Tag Archives: terrorism

JAW DROPPING: Egypt Can Now Directly Link Obama Regime to Terrorism!

Your mouth will be hanging open by the end of this video!

One would think this is a spectacle, a U.S. President linked to Muslim Brotherhood? A U.S. President linked to terrorism? Can’t be… well listen for yourself and you be the judge. See if you agree that Walid Shoebat has evidence that links Barack Obama to terrorism.

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The Obama administration certainly knows of Walid Shoebat work, and is has become a direct target of harassment. Listen for yourself:

WATCH: Muslim Al Qaeda Leader In Syria Photographed Inside A U.S. Aid Tent

Glenn Beck shows a photo of an Islamic Al Qaeda leader fighting inside Syria against secular forces. Beck pulled out this photothat seems to show Commander Muhajireen Kavkaz wa Sham, a leader of an Al-Queda linked group, inside a USAID tent.

Glenn Beck shows a photo of an Islamic Al Qaeda leader fighting inside Syria against secular forces. Beck pulled out a photo that has been circulating the internet that seems to show Commander Muhajireen Kavkaz wa Sham, a leader of an Al-Queda linked group, inside a USAID tent.

The USAID website explains that the organization “carries out U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the same time it expands stable, free societies, creates markets and trade partners for the United States, and fosters good will abroad.”

“America, this should be on the front page of every newspaper. This is the result of our (foreign) policy. This is, again, if this isn’t aiding and abetting the enemy, I don’t know what is — in a USAID tent, holding a rocket launcher, an Al Qaeda rebel,” Glenn said while holding the photo.

ThBlaze has been unable to confirm with certainty that the photo is real, but TheBlaze’s Sara Carter told Glenn: “We can’t verify the authenticity of this photo yet, but according to the people that I’ve been speaking to, they believe it to be authentic.”

Why is the United States of America siding with American enemy Al Qaeda who wants to destroy the USA, Canada and all of our western ways? Al Qaeda is going to kill all the Christians, Alawites, Shiites, remaining Jews, atheists, and other non-Sunni Muslims. Al Qaeda wants to destroy secularism, women’s rights, and human rights in Syria and is behind the Syrian civil war.

Obama: The “Core” of Al Qaeda was on its Heels Has “Metastasized” Into a Different Sort of Threat’

Obama Al QaedaTranslation: My BS did not work,  Al Qaeda is much more of a threat since I have become President.

In a press conference at the White House East Room on Friday, President Obama said that the “core” of Al Qaeda was on its heels but that the terrorist group had “metastasized” into a different sort of threat.

“They have the capacity,” he said, “to go after our embassies… to go after our businesses… to be destabilizing and disruptive in countries where the security apparatus is weak.”

Obama said that it was consistent to believe that this “tightly organized” Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11 has been “broken apart” and is “very weak,” while simultaneously claiming that the Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula could still pose a serious threat.

Obama stated, “We’ve got to continue to be vigilant and to go after known terrorists…This is an ongoing process. We are not going to completely eliminate terrorism. What we can do is to weaken it and strengthen our partnerships” so that there is not another 9/11.

Obama: Refuses to Address Nation on Terror Threats

Obama on TerrorismThe White House Dossier reports: President Obama continues to say nothing to a jittery nation about what some who have been briefed on the danger are describing as the worst terrorist threat since 9/11, declining to either offer reassurance or an explanation of the peril the nation faces.

Certainly, the president does not want to take questions about a threat he had minimized during the 2012 campaign. But what’s striking is that he has not addressed the nation in a formal manner on the potential for a major attack.

Incredibly, the first question Obama might take on the situation could come from a comedian. Obama is scheduled to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno this evening in California, and the topic is sure to come up. He has an event earlier in the day, but it’s a campaign-style appearance at a high school in Phoenix, also an odd venue to be discussing potential terrorist attacks.

Not everyone has been excluded from receiving a high-level briefing. Vice President Joe Biden has met with members of Congress to discuss the threat, and some of the most specific information about what the United States is faced with has come from lawmakers.

Briefing reporters Monday, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney did not minimize the problem. “This threat is significant and we are taking it seriously for that reason,” he said.

But Carney refused to specifically characterize the extent of the danger to the United States itself.

