Tag Archives: military

While Russia invades Ukraine, our gay military dances in drag in Okinawa (video)

(Allen West) – Russian troops are invading Ukraine and we have no response. I suppose the Pentagon has more important things to worry about – like hair and makeup for our gay military.

According to Stars and Stripes, openly homosexual service members at Okinawa’s Kadena Air Base took to the stage and performed as “drag queens” and “drag kings” Saturday on a military installation in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender troops.

As World Net Daily put it, “Almost seven decades after being the scene of one of the most ferocious and protracted battles of World War II – a site of legendary valor and sacrifice on the part of American soldiers – some U.S. service personnel stationed in Okinawa today are treating the world to another kind of display: Gay and lesbian service personnel performing in drag, to raise funds for their activities, to a sellout audience.

Many thanks to Stars and Stripes for sharing this jaw-dropping video.

In September 2011, on the implementation of the repeal of the Clinton-era Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, President Obama said: “I was proud to sign the Repeal Act into law last December because I knew that it would enhance our national security, increase our military readiness, and bring us closer to the principles of equality and fairness that define us as Americans.” However, the latest reports show that the rate of sexual assaults, and especially male-on-male sexual assaults, in the U.S. military has skyrocketed.

It’s obvious what defines “vital national security interest” in the Obama administration. A week ago Obama announced the decimation of our military – maybe that’s why these troops got their groove on.

I am kinda at a loss for words, but quite sure there are those of you who can fill in the blanks.

[H/T Allen B. West]

BREAKING: Obama Administration to Call For Deep Cuts to Military Pay, Benefits…

CBS NEWS) — Teeing up what could be a politically explosive fight before the midterm elections in November, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Monday will recommend billions of dollars in annual budget cuts that would reduce housing allowances and other benefits, increase health-care premiums, and limit pay raises, CBS News confirms.

The recommendations, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, are part of a broader effort to trim the Pentagon’s budget while minimizing the impact on preparedness and capability. But they’re likely to provoke fierce opposition from veterans’ interest groups and lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

The Pentagon argues that personnel costs are simply too big a share of the defense budget to ignore. “Personnel costs reflect some 50 percent of the Pentagon budget and cannot be exempted in the context of the significant cuts the department is facing,” Adm. John Kirby, the Defense Department’s top spokesman, told the Journal. “Secretary Hagel has been clear that, while we do not want to, we ultimately must slow the growth of military pay and compensation.”

The recommendations would limit pay raises across the board to 1 percent, and they would freeze pay entirely for generals and admirals for one year.

In addition to reduced housing allowances, the recommendations would slash the subsidies for commissaries that provide groceries to veterans, service members, and their families at reduced cost.

The commissary cuts could be a particularly heavy lift, a senior defense official told the Journal. “These are near and dear to the retired population’s heart,” he said. “The commissaries will be a battle.”

But even less controversial cuts are likely to be a battle as lawmakers look ahead to the 2014 midterms. This month, a strong bipartisan majority of in both houses of Congress repealed a measure, just passed in December’s budget agreement, that would slow the annual growth of military pensions.

Obama and Hagel

[H/T Red Flag News]

Video: Sources Confirm Obama Purging Military Commanders

Author Sara Carter joins Andrew Wilkow to discuss Obama’s alarming purge of top military commanders.

U.S. General: Obama’s Military Purge ‘Criminal And Treasonous’ 

Obama Terminates Another 34 Nuclear Missile Air Force Officers

Lt. General McInerney: Muslim Brotherhood Inside White House

[H/T YouTube]

Obama’s Plan for U.S. Troops to Fight Alongside Al-Qaeda

(Western Journalism) — A report released on January 14, 2014 by a team of MIT scientists declares that Obama’s “incontrovertible evidence” that Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad was behind the August 21, 2013 chemical weapons attack was a complete fabrication

That the rocket must have come from areas controlled by Obama’s “freedom fighters,” meaning al-Qaeda.

And Obama knew this according to high-level sources in the Pentagon.

But it gets worse.

Obama’s planned two to three day “surgical strike” on Syria—before the American people put a stop to his proposed illegal war—was also a lie.

