Tag Archives: Military Purge

Retired Major General: Military Purges Are a Real Concern And Valerie Jarrett Is Pulling the Strings

In an exclusive interview with Examiner.com Tuesday, retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely said the “purges” going on in the military are a real concern and, he added, White House adviser Valerie Jarrett is pulling the strings.

Vallely, an officer who served 32 years in the U.S. Army with distinction, now heads up something called “The Americans” Project, a grassroots organization that includes analysts with a wide array of expertise, from intelligence to the Middle East.

Earlier this year, Dr. Jim Garrow, a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, told Examiner that President Obama wants military leaders who will fire on U.S. citizens. He reiterated that position in October when reports of military purges began to surface nationwide.

The goal, Dr. Garrow said, was to create an officer corps willing to pledge allegiance to Obama rather than to the Constitution.

Gen. Paul VallelyGen. Vallely said that while nothing is documented, he believes Dr. Garrow is “on the right track.” According to reports, 197 officers from the rank of Major on up have been purged from the military in just five years. In 2013 alone, nine flag officers were let go for various reasons.

Worse yet, he said the purges are more far-reaching than that.

Not only is the military purging officers and enlisted personnel, but also training materials, removing references to radical Islam, he added.

The military, he said, is purging Christianity while promoting an understanding of Islam. As we have reported, Christians in uniform have come under fire for their beliefs and the Army has been caught using SPLC-related information lumping Evangelical Christians with groups like the KKK.

Meanwhile, Gen. Vallely said, the White House has had many visitors from the Muslim Brotherhood.

In June, for example, Fox News reported:

A senior Obama administration official confirmed to Fox News that members of the National Security Council staff met with a controversial Muslim scholar, but stressed that they were focused on his recent efforts to counter the Al Qaeda narrative.

That individual, according to Fox, was Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah, who — according to the report — is a “vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, a group founded by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi — a Muslim Brotherhood leader who has called for the death of Jews and Americans and himself is banned from visiting the U.S.”

In October 2012, WND cited a report by the Investigative Project on Terrorism that said “scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials.”

Vallely said the White House is essentially “catering to the Muslim Brotherhood.”

“We’ve turned everyone against us” as a result of the purges, he said.

Gen. Vallely recalled an encounter with another officer who relayed to him that the situation is so bad, they can’t even discuss policies like gay marriage for fear someone might hear them and report them.

The goal, he believes, is a compliant, politically-correct officer corps.

And, he added, it’s all been tracked back to Valerie Jarrett, who has no real authority but “pulls all the strings.”

While some officers may go along with this, Gen. Vallely said “a lot of others” won’t, and he had a simple question for today’s military leaders: “Why aren’t you standing up for the Constitution and the people first?”

[H/T Examiner]