges previously filed in Egyptian courts against the president’s half-brother Malik.

Specifically, the criminal charges filed in the ICC against President Obama charge Obama coordinated, incited, and assisted the armed elements of the Muslim Brotherhood in the commission of crimes against humanity including the torching, destruction and plundering of some 85 Christian churches, in the period March 7 through Aug. 18 in Egypt.

Attacks in Egypt on Coptic Christians

WND has previously reported on Muslim Brotherhood violence against Christian Copts in Egypt.

According to a paper published Nov. 12, by Middle Eastern expert Raymond Ibrahim on the website of the Gatestone Institute titled “What Happened to Christians in the Middle East this August?” the attacks on Egypt’s Coptic Christians and their Christian churches began with the June 30 Revolution that “saw the ousting of President Morsi and prompted the Muslim Brotherhood to scapegoat and incite violence against the Copts.”

Ibrahim reported the attacks became “even more brutal in mid-August after security forces cleared out Brotherhood ‘sit in’ camps, where people were being tortured, raped, and murdered.”

He noted the attacks were especially devastating in Minya in Upper Egypt where the large Christian community was hit especially hard, with at least 20 attacks on churches, Christian schools and orphanages.

According to Ibrahim, the goal of the radical Islamists in their attack on the Copts in Egypt was “to erase all the traces of a Christian presence,” such that even the orphanages were looted and destroyed.

Earlier, in an article titled “Attacks on Christians Escalate in Egypt, Nigeria” published by the Gatestone Institute on Sept. 19, 2013, Ibrahim wrote:

On July 4th, the day after the Egyptian military liberated its nation from Muslim Brotherhood rule, Christian Copts were immediately scapegoated and targeted. All Islamist leaders – from Brotherhood supreme leader Muhammad Badi, to Egyptian-born al-Qaida leader Ayman Zawahiri, to top Sunni cleric Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi – made a point to single out Egypt’s Copts as especially instrumental in the ousting of former Islamist president Morsi, a claim that ushered in a month of slaughter against the nation’s Christian minority.

Although religious violence by Muslims against Christians remains largely unreported in the mainstream media in the U.S., Ibrahim warned that persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is on the way “to reaching pandemic proportions.”


Obama’s Secret Iran Détente: Stabs Israel in the Back, Lifting Sanctions with Iran

Barack Obama, with the help of another anti-Christ adviser Valerie Jarrett, have been secretly authorizing the lifting of sanctions.  This new Obama bombshell further endangers Israel and the West.

Walid Shoebat describes Obama’s ‘Maruna’ in an interview with Michael Savage.


[H/T Walid Shoebat]: Walid was interviewed by Michael Savage of the Savage Nation. The main subject of the interview had to do with reports that the Obama administration has been making deals with Iran that include secretly lifting sanctions. Questions about what Iran would do with nuclear weapons are discussed. Is Saudi Arabia in greater danger than Israel as a result? How do Pakistan and Turkey factor into the equation? Close Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett, who was born in Iran, has reportedly been working with Iranian leaders for quite some time.


[H/T Daily Beast]: The Obama administration began softening sanctions on Iran after the election of Iran’s new president in June, months before the current round of nuclear talks in Geneva or the historic phone call between the two leaders in September.

While those negotiations now appear on the verge of a breakthrough the key condition for Iran—relief from crippling sanctions—began quietly and modestly five months ago.

A review of Treasury Department notices reveals that the U.S. government has all but stopped the financial blacklisting of entities and people that help Iran evade international sanctions since the election of its president, Hassan Rouhani, in June.

Obama said in an interview with NBC News the negotiations in Geneva “are not about easing sanctions.” “The negotiations taking place are about how Iran begins to meet its international obligations and provide assurances not just to us but to the entire world,” the president said.

But it has also long been Obama’s strategy to squeeze Iran’s economy until Iran would be willing to trade relief from sanctions for abandoning key elements of its nuclear program.

One way Obama has pressured Iran is through isolating the country’s banks from the global financial sector, the networks that make modern international commerce possible. This in turn has led Iran to seek out front companies and cutouts to conduct routine international business, such as selling its crude oil.

In this cat and mouse game, the Treasury Department in recent years has routinely designated new entities as violators of sanctions, forcing Iran to adjust in turn. In the six weeks prior to the Iranian elections in June, the Treasury Department issued seven notices of designations of sanctions violators that included more than 100 new people, companies, aircraft, and sea vessels.