“I would say that the threat is emanating from and may be directed towards the Arabian Peninsula, but it is beyond that, potentially,” he said.

Avoiding sharing much useful information, Carney spoke generally of the administration’s stance on terror. “I think that the threat from al Qaeda and affiliated organizations to the United States and to the American people has been a reality that we’ve talked about for a long time now.”

Instead of a proper grilling on the issue, the best the press has been able to do is shout “happy birthday” to Obama as he returned from two-day celebration with friends at Camp David Sunday.

Al-Qaeda: U.S. Official Warns of an Planned Attack That’s ‘Going to Be Big,’ ‘Strategically Significant’

Terror ThreatA senior U.S. official told ABC News they believe Al-Qaeda terrorists are planning or have planned, an attack that is “going to be big” and “strategically significant,” based on intercepted communications.

Obama countered by closing 21 U.S. embassies and consulates in the Muslim world.

ABC News reported:

“The part that is alarming is the confidence they showed while communicating and the air of certainty,” the official said, adding that the group — Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — appeared to have a media plan for after the attack.

Authorities do not know the exact target of the planned attack, according to the official.

“We do not know whether they mean an embassy, an airbase, an aircraft, trains,” the official said.

The official said there is concern about devices that could be implanted inside the body of a terrorist.

“We are concerned about surgically implanted devices,” said. “These are guys who have developed the techniques to defeat our detection methods.”

The official also said authorities were stunned that the group broke “operational security” — meaning they talked likely knowing it would be picked up by intercepts.

The new details come as 21 U.S. embassies and consulates in the Muslim world closed their doors Sunday in the face of the threat, and a global travel warning was issued for U.S. citizens.

CBS News reported Saturday that a team of operatives planning to carry out a major terror plot was “already in place.”

Ft. Hood Terrorist: Releases Statement, U.S. Military at War with My Religion, But Yet Obama Administration Clings to ‘Work Place Violence’

Fort Hood Terrorist ActAccused scumbag terrorist Maj. Nidal Hasan releases a statement apologizing to the Almighty Allah, and NOT the victims or the family of the Fort Hood victims.

But yet the Obama administration continues to cling to the nonsensical claim that of ‘workplace violence.’  This liberal idiocy should be labeled yet another treasonous scandal by this administration.

Breitbart reported: Accused Ft. Hood shooter Maj. Nidal Hasan has released a statement claiming the U.S. military is at war with his religion.

Acting as his own attorney in his trial over the shooting that killed 13 and wounded more than 30 others in November 2009, Hasan says he regrets his time in the U.S. Army and describes the War on Terror as “illegal and immoral”:

I would like to begin by repenting to Almighty Allah and apologize to the (Mujahideen), the believers, and the innocent. I ask for their forgiveness and their prayers. I ask for their forgiveness in participating in the illegal and immoral aggression against Muslims, their religion and their lands.

Releasing the statement to Fox News, Hasan bemoaned his ties to the U.S. Army: “My complicity was on behalf of a government that openly acknowledges that it would hate for the law of Almighty Allah to be the supreme law of the land.”

Attorney Neal Sher, who represents victims of the Ft. Hood shooting, responded to Hasan’s statements by saying, “This is yet a further confirmation of a fact that everyone knows except our government. That is, the Fort Hood shooting was a terrorist jihadi attack.”

Hasan’s court marshal begins August 6th.

BENGHAZI: Hearings Coming Quickly and Will be Explosive!

Benghazi Hearings Coming SoonThe heat has been turned up on the Benghazi-gate — could the witnesses of Benghazi finally be revealed?

BREAKING: Rep. Trey Gowdy says more Benghazi hearings


Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are ‘coming quickly’ and they will be ‘explosive’. When asked if it will include …. It’s time to put Obama back on the golf course where he belongs. honestynow 5pts. @cabensg

RS: More Benghazi Hearings Coming – New EXPLOSIVE Evidence


Trey Gowdy says that more Benghazi hearings are ‘coming quickly’ and they will be ‘explosive’. When asked if it will include <strike> <strong>. Previous post: Chris Cillizza | Obama’s second-term window shrinking rapidly

Conservative Angle continues to be hopeful that we will finally resolve and get to the bottom, of how our government failed at Benghazi.  In addition, the hope is for Benghazi will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and impeachment hearings will finally begin.  Through the many months of research, everything points back at severe negligence, or a coverup of the worst kind.

