Tag Archives: rubio

Video: Wild Bill ‘Marco Rubio Has Gone from America’s Hero to Zero in One Year’



Marco Rubio has gone from American Hero to Zero in just one year. He did a really good job of firing up the conservative movement in America with his bold way of presenting the conservative message. Rubio was one of the few that I thought was presidential material I’ve never thought that about Hillary but Rubio was different until the good old boy network co-opted him. Now Rubio is the poster boy for the destruction of American conservative values as he trumpets amnesty for criminals. Twelve million illegals are here breaking our laws in a disgusting display of political prostitution the Democrats and Republicans are competing to see who can kiss the criminal butts the most in order to win votes.

This is political corruption in broad daylight. Mr. Rubio says our immigration is broken, no it’s not Mr. Rubio, the enforcement of Immigration laws is broken because politicians like you don’t have the courage to obey your oath of office, it’s not an immigration issue, it’s a crime issue.

There are two questions that surprise almost everyday the first one is how low can Obama can go, and he is setting records almost every day, and the second one is how stupid can the Republicans get, and they are beginning to set records too. Now the key to winning landslide victories at the polls is to stand for rock solid God and country values, but under John Bainer the Republicans are abandoning their faithful constituents and trying to out liberal the liberals! Are we witnessing the suicide of the Republican party? Do you knuckle heads actually think the criminals will stop voting Democratic if you help them get amnesty?

Well here’s a Wild Bill bullet of truth for the Republicans, if those twelve million illegals were back in Mexico they couldn’t vote democrat now could they? They couldn’t bankrupt our economy crime would plummet, and no that is not a racist statement, did it ever occur to you that people who break one law will break others as well. With Washington D.C. Republicans openly embracing stupidity I think it’s time for the American voters to seriously consider a third party. This is wild Bill for America thank you for watching, and America bless God again.