Tag Archives: Mohammed Mursi

Did Muslim Sisterhood Leader Influencing U.S. Elections?

(via Walid Shoebat) — In comments recently attributed to Muslim Sisterhood leader Naglaa Mahmoud – who is also the wife of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi – it might be worth taking a look at one excerpt we hadn’t really examined before. It has to do with her alleged claim that Barack Obama’s election and re-election was aided by the Muslim Brotherhood and that Hillary could benefit from similar assistance in 2016.

Naglaa Mahmood and Mohammed Mursi.Naglaa Mahmood and Mohammed Mursi.

Here is a quote about Mahmoud’s comments, by an Arabic reporter, via Mehwar TV (translated here):

Mahmoud further stated that “Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections, just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.” She is quite the looney bin to believe she helped Obama win.

When asked about her relationship with Michelle Obama, Mahmoud said it is very good but it never developed to the point of close friendship, like with Hillary.

In that excerpt, the reporter mocked Mahmoud’s claims, implying that she was simply bloviating and had no such influence.

[Note: Before proceeding, it is worth noting that the number of credible Arabic sources that are reporting on the quotes attributed to Mahmoud is very significant. According to El-Aph, even Mursi’s brother and son are not denying she made the comments, only that she isn’t doing what she said she was doing and that it is the current Egyptian government that is committing the crimes. It is also not insignificant that Anatolia Press has not denied Mahmoud made the claims and that Egypt’s Attorney General has escalated the complaint to the Homeland Security sector.]

Let us consider a separate track and seek where it leads.

In a 2011 New York Times article by Charlie Savage and Eric Schmitt, it was revealed that the FBI had unsealed the details of a case that implicated Pakistan’s intelligence agency in attempts to influence such elections:

Pakistan’s military, including its powerful spy agency, has spent $4 million over two decades in a covert attempt to tilt American policy against India’s control of much of Kashmir — including funneling campaign donations to members of Congress and presidential candidates, the F.B.I. claimed in court papers unsealed Tuesday.

The allegations of a long-running plan to influence American elections and foreign policy come at a time of deep tensions between the United States and Pakistan — and in particular its spy agency — amid the fallout over the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden at a compound deep inside Pakistan on May 2.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation made the allegations in a 43-page affidavit filed in connection with the indictment of two United States citizens on charges that they failed to register with the Justice Department as agents of Pakistan, as required by law.One of the men, Zaheer Ahmad, is in Pakistan, but the other, Syed Fai, lives in Virginia and was arrested on Tuesday.

The article goes on to explain that the entity Fai worked for – the Kashmiri American Council (KAC) – was based in Washington, D.C. and was funded in large part by Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI). The part about the story that could make Mahmoud’s claims more relevant and worthy of further investigation involves KAC’s contributions to political campaigns in the U.S.

The FBI reported in December of 2011 that Fai pleaded guilty to related charges.

How they did it…

Law enforcement officials said Pakistan used a network of at least 10 unnamed straw contributors, which Mr. Ahmad helped organize, to make the campaign contributionsand donate the bulk of the Kashmiri Center’s annual operating budget. The ISI would reimburse them — or their families in Pakistan — for the donations, the officials said.

Most of the straw donors who made contributions to the Kashmiri Center and to politicians in the United States were identified only by code in the court document, though the investigation was continuing and eight F.B.I. field offices executed 17 or 18 search warrants related to other suspected donors on Tuesday, an official said…

…a search in Federal Elections Commission databases for contributions by Mr. Fai showed that he has made more than $20,000 in campaign contributions over the past two decades. The bulk of his donations went to two recipients: the National Republican Senatorial Committee and Representative Dan Burton, a Republican from Indiana.

Mr. Fai made numerous — though smaller — contributions to Democrats as well, including to Representatives James P. Moran of Virginia, Dennis J. Kucinich of Ohio and Gregory W. Meeks of New York, and $250 donations to the 2000 and 2008 presidential campaigns of Al Gore and Barack Obama.

Let’s get back to Naglaa Mahmoud. What we have at this point is a claim attributed to her that the Brotherhood helped Barack Obama get elected twice and that “Hillary depends on (them) tremendously” for 2016.

The next question is ‘how’ a group like the Brotherhood might do this? In politics, it’s almost always about following the money.

