Tag Archives: piers morgan

CNN’s Piers Morgan Limps Off-Stage with Final Anti-Gun Rant

(Breitbart) – After nearly four disastrous years, CNN’s Piers Morgan ended his embarrassingly low-rated “Piers Morgan Live” as we all knew he would — with a boorish anti-gun rant. After spending his full and final hour covering the missing Malaysian airliner, the left-wing Brit took his last few minutes as a CNN primetime star to go out flailing with a partisan attack on the NRA and a feeble cry of “Enough!”

I assumed that after 70 people were shot in a movie theater and then just a few months later 20 first-graders were murdered with an assault rifle in an elementary school, that the absurd gun laws in this country would change, but nothing has happened. The gun lobby in America, led by the NRA, has bullied this nation’s politicians into cowardly silence. Even when 20 young children are blown away in their classrooms.  …

“Now it’s down to you. It is your country. These are your gun laws. And the senseless slaughter will only end when enough Americans stand together and cry, ‘Enough!’ I look forward to that day. I also look forward to seeing you all again soon. Thank you. And God bless America. Oh, and while I’m at it, God bless Great Britain too. Good night.

Morgan was not only a ratings disaster for CNN, he was a public relations disaster. For years the left-leaning network had tried to fool audiences into believing CNN is unbiased. Morgan’s unrelenting anti-gun hysteria ripped the mask off the entire network.

It wasn’t just that Morgan was bizarrely desperate to infringe upon the Second Amendment rights of Americans, it was that CNN allowed him to berate guests who disagreed with him, exploit the victims, and obsess over the issue long after the American people had moved on.

Morgan’s anti-gun crusade was also seen by many as nothing more than an attack on rural, mostly-Red State Americans — or just another manifestation of CNN’s well-documented cultural bigotry towards Middle America.

Morgan never demanded that handguns be banned, even though handguns are far away responsible for most of America’s gun murders. Instead Morgan targeted the semi-automatic rifles used mainly in rural America as “assault weapons” for his anti-civil rights campaign.

CNN is now left with two weekday primetime hours to fill.

No replacement for Morgan has yet been announced.

Apparently, CNN finally figured out that nothing is indeed better Piers Morgan.

[H/T Breitbart: ]

WATCH: CNN’s Piers Morgan Gets Beaned with Cricket Balls, Cracks Wrist and Bruises Ribs

(via The Blaze) — Given CNN host Piers Morgan’s unpopularity in the United States, there are likely a good number of Americans who would jump at the chance to throw cricket balls at him.

Brett Lee, a former Australian cricket player who once broke the 100 mph barrier bowling a delivery, actually got the chance to do exactly that at the Melbourne Cricket Ground — six times.


Morgan is in Australia for the fourth Ashes Test and has been talking trash about how bad the England squad is playing. It was his trash-talk that prompted Lee to challenge Morgan to an “over.” Though he probably now regrets it (though he’s not admitting it), Morgan accepted Lee’s offer.

Morgan then proceeded to talk even more smack, this time directing it at Lee ahead of their match-up.

In the end, the TV host got whacked with three balls, bowled once, and fell over once. He claims his ego isn’t bruised, however, he left with a cracked wrist, bruised rib, and massive egg on the back of his head. BuzzFeed reports the speed of the balls at around 90 mph.

[H/T The Blaze]

Charlie Daniels to Piers Morgan: ‘You Wouldn’t Last Five Minutes’ in the Duck Dynasty Swamps

(NewsBusters) NewsBusters guest contributor Charlie Daniels has had enough of CNN’s Piers Morgan attacking Americans he doesn’t agree with.

After Morgan said about Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson via Twitter Thursday, “[T]he 1st Amendment shouldn’t protect vile bigots,” Daniels scolded the arrogant Brit Friday with a series of tweets that began, “Piers Morgan why don’t you go back to England and straighten it out before you try to change the United States of America”:

Charlie Daniels> Piers Morgan

To which Piers Morgan responded:

Piers Morgan> Charlie Daniels

Actually, I think a gay person would prefer to go to war with someone that believes in the second amendment and knows how to use guns NOT some America-hating Brit who wants everyone’s guns taken away.

How about you?

[H/T Newsbusters]

Sean Penn: Ted Cruz and Other Tea Partiers in Congress Need To Be Committed By Executive Order

Actor and activist Sean Penn said Monday that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tx.) and other Tea Partiers in Congress need to be committed by executive order.

Such was said to a laughing Piers Morgan on the CNN program bearing his name (video follows with transcript and commentary):


[H/T Newsbusters]: SEAN PENN: It is funny, because what you were talking about before we went to the break, you know, I, I was in Port-au-Prince when the shutdown happened. And, and I said to people — they need, I had stuff that it was demanding on me in Port-au-Prince but I, I had to come home. I said, “Listen I, I have to leave Haiti now because I have to travel to the third world county that I come from.”


You have been, you know, this I think, you know, on the forefront of this gun thing. All of these things, and this is also where you get people who think these things.

I think for let’s, let’s go to the Tea Party influence on Congress on this thing. I think they have, there’s a mental health problem in Congress. This would be solved by committing them by executive order, I think, because these our American brothers and sisters. We shouldn’t be criticizing them, attacking them. We should take their — this is a cry for help.

PIERS MORGAN, HOST: You literally commit what …

PENN: I think …

MORGAN: … people like Ted Cruz?

PENN: He’s, he’s my American brother. I want, we think, we should take care of him. He’s in trouble.

MORGAN: [Laughs] Well, actually have him committed.

PENN: Yeah, I thinks it’s a good idea.

MORGAN: [Laughs]

PENN: [Laughs] But then you look at, you know, the, look, there’s a lot of reason to take a shot at me and I’m giving people a lot reason to over the years. But the thing you’re talking about and, and the way people’s perception of political positions are, is a direct reaction to their lack of, of their education which is a huge problem that we’re dealing with in the country. And between an uneducated people and the solipsism of the people like Ted Cruz and their party, it’s a poisonous thing.

Michael Hastings: Feds Visited His Home the Day Before He Was Killed

Michael HastingsInfo Wars reported: Rolling Stone journalist Michael Hastings, who was killed in a suspicious car crash after complaining that he was being harassed by the FBI, had his home visited by agents from an unnamed federal agency the day before his death, a close friend of Hastings told Infowars.

While it’s known that Hastings had warned others, including Wikileaks, that the FBI was on his case, the fact that feds visited the home of the controversial journalist almost immediately prior to his untimely death is yet another facet to a story which has thrown up numerous questions about the circumstances surrounding the car crash that killed Hastings in the Hancock Park neighborhood of Los Angeles on June 18.

Through speaking to close friends of Hastings, Infowars has also gathered other astounding revelations about the circumstances surrounding his death that will be released in due course if those individuals are comfortable in going public.

Several of Hastings’ friends and colleagues were reticent to go public with the fact that the journalist had sent an email hours before his death stating he was “onto a big story” and needed “to go off the rada[r] for a bit.”

Yesterday, Hastings’ wife Elise Jordan appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight to express the view that her husband’s death was a “tragic accident,” despite initially vowing to “take down” whoever was responsible.

The LAPD’s assertion that no foul play was involved in the death of Hastings has not satisfied journalists who are being stonewalled by both police and federal agencies.

Last week, investigative journalists Jason Leopold and Ryan Shapiro filed a lawsuit against the FBI after the agency’s refusal to respond to a Freedom of Information Act request which sought details on the death of the journalist.

“By suing the FBI for failure to comply with the Freedom of Information Act, [we] hope to obtain records pertaining both to the unusual circumstances of Michael Hastings’s death and to the broader issue of FBI surveillance of journalists and other critics of American national security policy,” Shapiro said.

Recently released surveillance camera footage which captures the crash of Hastings’ Mercedes shows three explosions before the vehicle comes to a rest, fueling speculation that some kind of incendiary device could have triggered the blasts. In at least three 911 calls, witnesses reported loud explosions accompanying the crash.

Speculation has also centered around whether Hastings’ Mercedes was remotely hijacked, a technology which academic studies confirm is a fairly straightforward method of taking control of a vehicle. Former counter-terror czar Richard Clarke remarked that the crash involving Hastings was “consistent with a car cyber attack.”

Hastings had made innumerable enemies in high places as a result of his controversial journalism and routinely received death threats. According to his friend Sgt. Joe Biggs, the journalist was working on “the biggest story yet” about the CIA before his death.

Piers Morgan: Class is in Session, Larry Elder is The Teacher

Larry Elder absolutely owned Piers Morgan (which isn’t difficult). Morgan clearly has no qualms about inviting people on his show who fiercely disagree with him or even attack him personally, and tonight’s opening interview with radio host Larry Elder did not disappoint. Elder told Morgan his interview with George Zimmerman trial witness Rachel Jeantel was horrendous and “condescending,” and even told Morgan that he was being “stupid” for his assessment of Jeantel’s character.