Since June 14, however, when Rouhani was elected, the Treasury Department has only issued two designation notices that have identified six people and four companies as violating the Iran sanctions.

When an entity is designated as a sanctions violator it can be catastrophic. Banks and other investors almost never take the risk of doing business with the people and companies on a Treasury blacklist because of the potential reputational harm and the prospect they could lose access to U.S. financial markets.

“Sounds like Obama decided to enter the Persian nuclear bazaar to haggle with the masters of negotiation.”

A Treasury spokesman contacted by The Daily Beast said the effectiveness of sanctions should be measured by their results and not the number of entities designated. (A White House spokesman declined to comment, directing inquiries to the Treasury.) The Treasury spokesman also said that the significant financial pressure on Iran in recent years changed the calculus of the country’s leaders and led to the election of Rouhani, who is a former nuclear negotiator and is considered more moderate than his predecessor.

Read rest of article

Bible Prophecy: The Threat of Islam is Predicted in Bible, Walid Shoebat is a Scholar of Both Islamic and Christianity Tells All

The Christian Bible and Christian Bible Prophecy predict that in the end times the Antichrist, a beast, an dreaded evil man, more evil than any who ever walked the earth in history, will be thrust upon the world scene, and that billions of people on planet earth will die between natural cataclysms and those killed by the Antichrist–including gruesome beheadings for those who refuse to bow to his religious-government system.

If you are short on time, please listen from 1:10 until completion.

Millions of American evangelicals believe that the Antichrist will rise from Europe from a ‘born again’ Roman Empire, as depicted in the immensely popular Left Behind book series.

But what most people don’t know is that the Muslim Bible and Islamic Prophecy also predicts the coming of a person fitting nearly that identical description: The Madhi, the Muslim Messiah! How can this be?

Walid Shoebat is a scholar of both Islamic and Christian religions and he does not believe the Antichrist will rise from Europe. Rather, he teaches in this video that the Antichrist will arise from Turkey in resurgence of the Ottoman Empire.

View the documentary, “Bible Prophecy and the Coming Muslim anti-Christ” by Walid Shoebat and decide for yourself. Your life may never be the same again.

Ironclad Report: Ultimate Chronological Compilation of Benghazi

This article by Walid Shoebat, is a long read but well worth the time. Shoebat uncovers and exposes the Obama administration ties to the Benghazi attack, along with Egypt’s role.

This is the ultimate source on how Benghazi went down on September 11, 2012.  Please read, share, and give your feedback at the bottom of the article or on our Facebook page.

IRONCLAD report by Walid Shoebat: A Libyan intelligence document has been produced that directly implicates Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Mursi in the attacks on American installations in Benghazi on 9/11/12. Those who attempt to discredit this document run into trouble when it is coupled with real-time video we uncovered on 9/13/12. In that video, gunmen at the scene of the attack can be heard declaring that they were sent by Mursi.

After weeks of attempting to push the narrative that a video was responsible, the Obama administration ultimately had to concede that the attacks in Benghazi were terrorist in nature. A few months after 9/11/12, the top lawyer for the Pentagon stated that the war on terror should be waged by “law enforcement and intelligence agencies”.

Based on the Obama administration’s standard, the Benghazi attacks should be treated as a crime instead of as an act of war. Therefore, let us bring forth the evidence, which implicates the leader of a nation state (Egypt) in the attack and warrants a grand jury (House of Representatives) investigation to decide if administration officials should be indicted (impeached).

Since we’re deciding who to indict, we must look at evidence of involvement in the attack. Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President – Mohammed Mursi – is a good place to start. Our first two exhibits are both damning but when taken together, may just constitute a ‘smoking gun’. EXHIBIT A is a video shot from a cell phone at the scene of the attacks. In this video, gunmen are seen running toward the camera, toward other gunmen. At one point – in Arabic which we have confirmed – one approaching gunman says, “Don’t Shoot us! We were sent by Mursi!”. Even though the video is in Arabic, you can discern the word “Mursi”.

