Tag Archives: planned parenthood

Dishonest Abortion Activists Attack Hobby Lobby at SCOTUS

(News Busters) – What do Cesar Chavez, “raped animals,” Margaret Sanger fans, and Occupy-esque mantras have in common?

They were all present in front of the Supreme Court today. Hundreds of left-wing activists showed up today to attack Hobby Lobby for its objection to the Obama Administration’s HHS Mandate, specifically that the Christian-owned firm pays for abortifacient contraceptives in the employee health insurance plan Obamacare says it must provide.

Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, Secular Coalition for America and several “reproductive rights” student groups were bussed in from within D.C. and even as far as New York for the rally Tuesday morning.

Some of the more interesting signs: “Eating raped murdered animals makes you a hypocrite,” “Get out of my box [ie: vagina],” “This [a Bible] is not a health care plan,” “Who’s the boss? Me!” and “Sex is beautiful, reproduction is optional.”

Activists also chanted “Si Se puede!” (Yes we can), the Cesar Chavez slogan that Obama co-opted, many different times throughout the rally. “We are the 99 Percent!” from Occupy Wall Street, was also co-opted for the pro-choice movement, citing a statistic from the CDC erroneously. Leftist politics were obviously well represented.

This 99 percent statistic isn’t even what the pro-choice crowd think it means. The statistic is from the CDC, which said in 2013, “More than 99% of women aged 15–44 who have ever had sexual intercourse have used at least one contraceptive method.” However, the pro-choice movement twisted this finding to say that 99 percent of all women use all types of artificial contraception on a regular basis, including contraception such as Plan B or “the morning-after pill” which many religious and otherwise pro-life people object to, as ending human life.

Of course the standard, “Get out of my uterus” and “trust women to do what they want with their own bodies” rhetoric was reiterated dozens of times through speakers and signs.

The pro-choice activists message was clear: Hobby Lobby’s refusal to pay for something its management opposes on religious grounds – and which it was not required to provide until Obamacare was enacted –  is an attack against all women in general, and their ability to get any type of contraception.

Of course, it’s a dishonest argument. Hobby Lobby’s employees are free to go out and purchase abortifacients with their own money. What the left is really defending is a new entitlement to “free” birth control.

What’s more is that they know it, organized the protest  to rely on their numbers, flashy and simplistic signs, vague chants and a compliant media to parrot the bogus “War on Women” rhetoric. This loud and abrasive group went oddly silent when asked factual questions. Culture and Media Institute reporter Katie Yoder attempted to interview several protestors from pro-choice groups such as NARAL and Planned Parenthood, but few would speak to her.

In stark contrast to the yelling and chanting of left-wing mantras and bankrupt slogans, and the signs dismissing the Bible, a simultaneous pro-life rally stood peacefully off to the side, heads bowed and praying.

[H/T NewsBusters: Kristine Marsh]

Planned Parenthood President: Women ‘Need’ Abortions for Valentine’s Day

(TheBlaze) — Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards said what women really “need” for Valentine’s Day are “safe” and “legal” abortions.

Cecile Richards Vine

Image source: Twitter

In a brief Vine video posted to Twitter Monday, Richards held up a series of cue cards with the prompt, “#WhatWomenNeed…for Valentine’s Day.”

Written on the cards were “maternity care,” “cancer screenings,” “birth control” and “safe + legal” abortions.

Planned Parenthood President  Women ‘Need’ Abortions for Valentine’s Day   TheBlaze.com

Planned Parenthood is the largest single provider of abortions in the United States and performed an estimated 327,166 abortions in 2012, according to its annual report. Planned Parenthood says abortions make up 3 percent of its total health services.

The #WhatWomenNeed hashtag was kicked off last week by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) who used it to call for affordable childcare.


[H/T TheBlaze]


(WND) — For those of us so very blessed to have raised our personal white flag in mankind’s inherently fruitless struggle against the Creator, there can be no joy in watching God-deniers continue to labor under the grandest of all deceptions. Regardless of how nasty they may be as individuals, there can be only sadness, genuine pity and prayer.

