Tag Archives: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid

Reid: Boehner ‘Afraid’ to Hold Vote


Breitbart reported: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to Speaker John Boehner (R-OH):

“I ask John Boehner, why are you afraid? Are you afraid it will pass and the people will know you held the federal government hostage for no reason?”

Reid Promises Obamacare will be Popular as Medicare, Social Security


Breitbart reported: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “…One reason they are so afraid its just like social security, its just like medicare. You know, Republicans hated those two programs and now they are so popular with everybody and given a little bit of time ObamaCare is going to be supported by 99 percent of the American people just like medicare.”

Congressman Shows Obamacare Exchanges Crash Minutes After Launch

 Obama TabletBreitbart reported: Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) tweeted out a photo at 12:09 AM EST showing the Obamcare exchanges website was down, nine minutes after various federal government offices shut down and the Affordable Care Act exchanges went into effect.

In another tweet, Huelskamp wrote:

Congressman Shows Obamacare Exchanges Crash Minutes After Launch



Shutdown or no shutdown, we are ready to go, to start enrolling people tomorrow,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said at a press conference Monday. “We are about to make some history and some very positive history for lots of families around the country.”

According to ABC News:

Sebelius said about 52 percent of HHS employees will be deemed unessential and furloughed, but that will not affect any workers in the call centers or ”navigators” tasked with helping people to sign up. Most of the funding for the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was provided in the law so it would not be affected even if the federal government shuts down.

Sebelius did say it was “hard to tell” how a prolonged shutdown could affect implementation of the law down the road, though.

“That begins to look more serious the longer it takes,” Sebelius said, noting that much of  HHS’ operations will be covered under “mandatory money.”

She also acknowledged that there were bound to be “glitches” when the new insurance marketplaces come online Tuesday morning, and people  begin to sign up. HHS is running all or part of the marketplace exchanges in 36 states; the others will be handled by each state individually. She compared that possibility to Apple’s latest software upgrade, which asked users to download an additional update to fix problems with the initial update.

The House voted later in the night on procedural measures in regards to the continuing resolution. Republicans are seeking to appoint a “conference committee” to come up with a funding measure. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid responded to that idea saying, “We will not go to conference with a gun to our head.”

Obama, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi: President May Not Attack Without Congressional Authorization, Except When It’s Obama

Breitbart reported: Back in 2007 Democrats were very certain about one thing. A President needs congressional authorization to authorize military force against a nation in the Middle East. Here’s Sen. Hillary Clinton saying “President Bush must not be allowed to act without the authority and oversight of Congress.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told the National Press Club in January 2007, “The president does not have the authority to launch military action in Iran without first seeking congressional authorization.”

Nancy Pelosi, his counterpart in the House, was equally certain that President Bush needed congressional authorization to attack.

And of course we’ve already seen that Sen. Biden threatened to help impeach Bush if he dared to act without congressional approval.

And via Andrew Kaczynski, President Obama gave a response to a Q&A with the Boston Globe in Dec. 2007 in which he said “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.”

Obama also gave a speech in Clinton, Iowa in Sep. 2007 in which CNN headlined“Obama to Bush: Don’t Invade Iran.” Here again Obama tells the President he does not have congressional authorization to attack.

Where are all of these Democrats on the President’s pending decision to attack Syria?