Back in August, after the ouster of Mursi as president, we relayed the claims – published byAlmesryoon – that Egypt’s Attorney General was investigating “a number of complaints” that the Muslim Brotherhood accepted ‘bribes’ from the U.S. Embassy in Cairo.

A document surfaced at the time – seen below – that showed Brotherhood leaders under Mursi were being paid significant ‘gifts’ in U.S. dollars. These annual payments were found to be more than $750,000 for each recipient, reaching tens of millions of dollars collectively.

Qatar Document indicates Bribes in U.S. Dollars

Qatar Document indicates Bribes in U.S. Dollars

In order to test the veracity of the claims attributed to Mahmoud – that Hillary was planning to count on her (Brotherhood / Sisterhood) in 2016 – consider what is known. During the time that these ‘gifts’ were meted out, the Muslim Brotherhood controlled Egypt; the ‘gifts’ were in U.S. dollars; the U.S. Embassy is an arm of the U.S. State Department; the State Department was led by Hillary Clinton at the time; and the U.S. administration held an extremely pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance.

If Brotherhood leaders were receiving monetary ‘gifts’ that collectively reached sums in the tens of millions of dollars, what were the ‘gifts’ buying?

Consider what happened with the 2009 stimulus package. Was it not about money laundering?

Via AWR Hawkins at Breitbart:

When Obama pushed through his stimulus package shortly after taking office, the money going to bail out GM and Chrysler was not so much intended to shore up those corporations as it was intended to shore up the unions at those corporations. In other words, although one of the ubiquitous reasons given was saving these two iconic American companies, the real goal was to pass tax-payer dollars to Democrat-dominated union members (to keep them voting for Democrat candidates for the foreseeable future). In a real sense, this is nothing more than a sophisticated money laundering scheme. And it’s one that should outrage every American taxpayer regardless of party affiliation.

Operation Fast and Furious proved that the Obama administration was willing to use ‘straw’ purchasers to push a political agenda which included the deaths of innocent people as collateral damage. One ATF supervisor said, ‘If you’re going to make an omelet, you’ve got to scramble some eggs’ (No one at ATF was fired and if that doesn’t communicate an ‘ends justify the means’ mentality, what does?). In the case of Pakistan’s ISI buying Kashmir policy influence, ‘straw donors’ were used. Obama himself appears to have benefited from that.

Of course, the cherry on top might just be that Hillary’s closest adviser – Huma Abedin – is the daughter of another Muslim Sisterhood leader – Saleha Abedin – who is a close colleague of Mahomoud.

Nothing to see here?


[H/T Walid Shoebat]

Complaint Involving Hillary Clinton Has Legs: Involvement With Muslim Brotherhood and Terrorism Now Taking Front and Center

(Walid Shoebat) — The validity of the claims against Muslim Sisterhood leader and wife of former Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi appear to have just gotten a shot in the arm. The complaint (No. 18337, according to El-Fagr) filed with Egypt’s Attorney General has been escalated according to multiple Arabic reports. The complaint doesn’t just involve Naglaa Mahmoud’s alleged efforts in leading a coup but also a supposed close relationship with Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton

Via Al-Wafd (translated):

Attorney General Hisham Barakat has ordered his office to refer the complaint against the wife of Mohammed Mursi, submitted by attorney Assem Qandil, to the national security sector for further investigation.

Qandil filed the complaint against Najla Mahmoud, Mursi’s wife. The complaint accuses her of being behind the violence in the country and planning a coup against the current government. The complaint further calls for her arrest and an intense investigation.

According to Misrday (translated):

Hisham Barakat ordered the Attorney General’s office to refer the communication submitted by attorney Assem Qandil against the wife of President Mohammed Morsi, to the homeland security sector for further and more extensive investigation.

Qandil filed the complaint with the Attorney General, against Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of the isolated former president. Mahmoud is accused of being behind acts of violence in the country and planning a coup against the current regime… Qandil stated further that the defendant is the primary driving force in getting her Muslim Sisterhood organization to engage in these terrorist operations, which are being called false cover demonstrations that are intended to drain the forces of the state.

