Tag Archives: morsi

[VIDEO] Obama, Clinton Charged in Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy

We broke this story last week, when Walid Shoebat began releasing information that Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmood began making allegations that she had more than one over Hillary Rodham Clinton stating: “I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath.”  This story is gaining traction.

[via Red Flag News] — In two separate criminal complaints, Egyptian lawmakers have charged Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood.

According to one of the criminal charges, Hillary Clinton was found to be working with ousted Muslim Brotherhood president Mohammed Morsi’s wife, Naglaa Mahmood, in attempting to overthrow the current leader of Egypt, General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Watch Western Center for Journalism’s exclusive video to find out all the details about the traitor in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama, and his Muslim Brotherhood collaborator, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

[H/T Western Journalism]

Obama: Asks John McCain and Lindsey Graham to Make Trip to Egypt, To Sort of ‘Smooth’ Things Over I Guess…

McCain and Graham going to EgyptRINO stars John McCain (AZ) and Lindsey Graham (SC) were asked by Barack Obama to take a trip to a country that wants to blow Israel (our true ally) off the map.

That’s all well and good, but should we be sending off kiss-ass representatives from the U.S. to a country were a military coup occurred?!  I think not Mr. President.

Breitbart reports: President Obama asked Sens. John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to go to Egypt and encourage the military to allow civilian elections so a democratic process can continue.

The Associated Press quoted Graham explaining the trip:

The president asked Sen. McCain and myself to go to Egypt next week… so we can go over and reinforce in a bipartisan fashion the message that we have to move to civilian control, that the military is going to have to… allow the country to have new elections and move toward an inclusive, democratic approach.

McCain said Egypt is in “turmoil,” but he believes the trip can do some good; he explained the U.S. “has credibility with everybody there, all the different factions there.”

To date, the Obama administration has refused to label the ouster of Mohamed Morsi a coup. Graham said he will stress to the military that “jailing the opposition is more and more like a coup.”

Please rate McCain and Graham to your Facebook friends below, tell them how you really feel!



Obama: Was There a Secret 8 Billion Dollar Bribe to Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood?

Was there a SECRET agreement between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood (not the Egyptian government) to give 40% of the Sinai and the annexation of that part of Egyptian territory in Gaza? The objective was to facilitate the conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

Below is a summary of the video in Arabic that reveals an agreement made between Barack Obama and Mohamed Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, to give 40% of Sinai to Hamas in exchange for $8 billion has already been paid to Morsi by Obama.

No wonder Obama is asking the Egyptian Army to release Morsi: Obama has asked for the release mohamed-morsi

• SECRET agreement between the Obama administration and the Muslim Brotherhood (not the Egyptian government) to give 40% of the Sinai and the annexation of that part of Egyptian territory in Gaza. The objective is to facilitate the conclusion of a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians

• This agreement was signed by Khairat el Shater (number 2 of the Brotherhood) by Morsi and the Supreme Guide of the Mulsim Brotherhood.

• A sum of U.S. $ 8 billion was paid in exchange for the land.

• An investigation is ongoing Morsi and El Shater. An arrest warrant was filed against the Guide to MB and other members of his office.

• MB signatories to the agreement are liable to the death penalty for treason.

• The Obama administration would try to reach an agreement with El Sissi (Defense Minister): recognition of the legitimacy of the “coup” in exchange for his silence about the secret agreement. But El Sissi would be more interested in the conviction of MB and discredit their organization which is Egypt’s main source of danger.

• The Republican members of Congress are seriously looking into the case. If proven, the process of Obama impeachment could be triggered.

Obama Administration: Plans Are Still On To Send F16 Fighter Jets to Egypt Despite Turmoil

Despite a potential for civil war, the Obama administration forges head to arm Egypt with F-16 fighter jets.  Hence, the reason this administration kept a low profile during the ouster of Mosi by not calling it a ‘coup?’  But what what Obama may not realize is that those very same jets could now be used against his brothers!  Nah, he must realize?

Breitbart reported: While continuing to claim neutrality regarding the ousting of Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, the Obama administration is going ahead with plans to deliver four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt.

