Tag Archives: Rome Burning

While Rome Burns in the Background, The Obama’s Are Throwin’ a Whitehouse Dance Party for Michelle O’s 50th!

Like a true narcissist, the Obama’s paid no heed to the debt, collapsing dollar, healthcare, and other key economic indicators. Nope, they splurged on the taxpayer dime, entertaining themselves to rap music and good ole’ fashion thug-a-thon.

(Before It Is News) — WASHINGTON (AP) — Michelle Obama turned 50 a day ago but the big celebration is taking place at a White House dance party Saturday night.

The White House has said nothing about the guest list or about how many people are expected or about who’s providing the entertainment.

But word has spread that President Barack Obama has told guests to come prepared to dance.

White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett is only saying that “people will move” at the party.

The buzz is that Beyonce (bee-AHN’-say), who’s friendly with the Obamas, will sing. Beyonce’s husband, rapper Jay Z, performed in Washington on Thursday night.

Michelle O Dance party