Tag Archives: Robert Malley

Obama Appoints Pro-Muslim Agent To Infiltrate U.S. Government

By Walid Shoebat

“Mr. (Robert) Malley is coming back to the White House, administration officials said on Tuesday. This time, he will manage the fraying ties between the United States and its allies in the Persian Gulf, a job that says a lot about how America’s role in the Middle East has changed… (Malley’s 2008 meeting with Hamas) was hardly a secret and came in the course of his work with the International Crisis Group (I.C.G), a nonprofit group focused on preventing conflict.” – New York Times

It is said that the apple does not fall from the tree. Robert Malley is as a rotten apple as he was produced by his rotten father Simon Malley, the colleague of Henri Curiel, one of the main founders of the Communist Party in Egypt.

Robert Malley

Robert Malley

According to a statement from the 2008 Obama campaign, Malley was one of several experts who had offered advice to the campaign on Middle East policy, via the Jewish Daily Forward:

The Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America published an article exploring Malley’s family roots. The article argues that “Malley’s parents were rabidly anti-Israel” and that Malley’s articles on Middle East issues “demonize Israel only slightly less than his father.

Malley attended Harvard Law School with Obama. In 2006, Malley expressed a belief that Hamas can be moderated.

In 2011, the Washington Post quoted Malley as saying that working with the Muslim Brotherhood was “not a bad idea” and that…

“They are an important constituency in Egypt. They’re very likely to play a role in any future arrangements there.”

In the same report, another infiltrator – Emile Nakhleh – a Palestinian (from my neck of the woods) who worked for the C.I.A. as a hired “expert” predicted that the Muslim Brotherhood will fail to win.

Nakhleh broke his silence in 2009 to the Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat. The title states (translated):“Academic from Palestinian origin who “saved” the letters of bin Laden and al-Zawahiri broke his silence after 16 years as president for the unity of political Islam in the “CIA.” Emile Nakhleh to Al-Hayat:

I failed to persuade the Bush administration to cooperate with “Hamas” but it’s inevitable that we talk to the Islamists if we actually want reform.

Emile Nakhleh

Emile Nakhleh

He added:

“We cannot speak of reform unless we speak to Hamas in Palestine, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Hezbollah in Lebanon.”

He took pride in coining the term as he advised the U.S. government that “most Muslims do not advocate violence”, adding that…

“…the most popular Islamic movements are not extremists and do not want a quick implementation of Sharia. They cooperate on issues that concern us all, which is to satisfy peoples’ concerns to obtain employment and to find a bite to eat.”

On the Boston Marathon bombings, Nakhleh told Al-Arab News:

“According to official statements to authorities by the surviving brother of the Boston Marathon bombings, the United States has a war on Islam and this is what led the two brothers to commit this act of terrorism.”

Nakleh’s solution?

“We need to combat Islamophobia.”

This Hamas-engagement strategy is not new; it was there under Bush and is no different fromMalley’s International Crisis Group (I.C.G) which reported in June of 2008:

The three-year clash between the government and the Muslim Brothers is damaging Egypt’s political life. Ending this confrontation and moving towards the long-term goal of integrating the Brothers into the political mainstream is a far better option.

We have seen this “far better option” wreak havoc; the Muslim Brotherhood partnered with Hamas and Al-Qaeda. We have accurately predicted the outcome in the Middle East while so many of the so-called “experts” have continued to advocate positions that keep the Middle East in chaos.

Another I.C.G member is a Palestinian from Rameh (near Jinin), named Wadah Khanfar, who was head of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organizations (IIFSO) in South Africa and received his diploma in Sudan. He has become one of the most influential figures in the Arab media. Khanfar comes from a family that has produced several terrorists. His father marches and speaks for suicide bomber Majdi Khanfar.

Majdi Khanfar

Majdi Khanfar

The Mareb Press reported (translated):

Wadah Khanfar, a Hamas activist affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of its key figures in the Hamas office in Sudan, led the Al-Jazeera network to shine and to be recognized by the world.

Palestinian media, Al-Majd in Jordan and Elaf all confirm this.

The family business in Rama/Jinin was raided several times for its connection to Hamas. There is also Anwar Ibrahim, the other board member of I.C.G who has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Here he is with Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi:

Anwar Ibrahim and Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Anwar Ibrahim and Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Here is where all of this is going. Last November, Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has announced his support for the Muslim Brotherhood while in Trabzon. Turkey later tried to put pressure on Russia to prevent the export of arms to the Egyptian army so as not to provide Egypt’s post-Muslim Brotherhood government with any offensive or defensive weapons systems. Russia, thank God, has rejected all such pressure from the Turks.

It is worth mentioning that Turkey was supporting the Brotherhood in secret and is now doing so out in the open. It welcomed the meeting of the International Brotherhood organization in Turkey – the new headquarters of the Brotherhood – to begin work on a new strategy to regain Egypt. Barack Obama – along with his extended family – is actively working toward this goal. The U.S. President’s brother Malik has rubbed elbows with the head of the IHH, an organization that 87 U.S. Senators asked President Obama to designate as a terrorist organization to no avail. Malik also appears to serve as somewhat of an unofficial Ambassador to the Turkish region for this brother’s administration.

The Muslim Brotherhood now has four major bases in the world. In Turkey, it’s led by Erdoğan; in Tunisia, it’s led by Rachid Ghannouchi; and in Malaysia it is led by Anwar Ibrahim, head and co-founder of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in America. The fourth center is inBeirut, a new office so that Turkey can lead the new operations in Syria.

In Lebanon, they have set up TV channel Ahrar 25 from Lebanon to Turkey. Its motto is “Ahrar Thuwar Hankammil el-Mishwar” (Free Revolutionary and We will Finish the Race):

Even in Israel proper, there is Raed Salah, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Israel.

In South Africa, the Muslim Brotherhood is led by Wadah Khanfar, who initiated the movement there while he supported Hamas.

Khanfar serves on the Executive Board of none other than Robert Malley’s International Crisis Group (I.C.G.), stressing that he inherited the chair from Mohamed ElBaradei, who played a major role in creating a mess in Egypt and now, through one of its products, Obama will continue the empowerment of the Muslim Brotherhood through Malley.

That’s what we call coming full circle with a fools’ circle.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]