Tag Archives: state department

VIDEO: Hillary’s Biggest Regret: Benghazi Attack

Most everyone now knows the State Department not only dropped the ball on Benghazi, there is alleged criminal intent.

Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker at the National Automobile Dealers Association in New Orleans on Monday, January 27, 2014. She was asked what her biggest regret was as Secretary of State, what is her response?

She answered: “My biggest regret is what happened in Benghazi. It was a terrible tragedy losing four Americans.”

[H/T Western Journalism]

Hillary Clinton’s State Department Caught in Cover-up On Benghazi: Report Indicates Al Qaeda Retaliation of South Africa Black Op

(Before It Is News) — On today’s broadcast of The Pete Santilli Show,  Patrick Henningsen and Pete Santilli discuss the latest revelations surrounding the Benghazi cover-up.  As we all know, the independent media has long been exposing the truth about Benghazi, and Patrick Henningsen himself has been exposing details never mentioned in the main stream.

In February 2013, Patrick wrote a piece entitled “New Report Says Brennan’s ‘Black Ops’ In Libya Caused Benghazigate, Stevens Death” revealing the extent of the extortion; blackmail and cover-up surrounding Benghazi.  Excerpt:

In their book which is due to be release tomorrow entitled,Benghazi: The Definitive Report, authors Jack Murphy (Army Green Beret) and co-author Brandon Webb (Navy SEAL and friend of Glen Doherty who died in the Benghazi siege) also revealed that ‘Drone-Master J’John O. Brennan– President Barack Obama’s current CIA Director nominee who was the President’s own deputy NSA advisor at the time, had been authorizing covert ‘unilateral operations outside of the traditional command structure’, using the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) across Libya and North Africa. It is Brennan’s black ops that are said to have prompted retaliation inside Libya that led to the September 11 Benghazi compound siege that killed four Americans, including ‘Ambassador’ Chris Stevens and three other Americans.

Pete Santilli has also made public information given to him by a CIA whistleblower that Hillary Clinton herself had knowledge all along that Christopher Stevens was negotiating an arms deal in the Benghazi compound where he died.  A CIA brokered deal to by back munitions from Al Qaeda in Libya and ship the arm to Al Qaeda in Syria was well known to the CIA listening post down the street from the Benghazi annex.  Santilli’s whistleblower “Gandolph” documented that he was on the ground in Benghazi 3 days after the attack, and that he beleived Hillary Clinton gave the stand down orders knowing exactly what the details were of the covet operations.


The State Department now admits it knows the names of individuals and organizations involved in the Sept 12, 2012 attack.  This is all contradictory to almost every public lie they have told since several hours after the 2012 incident.

Today FoxNews reported on one of their buried political pages: State Department names groups behind Benghazi strike

The State Department on Friday for the first time blamed specific groups and militants for the 2012 Benghazi attack, designating them as terrorists — a move that further undermines initial claims the attack was spontaneous.

The department announced that it was labeling Ansar al-Sharia in Benghazi and Ansar al-Sharia in Darnah as terror organizations, in part over their role in the Benghazi attack. It applied the same label to Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia, over a separate attack on Americans in Tunis.

The State Department also labeled as terrorists Sufian bin Qumu, head of the Darnah branch and a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, and Ahmed Abu Khattalah, head of the Benghazi branch.

Fox News previously reported that the two were suspected of playing a role in the attack. And despite State Department claims that Al Qaeda leadership was not involved and a recent news report echoing that assessment, Fox News has learned that bin Qumu has Al Qaeda ties.

According to his Guantanamo file, he has historic ties to the Al Qaeda network, including training at one point at “Usama bin Laden’s Torkham camp.”

The State Department, in its announcement Friday, specifically discussed allegations against the Ansar al-Sharia branches.

“Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi and Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah have been involved in terrorist attacks against civilian targets, frequent assassinations, and attempted assassinations of security officials and political actors in eastern Libya, and the September 11, 2012 attacks against the U.S. Special Mission and Annex in Benghazi, Libya,” the department said. “Members of both organizations continue to pose a threat to U.S. interests in Libya.”

Shortly after the attack, administration officials indicated it was related to protests over an anti-Islam film that were raging elsewhere in Africa and the Middle East, describing it as spontaneous. They have since backed off that explanation, though have not ruled out the film as having played some role. Many lawmakers, though, have claimed the film was not a factor and the attack was planned by terrorists.


BENGHAZI: A trail of blood, deception and double agents

January 10, 2014 by 21stCenturyWire.com 

Important new details have emerged regarding the September 11th siege in 2012 that left four Americans dead at a compound in Benghazi, Libya.

If you remember in the book Definitive Report by both Jack Murphy (Army Green Beret) andBrandon Webb (Navy SEAL),a friend of Glen Doherty, one of the Americans killed during the siege, it was reported by 21st Century Wire founder, Patrick Henningsen, that Obama’s former deputy NSA advisor and current CIA director, John O. Brennan had been directing  covert black-ops in Libya as well as other parts in North Africa, prior to the siege that left four Americans dead at a compound in Benghazi. Brennan’s covert operations were said to have ‘prompted retaliation’ inside the compound in Libya, as former CIA director David Petraeus had been blackmailed into resignation by senior CIA officials.

All of this information was preceded by a massive cover-up involving mainstream media, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Susan Rice and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, both of whom initially blamed the siege on a heavily propagandized film on YouTubeentitled “The Innocence of Muslims.” This meme was spread on many major talk shows even though evidence failed to connect the film to the terror attack. In addition, the White House and President Barack Obama had many inconsistencies in their talking points about Benghazi, first labeling it a terror attack, then quickly shifting gears, denying that there were Al Qaeda operatives anywhere near the compound.

U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens was said to have helped manage a large gun-running operation from the “Special Mission Compound” in Benghazi, as he was also said to have helped ship guns to the Libyan rebels to assist in the takedown of former dictator Moammar Gadhafi. In August, it was reported that dozens of CIA agents had been at the compound and also at a nearby weapons annex during the siege and had been subjected to monthly polygraph exams following the event, in an exclusive report from CNN, as noted by Russia Today:

In an exclusive report, CNN said there were as many as 35 Americans on the ground in Benghazi at the time of the attack, 21 of which were working in a building that is believed to be operated by the Central Intelligence Agency. What the operatives were doing there that day remains a mystery, and it appears that the agency is making an extensive effort to try to stop any more information leaks.”

What was the CIA hiding?

A new report by the The Washington Post has named Abu Sufian bin Qumu, a former Guantanamo Bay detainee, as playing a role’ in the Benghazi attack, according  to witness accounts confirmed by U.S. officials. We are told that the United States State Department is to ‘designate’ three arms of Ansar al-Sharia, as foreign terrorist organizations, the locations include Darnah, Benghazi and Tunisia. Ansar al-Sharia is stated to have been led by Qumu.

Intelligence sources had implicated Qumu in the Benghazi attack, within two weeks of the incident , naming him as one of their prime suspects. Qumu, (as seen on the left) who is Libyan, was also involved with Al Qaeda’s Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), the group largely responsible for toppling the North African nation in 2011 alongside NATO.

The Shadows Double

Qumu has had quite a dark and transient past, in 1993 he joined up with Bin Laden’s mujaheddin, against Soviet forces, after apparently escaping from a Libyan prison where he was reportedly serving 10 years for assault, murder and drugs. He later joined the LIFG and traveled to Sudan at the same time Bin Laden relocated to the region.

In 1998, Qumu left the LIFG after pressure to leave Sudan and joined the Taliban in Pakistan. In a Wikileaks cable he was said to have helped the “Qadhafi Foundation in relocating extremists,” he was then subsequently arrested and extradited to the U.S.,”against the Libyan governments wishes,” and detained in Gitmo back in May of 2002. He was later released from Gitmo in 2007  sent back to Libya in 2008, then released from detention shortly thereafter.

This was an odd turn of events, considering Qumu was serving time for murder and drugs in Libya when he initially escaped from prison in the early 90′s. Wikileaks also points out Qumu’s financial ties to Al Qaeda’s operations:

His alias was also found on Al-Qaida’s 11 September attacks financier Mustafa Al Hawsawi’s laptop as an Al-Qaida member receiving family support.”

As of 2004, Qumu was still listed as an enemy combatant. Recently, we learned of a facility in Gitmo that trained terrorists to be double agents, a facility known as ‘Penny Lane’…

Penny Lane was setup in the aftermath of 9/11 and supposedly in use until 2006, as the CIA trained terrorists , meant to infiltrate Al Qaeda terror cells and report back to themIn a report I wrote entitled “Al Qaeda’s expense report, Penny lane terror threats and other ‘global’ designs, ”connections were also made to those who were charged with funding terror operations since the 80′s, namely the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), which was implicated for its role in various corrupt business operations.

Could Qumu been a part of this same secretive CIA program that used double agents to infiltrate Al Qaeda terror cells?

A trail of blood and lies have been left in Benghazi.