Libyan Intelligence document (EXHIBIT B) has now been brought forward by credible Arabic translator Raymond Ibrahim. This document discusses the confessions of six members of an Egyptian Ansar al-Sharia cell who were arrested and found to be involved in the Benghazi attacks. Ibrahim reported the following about this document:

It discusses the preliminary findings of the investigation, specifically concerning an “Egyptian cell” which was involved in the consulate attack. “Based on confessions derived from some of those arrested at the scene” six people, “all of them Egyptians” from the jihad group Ansar al-Sharia (“Supporters of Islamic Law), were arrested.

According to the report, during interrogations, these Egyptian jihadi cell members “confessed to very serious and important information concerning the financial sources of the group and the planners of the event and the storming and burning of the U.S. consulate in Benghazi…. And among the more prominent figures whose names were mentioned by cell members during confessions were: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi…

Upon doing even further analysis of this document, we found that it aligned with even more evidence we uncovered back in September.

For example, in addition to mentioning Egypt, Mursi, and Ansar al-Sharia, the document also mentions Al-Nas TV and Dar Al-Hekma, both of which we raised red flags about in the days and weeks after the Benghazi attacks.

Let’s consider the timeline of events leading up to and including 9/11/12:

Thursday, September 6th: According to the Wall Street Journal, this was the day that the 14-minute Innocence of Muslims video trailer was sent to “journalists around the world”. Some of the video was translated into Arabic.

Friday, September 7th: Egypt’s Wisam Abdul Waris of Dar Al-Hekma (yes, the same Dar Al-Hekma identified in the Libyan Intelligence document) publicly denounces Innocence of Muslims. He does so while calling for the criminalization of any defamation of Islam, even in non-Muslim countries.

Saturday, September 8th: Al-Nas (yes, the same Al-Nas identified in the Libyan Intelligence document) talk show host Khalid Abdallah, who is sympathetic to the more fundamentalist, Salafi Muslims, interviewed a Muslim activist named Mohammad Hamdy and aired translated portions of the Innocence of Muslims video that for weeks, Obama administration officials attempted to blame for the Benghazi attacks. Reuters reported days later that the airing of these clips from the video was “the flashpoint” for the protests in Cairo and attacks in Benghazi. Here is the video of the exchange. Portions of the Innocence of Muslims video are aired beginning at the 5:46 mark:

Sunday, September 9th: An interview with Wisam Abdul Waris is uploaded to YouTube. A translated excerpt of what Waris said is beneath the video:

“We have moved to review with Mr. Rifai all the legal procedures today by which we created The Voice of Wisdom Coalition (I’itilaf Sawt al-Hekma); it will hold accountable everyone who insults Islam locally and internationally, in accordance with every country’s laws. We all know the problems Yasser Al-Habib had in London and after that in Berlin… in Germany, an extremist group was allowed to publicize cartoons that insult the prophet in front of the Salafist Mosque in Berlin, through a legal decision. So what we did was to ask Sharabi Mahmoud to reject this legal decision on behalf of the Egyptian people who are Muslim; for this reason, we created this coalition. We also made an official request from the Church in Egypt to issue a public announcement, to state it has nothing to do with this deed.”

At this point, let’s introduce the YouTube channel of Sam Bacile. It is later learned that Bacile is actually Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the man behind the Innocence of Muslims video. At one time, two videos appeared on the Feed tab of Bacile’s channel. Sometime between September 9th – 11th, the administrator commented on the Waris video.

About one week earlier, Bacile identified the other video that appeared on his channel as one of his favorites; it is a video of Nader Bakkar, the official spokesman of the Salafist Nour Party. Bakkar and Waris joined forces in the effort expressed by Waris on September 7th. Here is a screenshot:


Also at one time, Bacile had one video “Like”. It’s curious that this video featured an interview with a British female convert to Islam:


Though the video is no longer associated with the Sam Bacile YouTube channel, it is still posted:

The New York Times reported that the Sam Bacile YouTube account was actually opened and maintained by Bakoula’s son, Abanob Nakoula.

Monday, September 10th: One day prior to the anniversary of the 9/11/01 attacks, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens – the highest ranking State Department official in Libya – arrives in Benghazi from Tripoli and is due to return to Tripoli on the 14th. Despite warnings and previous attacks, the U.S. Special Mission Compound (SMC) in Benghazi was woefully insecure and not equipped to protect Stevens.

As an aside, the State Department didn’t just drop Stevens inside a compound that wasn’t sufficiently secured. It hired the February 17th Martyrs Brigade to provide security. The F17MB has allegiances to both Al-Qaeda and one of the groups identified in that Libyan Intelligence document mentioned earlier.

Via Newsmax:

Several entries on the militia’s Facebook page openly profess sympathy for Ansar al-Sharia, the hardline Islamist extremist group widely blamed for the deadly attack on the mission. The State Department did not respond to a Newsmax request for an explanation as to why the February 17th Martyrs Brigade was hired to protect the mission.

An Interim Progress Report released by the House Oversight Committee stated the following about F17MB:

Numerous reports have indicated that the Brigade had extremist connections, and it had been implicated in the kidnapping of American citizens as well as in the threats against U.S. military assets.

It should be noted that Almogaz News reported that Ansar Al-Sharia of Egypt is a “Salafist group” (keep in mind that Al-Nas is also Salafist). The mission of Ansar al-Sharia – according to Almogaz – is to “release Islamist prisoners”.

Tuesday, September 11th: The itinerary for Ambassador Stevens says that he is to meet with F7MB at 11:00am but next to this are the handwritten words, “Another day.”


The itinerary was drafted on September 8th, which is also the same day that F7MB made it known they would be pulling back on support:

…on September 8, 2012, just days before Ambassador Stevens arrived in Benghazi, the February 17 Martyrs Brigade told State Department officials that the group would no longer support U.S. movements in the city, including the Ambassador’s visit.

The attack on the SMC is launched later that evening. Sean Smith is killed in the attack but the body of Christopher Stevens could not be located and was later removed by Libyans and taken to a hospital under the control of Ansar al-Sharia, according to the testimony of Gregory Hicks, who became the highest-ranking State Department official in Libya after Stevens passed away.

At the Washington Free Beacon, (EXHIBIT B-1) Bill Gertz reported on the shocking but unconfirmed claim made by an al-Qaeda terrorist named Abdallah Dhu-al-Bajadin:

An al Qaeda terrorist stated in a recent online posting that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was killed by lethal injection after plans to kidnap him during the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack in Benghazi went bad.

While the charge that Stevens was killed by lethal injection is unsubstantiated, evidence that the attack on the Benghazi SMC was about kidnapping, not murder, is corroborated by multiple pieces of evidence. If true, what would be the motive behind the kidnapping of the top State Department official in Libya?

Keep reading.

That the attack was planned and involved foreigners (Egyptians) corroborates what Libyan President Mohamed Yousef el-Magariaf told CBS News’ Bob Scheiffer on Face the Nation on Sunday, September 16th (EXHIBIT C):

BOB SCHIEFFER: And you believe that this was the work of al Qaeda and you believe that it was led by foreigners. Is that– is that what you are telling us?

MOHAMED YOUSEF EL-MAGARIAF: It was planned– definitely, it was planned by foreigners, by people who– who entered the country a few months ago, and they were planning this criminal act since their– since their arrival.

Relative to Mursi’s alleged involvement, El-Magariaf provided only circumstantial evidence by identifying attackers as being “foreigners” but in retrospect, the Libyan president’s claims that day are corroborated by the Libyan Intelligence document and the real-time video.

Also on September 16, 2012, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on five Sunday talk shows and asserted the attack was the result of a spontaneous demonstration in response to a video. Here are quotes from Rice’s appearance on ABC This Week, during which she said the following (EXHIBIT D):

“What happened this week in Cairo, in Benghazi, in many other parts of the region was a result, a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated, that the U.S. Government had nothing to do with, which we have made clear is reprehensible and disgusting.”

At a minimum, Rice was directing attention away from Mursi’s involvement with this demonstrably false statement. A short time later, she went as far as directly defending Mursi:

“President Obama picked up the phone and talked to President Mursi in Egypt and as soon as he did that, the security provided to our personnel and our embassies dramatically increased… President Mursi has been out repeatedly and said that he condemns this violence. He’s called off… and his people have called off any further demonstrations and have made very clear, that this has to stop.”

Rice attempted to leave viewers with two impressions, one demonstrably false and the other belied by hard evidence:

1. A video was responsible
2. Mursi was not involved

At this point, we’d like to introduce an exchange between House Oversight Committee member, Rep. Trey Gowdy and Gregory Hicks, a whistleblower and the top-ranking State Department official in Libya once Ambassador Stevens was murdered (EXHIBIT E). This entire exchange is being introduced as evidence but we ask you, the Grand Jury, to pay particularly close attention at the 1:45 mark, when Gowdy introduces the name Beth Jones and reads from an email she sent to several State Department officials on September 12th, one day after the attack.