Obama, according to these same sources in the Pentagon, had been planning a full scale invasion of Syria, lasting months if not years, that would have involved a staggering 70,000 U.S. troops!

Yes, Obama was planning for U.S. troops to fight alongside al-Qaeda!

That’s called aiding and abetting the enemy.


And treason calls for impeachment, arrest, and imprisonment.

[H/T Western Journalism]

Allen West: Government Punishes Military Retirees With Another Cut, Tricare Center Closures

(Allen West) — Once upon a time those who gave a life of service, sacrifice, and commitment to our military were promised quality medical and dental care, free, for life, and for their spouse. I remember when that promise was broken, because according to government “bean counters,” it was no longer affordable.

So a new program was established called Tricare where retirees would pay a small price for their healthcare. Then came ruminations that military retirees were costing the government too much for their healthcare. You must understand we are talking about less than one percent of the American population. Let me say that again, less than one percent of the population even qualify for these benefits.

Now we hear Capitol Hill lawmakers say they can save money by taking away the annual one percent cost of living adjustment (COLA) for retirees until they reach 62.

Doggone, it must be hell to have served over 20 years in deplorable situations and conditions for pay that was less than civilian counterparts — risking your life along the way, now to find out you’re just too expensive for the US government.

It’s death by a thousand cuts — and here’s the next one.

According to Amy Bushatz at Military.com,

All stateside Tricare in-person service centers will be closing April 1, Tricare officials recently confirmed. The closure of the 189 facilities is expected to save the Defense Department about $50 million a year, officials said. The Tricare Service Centers, which handle about 137,000 visitors a month, are staffed by contractors and handle issues ranging from processing provider changes to billing problems.

Supposedly the closures won’t affect Tricare benefits or health care service but will allow the department to save $250 million over the next five years. Bear in mind $250 million represents about .007 percent of the current budget – so you can see how tiny that savings is over five years.

The savings will allow Tricare to invest in “more important services.” Such as? Maybe Obamacare-related?

Clearly the goal isn’t personal service to our men and women serving, especially their families. Instead, what the heck, they can just call the toll-free number. Or can they?

I honestly do not know what we would have done this past year without in-person Tricare help,” wrote Danielle Kaczor, on Military.com’s SpouseBuzz blog. “My daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and gets all treatment and medications at a children’s hospital, and billing for all this was quite screwy in the beginning.” And Jim Lamberson wrote, “I’ve been on the phone and used the website and both are useless,” Jim Lamberson wrote on SpouseBuzz.com. “When I go to the Tricare Service center, they are always helpful. There is a level of care and concern when talking face to face vice over the phone or website. I vote to keep these centers. They are valuable to the aging retiree.

Unfortunately Jim, aging retirees, young retirees, veterans, the military — none of it is important to the Obama administration. Look, he won reelection so there’s no need for him to go make empty speeches to the VFW or American Legion anymore.

I find it unconscionable and despicable that we are witnessing the disrespect and disregard of the sacrifices done by so few, for so many. I am quite sure that if Danielle Kaczor and Jim Lamberson, or any of us for that matter, spent a week with the federal budget we could find savings to maintain these Tricare service centers, and military retiree annual Cost of Living Allowances. I believe a call to every member of the House and Senate is warranted, especially if you have a representative who serves on the veterans affairs committee.

A Military Coup Against Obama Is Inevitable

Sunday, we posted an article that had General Harry Reid exposing a plan called Operation American Spring.  In this ‘coup,’ he specified names of government officials that must be expelled from office.

(Before It Is News) — Ex-CIA deep cover agent, Dr. Jim Garrow has stated that a military coup against Obama is inevitable. Despite Garrow’s pronouncement, the facts speak for themselves. Even if the military was not loyal to the American people and could care less about the preservation of the Constitution, the military must fight back if for no other reason than simple self-preservation.

As a nation, we can afford bouts of economic downturns, civil strife and even some degree of political mistrust of our leaders. A nation can take definitive steps to recover these maladies. However, the one thing that America cannot tolerate is the compromising of our military, and since Obama has been president, the effectiveness of our military has been greatly compromised as witnessed by the firing of 200+ command level officers.