Al-Watan has also included a reference to this latest news in a more comprehensive report, even making reference to Mahmoud’s claims that she has a significant amount of evidence against the Obama administration (translated):

A National Security communique accuses the wife of Mursi, Naglaa Mahmoud, of plotting to overthrow the current regime. The communique was based on the complaint filed by Assem Qandil, who quoted Mahmoud as saying that ‘between her fingers, she holds the secrets of the White House’, adding that it recognized the ties linking her husband and other members of the Muslim Brotherhood to members within the administration, as well as to former officials, including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

24E Reports:

A jurist and constitutional expert Essam Islambouli, in reference to dialogue with “Anatolia” by the wife of Mursi, said her comments, that she ‘is leading the Mujahideen in Egypt for planning a coup against the coup’ is an explicit recognition of her own efforts and that she is a mastermind… who must face prosecution on charges of ‘planning to overthrow the regime’.

In exclusive statements to 24E, Islambouli stated that Mahmoud must be tried on charges of ‘spying’, as evidenced by her confession that she has close ties to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who used the (Muslim) brothers and sisters to deal with the Middle East, according to remarks made by Mursi’s wife.

Mahmoud: Case against her officially escalated.

Mahmoud: Case against her officially escalated.

Even Al Jazeera Arabic has acknowledged both the complaint and its escalation, though it refrains from reporting on any connection to the Clintons.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

SHOCKING: Evidence of Bill and Hillary’s ‘Relationships’ with the Muslim Brotherhood [and Sisterhood]

The recent claims attributed to the wife of ousted Egyptian president Mohammed Mursi are shocking – very shocking. If they are true, they would be extremely damaging to the Obama administration generally but perhaps even more so, to Bill and Hillary Clinton. Naglaa Mahmoud is reported to have divulged some extremely specific details. While we wait to see the story develop, we thought we’d research secondary evidence in an attempt to discredit or bolster Mahmoud’s charges.

Hillary and Mursi: Close friends since the 1980's?

Hillary and Mursi: Close friends since the 1980′s?

While mostly circumstantial, these claims, when examined in the context of multiple other facts, appear to add more credibility to the claims allegedly made by Mahmoud. It is for this reason that we have introduced the report below as Addendum P of our “Ironclad” Report.

Employing the Brotherhood
The employment of a prominent Muslim Brotherhood figure in Egypt, by the Clinton Foundation may help add to the veracity of shocking claims recently attributed to Naglaa Mahmoud, wife of ousted Egyptian president, Mohammed Mursi. Among other things Mahmoud reportedly said in an interview was that the Clintons “recruited” her and her husband in the 1980′s while the Egyptian couple resided in the U.S. and that the two families became close friends.

Let’s take a look at some demonstrable facts in light of these supposed claims. First, consider the potential fruits of such a relationship between the Clintons and the Mursi family.

Earlier this year, it was reported that Gehad el-Haddad had been arrested by Egyptian security forces; el-Haddad also worked for the foundation of the 42nd U.S. President.

Gehad El-Haddad: Al-Shater's Chief of Staff and Clintons' employee.

Gehad El-Haddad: Al-Shater’s Chief of Staff and Clintons’ employee.

Gehad el-Haddad was also the Chief of Staff to Khairat al-Shater, a top Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt who was the front-running Brotherhood candidate for President until Mursi took that mantle and ultimately won the presidency in 2012. El-Haddad’s father – Essam el-Haddad – was an aide to Mursi as his top foreign policy adviser according to Politisite.

We have presented overwhelming evidence that Egypt – under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood at the time – was involved in the attack in Benghazi on 9/11/12 that resulted in the deaths of four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Mahmoud’s claims may bolster the case even more.

Ambassador Stevens:  Security at SMC was "grossly" inadequate.

Ambassador Stevens: Security at SMC was “grossly” inadequate.

Let’s bring forth two indisputable facts:

  1. Mohammed Mursi was passionate about wanting the release of Omar Abdel-Rahman (the Blind Sheikh). We presented this in EXHIBITS L and M of our “Ironclad” Report.
  2. The Special Mission Compound (SMC) was woefully and inexplicably insecure, just begging to be attacked. Even the Accountability Review Board (ARB) commissioned by Clinton found State Department leadership failures to be “systemic” and that security was “grossly” inadequate. This SMC came under the ultimate authority and responsibility of Hillary Clinton.

These two facts taken together instantly become more relevant in light of claims attributed to Mursi’s wife. If the Clintons and the Mursis are truly close, with Abedin having served as a Brotherhood operative inside the State Department, claims made by retired four-star Admiral James Lyons, that the attack was likely about a kidnapping operation gone wrong (to exchange Stevens for the Blind Sheikh) may take on added significance as well (EXHIBITS O and AD).

Mursi's Wife: Provided Sisterhood resources to Hillary?

Mursi’s Wife: Provided Sisterhood resources to Hillary?

Another claim attributed to Mahmoud is that Hillary “seeks the assistance – both official and unofficial – of several members of the Muslim Sisterhood” to “help with problems in the Middle East” and that Mahmoud has “many wives of Brotherhood leaders” at her disposal to do just that. If Mursi wanted the Blind Sheikh released, it can be concluded that Mahmoud does as well; ditto Saleha Abedin and her daughter. The same can most assuredly be said for the el-Haddads and Mahmoud’s co-Sisterhood leaders.

The “grossly” inadequate security at the SMC would be like low-hanging fruit for Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to capture Stevens and demand the Blind Sheikh’s release in exchange for Stevens’ release.

When asked in a Congressional hearing about the possibility of the attack being about a kidnapping operation gone wrong, the reason given by ARB Chairman Thomas Pickering for why he dismissed the idea, didn’t comport with the facts. Pickering said he didn’t believe the attackers knew where Stevens was inside the SMC but multiple sources confirm that Stevens was specifically targeted by the attackers (see EXHIBIT AE).

Of course, when talking about the Benghazi attack, the attempt made by both Hillary and Mursi to point to the video as the cause, takes on added significance in light of Mahmoud’s purported claims. Hillary blamed the video as early as the night of the attacks (EXHIBIT F). Later, on 9/25/12, while speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), Mursi blamed the video for the attacks as well (EXHIBIT H).

Mursi: Blamed video for Benghazi while speaking at Clinton Global Initiative.

Mursi: Blamed video for Benghazi while speaking at Clinton Global Initiative.

This would mean that Hillary and Mursi were on the exact same page when it came to their expressed views for the attack on the SMC in Benghazi. Additional irony is provided by where Mursi was when he did so – CGI.

Again, the claims attributed to Mahmoud are bolstered by these facts.

Relationship with Clintons
How about the claim by Mahmoud that the Clintons ‘recruited’ her and her husband in the 1980′s? Here’s what is known. Mursi was in the U.S. from 1978 – 1985. He attended USC from ’78 – ’82 and then taught for three years at Cal State-Northridge in Los Angeles before returning to Egypt. The degree he earned from USC was in Materials Science, which appears to be a discipline of interest to Bill Clinton. In a 2008 interview Clinton gave to the AP, he said the following:

I also think colleges need to have more funding in basic funding and research and less politics, from stem cell research and human genome research to global warming research and research in materials science.

None other than Bill Clinton’s Foundation announced in November of 2007 that it would be partnering with Universities to deal with global warming from the perspective of Mursi’s area of expertise. Cal State-Northridge picked up the story at the time as well.

Via Elia Powers at Inside Higher Ed:

Its list of signatories continues to grow, and the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment received a major boost Wednesday with the announcement of a partnership with the William J. Clinton Foundation to address global warming through building retrofits…

…To decrease energy consumption and work toward carbon neutrality, the commitment asks colleges to take several steps, which can include adopting green building standards and embracing energy-efficient appliances. That’s where the Clinton partnership comes in. The foundation is connecting colleges with companies that are offering to help them fund and complete building retrofits intended to decrease energy consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

If Mahmoud’s claims of a relationship with the Clintons is correct, would it not have made sense for Bill to reach out to and consult with Mursi about this particular “Green Initiative”? To be sure, materials science would not be the sole aspect with regard to building retrofits but it would certainly be an aspect.

Mursi and Bill at CGI on 9/25/12: How well do these men know each other?

Mursi and Bill at CGI on 9/25/12: How well do these men know each other?

The Ph.D. Mursi earned from USC was in precisely this or a related discipline, according to theDaily Trojan. At Times Higher Education, just prior to Mursi taking office last year, David Matthews wrote:

When he submitted his PhD thesis on the “high-temperature electrical conductivity and defect structure of donor-doped [alpha]-Al2O3″ at the University of Southern California in 1982, it is doubtful that Mohamed Morsi thought he would one day become president of Egypt.

Aside from any expertise Mursi may have been able to provide to the Clinton Foundation with regard to his expertise in materials science, did a longtime relationship with the Clintons benefit Mursi’s campaign in any way? If the families were indeed close, there likely could have been some interest in seeing him win.

Consider this excerpt from an NBC News report shortly after he was elected:

Morsi has been described as the accidental candidate; in April, he replaced Khairat El-Shater, the Muslim Brotherhood’s more charismatic and effusive choice who was deemed ineligible to run.

Khairat Al-Shater was disqualified because he had been in prison too recently, convicted of crimes that included money laundering. Mursi was arrested and jailed in January of 2011, during the Arab Spring but was freed during a prison break.

After Al-Shater left the race, many believed that Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh would become the frontrunner but Mursi saw opportunity, claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood would not back Fotouh, who formally left the Brotherhood (wink, wink) in order to run for President, ostensibly because the Brotherhood announced that it would not put forth a presidential candidate. As chairman of the Freedom and Justice Party – the Brotherhood’s political arm – Mursi essentiallytorpedoed Fotouh’s chances by announcing that the Brotherhood would not endorse anyone for president who left the organization.

Uh, but the Brotherhood pledged not to put forth a candidate. No matter, Mursi ran anyway – and won on June 24, 2012.

Activities of Huma Abedin
It is noteworthy to keep in mind that questions about what Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin was doing during these months later became a source of controversy. In December of 2011, Abedin went on maternity leave. She returned in June of that year while simultaneously taking a job a Special Government Employee (SGE). In addition to her role their being quite ambiguous, questions about the legality of the arrangement caught the eye of Senator Charles Grassley, who sent Secretary of State John Kerry a letter demanding answers.

The letter sent in response by State Department legal counsel also included correspondence from Abedin herself. These letters raised more questions than they answered. Another interesting timeline aspect involved a letter sent by Rep. Michele Bachmann to the Inspector General at the State Department in June of 2012. In it, Bachmann expressed concerns over Abedin’s familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. It was during this same month that Abedin took her job as an SGE.

(L): Hillary with Huma's mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia. (R): Hillary with Huma.

(L): Hillary with Huma’s mother Saleha in Saudi Arabia. (R): Hillary with Huma.

Let’s go back to transcript of the news report about Naglaa Mahmoud that appeared on Mehwar TV. While Mursi’s wife allegedly spilled a lot of beans, she went out of her way to say she would “not speak about Huma Abedin”. Remember, Mahmoud and Abedin’s mother – whom Abedin remains close to – have been very close colleagues as leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood.

In summation, the evidence already in existence, whether primary, secondary, or circumstantial only raises more questions when viewed in the context of the claims attributed to Naglaa Mahmoud.

Also see our previous post that covers Walid Shoebat’s interview.

[H/T Walid Shoebat]

BOMBSHELL: Hillary Clinton Tied to Terrorism

Another complaint has reportedly been filed with Egypt’s Attorney General, Hisham Barakat. According to multiple Arabic sources (Al Wafd and Vetogate among them), this one is said to allege that the wife of ousted President Mohammed Mursi not only admitted in an interview with Turkey’s Anatolia news agency that she sought to excite domestic insurrections to overthrow Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi but that she collaborated with Hillary Clinton.

Morsi's wife

Mehwar TV Channel has posted a video of a news report, via Almesryoon, given by Nasr Qaffas, who relays the details of Mahmoud’s interview with Anatolia. Key excerpts of the report translated by Walid Shoebat, beneath the video below:


Qaffas: According to Anatolia Press, Mahmoud said, “I have between my fingers, a treasure trove of secrets from the White House and Mrs. Clinton fears my wrath.” She said, “I will not speak about Huma Abedin”. When asked if she had a close relationship with Hillary Clinton, Mahmoud said, “When my husband returns from his kidnapping, the one who led the coup will pay a hefty price.” Of Mrs. Clinton, she said, “We have a long friendship of many years. We lived in the U.S. and my children learned there. This friendship increased further when my husband became the legitimate president of the country.”

Mahmoud went on to say that they were recruited by the Clintons from the U.S. and began their friendship in the 1980′s. This appears to be a conspiracy that is being hidden.

When asked if they still have friendships with each other, Mahmoud said communications never ceased and that the conversations are all recorded. The wife of Mursi divulged that Mrs. Clinton seeks the assistance – both official and unofficial – of several members of the Muslim Sisterhood organization to help with problems in the Middle East. “We also have routine business dealings with the Clintons.”

Mahmoud further stated that “Hillary depends on us tremendously to help her succeed in the coming presidential elections, just as we helped Barack Obama win twice.” She is quite the looney bin to believe she helped Obama win.

When asked about her relationship with Michelle Obama, Mahmoud said it is very good but it never developed to the point of close friendship, like with Hillary.

On the ability of women to take the lead in the revolution, Mahmoud said that could indeed happen with the Sisterhood. “I have many wives of Brotherhood leaders with me. Many of their husbands were kidnapped and jailed too. I tell them to be patient, for you will have a great reward in the future. I tell them that if their husbands are martyred, we will see to it that they are married off to other men as soon as their menstrual period is over,” she said.

According to Mahmoud, the police will not touch the women, which is why the women are so effective.

On her concerns that the Muslim Brotherhood could be identified as a terrorist organization, the wife of the former President said she was not and declared that she and her colleagues are in the process of organizing a “coup against the coup”.

“We are under the condition of war and Jihad,” she said, “and we have a good command of the necessities of war, the ancient and the modern. I will keep the tactics of war secret because in Islam, war is trickery.”

She said her conscience will not be eased until all of the traitors are hanged in the gallows.

As mentioned previously, this alleged interview with Anatolia has prompted a complaint to be filed with Egypt’s Attorney General, Hisham Barakat. This is the same AG with whom case 1761 was filed by Sadek Ebeid against Malik Obama.

Via Al-Wafd (translated):

Egypt’s Attorney General Hisham Barakat is inspecting the complaint submitted by attorney Assem Qandil against Naglaa Mahmoud, the wife of ousted President Mohammed Mursi. The complaint accuses Mahmoud of being behind the waves of violence that have befallen the nation. The complaint goes on to say that she is planning a coup to remove the current government.

The complaint requests that Mahmoud be arrested and interrogated.

Qandil told Almesryoon under the subject, ‘The wife of Mursi has between her fingers, a treasure trove of secrets of the White House’, which was stated on Mehwar TV. The complainant went on to say that the subject of the complaint stated to the news agency that she is the first person involved in terrorist conspiracies inside Egyptian universities, especially al-Azhar University.

Qandil also added in his complaint that Mursi’s wife is the main political operative and that with her are ladies from the Muslim Sisterhood who have been instructed to carry out these terrorist actions. The aim of these acts is to bleed the nation’s security by having women demonstrate in and around the universities. She stated that neither the military nor the police will bother the women. She confessed that her relationship with her husband, other Muslim Brotherhood leaders, and the U.S. administration was one of business. By doing so, Mahmoud is confessing that she is involved – her and her husband – with the CIA.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others reportedly carried on these relationships.

The complainant demanded Mahmoud’s arrest and an investigation into both Mahmoud and other Muslim Brotherhood wives. Qandil demanded Isma Zaid, the editor of Almesryoon, and Nasr Qaffas be questioned as well, to present what they have by way of evidence.

A key revelation in these reports is Mahmoud’s claim that the Clintons befriended her family in the 1980′s while living in the U.S. As one of 63 leaders in the Muslim Sisterhood, Mahmoud is a colleague of Saleha Abedin, another one of those 63 leaders. Saleha is the mother of Huma Abedin, who is a close adviser to Hillary Clinton and wife of former Democratic Congressman, Anthony Weiner.

Huma first landed a job with Hillary in 1996 after attending George Washington University and having served on the Board of her University’s Muslim Students Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood group. Were the seeds sown for the relationship between Hillary and Huma years prior via Mursi and Mahmoud?

Hillary Saleha Huma

As for Mahmoud, leading protests in a post-Mursi Egypt is not new. Just days after Senators John McCain (RINO-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) failed in their attempt to have Muslim Brotherhood leaders freed during their trip to Egypt this past August, Mahmoud led protests. If the complaint filed by Qandil is valid, it can be surmised that the purpose of said protests likely mirrored the ones being promoted today.

The claims that Mursi and Mahmoud worked with the Clintons, the Obama administration, and the CIA seem to further bolster a report that came out last month that was posted by Egyoffline. The report, translated by Eman Nabih, alleged that documents had been obtained that showed the Obama administration’s complicity in exciting domestic insurrections in Egypt in order to overthrow the current government in Egypt, a goal shared by Mahmoud.

As for Anatolia News Agency reports, these are not new either. At about the same time that Mahmoud was leading protests in Egypt this past August, multiple Arabic sources reported that Saad Al-Shater, the son of jailed Muslim Brotherhood deputy Khairat Al-Shater, told Anatolia that his father had the goods on Barack Obama and his administration’s collaboration with Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

Malik Al-Dahab










This past September, Malik Obama, half-brother of Barack Obama, granted an interview to Anatolia Press in order to attack our claims that he is involved with the government of Sudan as the Executive Secretary of the Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), which is an arm of Sudan’s Omar Al-Bashir. As is usually the case, those who cannot refute our charges attack our character, which is what Malik did.

It should be noted that until we are able to locate the primary Anatolia News Agency source of Mahmoud’s claims, we cannot independently confirm the veracity of her claims. We are simply relaying the claims of reliable Arabic sources.

**UPDATE at 11:09am EST on December 13, 2013**
Arabic source El-Fagr is reporting that the complaint number filed with AG Barakat by Qandil is 18337.

Stay updated on this bombshell story at Walid Shoebat

John Kerry to Visit Egypt The Day Before Mursi’s Trial, Tensions Running High

[H/T Reuters]: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will visit Egypt a day before deposed Islamist President Mohamed Mursi goes on trial, the next likely flashpoint in the struggle between his Muslim Brotherhood and the army-backed interim government.

Several hundred Islamists protested in a few cities on Friday, responding to a call from a pro-Mursi alliance for daily protests until the ousted president stands trial on Monday.

John KerryIn Alexandria, seven people were wounded after residents clashed with Mursi supporters before security forces intervened, a security official said. Forty-five Mursi supporters were arrested.

Fighting also erupted in the Gisr al-Suez district of Cairo.

Ties between Washington and strategic ally Cairo have deteriorated since the overthrow of Mursi, Egypt’s first democratically elected president.

The state news agency said Kerry’s visit to Egypt, the first since Mursi’s fall, would only last several hours.

A mass uprising which toppled authoritarian ruler Hosni Mubarak, a longtime U.S. ally, in February 2011 had raised hopes that military men would no longer dominate Egypt.

But the man who removed Mursi, army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, has become a wildly popular figure and many Egyptians have turned against the Brotherhood and anyone perceived as its supporter, including the United States.

State-run newspapers often carry conspiracy theories which suggest Washington backed the Brotherhood to ensure U.S. domination of Egypt and the rest of the Middle East. One even reported that President Barack Obama is a Brotherhood member.

Those dynamics could make it difficult for Washington to lobby successfully for democracy in Egypt.

In a sign of the tension, the United States said on October 9 it would withhold deliveries of tanks, fighter aircraft, helicopters and missiles, as well as $260 million in cash aid to Egypt, pending progress on democracy and human rights.

Mursi’s removal has posed a dilemma for Obama in dealing with a longstanding strategic ally.

He wants to maintain ties with the most populous Arab country, which has a peace treaty with Israel and controls the Suez Canal waterway linking Europe and Asia.

But he does not want to be seen as acquiescing in the ouster of an elected leader, even an Islamist Washington came to view as ineffective during his turbulent year in office.


Washington has repeatedly urged the army-backed interim authorities to govern in a more inclusive manner – code for accommodating the Brotherhood and restoring democratic rule.

It has instead taken harsher measures against Egypt’s oldest Islamist movement. Hundreds of Islamists have been killed and the Brotherhood’s leaders are behind bars, leading to fears that some members of the group will take up arms against the state.

The Brotherhood and its allies have urged crowds to gather on Monday outside a police institute near Cairo’s notorious Tora prison, where Mursi’s trial is expected to take place.

The charges relate to the deaths of about a dozen people in clashes outside the presidential palace in December after Mursi enraged his opponents with a decree expanding his powers.

Mursi has been held in a secret location since July. In that time Islamist militants have staged almost daily attacks against security forces in the Sinai Peninsula and some fear an Islamist insurgency could spread to other parts of Egypt.

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