[H/T 21st Century Wire]

BENGHAZI UPDATE: Staffers Told: ‘You Are On Your Own,’ Lawmaker Puts Blame Squarely on Hillary Clinton

[H/T WND]: A congressman has revealed a new detail about the 2012 Benghazi attack, disclosing that staff members at the besieged U.S. special mission were told in a directive, “You are on your own.”

Hillary ClintonIn an interview with CNN yesterday, Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, R-Ga., chairman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee, charged the State Department, then run by Hillary Clinton, was culpable in the attack and ensuing cover-up.

While CNN.com focused on a different aspect of Westmoreland’s interview, running the headline “GOP Rep: Benghazi Not A ‘Complete Cover-Up,’” other statements made in the nine-minute sit-down may be more significant.

Westmoreland’s committee recently questioned CIA agents and contractors who were on the ground during the attack.

The lawmaker told CNN his committee learned a directive was issued Aug. 11 – one month before the attack – telling Benghazi staff they were on their own.

“And so we are looking into that directive to find out exactly who put that out,” he stated.

Asked whether he thought the government did its job to protect the facility, Westmoreland replied, “Absolutely not.”

He pointed specifically to the State Department.

“I think this will come back to the State Department,” he said.

Later in the interview, he again pointed to Clinton’s State Department for making what he said were claims contradicted by the intelligence community.

“You had the State Department trying to tell one story, and you had the security – the intelligence community – that may have been trying to sell another story,” he said.

Westmoreland said the Benghazi compound “itself is not set up for protection.”

He stated that when his committee interviewed the people who were on the ground, “they said they were really surprised that the lack of security at the mission facility.”

“They also testified that the people at the facility had been wanting help, requesting help, requesting additional security,” he said.

Westmoreland said “they just couldn’t believe that those guys were over there as unprepared and unequipped as they were.”

With research by Joshua Klein.

The Most Pathetic Answer Ever Given by a State Department Official, Maybe Aptly Name it ‘Who’s on First?’


Ms. Harf is a perfect example of a liberal making a playwright out of words to satisfy their position. Disgusting and humorous at the same time…

TRANSCRIPT from Breitbart:

QUESTION: Yeah, I do. All right. So tell us what is going on or what happened or did not happen in Jericho today.
MS. HARF: Ah, okay.
MS. HARF: Yes. So I can assure you that no meetings have been canceled. I know there was some confusion about this.
QUESTION: Marie, let me just stop you right there.
MS. HARF: Yes.
QUESTION: That is not the question. My question is: Can you tell –
MS. HARF: I was going to get there.
QUESTION: Oh, you were? Okay, good.
MS. HARF: But it’s okay.
QUESTION: Go ahead.
MS. HARF: Do you want to ask it again?
QUESTION: No, no, no, no. Finish.
MS. HARF: Okay. As we’ve said repeatedly, we’re not going to read out or announce every meeting that happens in the Middle East peace process as they’re ongoing. I can assure you, contrary to some reports, that no meetings have been canceled. We’ve been clear that the two parties are engaged in serious and sustained negotiations.
QUESTION: All right. There was a meeting scheduled to take place today between the Israelis, Palestinians, and possibly with an American – with Americans present at some or all in Jericho. Did that meeting go ahead?
MS. HARF: As I said before, we’re not going to make announcements about every single meeting, but I can assure you that there have been no cancelations of meetings.
QUESTION: Does that mean that this meeting happened?
MS. HARF: I’m going to repeat the same line back to you, Matt.
QUESTION: I don’t –
MS. HARF: As we’ve repeatedly said, we’re not going to confirm every meeting that takes place. I’ve said that from the beginning. I know it’s frustrating for everyone that we’re not going to, but that’s where we’re going to be on this.
QUESTION: No, it’s not frustrating. I find it entertaining that you’re unable to give a straight answer –
MS. HARF: I just gave you a straight answer.
QUESTION: — to whether a meeting took place. No, you didn’t.
MS. HARF: I’m not going to confirm whether or not it took place —
QUESTION: But no meeting –
MS. HARF: — as we’ve said from the beginning.
QUESTION: — has been canceled?
MS. HARF: Correct.
QUESTION: So that means that all scheduled meetings were going – will go ahead – have gone ahead?
MS. HARF: Correct.
QUESTION: Okay. And the meeting – there was a meeting scheduled for today in Jericho.
MS. HARF: Again, I’m not going to –
QUESTION: Is that correct?
MS. HARF: — confirm every specific meeting that we have as part of this process.
QUESTION: But you just said that – it’s either yes – it has to be one or the other –
MS. HARF: It doesn’t.
QUESTION: — because you said no meetings are being canceled, but you can’t say that it took place today?
MS. HARF: Correct. Yes.
QUESTION: So that’s –
MS. HARF: We are not going to confirm from this podium every single meeting or whether meetings happen. When there are misconceptions out there about whether something’s taken place or whether something’s been canceled, we will endeavor to clear those up as necessary.
QUESTION: But you’re not clearing it up. You’re making it even more confusing.
MS. HARF: Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. Again, we are not going to announce or confirm every meeting. We’re just not.
QUESTION: But you’ll deny a cancelation.
MS. HARF: That any meetings were canceled. Correct.
QUESTION: Was that postponed?
QUESTION: Do you —
QUESTION: Rescheduled?
MS. HARF: No, no – not postponed or canceled.
QUESTION: Look, I can appreciate the sensitivity of this and why —
MS. HARF: Mm-hmm.
QUESTION: — you’re beating around the bush, but please don’t try and say that you’re making it clear when you’re making it unclear. You’re —
MS. HARF: I don’t understand what’s not clear about saying I’m not going to confirm every meeting. You can ask —
QUESTION: But you just said that no meetings have been canceled —
MS. HARF: Right.
QUESTION: — but you can say that it took place.
MS. HARF: Yes.
QUESTION: So that means – what does that mean?
MS. HARF: It means that I’m not going to confirm when meetings took place. There were rumors —
QUESTION: Whatever.
QUESTION: It means —
MS. HARF: No, no, Elise, that’s not fair.
QUESTION: It means nothing.
MS. HARF: Look, when some – when there are press reports out there that a meeting’s been canceled, I’m going to say, generally speaking, no meetings have been canceled. I’m not going to stand here —
QUESTION: So if it wasn’t canceled, then it took place?
MS. HARF: I’m not going to stand here and tell you a meeting took place and when and where and who was involved. And that’s going to be the case for the rest of this nine months, people, so get ready for it, and you can keep asking the questions and you’re going to keep getting the same response.
QUESTION: So we should get accustomed to more confusing non-denials and denials?
MS. HARF: You should get accustomed to us not announcing when meetings are taking place necessarily in the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Yes.
QUESTION: But if you’re going to clear up misconceptions, then just clear it up. Don’t —
MS. HARF: Okay.
QUESTION: — say you’re going to clear it up and then not clear it up.
MS. HARF: I’ll take your advice onboard going forward.
QUESTION: In retrospect, was it a mistake to say that there would be a second meeting in Jericho when you announced the first one?
MS. HARF: No, not at all.
QUESTION: Oh? So – but then you can’t say if it actually happened or not? I might be able to be – I would be more sympathetic to your position or your case here if you hadn’t ever announced that the meeting in Jericho was going to happen, but you did. Okay?
MS. HARF: Right. And I don’t have anything —
QUESTION: So from going —
MS. HARF: — to announce on it.
QUESTION: From now, going forward, if you don’t want to be caught in this verbal trapeze act that you’re involved in, don’t announce that there’s going to be a meeting in the first place and then say you can’t say that it – whether it happened or not.
MS. HARF: Again, we will announce – at times announce meetings when we feel it’s important to do so. And when we don’t, we will not announce every meeting.
QUESTION: So when things are going —
MS. HARF: And I’m not looking for your sympathy on this, either, Matt.
QUESTION: So when – okay. Well, that’s good because you don’t really have it. So the answer is that when the meeting – when things are going well, you’ll talk about it. But when they’re going bad, you’ll refuse to —
MS. HARF: I wouldn’t read anything —
QUESTION: — you’ll refuse to talk about it.
MS. HARF: No, I think that’s a – I think that’s a leap in assumption that is in no way based up by any facts that you have.

HICKS CONFIRMS COVER UP: Was Told Not To Talk To Congressman


Gregory Hicks testified to The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing confirms the was told “not to talk” to Congressman Jason Chaffetz who was investigating the Benghazi attack.

In other questioning: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) couldn’t believe what he was hearing: “So the people at State told you, ‘Don’t talk to the guy who is coming to investigate?’” Hicks’ answer: “Yes, sir.” Jordan pressed: “You’ve had several congressional delegations come to various places you’ve been around the world. Has that ever happened, where lawyers get on the phone to you prior to a congressional delegate coming to investigate … Have you ever had anyone tell you, ‘Don’t talk with the people from Congress coming to find out what took place?” Hicks: “Never.”