In her email, Jones wrote the following:

“I spoke to the Libyan Ambassador… When he said his government suspected that former Gadhafi regime elements carried out the attacks, I told him that the group that conducted the attacks – Ansar al-Sharia – is affiliated with Islamic terrorists.”

On September 12th, Jones corroborated the claims made in the Libyan Intelligence document (EXHIBIT B) that an Egyptian Ansar al-Sharia cell was involved in the attacks, which corroborates the real-time video (EXHIBIT A). Yet, four days later – after this reality must have been further demonstrated, Rice’s statements only served to cover-up the involvement of Mursi and Ansar al-Sharia by extension.

Moreover, Hicks charged that by contradicting the Libyan president, Rice seriously chilled the willingness of the Libyan government to allow FBI Investigators access to what the Obama administration viewed as a crime scene. As such, the crime scene was contaminated and Rice’s lies may constitute an obstruction of justice charge.

The first indications that the Obama administration would decide to point to the video as being responsible for the Benghazi attacks appeared to come soon after it was learned that Sean Smith had been killed. There is cause to believe that news of Smith’s death may have precipitated the decision to point to the video. A Press Release (EXHIBIT F) bearing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s name was released some time prior to 10:42pm EST that night. This is known because an AP article (EXHIBIT G) published at that time made reference to Clinton’s statement as well as to Smith’s death:


In the days after September 11th, President Mursi seemed to adopt the narrative of the Obama administration relative to the video being responsible for causing them. He did so, ironically enough, at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) in New York City on September 25th (EXHIBIT H)

EXHIBITS I and J are two video excerpts from President Obama’s speech at the United Nations on September 25th, the same day that Mursi spoke at the CGI. During the speech, Obama echoes what Rice said about his defense of Mursi. Yet, Obama defended him publicly two weeks later, even after intelligence about Mursi’s role had been readily available.

Obama again identifies the video as being responsible for the attack:

Ever since assuming the office of President on June 30, 2012, Mursi has been extremely clear about his strong desire to have the “Blind Sheikh” released. The Washington Post reported that Mursi “assumed office with a pledge to press the United States for Abdel Rahman’s release” and that al-Qaeda’s number one – Ayman al-Zawahiri – echoed the sentiment (EXHIBIT K).

Remember that Almogaz news report? In it, Ansar al-Sharia’s mission is described as being to “release Islamist prisoners”. This would indeed bolster the claims and suspicions of those who believe the mission in Benghazi on September 11th was to kidnap Stevens and trade him for the “Blind Sheikh”.

Fox News reported on July 3, 2012, that Mursi “proclaimed to hundreds of thousands of supporters in Tahir Square… that he will gain the release of Rahman” (EXHIBIT L).

In an interview between CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Mursi from January 7th of this year, Mursi doubled down on his support for the release of Rahman (the “Blind Sheikh”) while making an appeal for sympathy for the mass murderer (EXHIBIT M):

While admitting his desire for the release of the “Blind Sheikh”, Mursi said that if release is not possible, increased visitation and freedom should be granted to Rahman. A letter attributed to Rahman appeared in an al-Qaeda’s Inspire magazine (EXHIBIT N). In an article published by The Hill, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) pointed to this letter in which the convicted terrorist is credited with ordering a bombing in western Egypt in 1997 that killed dozens of people. This demonstrated that the “Blind Sheikh” still has deadly tentacles.

On November 14, 2012, four-star Admiral James Lyons (Ret.) appeared on Fox Business Network with Lou Dobbs (EXHIBIT O). During that interview, Lyons said he believed the only reason that made any sense relative to Ambassador Stevens being in Benghazi on 9/11 was a kidnapping operation in which Stevens could be traded for the “Blind Sheikh”:

Again, consider the itinerary for Ambassador Stevens, who arrived in Benghazi on 9/10/12 and was scheduled to depart on 9/14/12 (EXHIBIT P). That the State Department’s top official in Libya would be sent to Benghazi one day before the anniversary of 9/11 is indeed vexing but that he would be sent to a location that was woefully unprotected and had been attacked with an I.E.D. that blew a large hole in the perimeter wall is beyond troubling. There had been several terrorist attacks on western installations as well prior to September 11th as chronicled in a letter (EXHIBIT Q) from House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa to President Barack Obama.