A Crisis of Military Leadership

The number of generals either drummed out of the service or forced into early retirement since Obama took office is growing by the month. Untruthful pretexts have been manufactured by the Obama administration to usher out many of our top military commanders. Many of these generals were among our most effective and experienced military leaders. Almost all of these generals are being replaced by men with less military experience and this fact alone leads to a less effective military.

This unprecedented parade of musical chairs, being played out against our military leaders, began when Obama demanded the resignation of General McKiernan. This marked the first time, since the time of the Korean War when General Douglas MacArthur was fired by President Truman in a disagreement over strategy, that a battlefield general was fired by a president. The strategy backfired in Korea and it backfired in Afghanistan as McKiernan was deemed to be to old school to suit Obama. He was old school to Obama because he wanted to kill the enemy while minimizing American losses. Obama wanted to adopt a policy which allowed the enemy to open fire first which, before Americans could return fire. This has surely caused the casualty rate to rise.

After he was fired, McKiernan challenged Obama’s impotent leadership by stating that “I don’t understand ever putting your men and women in harm’s way, without their having the full ability to protect themselves. That also means operating on actionable intelligence to defeat insurgents, and protect your forces.That’s how you keep your soldiers alive.” Obama apparently does not care how many soldiers get to come back home to their families.

Following McKiernan, Obama appointed Stanley McChrystal. But very soon, the new general grew weary of forcing his troops to accept fire before shooting back for fear of offending the Afghans. McChrystal later claimed that he had presented a plan to Obama for defeating the Afghan resistance, but Obama continued to promote rules of engagement which served to make the Americans a less effective fighting force. The relationship between McChrystal and Obama became strained and McChrystal was fired over a negative Rolling Stone article, written by Michael Hastings, that revealed that McChrystal had become disgusted with Obama. Petraeus replaced McChrystal who was in-turn quickly replaced by General Allen who then became entrapped in the same scandal, and the confirmation of General Dunford had to be rushed through and subsequently completed in record time. Count them, Obama has gone through four generals and is now on his fifth battlefield commander. His firing of two-four star generals is unprecedented in American History. This is what Stalin did when he assumed the dictatorship of Russia and it almost cost the Russians victory in WWII. The war in Afghanistan is lost thanks to Obama.

General Mattis, the Commander of Central Command offended several administration personnel and was fired on the spot. Admiral Gayoutte, the former commander of Carrier Task Force Three, operating in the Gulf, was fired last fall. General Hamm, the former commander of AFRICOM was fired last fall as well. Gayoutte and Hamm both tried to launch a coordinated rescue mission designed to save the life of Ambassador Stevens in Libya. Both leaders were refusing to follow a Presidential order, delivered through Leon Panetta, to stand down with regard to the Stevens affair. Both men were arrested prior to dispatching the rescue troops.

To this point, we may just have a case of gross incompetence. Yet, aren’t we supposed to fighting al-Qaeda? According to our government, did al-Qaeda plan and carry out the attacks of 9/11? Then why are we supporting al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria? Treason of stupidity?

When the leadership of the military is greatly compromised, it cannot help but to weaken the fighting effectiveness of our troops. There is more, but suffice it to say that Obama goes through senior military leaders more times than he changes his underwear.

The Air Force Crisis

Air Force combat pilots are leaving the Air Force at an alarming rate and, as such, this has constituted an emergency. The USAF is now offering bonuses that amount to several hundred thousand dollars in a desperate attempt to retain their services. The pilots cite the low pay (Obama just slashed Congressionally approved pay raises by over half), being overworked and the ability to find more lucrative employment in the private sector.

Obama Repeatedly Demonstrates Disdain for the Military

Obama refuses to salute the American flag.

Following the inauguration, the President , according to Major General Patrick Brady (Ret), is supposed to attend an inaugural balls honoring veterans, including  a special ceremony for Medal of Honor winners. Obama did not attend, thus, making him the only President to snub such an important military event.

obama-not-salutingAnd he refuses again!

Under Obama, women are now being groomed for combat. This will significantly weaken our military as a fighting force. Women do not possess the upper body strength, quickness, or stamina to survive in combat. Rape is at all-time high in the military and nothing is being done about it. The military is not a corporation. The military does not score points for fielding the most fair army, it is kill or be killed. Women’s rights apply in every other sector of American life, except the military.

obama-bows-to-saudi-prince-300x200Obama may refuse to salute the American Flag, but he will bow to a Saudi King.

Obama Is Attempting to Deindustrialize the US

When Obama was first elected, he attempted to get congress to support his cap and trade legislation which would have reduced individual energy use by an estimated 80%. This would have been national suicide. I almost forgot to mention that Obama and his Senior White House adviser, Valerie Jarrett, helped to found and then fund the Chicago Climate Exchange which was to oversee a 10 trillion dollar per year management of cap and trade activities and policies. Now, Obama is seeking to bypass Congress and have the EPA impose carbon emission regulations. This is unconstitutional and it will effectively nationalize the American energy industry and place it under the control of Obama. The net effect, is that America is being deindustrialized through these cap and trade policies.

America is being crushed by high energy rates, but Obama uses every regulatory power to stop drilling for oil and natural gas, denies permits for construction of nuclear power plants, and discourages the use of coal, oil shale and tar sands, where our reserves dwarf those of Saudi Arabia, and he killed the Keystone Pipeline. This cannot be explained away solely based on environmental concerns, because Obama applauds and promises to financially support Brazilian deep-water oil drilling.

The Ponzi Scheme Called Obamacare

Today, businesses are afraid to hire new employees because the government has captured the health care system on behalf of Big Pharma and the managed health care industry and nobody knows what is going to happen. Obamacare has unleashed massive new taxes and regulations, all of which are economy killers. Along with the death panel policies which are beginning to come to light, every American should look under their collective beds before going to bed.

The Most Unconstitutional President in History

By signing the NDAA into law, he made the US government one of the most lawless nations on the face of the earth. Under the NDAA, an American citizen can be snatched off of the street, without due process (violation of the 5th Amendment).  Attorney General Eric Holder has asserted the right for Obama to murder US citizens under the NDAA.

Under Executive Order 13603, Obama can seize every resource, including all food and water supplies, both public and private, in the country and he can also conscript its citizens for any purpose.

The Most Divisive President In American History

Can there be any question that Obama is intentionally dividing Americans on the basis of race, economic class, gender, sexual orientation and, sometimes, religion. The fact that he ordered the Department of Justice to open an investigation into the Trayvon Martin case only inflamed the highly volatile case. This was, and is, a local law enforcement issue.

Obama’s policies are forcing Christians from the military in record numbers. Obama is forcing the military to accept open homosexuality in the military, while punishing soldiers for having open heterosexual relationships. As one general told me, the politically correct police are patrolling the halls of the Pentagon. Many veterans have told me that Obama’s new military provides benefits to people of Islamic faith not afforded to Christians. Along these lines, Obama cancelled the National Day of Prayer, while instituting the Muslim Day of Prayer. This is hardly equitable.

Prior to running for president, it has been widely reported that Barack and Michelle routinely attended religious services where the volatile and crude, as well as Un-American rhetoric was commonly preached from the pulpit of Jeremiah Wright.

The Destroyer of the Economy

obama resistance is futileObama still blames Bush for the economy, but he claims the country is in the midst of an economic recovery. The recovery is working so well, that the number welfare recipients outnumbers the number of fulltime workers (101 million to 97 million). New job creation is at a standstill, energy prices are unrelenting and college loans administered by this President are astronomical. Obama has increased the national debt faster than the last five presidents combined. Does any of this sound like recovery to you?

There Is No End in Sight for Obama’s Destructive Policies

What did Michelle Obama mean when she said she’d never been proud of America in her adult life before her husband’s election to the highest office in the land? Why is Obama so insistent about the United States deferring to international bodies in the conduct of its foreign affairs? Why is he so determined that our nuclear and conventional forces and our military space program as well as our missile defenses be scaled down? He is taking a page right out of Benedict Arnold’s book of treason when he tried to give away the vital fort of West Point to the British.


left-hand-over-heart1Really?One does not have to be a conspiracy theorist to recognize the damage Obama is doing to the country and I haven’t even touched on his administrations lawlessness and his intent on signing the UN Small Arms Treaty Ban.