Still, it is instructive.

When the atheist gives voice to his or her God-denial, it provides those in Truth a small glimpse into the same dark spirit – old as Adam – that prompted the psalmist to observe: “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good” (Psalm 14:1).

Valerie Tarico is one such God-denier. She’s on a fool’s errand. A steadfast disciple to the unholy trinity of “LGBT,” atheist and pro-abortion activism, Ms. Tarico proudly sits on the Board of Advocates for Planned Parenthood – America’s premier one-stop-death-shop.

For “progressives” like Tarico, the term “religious fundamentalism” is a euphemism for orthodox Christianity. In a tedious, though unintentionally funny screed recently published at Salon.com under the headline: “10 signs that religious fundamentalism is going down,” Ms. Tarico gives empty hope to her fellow hopeless with a word salad steeped in anti-Christian bigotry and wishful thinking. I share excerpts only because they so clearly encapsulate the broader secular-”progressive” mindset. Ms. Tarico’s reflections are so hyperbolic – so far removed from reality – that they require little additional commentary.

“[T]hings are looking bright for those who would like to see humanity more grounded in science and reason,” she begins. “If you are a nonbeliever in the mood for a party, here are 10 reasons to celebrate.”

She then rattles off a litany of tired claims the pagan left has repeated annually since the year 0001.

The nutshell? Atheism is on the rise, while Christianity is in decline. “Queer sexuality” is winning, while “biblical sexuality” is losing, yada, yada and so forth. (Total truth, of course, can be ignored, disobeyed, denied, temporarily repressed or masked, but it can never lose.)

“From Hollywood celebs like Cameron Diaz and Angelina Jolie to high school students, skeptics are opening up,” she caws, going on to sing the praises of fellow atheists like Alain de Botton, who “simply posits the nonexistence of God and then goes on to discuss what humanity can glean from the rubble of religious traditions.” (You know, Christian “rubble” like charity, hospitals, nursing, the Red Cross, the abolition of slavery, the civil rights movement, et. al.)

Ms. Tarico then throws out a few earthshaking discoveries – scriptural “dog whistles,” I guess – that, heretofore, have somehow eluded every biblical scholar since the Apostle Paul: “Perhaps the most consistent sexual theme in the Bible,” she declares, “is that a woman’s consent is not needed or even preferred before sex.”

Say what?

“By demanding an end to rape culture,” she adds (whatever that is), “today’s young women and men are making the Bible writers look as if they were members of a tribal, Iron Age culture in which women were property like livestock and children – to be traded, sold and won in battle. Small wonder the culture warriors have ramped up their fight against contraception and abortion. Imagine if, on top of everything else, all women got access to expensive top-tier contraceptives and the power to end ill-conceived childbearing.”

Zing. Ouch. Busted. Small wonder, indeed, Valerie. (See why I said little additional commentary is required? OK, I admit it: I have considered selling my children. Don’t judge. You haven’t driven cross-country with them.)

In perfect keeping with the instinctive habits of the indigenous North American “progressive,” Ms. Tarico then goes on to make up a bunch more crap.

Of “believers in recovery” she waxes worried, while sounding the alarm over some really scary sounding pretend thingy called “Religious Trauma Syndrome,” followed with analysis most scholarly on the imaginary “relationship between religion and mental illnesses like depression, anxiety disorders and panic.”

Finally, Ms. Tarico offers hope beyond hope that “religious fundamentalism itself may one day be treatable.”

Shazam! Electrodes, anyone?

Oy vey.

While “a mind is a terrible thing to waste,” how much more a soul? The secular-”progressive” mind is a curious thing – a waste of God’s purpose for the very soul, the very life to whom it was gifted.

What is the meaning of life? It’s not complicated. The meaning of life is to “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’” (Luke 10:27).

This is true freedom. “It is for Freedom that Christ has set us free” (Galatians 5:5).

From the freedom of Christ stems “the fruit of the Spirit,” which is “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22-23).

Without Christ, there is no freedom.

There is only death.

Those who live by the Spirit of Christ “will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want (Galatians 5:16-17).

This is at odds with man’s fleshly desire – which began in the garden – for autonomy from God. The God-denier seeks to fill the void where Christ belongs with “acts of the flesh.”

Warned Paul: “The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God” (Galatians 5:19-21).

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires” (Galatians 5:24).

Those who do not – have not.

When God-deniers like Ms. Tarico dig in their heels, a pitiable paradox occurs. While they think they’ve achieved intellectual enlightenment and freedom, they have, instead, been played for the fool. They have become slaves to the flesh, and playthings to the enemy.

Ultimately, there is no autonomy. In the end we each belong to one Master or the other.

Ms. Tarico, the end is just the beginning.

And eternity is a very long time.

[H/T WND: Matt Barber]

Planned Parenthood: Pushing Child Pornography in the Name of Sex Education

[H/T INTELLIHUB] — If you watch the following video[1] without feeling your blood starting to boil and your head turning into a steaming kettle, or worse – feeling an excitement or defending the content while watching, you can be sure that your brain is dead and you have no chance of ever regaining your consciousness.

Your breathing and heart rate which gives you an illusion of life are merely the result of your connection to a dying cultural life support apparatus.

Previously writing about Planned Parenthood as being a eugenicist operation[2][3], I haven’t touched upon its other side which deals with obsession and promotion of sex to children. Sex toys, penis shape balloons, penis shape cakes, vagina cakes, vagina costumes, just to mention a few items which can be found during the Planned Parenthood “community events” or “no pants” sex parties, all in the name of sex education, a government program which by the way costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars at a time when American families are losing their homes, their jobs and in some cases their lives out of desperation.

An assumption that introduced material with explicit sexual content can be considered as “scientific and age-appropriate”, would be met with an outrage by any parent I know and taken as an insult to their intelligence.

Personally speaking, if I found out that my 10-year-old kid was exposed to pornographic material such as presented in the sex book for children pushed by Planned Parenthood called “It’s Perfectly Normal”, containing depictions of naked boys and girls, images of masturbation and cartoons of people engaged in sex, I would go out of my way to evoke public outrage and press criminal charges against all who were involved in production, promotion and distribution of this child pornography.[4]

To be honest, if the sexual content exposed in the video above was not attributed to the Planned Parenthood organization, a government agency funded with federal tax dollars, I would have thought it was produced by the underground child porn industry.

Giving it further thought, I was wondering whether there was a connection between Planned Parenthood promotion of sex and other cultural influences to promote pedophilia. A recent Miley Cyrus show came to mind.

Pondering on where this is all was going, I couldn’t help but thinking about the numerous court cases in which pedophiles were let free. [5]

Quite recently I expressed my thoughts about an attempt to lower the age of consent to 13[6] “in order to help old men to escape prosecution”. It now fits the bigger picture.

Despite the fact that pedophilia is blatantly promoted and attempts to legitimize it are made, the sinister agenda goes mostly unnoticed by the general public while moral values continue to decay.

Talking of morality, or absence of it, another incident has come to mind.

It was during the Civil Justice Sub-Committee hearing in March 2013, when Florida legislators considered a bill to require abortionists to provide medical care to infants who survive an abortion were shocked when a Planned Parenthood official endorsed a right to post-birth abortion. In other words, it was an endorsement to terminate life of the newly born baby who survived the abortion. You really need to watch it for yourself to draw your own conclusion. [7]

How an organization with an anti-life, perverted mindset, can be trusted with educating American youth about sexual health, remains a question.

And if you are still not hopping mad, read WND’s article on how the ACLU and MSLSD is pushing deviant sexual behavior on our children and beyond.