The Obama administration knew of Ansar al-Sharia’s involvement in Benghazi as the attack was being carried out but stonewalled until ultimately having to concede to the truth. On September 15th, the day that U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice’s talking points were being scrubbed of any reference to Ansar al-Sharia, even the New York Times reported that the group was likely responsible.

Ansar al-Sharia is not solely a Libyan group, as has been reported by the New York Times. In truth, this terror group has branches from Egypt to Yemen to regions all across North Africa (Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, etc.) as reported by the Washington Institute.

Let’s return to the Innocence of Muslims video that the Obama administration tried desperately to blame for the attacks. Evidence that the video was part of this entire plot should not be dismissed.

Via the Washington Times:

The YouTube video that spawned a wave of violent protests across the Islamic world might be more than a crude exercise in anti-Muslim propaganda.

Walid Shoebat, a Middle East pundit and reformed terrorist, says there is reason to believe that the “Innocence of Muslims” video was a hoax designed to spark the huge outpouring of Muslim rage that it did.

You see, our own Walid Shoebat is the first cousin of Nakoula’s longtime partner in crime:

Shoebat grew up in Beit Sahour near Bethlehem in the Palestinian Arab territories. So did Eiad Salameh, a man Shoebat says is his cousin. Shoebat says Salameh was a partner in crime with Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, producer of the YouTube video, which has acted as a fuse igniting an explosion of Muslim anger directed toward the West.

As we point out in the following report, Eiad is a Muslim fundamentalist who despises Coptic Christians. This begs one very simple question: Why would Eiad collaborate with a supposed Coptic Christian for a decade?

As the Washington Times report pointed out, after Nakoula was arrested in June of 2009 and later convicted on bank fraud charges, he was given a lighter sentence in exchange for his identifying Eiad as his group’s ringleader.

If the feds were truly interested in apprehending my cousin Eiad, why did they not take him when Canada offered him on a silver platter?

Via our September 24th report:

After years with credit card fraud, contraband, manufacturing false passports, embezzlements, Eiad was finally arrested, not in the United States— where he was allowed to operate right under the noses of the Feds while conducting his mischievous dealings—but in Canada of all places.

Eiad was finally locked up in January 2011.

At least this is what we thought.

I learned of this from a contact out of the (Canadian Peel Police) who was working with the Feds to extradite him to the United States.

The Canadians wanted to keep Eiad in custody as long as it took and were working with the Feds to extradite him to the United States.

As it turned out, U.S. authorities didn’t want Eiad…

The Los Angeles Police had been working on the case for years and wanted so much to send Eiad to prison.

Yet, even one of the police terrorism and drug specialists (who preferred to keep his name anonymous) stated that they couldn’t do much since every time they informed the FBI, they were ordered to stand down and not arrest Eiad.

Eiad must have been a big fish doing some very fishy projects for some very fishy people.

A contact of mine in Canada told me that the Feds in the U.S. preferred not to bring Eiad to the United States to face justice, but asked the Canadians to fly him to freedom in Palestine.

Perhaps the U.S. should do a little swapping of its own.

Nakoula for Eiad, perhaps?

Amazingly, on September 28, 2012, after evidence implicating Mursi in the attacks in Benghazi had become available, the Obama administration announced that it would be providing Mursi’s government with $450 Million, despite protestations from Congress. A New York Times article (EXHIBIT R) outlined the details of the aid package:

The Obama administration notified Congress on Friday that it would provide Egypt’s new government an emergency cash infusion of $450 million, but the aid immediately encountered resistance from a prominent lawmaker wary of foreign aid and Egypt’s new course under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood.

An act of war, which probable cause suggests, Mursi was involved in perpetrating against the United States in Benghazi, is not usually met with a multi-million dollar aid package.

However, if there were a deal between Obama administration officials and Mursi administration officials, to stage a kidnapping operation in which Stevens was captured and subsequently exchanged for the “Blind Sheikh”, which side would stand to lose more if the truth were to come out?

While still president-elect, Mursi attempted to satiate his base by pledging to have the “Blind Sheikh” freed; it was practically part of his platform. If there had been a deal that were made public, Mursi’s stock would most assuredly rise among his base. Conversely, if such a truth were to be made known, Obama would be finished.