Is he a traitor or just plain stupid? I would say he’s both. However, treason trumps stupidity and this President needs to be impeached and tried for treason. And since Congress is bought and paid for, it is up to the military.

[H/T Before It Is News]

Soldier Discouraged From Mentioning Christmas

(via Western Journalism) — Even as many spend the holiday season away from family and friends, the military personnel who fight for American liberties continue to see their own stripped away. The latest illustration of this trend came with a soldier’s complaint that he was instructed not to use the potentially offensive word “Christmas.”


Reports indicate an Army officer at Mississippi’s Camp Shelby gave the order earlier this month, leading at least one soldier to speak out. The Liberty Institute has offered its voice to the issue, with attorney Michael Berry expressing his disappointment with the officer’s order.

“Are they going to have the ‘Merry Christmas’ police going around issuing citations to a soldier who slips and says the word?” he wondered.

Berry contended the Army is “treating Christmas like it’s pornography” before reconsidering. “As a matter of fact, the Army actually treats pornography better than it does Christmas.”

While an Army public affairs official explained personnel are only encouraged to use the bland “holiday” designation, the soldier who initiated this debate asserts it was a direct order.

“Our equal opportunity representative stopped by the briefing room and told us that we can’t say Christmas,” the individual told Fox News columnist Todd Starnes. “Almost the entire room blew up. Everybody was frustrated.”

“Between the Air Force and the Army,” the soldier continued, “it’s like they don’t like Christian values, they don’t like the word ‘Christ’ or ‘Christmas.’ They don’t like you talking about it.”

As school children in Texas realize their handmade cards for wounded veterans will not be delivered due to the inclusion of the word “Christmas,” soldiers in Mississippi learn they cannot even utter the holiday’s name.

If any group should be free to embrace their personal faith, it is the military. Unfortunately, these brave men and women are at the forefront of an all-out attack on such displays.

[H/T Western Journalism>>B. Christopher Agee]

Disabled Military Retirees Betrayed By Gutless Republicans

(via Western Journalism) — This week, the Senate voted across party lines to pass a bill that would reduce the cost of living adjustment (COLA) for military retirees, including disabled retirees and survivors. The Washington Free Beacon reported that a provision in the Ryan-Murray budget agreement no longer exempts disabled retirees and survivors. The original agreement stated that “This would not affect service members who retired because of disability or injury.” After the bill passed the House, the new summary removed the exemption granted to disabled retirees and survivors. It would be too easy to accuse just one party of this chicanery; for remember, this was a bipartisan effort endorsed by Mr. Obama.


Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) has been desperately trying to prevent the cut in COLA for military retirees by advocating the halting of entitlements and tax refunds for illegal immigrants. Sen. Sessions pointed out to his colleagues that “It’s not correct, and it should not happen.” For the Democrats, vets and spouses are easy targets, like stealing candy from a baby on Christmas morning. Instead of cutting welfare benefits and tax emptions to illegal immigrants and other entitlement abusers, the GOP establishment and Democrats will gladly take the money from the vets and families. They need the money to pay for the new budget while leaving civilian employees’ and other (intentional) deadbeats’ COLAs intact.

Technical Error?
Sen. Murray said “I want to make absolutely sure today that they know that a provision included in this deal that mistakenly included disabled retirees and survivors for changes in the pension growth will be addressed in short order following passage of this bill.”  Her only mistake was that the bill wasn’t written in cursive, so the low information voter wouldn’t be able to read it. The omission had to be deliberate. It is too big a blunder to be a “technical error.” All amendments proposed to eliminate cuts were blocked by Democrats. Sen. Murray argued that any attempt to amend the deal was an effort by Republicans to kill the entire bill. The lying Murray knew all along.

Spineless Republicans of both houses quickly caved in fear of another shutdown. They would rather screw the vets, like the ones who tore down the barriers during the Obama-orchestrated shutdown. The Democrats were only doing what they do best–retaliating against anyone who stands up to them. And the establishment GOP was too ready to join them. Instead of saying no, Congressman Ryan caved to well-known Osama bin Laden supporter Sen. Patty Murray.

News analysts have been debating that either the Republicans are too shell-shocked from negative press, or they may actually agree with the Democrats on cutting military retirement benefits to fund Obamacare for the deadbeats. I tend to think the later; to quote Sen. John McCain, “We cannot have continued increases in costs and benefits forever because of our inability to fund our national security.” This will be the man who will write the bill eliminating medical benefits for retirees, spouses, and VA patients.

[H/T Western Journalism]

Obama Administration Violates Another Court Order and More Veterans Will Die

The Obama Administration controlled Department of Veteran Affairs has just told disabled veterans to “Embrace the Suck. ” This slang phrase, often used in times of desperation, is recognized by all US military personnel as meaning, “Face it soldier. I have been there. This ain’t easy. Now let’s deal with it.”

Military Veterans

In contempt of a 2013 Circuit Court order (in Harris v. Secretary of Veterans Affairs et al Eric Shinseki), the Obama Veterans Administration recently filed a potentially illegal VA policy guideline change with the federal registry. If approved, the VA will begin stripping veteran’s legal rights, increase veterans disability claims denials and make it more difficult for veterans to challenge unfair VA disability ratings determinations.

In Harris v. Shinseki, a Circuit Court ruled the VA must follow established Veterans Administration policy and cannot unfairly deny or terminate a veteran’s right to due process in disability claims adjudication or appeal by claiming a veteran did not fill out the proper claims form.

Hidden, yet recently discovered in the federal registry is a new Department of Veterans Affairs policy directive dated October 31, 2013 (38 CFR Parts 3, 19 and 20 Standards Claims and Appeals Forms). Although the policies stated objective claims “to improve the quality and timeliness of processing of veteran’s claims”, nothing could be further from the truth.

The Obama Administration—finally fed up with being blamed for its failure to reduce record veteran disability claims backlogs and obscene rates of veteran homelessness and suicides—is arrogantly pursuing the violation of a 2013 court order protecting veterans and once again violating rights to due process.

The VA directive above will cause needless delays in existing disability claims processing, open the door for low balling of disability ratings, increase the volume of denied claims and see many veterans reluctant to endure the stress of a VA claim process abandon their claim altogether.

This new Veterans Administration policy will require all new VA disability claims to be filed on a newly designed form or filed electronically. To the average American, this seems to make sense, but to our disabled veterans—many who do not have access to computers and the internet, and some, without an address—this will mean further complications and delays in applying for and receiving the benefits, they deserve.

Moreover, this new VA policy change will effectively eliminate established grounds for disability claims appeal by eliminating “requests for reconsideration” which includes Congressional inquiries. This would all but purge any Congressional power to challenge an incorrect VA disability determination on behalf of a veteran constituent. Often times, this is the court of last resort for veterans denied VA benefits.

Once again, another Obama cabinet appointee, Eric Shinseki, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, has ordered an extraordinary cabinet level policy change (a potentially illegal policy change) that undermines existing Circuit Court precedent. All to cover the Obama Administrations careless incompetence and loyalties to the American Federation of Government Employees, the union representing inept Veterans Administration staff. All in the dead of night, while Congress is on its current break.

This is how the White House plans to sweep the VA deficiencies and our veterans under the rug.

Where is the Justice Department? Where is Attorney General Eric Holder? If a private insurer had changed their process for claims filing midstream in order to avoid paying out, delaying or discouraging valid claims submissions the federal government would have them in front of a Grand Jury in a heartbeat.

In the dead of night, while Congress was on break, our transparent Obama Administration slid a new VA directive into the federal registry effectively stripping existing veteran’s rights without so much as a hearing; all to artificially reduce the number of outstanding or backlogged veteran’s disability claims under current Congressional scrutiny. This is how the Obama administration cooks their books.

This is how government treats those who provide for their freedom.

[H/T Freedom Outpost]

Ret. Major General Jerry Curry: Congressional Betrayal of America’s Armed Forces

By Major General Jerry Curry, USA (Ret.)

Jerry Curry

America’s armed forces are grappling with the question of how to maintain a strong military in the face of a congressionally mandated and ever shrinking Pentagon budget. Congress needs to learn that appropriating funds for national defense is not a zero sum budgetary diversion.  Congress should base the size of the nation’s military appropriations on national defense needs, not on how much money is left over after all other political and non-defense needs, such as entitlements, are satisfied.

The Administration needs to first develop a supportable worldwide national defense policy; only then does it make sense to develop a budget to support that policy. Just because non-defense spending goes down, does not mean that defense spending should also go down.

If the security of the nation is not preserved, what good is allocating money to non-security programs such as feeding, providing medical care to illegal immigrants, and educating their children. Obviously a first rate national defense is more important to the future of our children and grandchildren than optional social programs.

It is foolish to increase or decrease the numbers of troops, aircraft, aircraft carriers and submarines deployed around the world based solely on the extent of entitlement and other non-defense related spending. Until the nation’s military readiness and other defense requirements are met, Congressional spending for non-defense budgetary programs such as Medicare and Social Security should be held in abeyance.

In the current budget act Congress rewards federal retirees with over generous pension benefits and punishes military retirees with cuts in their less than generous pay and benefits.  Once again Congress is increasing federal spending and paying off their political debts on the backs of the nations retired and active duty troops. Congress should be ashamed of even contemplating asking military retirees to take a hit in their retirement and benefits, pay and benefits paid for by their blood and their loss of limbs to Improvised Explosive Devices in Afghanistan.

It is important that our troops — those who have and still are sacrificing so much for the future welfare of this country — be fairly rewarded, properly equipped and led. Their welfare and futures should not fall victim to clever budgeting gimmicks like Congressional Sequestration. No priority should be more critical than immediately freeing our armed forces from the shackles and penalties of Congress’ political budgeting process.

Long before the Defense Budget gets to Congress, it is thoroughly massaged by the Pentagon’s civilian masters to reflect the political goals of the Administration.  The generals and admirals can champion the cause of their individual services and service men and women only so far. At some point in the process they are told to sit down and shut up. Those who do, get to hold on to their jobs. Those who do not, are eased out of their jobs and summarily retired.

Since the President and Congress have already decided how and how much to arbitrarily slash military pay and benefits, and the Joint Chiefs have already been forced to agree to the reductions, submitting a military budget to the Congress is merely a formality. There is no way to adequately compensate our military troops and their families for the sacrifices the nation has called upon them to make these past ten years. That is why their pay raises and benefits should be generously granted by a grateful Congress on behalf of a grateful nation without reductions.

In short, our fighting men and women and their families deserve to be dealt with generously. They deserve to be liberated from the devastating effects of Congress’ and the President’s arbitrary and thoughtless Armed Forces budget reductions. Not only should military equipment be replaced and restored, but the morale of military families also needs to be restored.  Military families have become the victims of Congress’ political power games, and it is not helpful for the senior generals and admirals to go mute instead of defending the needs of their troops and families.

Finding funds to offset sequestration and to properly equip, pay and reward our military is not as difficult as may at first be imagined. To fairly meet the nation’s national security budget requirements simply takes will power and determination, a resolve by Congress and the President to find somewhere in the defense budget ample funds for our troops, their families and for national defense. To do less is a congressional betrayal of our troops and their families.

Under the “chump change” category and during the rein of President Obama most departments and agencies have stockpiled millions of rounds of ammunition, more than could be used to quell a civil war here in the United States, or to fight another Afghanistan War. Those rounds could be recovered and shipped to military bases to be used for training and combat.

Again under chump change, all funds in all Departments and Agencies, including the Pentagon, discovered to be waste, fraud and abuse could be diverted toward meeting national defense needs.  An across the board percentage reduction from the budgets of all Departments and Agencies of government could also be allocated to the Defense Department.

Let’s say the Departments of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services and Agriculture each gave a percentage of their budgets to the Pentagon, and smaller Departments and Agencies gave a fraction of a percent.  That addition to the Defense Budget could be made enough to more than properly equip, train and maintain our armed forces.

The point is that all Departments and Agencies will cease to exist if our armed forces fail in their mission of national security, of protecting America and keeping it safe.  Therefore, Congress should always consider the national defense budget separately from non-defense spending, and not simply as a non-defense, zero sum budgetary excursion.

Jerry Curry is a retired Army Major General, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Carter administration; Acting Press Secretary to the Secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration; and Administrator of the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration in the Bush Sr. administration.

[H/T The Daily Caller]