Join the discussion on our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ConservativeAngle/posts/331877030273803

Susan Rice Nomination After Benghazi Cover up?

The perfidious path chosen by the Liar-in-Chief on September 11th, 2012, can only be construed as murder by any sane, logically-thinking American.  Calculated, cold blooded murder in fact.  The president is also responsible for the colossal fabrication of Benghazi, but he needs to pony up some credit to side-kick Susan Rice and her "see no evil, hear no evil" proclivity.

If that wasn't enough, the chosen one is now cogitating Rice as a replacement for Hillary Clinton which she will be vacating soon.  You read that right.  The Organizer-in-Chief is intending to promote Susan Rice to Secretary of State on the heels of leaving a massive trail of deceit and carnage at the Libyan embassy.  This sends an unequivocal message that rewarding bad performance is simply his purgative.  This action of course aligns with his illogical, defiant and downright narcissistic characteristics that parallel with his Totalitarian mindset.

Also no stranger to questionable deception and corruption, Rice allegedly had involvement in a number of other recreant dealings, including the 1998 Tanzania and Kenya’s bombings when she was the head of the African region of the State Department. 

Back to Benghazigate, Rice clearly seized this moment of opportunity when she rushed to the Sheik's assistance – she wasn't about to let a little botched gun running operation to aid terrorists undermine the upcoming election.  After all, the position Obama was looking to fill was custom fit for her (and she knows it).  Rice is black, liberal, aligns with Islamic ideologies, and even has ties to Iran.  Who better to help him spread Sharia and lay the underpinnings of a socialism framework for his third term?

The administration left nothing out of their trumped-up complicity.  So they thought.  It became painfully obvious, in the early going, that Benghazi was engineered to clearly mislead the public in order to save the looming election.  Her quest, at the direction of the Murder-in-Chief, was to douse any inclinations that Al Qaeda was alive and well and to cover up the massive corruption that is occurring in the administration (more on that in later posts).  The hideous cover up backfired but went uncontested by the lame left.  The end result: no harm, no foul.

Under Islam's doctrine, deceit is acceptable, even encouraged, as long as it's used for the right thing, such as getting infidels in line or participating in terrorism acts to spread Islam.  So this Muslim-in-Chief has a mighty long leash to lead the American people astray and down a path of eternal bliss, while staying within the confines and good graces of Sharia code.  This blogger is not insinuating Barry is leading a life of an Islamic Terrorist under the guise of a Christian one bit.  No, it's much more than that.  My personal belief is that Obama is a Neocommunist Atheist, using Christianity as a cover up, and is sympathetic toward Islamic extremism only when convenient and useful to coerce a socialism framework.  But that's another post coming soon, stand by.

After Fox News blew the lid off Benghazi, the credible news sources claimed that the Obama administration was guilty of either an unprecedented dereliction of duty in the capacity of a Commander-in-Chief, or a massive cover up seen like never before.  Either way, it was obvious grounds for impeachment.

Let's take a look at some other top shelve, insightful journalism on the topic shall we?

Ordered Liberty » With Rice, Benghazi Is Only the Start of the Problem


Bio. Get Updates From Andrew C. McCarthy November 30, 2012 – 7:00 am – by Andrew C. McCarthy. Page 1 of 2 The piece recounts Susan Rice's unsavory record as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Ms. Rice, of


The Trouble With Susan Rice


Several Republican senators continue to oppose the possible nomination of Susan Rice, currently the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, to be secretary of state in President Obama's second term. Their opposition stems

Rice clearly took one for the team when she nobly delivered the shocking news to the media proclaiming a video caused the deaths of the four Americans.  The proletariat took it hook, line, and sinker because they reelected Barry eight weeks later, with a little help from their mainstream media (MSM) friends of course – an atrocity that was barely a blip on the radar screen.  Mission accomplished.

There's little doubt Rice is aiding and abetting the Terrorist-in-Chief's agenda and dastardly deeds.  This is precisely why we must stop Miss Princess from gaining even more power and leverage.  We have enough on our plates already and nominating another clown to this three-ring circus would be the straw that breaks the camel's back.  This deceitful act should be her unraveling.