This would grant Mursi significant leverage. Again, we take the opportunity to underscore that the Obama administration had to have known about the high probability of Mursi’s involvement in the attacks as it was cutting a check for $450 Million on September 28th, barely more than two weeks later.

Fast forward a couple of months later when the Obama administration sent four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt. This was done, in part, to honor a foreign aid package that had been drafted in 2010, when Hosni Mubarak was still president. This deal required the U.S. to send more than a dozen F-16′s and 200 Abrams tanks to Egypt over the course of 2013. As a Fox News article (EXHIBIT S) points out, critics in Congress expressed opposition to honoring the agreement because Mursi was in power, though these objections did not include evidence implicating Mursi in the Benghazi attacks.

In March of 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that Egypt would be receiving another $250 Million in aid from the Obama administration. This rankled more members of Congress, particularly Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, who had served as the chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. She was quoted in another Fox News article (EXHIBIT T) as saying:

“With sequestration forcing our nation to face billions of dollars in cuts across the government, it is unfathomable that the administration would send funds unconditionally to the Muslim Brotherhood-led government.”

We must emphasize that Ros-Lehtinen’s objections, though forceful, were not made on the basis of strong evidence implicating Mursi’s involvement in the Benghazi attacks.

Now, as the situation in Egypt has become increasingly more violent and tenuous, the Obama administration is sending 400 troops from the site of the 2009 Jihad attack at Fort Hood, TX that left 14 dead and 32 wounded, to Egypt on a “peacekeeping mission” according to a Fort Hood press release (EXHIBIT U).

The behavior of the Obama administration relative to its assistance to Mursi warrants further investigation into whether the Obama administration may be the victim of blackmail.

This leads to our next witness, former C.I.A. Director David Petraeus (EXHIBIT V). Evidence suggests that Petraeus may have been punished by the Obama administration when he did not sign on to the talking points that would ultimately be used by Ambassador Rice on September 16th. As references to Al-Qaeda and Ansar al-Sharia were being scrubbed from the talking points, Petraeus sent an email at 2:27 PM one day earlier in which he wrote, “Frankly, I’d just as soon not use this, then…” (EXHIBIT W):


On November 7, 2012, one day after Barack Obama’s re-election, Petraeus’ boss – James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence – advises the White House that Petraeus may resign over an extra-marital affair being made public. It is subsequently learned that the FBI had known about the affair for months and that Attorney General Eric Holder had known about it for weeks. During an appearance on the Fox News Channel on November 13th, Washington Post writer Charles Krauthammer seemed convinced that Petraeus had been punished for not endorsing the talking points about Benghazi (EXHIBIT X):

Whereas it is demonstrable that the Obama administration was likely punitive in its treatment of David Petraeus when the C.I.A. Director didn’t sign off on the talking points, it is therefore alleged, based on factual and circumstantial evidence that the Obama administration may also be a victim of blackmail from the nation-state of Egypt and its Muslim Brotherhood President, Mohammed Mursi.

Pursuant to the premise that acts of terror must be treated as criminal acts, it is our view that this evidence is more than sufficient to convene a grand jury to indict Mursi and to draw up articles of impeachment for Obama administration officials.

Since the Clinton administration, a common refrain that has been heard – especially from the political left – is that terrorists must be treated as criminals and terrorist attacks should be treated as prosecutable crimes. A perfect example can be found in the case of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman (the “Blind Sheikh”) who was successfully prosecuted and given a life sentence for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

If the Benghazi attacks were prosecutable crimes, we suggest that a grand jury is long overdue.

In politics, that’s equivalent to articles of impeachment.


There are frequent updates to the article. Please visit ORIGINAL article by clicking the link below and scrolling to the bottom (click snapshot below):

**UPDATE at 5:39pm EST on 7/10/13**.


JAW DROPPING: Egypt Can Now Directly Link Obama Regime to Terrorism!

Your mouth will be hanging open by the end of this video!

One would think this is a spectacle, a U.S. President linked to Muslim Brotherhood? A U.S. President linked to terrorism? Can’t be… well listen for yourself and you be the judge. See if you agree that Walid Shoebat has evidence that links Barack Obama to terrorism.

Share and Like This! Spread the news like a Wild Fire!

The Obama administration certainly knows of Walid Shoebat work, and is has become a direct target of harassment. Listen for yourself: