Tag Archives: Sharia

Islamists Only Need To Do This One Thing To Impose Sharia On Americans…

Those who say Islam and its Sharia law are not a threat to America are one of two things.

(Western Journalism) – Recently, all fourteen Democrat Florida State Senators voted to allow the introduction of Sharia Law into the Florida court system. Fortunately, they are nowhere near a majority (they lost 24 to 14); and the measure died at the hands of true Americans. The proposed law (SB386) was titled “Application of Foreign Law in Certain Cases.”

A report on this vote, which included a brief outline of what living under Sharia law means, drew some comments that indicate a serious lack of understanding of the dangers of Sharia law. Several expressed skepticism that “this is what the Democrats actually voted for,” and others attacked anyone who believed the brief list of horrors as “right wing morons.”

These comments set the stage for this first in a series of special reports on Sharia Law: Sharia and freedom of speech.

The political arm of Islam in America is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR, whose very name betrays the fact that Muslims don’t think of themselves as Americans, has a long history of whining to their allies in the Democrat Party (Muslims vote overwhelmingly Democrat), asking them to silence those who make even the mildest critical comments about the so-called “Religion of Peace.”

Recently, CAIR demanded the Republican Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma apologize for saying that Barack Obama favors Islamists over Judeo-Christian Americans.

This is a strong statement, but it is exactly the type of protected speech our Founding Fathers had in mind when they enshrined Freedom of Speech into the Bill of Rights. The examples of these attempted and successful infringements on Freedom of Speech go on. Another that serves this purpose is the fact that Islamists used American police to arrest American citizens peacefully demonstrating outside an Islamist gathering in Dearborn, Michigan.

This steady pressure on our rights is part of what Islamists do whenever they gain enough strength in a given area. Minneapolis is now well on its way to being a Sharia-run city. Islamist cab drivers are refusing passengers they believe are carrying alcohol or are bringing a dog with them – even a Seeing Eye Dog. They have gotten away with turning down rooftop ads for Cleveland’s Gay games as well.

A look across the Atlantic at the sad condition of England gives us an idea of the ultimate goal of the Islamists in stage one of their destruction of America.

A patriotic English politician was recently arrested for quoting Winston Churchill on the slovenly habits of Muslims and how they breed destruction of society wherever they “rule or live.” The arrest came after a single Muslim complained to a cowardly British government that is already too far gone to be helped.

For a look at what American patriots could be demanding in the near future, consider this first demand from patriotic Brits: “Introduce a US style First Amendment guaranteeing free speech.”

Those who say Islam and its Sharia law are not a threat to America are either self-delusional fools or lying supporters of Sharia themselves. Either way, they must be pushed aside as we fight for our liberties.

Muslim father deeply offended by Easter egg hunt flyer depicting bunnies

(Allen B. West) – And here’s yet another reminder of how stupid that “coexist” bumper sticker truly is. Hat tip to Gateway Pundit for reporting that a Muslim father is upset because his children were traumatized by a… well, a flier for an Easter egg hunt. Oh, the horror of getting an invitation to join other American children in a time-honored tradition of hunting for colored Easter eggs. Really scary huh? As reported in the Detroit Free Press, some Muslim parents are concerned about public schools in Dearborn handing out flyers to all students advertising an Easter egg hunt, saying it violates the principle of church and state separation.

A flyer with the highly inflammatory “Eggstravaganza!” was given to students this week at three elementary schools in the Dearborn Public Schools district, which has a substantial number of Muslim students. The flyer described an April 12 event at Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church in Dearborn featuring an egg hunt, relay race, and egg toss, and included images of eggs and a bunny.

“It really bothered my two kids,” said parent Majed Moughni, who is Muslim and has two children, ages 7 and 9, in Dearborn elementary schools. “My son was like, ‘Dad, I really don’t feel comfortable getting these flyers, telling me to go to church. I thought churches are not supposed to mix with schools.’ ” Moughni said he’s concerned about “using school teachers paid by public funds … to pass out these flyers that are being distributed by a church. I think that’s a serious violation of separation of church and state.”

First of all, the flyer was approved by the school district. Second, it was an invitation to an event that was not religious or church-related, only took place at churchs ground. Thirdly, I believe Mr. Moughni fails to realize that his religion, Islam, is a totalitarian ideology which has no separation between mosque and state. Islamic Sharia law dictates every aspect of a Muslim’s life and decrees the most heinous of punishments, such as stoning for women — and not with chocolate or marshmallow peep stones, but real ones.

It seems this burgeoning Muslim community in “Dearbornistan” actually believes it can coerce the remaining non-Muslims there to live in fear and cower to their intolerance. Sorry, sir. Ain’t happenin’.

Maybe Mr. Moughni can explain why the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) — an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorist funding case and subsidiary organization of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood — is suppressing the first amendment right of free speech and free expression in the showing of the documentary “Honor Diaries” which we have featured here.

This is how it happens America. There are those who enact the Islamic principle of the hijra — “migration” — in order not to assimilate but infiltrate and eventually dominate the host country culture. We see it happening across the Atlantic Ocean in Europe. It becomes a spreading cancer that uses the host country’s freedoms and principles to turn it upon itself — as Mr. Moughni attempts to use “separation of church and state” as an argument.

However, if I may, let me teach this cheeky fellow a lesson in American history. You sir, will not find the concept of separation of church and state in any founding document, not the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, or the Federalist Papers. This concept was articulated in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury (CT) Baptist Convention addressing the desire to have neither a State established religion in America nor a Head of State who was also a Head of Church, as was the case in England.

So Mr. Moughni, take your manufactured aggrieved status and feel free to return to a country more accommodating of your beliefs, if you wish. Just know that we will not be intimidated. And if you’d like, I’d be more than happy to provide one-on-one instruction to your two little fellas about what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic, as opposed to an Islamic Republic.

[H/T AllenBWest]

Muslims Impose Taxes And Sharia On Christians

(Shoebat) — In the Syrian city of Raqqa, Muslims, who are a part of the jihadist group The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), have imposed taxation on the Christians living there.

Its called Jizya, a taxed imposed on non-Muslims in Sharia code, and it is a part of the Pact of Umar, with which Muslims have been suppressing Christians since Islam’s very beginnings.

The despotic code forbids the presentation of any crucifixes, the restoration of destroyed churches, church bells, and praying in public.

Sounds like what the Leftists and Progressives want to establish in the West. No wonder they are so careless and indifferent to the sufferings of Christians.

After the Muslims declared that Sharia would be imposed on the Christians in Raqqa, 20 Christians leaders accepted the enforced code.


[H/T Walid Shoebat]


SHOCKING: Muslim Brotherhood in The Obama Administration Is Immense and Growing

(WND) — Retired U.S. Air Force Gen. Tom McInerney, who served as both assistant vice chief of staff and commander in chief of U.S. Air Forces Europe, has surprised interviewers on a radio program by confirming the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood inside the U.S. government.

The Islamic supremacist movement’s influence on Washington was reported in “Impeachable Offenses: The Case to Remove Barack Obama from Office” by New York Times bestselling authors Aaron Klein and Brenda J. Elliott.

The book documents that Obama aided the rise to power of Islamic extremist groups in the Middle East as members served on important national security advisory boards.

The book confirms the Obama administration may have exposed national security informationthrough Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, who has deep personal and family associations with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Another key figure with Muslim Brotherhood ties is Mohamed Elibiary, a member of the Department of Homeland Security’s Advisory Council.

McInerney was being interviewed Thursday by WMAL in Washington about a tell-all book by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates that strongly criticizes President Obama and Vice President Biden for making politically motivated decisions regarding national security.

McInerney said Gates was doing the nation a service by exposing decision-making in the Oval Office but said he should have done it sooner. He also noted that the Muslim Brotherhood influences have been causing major problems throughout the Middle East.

Then he added, “We’ve got Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. government today.”

Hillary Clinton and Huma AbedinAsked by the talk-show hosts for their names, he said, “I haven’t got their names exactly but there’s a list of them, at least 10 or 15 of them in the U.S. government.”

He cited the organization’s influence in Homeland Security and the secretary of state’s office under Clinton, where Abedin has worked.

“Her parents are Muslim Brotherhood. And her intuitions are in that direction,” he said.

“There are a whole host of people in this government.”

He said Islam experts Frank Gaffney or Claire Lopez would have the details.

Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, has created a publication called “The Muslim Brotherhood in the Obama Administration,” which addresses the issue that was brought to the attention of Congress in July 2012 by Republican Reps. Michele Bachmann, Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Tom Rooney and Lynn Westmoreland.

The lawmakers asked the inspector generals at the departments of Homeland Security, Justice and State to investigate, prompting Democrats and Republicans to rush to Abedin’s defense.

However, as WND reported, Abedin worked for an organization founded by her family that is effectively at the forefront of a grand Saudi plan to mobilize U.S. Muslim minorities to transform America into a strict Wahhabi-style Islamic state, according to an Arabic-language manifesto issued by the Saudi monarchy. Abedin also was a member of the executive board of the Muslim Student Association, which was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front group in a 1991 document introduced into evidence during the terror-financing trial of the Texas-based Holy Land Foundation trial.

The internal memo said Muslim Brotherhood members “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and by the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Lopez, a CSP senior fellow, wrote at The Gatestone Institute: “The careful insinuation of Muslim Brothers into positions from which they can exercise influence on U.S. policy began long before the attacks of 9/11, although their success has accelerated dramatically under the administration of President Barack Obama.”

She said the “massive Muslim Brotherhood organization network in the U.S., so patiently built up over the decades since that first Oval Office meeting in 1953 [with President Dwight D. Eisenhower], eventually gave it a prominence and (false) reputation of credibility that was unmatched by any other Islamic groups, moderate or otherwise.”

She said the Brotherhood achieved “information dominance” during the George W. Bush administration that only intensified in the following years.

“Not only did figures associated and identified with the Muslim Brotherhood achieve broad penetration at senior levels of U.S. policy making, but voices that warned of their true agenda (such as Stephen Coughlin’s) were actively excluded,” she said.

That information dominance has contributed to startling consequences, most evident in the U.S. policy toward the al-Qaida and Muslim Brotherhood-dominated revolutions that many call the ‘Arab Spring,’ but which in fact are more accurately termed an ‘Islamic Awakening,’” she said.

Under the Muslim Brotherhood-influenced Obama administration, U.S. policy has undergone such a drastic shift in the direction of outright support for these jihadist movements – from al-Qaida militias in Libya, to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and both al-Qaida and Muslim Brotherhood-linked rebels in Syria — that it is scarcely recognizable as American anymore.”

See Gaffney discussing the issue with Glenn Beck:

In the WMAL interview, McInerney said Gates’ book should alert Americans about what should be done to protect national security.

“The Middle East is coming apart with this administration’s policies. Look at Libya. We should never have gone into Libya. … We’ve got Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. government.”

WND columnist Diana West wrote it likely wasn’t by chance that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, “reading from prepared notes, absurdly described the Muslim Brotherhood to the House Intelligence Committee last year as a ‘largely secular’ organization.”

“Is it an accident that in June the State Department issued a visa to Hani Nour Eldin of Egypt to meet with senior White House officials? Eldin is a member of Gama’a al-Islamiyya, a terrorist organization once led by Omar Abdel Rahman, ‘the blind sheikh’ convicted of the first attack on the World Trade Center. In the person of Rahman’s successor, Refai Ahmed Taha, the group is one of the five signatories of Osama bin Laden’s February 1998 ‘World Islamic Front Statement Urging Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders.’ Isn’t it imperative to review the policy mechanism that permitted a member of bin Laden’s jihad front into the White House?”

“Impeachable Offenses” also reported that then-CIA director John Brennan announced the Obama administration was calibrating policies in the fight against terrorism to ensure Americans are never “profiled.”

His speech was arranged by a Muslim Brotherhood-tied group that has deep relations not only with other Brotherhood fronts but to the White House and national security agencies.

Brennan’s NYU session was organized by the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA. ISNA, whose members asked Brennan scores of questions during the event, stated the meeting was intended to initiate a “dialogue between government officials and Muslim American leaders to explore issues of national security.”

ISNA was founded in 1981 by the Saudi-funded Muslim Students Association, which itself was founded by the Muslim Brotherhood. The two groups are still partners.

ISNA is known for its promotion of strict Saudi-style Islam in mosques throughout the U.S.

Islam scholar Stephen Schwartz describes ISNA as “one of the chief conduits through which the radical Saudi form of Islam passes into the United States.”

According to terrorism expert Steven Emerson, ISNA “is a radical group hiding under a false veneer of moderation.”


Syrian Mothers Selling Daughters as Prostitutes to Wealthy Saudis in Accordance with Sharia

(via Answering Muslims) — The Prophet of Islam allowed his followers to practice a form of prostitution called Muta. In Muhammad’s time, a Muslim could pay a woman for “temporary marriage,” which would last a few hours, days, weeks, or months (depending on the agreement). Many Muslims today claim that Muhammad eventually changed his mind about this obviously immoral practice, and that Muta is now forbidden in Islam (certain Muslim sources suggest this). But these Muslims fail to mention that some of Islam’s most trusted sources plainly declare that Muhammad never prohibited Muta. For instance, the following passage in Sahih Muslim says that Muslims were practicing Muta well beyond the lifetime of Muhammad:

Sharia in Syria

Sahih Muslim 3248—Ibn Uraij reported: ‘Ati’ reported that Jabir b. Abdullah came to perform ‘Umra, and we came to his abode, and the people asked him about different things, and then they made a mention of temporary marriage, whereupon he said: Yes, we had been benefiting ourselves by this temporary marriage during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet and during the time of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar.

Some hadith claim that it was Umar, rather than Muhammad, who outlawed Muta:

Sahih Muslim 3250—Abu Nadra reported: While I was in the company of Jabir b. Abdullah, a person came to him and said that Ibn ‘Abbas and Ibn Zubair differed on the two types of Mut’a (Tamattu’ of Hajj 1846 and Tamattu’ with women), whereupon Jabir said: We used to do these two during the lifetime of Allah’s Messenger. Umar then forbade us to do them, and so we did not revert to them.

Hence, Muslim men who want to hire prostitutes can simply point out that Muhammad, Islam’s final prophet, allowed prostitution, and that later Muslims (like Umar) cannot overrule Muhammad. Moreover, since Muhammad allowed sex with prepubescent girls, pedophiles are free to seek outchild prostitutes. That’s exactly what’s happening in Syrian refugee camps.

While the overall accuracy of this news report is excellent, the narrator makes one important (politically correct) blunder. After pointing out that Sharia allows marriage to “very young girls,” she says that this is only an “extreme interpretation” of Sharia, for “Islamic law rejects forced marriage in principle.” She seems to be confusing a few different concepts here, so let’s separate and clarify them.First, as I have pointed out, there is some disagreement in the Muslim sources as to whether Muta is allowed today. Nevertheless, since there are strong narrations reporting that Muhammad never prohibited Muta, any Muslim who signs a temporary marriage contract can easily defend his actions.Second, there is no disagreement whatsoever in the Muslim sources as to whether a grown man can marry a prepubescent girl. Both the Qur’an and the Hadith allow men to marry prepubescent girls, and Muhammad himself married and had sex with Aisha when she was only nine years old. Thus, it’s simply false to say that marriage to young girls is only allowed under an “extreme interpretation” of Sharia. Marriage to young girls is permitted under any serious interpretation of Sharia.

Third, the narrator believes that Islamic law forbids “forced marriage,” and she thinks that these marriages qualify as “forced” because the girls’ families are pressuring them. But family pressure (e.g., “You must do this for your family”) has nothing to do with the Islamic concept of forced marriage. As long as a girl or woman gives verbal consent to marriage, or even if she remains silent when asked, the marriage does not count as forced. Notice that Umm Majid (the “marriage broker”) specifically says to the girls, “I have a 70-year-old Saudi, who wants a girl no older than 13 years. Who of you wants to meet him?” One of the girls responds, “Me.” Umm Majid obtains the girl’s consent in order to make the marriage fully Sharia-compliant.

So we see once again the depressing fruits of Muhammad’s teachings and example. The Prophet of Islam allowed his followers to practice Muta. He allowed his followers to marry prepubescent girls. He allowed men to beat their wives. The result? Wealthy Saudis are taking young Muslim girls back to their hotels, beating and raping them, and it’s all perfectly in line with Sharia. (The same thing is happening in Egypt.)

Where are CAIR and ISNA when these little girls are being raped? It seems that Muslim organizations in the West are too busy complaining about Islamophobia to care much about the horrendous abuse of vulnerable little girls in the Middle East. Indeed, many Muslims get far more upset about people like me reporting the abuse than they do about the abuse itself.

You can learn a lot about a religion by noticing what tends to outrage its adherents. Welcome to Islam.


Muslim Family Try to Kill Their Own Daughter After Marrying a Christian

Islam only allows Muslim males to marry non-Muslims. However, when it comes to a Christian boy marrying a Muslim girl, it becomes a non-bail-able offense and a serious threat to Islam, punishable by death under Shariah law for the girl. Pervaiz Rafique Masih is a victim of this suffocating society with Pakistan.

Islam: Blasphemy Laws

Pervaiz Rafique, a Christian man and Saima Rasheed, his Muslim girlfriend were in love. On August 11, 2013, Pervaiz and Saima left their village and got married. When the parents of Saima heard this news, they threatened the Christian family that if they did not produce Saima within one day, they would kidnap the female members of Pervaiz Rafique’s family. They then publicly announced that when Saima is returned to them they would kill her for marrying a Christian and this will be a lesson for the other girls too. This is what the Shariah law espouses; many in the west call this “honor killing.”

The family of Pervaiz Rafique constantly received ongoing threats from the police and Muslim clerics. Saima’s family abducted Perviaz’s nephew in order to get information about the runway couple.

The 15 year-old boy Nayyar Masih (Nephew of Pervaiz) was badly tortured. After they tortured him, they threw him in front of his house and threatened the family, stating that if they were unable to produce the girl and boy, every woman in the family would be abducted. So, on midnight of August 13, 2013, the family of Pevaiz Rafique Masih left the village seeking refuge from the threats of violence.

Then the police registered FIR (criminal complaint) against the Pervaiz Masih and started search operations for his arrest. Imagine it being a criminal offense in America for marrying someone of a different faith.

We have observed that no one objects when Christian girls are kidnapped and raped – sometimes gang raped and sodomized by Muslim men. However, when a Muslim girl falls in love with a Christian boy, it becomes a matter of honor for the Muslim community. This is pure discrimination, bigotry and racism.

Two weeks ago, Pervaiz and Saima [who has now embraced Christianity] reached out to us for shelter and support; both were frightened by the police and the banned Islamic terrorist organizations. RESCUE CHRISTIANS immediately relocated the couple to the safe place for their protection. We would request you to keep praying for Pervaiz, Saima and the many other persecuted victims in Pakistan.

We are very grateful for the generosity of our readers and donors who have made it possible to help the victims of the terrible times these Christians live in and suffer under, in Pakistan. If you are not currently a donor and would like to us to help more people from persecution, please click here.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Sharia Creep Alert: Hamas-CAIR Goes After DHL in Kentucky to Impose Prayer Times

[H/T Freedom Outpost]: Muslim Brotherhood group Hamas-CAIR is filing suit against DHL to impose Muslim prayer times on the workplace in Kentucky.

Obama ShariaMuslim do not have to pray during the day. They can make it up before work and after work, which is what they do in Muslim countries. It is not necessary for a Muslim to pray at a certain time if necessity makes it impossible to do so. These actions are merely devices in which to impose Islam on non-believers. Prayer is not absolutely required a strict schedule, and Muslim prayers are commonly “made up” after work or school. This is true even in Muslim countries such as Iran. So why sue American companies to impose Muslim prayer on the secular workplace? To impose Islam on the public square.

The idea is to establish and enforce the principle that wherever Islamic law and American customs, practices, business policies, and laws conflict, the American side would have to give way.

The J. B. Swift meat packing plant in Greeley, Colorado, fired Muslim workers who turned violent and walked off their jobs when denied special break periods to end the Ramadan fast at the appointed time. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, however, sided with the Muslim workers and forced Swift to reinstate them. Ultimately, Swift added footbaths and bidets to its plant for the Muslim workers.

This is a systematic campaign against American business.

A group of Muslims in Colorado sued Wal-Mart, claiming that they were fired in order to provide jobs for local non-Muslims, and that they had been denied prayer breaks while on the job.

Hertz, Heinz, Disney et al have all been victimized by Islamic supremacist sharia demands.

The mosqueing of the workplace is meticulously documented in my book Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

CAIR-Cincinnati to Announce EEOC Complaints Against DHL for Firing 24 Muslim Workers Over Prayers


CINCINNATI, Nov. 7, 2013 — /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Later today, the Cincinnati chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-Cincinnati) will hold a news conference to announce the filing of an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) civil rights complaint on behalf of 24 former workers at the DHL Global Mail facility in Hebron, Ky., who were fired for exercising their legally protected religious rights.

CAIR-Cincinnati says the DHL workers were dismissed from their jobs for asserting their right to reasonable accommodation for their religious practices, including daily prayer.

“CAIR has informed the company of its obligation under the law to reasonably accommodate these workers’ religious practices,” said CAIR-Cincinnati Executive Director Karen Dabdoub. “Instead of abiding by the law and doing the right thing, DHL has decided to stand behind their violation of these workers’ civil rights.”


On October 9, DHL Global Mail fired a group of 24 workers, some of whom had been working at DHL for up to 6 years, for refusing to accept a new workplace rule that violated their rights under the Kentucky Civil Rights Act and Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

In this case, the DHL workers had been using their break time to perform the evening (Maghrib) prayer. The company reportedly decided to eliminate flexible break times, thereby preventing the men and women from practicing their faith. When the workers asserted their legal rights, they were all fired.