These planes are part of a 2010 military aid package that also included “M1A1 Abram tank kits.”

According to the Associated Press, eight such jets were delivered in January, four are due in the coming weeks, and “the final eight are to be sent later this year.”

The Obama administration contends that it would “not be in the United States’ national security interests to interrupt U.S. aid to Egypt.” Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley Miller said: “We remain committed to the U.S.-Egypt defense relationship as it remains a foundation of our broader strategic partnership with Egypt, and serves as a pillar of regional stability.”

Let us know how you feel!

Obama’s Brother Ousted: Egypt Prepares for Backlash as Morsi Allies Reject New Regime Ousted Muslim Brotherhood

Obama Morsi MeetingBarack Obama had an emergency meeting with his largely low-life administration to decide how to handle Morsi’s ouster.  The coup (there I said it) will no doubt hurt the Islamic-in-Chief spread of Sharia law in the Middle East, but will continue on with his democratic facade to hold his cover.

Guardian reports: Egypt prepares for backlash as Morsi allies reject new regime.  Ousted Muslim Brotherhood mobilises for day of protest as hundreds of party’s members are seized Egypt is braced for further dramatic events on Friday as the vanquished Muslim Brotherhood called for a “day of rejection” following a widespread crackdown on its leadership by the country’s new interim president, Adly Mansour.

Supporters of the ousted president Mohamed Morsi, still reeling from the military coup that removed their leader from power, are expected to take to the streets after Friday prayers following a series of raids and arrests that decimated the Muslim Brotherhood’s senior ranks and consolidated the miltary’s hold on the country.

In a stark sign of Egypt’s new political reality, the group’s supreme leader, who was untouchable under Morsi’s rule, was one of those arrested.

Gehad el-Haddad, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, said: “We are being headhunted all over the country. We are holding a mass rally after Friday prayers to take all peaceful steps necessary to bring down this coup.” He called for demonstrations to be peaceful, despite fears that anger may spill over into violence.

State prosecutors announced on Thursday that Morsi, who is in military custody, would face an investigation starting next week into claims that he had “insulted the presidency” – a move that would appear to put an end to any hopes of a political resurrection.

At his inauguration on Thursday, Mansour, who was appointed as head of the constitutional court on Sunday, said this week’s protests had “corrected the path of the glorious revolution that took place on 25 January 2011”, and that continued revolution was needed until “we stop producing tyrants.”

He also reached out to members of the Muslim Brotherhood, calling the organisation “part of the fabric of Egyptian society”.

“They are just one of its parties and they are invited to integrate. If they answer the call, they will be welcomed,” he told Channel 4 in his first interview.

Read the entire article at Guardian

Top 5 Pictures: The Obama and Morsi Bond Captured, Pictures Banned by the Mainstream Media

Red Flag News: Egypt and Obama: 5 Stunning Pictures Banned by the Mainstream Media

Obama: Your Bitch is Our Dictator [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Morsi Bitch Dictator

Wake Up America: Obama Backs a Fascist Regime in Egypt [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Morsi Bitch Dictator

From Tahrir Square to the U.S. Media and Muslim Brotherhood [click pic to enlarge]
From Tahrir Square to U.S. Media and Muslim Brotherhood
Obama Supports Terrorism [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Supports Terrorism

Tweet: Resemblance of Obama Campaign logo and Morsi’s logo [click pic to enlarge]

Obama Morsi Tweet


Morsi Link to Benghazi: Is Morsi Behind The Murder of U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens? There’s New Evidence He May Be

WND reports: Was Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood involved in the deadly Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya?

Circumstantial evidence possibly links the attack to Morsi’s campaign to free the so-called blind sheik, Omar Abdel-Rahman, who is serving a life sentence in the U.S. for conspiracy in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Rahman’s release has been one of the Morsi’s main foreign policy issues.

Last week, several major Arabic newspapers ran with a story, first reported by the Kuwaiti paper Al Rai, quoting a Libyan intelligence report on the Benghazi attack that mentions an alleged connection to Morsi and other prominent Egyptian figures.

The report, prepared by Mahmoud Ibrahim Sharif, director of national security for Libya, is based on purported confessions of some of the jihadists arrested at the scene.

The report states that “among the more prominent figures whose names were mentioned by cell members during confessions were: Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi; preacher Safwat Hegazi; Saudi businessman Mansour Kadasa, owner of the satellite station Al-Nas; Egyptian Sheik Muhammad Hassan; former presidential candidate, Hazim Salih Abu Ismail.”

‘Dr. Morsi sent us’

While the credibility of the confessions solicited in Libya, probably under duress, can easily be called into question, there is other information pointing to Morsi’s possible involvement in the Benghazi attack.

YouTube videos of the attack find some of the jihadists speaking an Egyptian dialect of Arabic, as previously reported by FrongPageMag.

One of the videos shows a jihadist carrying out the attack while stating in an Egyptian dialect, “Don’t shoot, don’t shoot, Dr. Morsi sent us.”

Read rest of story at WND.

Egyptian Opposition Activist Meltdown: ‘Morsi Sent Letters to Peres and to Obama And He Is Asking for American Protection’


The Blaze reports: Getting millions of people into the streets is one way the Egyptian opposition expressed discontent with now-ousted President Mohammed Morsi. Unleashing a torrent of passionate, unbridled wrath in a television interview is another.

In a new clip posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute – MEMRI – opposition figures react to Tuesday’s speech by Morsi in which he said he was refusing to cave to the military ultimatum. One of the interviewees, opposition activist Ihab Al-Khouli, becomes so emotional, he is physically overcome with hyperventilating, coughing fits, gasping for air and incessant table banging. He’s that upset with the Muslim Brotherhood leader who held power over Egypt for exactly one year.

The on-camera drama prompts the host to beg Al-Khouli to take a break and drink some water, as she expresses her concern he might have a heart attack if he keeps up his anti-Morsi venting.

MEMRI provides translation of the segment from Egyptian television, though Al-Khouli’s body language is so stormy, the clip hardly needs translating.

“This man is a liar and a deceiver,” he says.

“Relax, have some water… Calm down, Ihab,” says the television anchor.

“More than 33 million people have taken to the streets, but they [the Muslim Brotherhood] don’t see them. They are blind. Don’t they know what has happened to this country because of them? They dare to talk about foreign and domestic conspiracies? Morsi sent letters to Peres and Obama. He is asking for the Americans’ protection,” Al-Khouli said.

In his flurry of barbs, the opposition activist says of Morsi’s leadership, “What is this stupidity? What is this insanity?…What is this madness?”

“This man is now done for and so is the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt is the graveyard of terrorism and extremism. The lie of the Muslim Brotherhood has come to an end,” he says.

The host of the program again pleads with Ihab to calm down. She says, “Ihab, I’m worried about you. Ihab, I beg you for my sake…Ihab, calm down, you might have a heart attack.”

A second guest on set also pipes in with concern, telling Al-Khouli, “Calm down, you will die on us. Morsi is not worth it.”

The host continues pleading with him to be quiet for five minutes. When he doesn’t heed her call, she gets out of her seat and begs producers to cut to a commercial break.

Al-Khouli says, “I swear to you that I won’t go home before Morsi is gone.”

Mr. Al-Khouli, now that Morsi is gone as leader, you may go home, rest, take a deep breath, and have that drink of water.

Will of the People Prevails: Military Coup Has Forced Morsi Out of Power

According to CNN, reporting from al Ahram, the Egyptian state newspaper, the military of Egypt informed President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood that he was no longer president as of 5 p.m. today local time.

UPDATE: A Morsi aide has said that Morsi has been removed to an undisclosed location.

Dr. Mohammed El-Baradei, a leader of the anti-Morsi opposition, stated that he hopes “all of us come back as reconciled people together. I hope that this ‘road map’ will be a beginning to continue with the revolution for which the Egyptian people have spent dearly to achieve social justice for every Egyptian man and woman.”

UPDATE: Here’s an unprecedented rant against Morsi (and Obama):



In the meantime, here’s a tribute to the people of Egypt, they stood up for their cause, and they prevailed: